Newspaper Page Text
f f lit Lire, Newsy loi Progressive-. SEKI- WEEKLY, THE UliGHT CIRCULATION. THI (EST ABVERTItlNO MEDIUM Complete Job Ollice ATTACHED. ; At $2.00 per Annum. VOLUME XI. HOPKINSVILLE, CHRISTIAN COUNTY, KY., DECEMBER 17.1889. NUMBER 101 , . . i i 1 fJBUSHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDiTS, Thio. E. Oartlky, Uusluois Manager aUflSCRlFTION IRATES . - , Ob opy, on rate, irully hmh la au. : ., .... u.m ft-Mpv,tti- anni. 1.M Sale mas. 8o QQ Korelwitit qualil ltnilt Towel, OOv? knaiteil (ringH wo-III IS", Absolutely Pure. Tbie xiwitr ftvtr rnpt. a marvel of pirny, itr g ami wtitrnwenietiMf Mr obo .I'm Un oriipary iitvla. anl naa o. t.. till n r.nntU on with lb Multitude ml itm ., ta .rt wdgU alum or phmiihate rT'ir-. '."i on i it oiiit. tut j m I itit BUSINESS CARDS. DH. J. A. SOUf HALL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON uaM.nrrr rst National Buk, HOIMUNSVILLE, Jooiiis C, McDavilt,' Office over Kelly's Jcwolry Store, HOrlUXSVILl.K - KY. DR. F. M. STITES, OSreorer Dank of lipt-iatrlllc, JIOPKIXSVILU? - - - KY. Talcplnmt U'llcno and Oftto. A. P. Campbell. DZ3NTXOT, UOPK1X3YM.I.K, . KY (iriRlTISII A PK01AI.TV. Offl.f o.r SI Via' krl bom'. W. W. CLARKE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, IIOPKIXSVILLE, KY. Dr. Wm. M. Fuqua, PHYSICIAN -AND- irt Mala XTMt, b,b rtalloaBl Buk. HENRY J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1I0TKIN3VILLK, KY. Taliliena No. V. J. lalEBEBS T0N80RIA.L -:- PARLOR, OVER HOOSER BALLARD'., aivtu. 9hmnxiiii(r, Hair luitlnj- .nil an sll rk In Ilia nntBieoutd la - Anr.ltta,'w. J.UKBKK. PHOTOGRAPHS! .ml .wthecli.r.rtfrol n.y work. I on will be.all.Ot'l Mial my pirture. art Banal M thB i.... m.. work. HimwIbi attention tTon to ."in, l.lf.-Sl.a I'orlrBila by lh. o. lire niila PrweM Tint ln ol I'lrtnrti rramns rw!r.on.t. CLARENCE ANOER.ON U.I.MM-l. Kf 1 An K4li f'T siNuipod Knen lint. 1 IvU flns draws Kurt. fljl AO "tllitportrd rrl TitlitH ' 'Inlha i U X iUv llii.n. Barruilail to Mt.n.l ui. color l.-t. ..... s .. 2c 1 C Karls-ltM' lice ah r llanrlkcnilrf", lOU wrtal.-- Q Pr 'lM" Opnllemen'i on re ttm-n Hnnilkrr OUO t aleft, wtrf ioi'qoilUr, biinitih-lKd. AO F'-r ftH alae wtilll ttilk Mufflun, UU ebeapat'.io. 1 Kor 0tinrr H'it hk Mu flier, full ltU iM,Mtil elMWben at too. 35c tpLc fan Ui box. r 103 For a Utrsu ttilvr Mt'FK klanl ttilotitn Vox. l.vnx.4DM- u, Abftora aaJ Hare Uufft Artt URlUt. nO JL Kor Kif h i nillt Tabla Coren, 1 rr ror plftitml ad ftlirfetllM Rna m ?1.UU Laiintlrled KlilrU. alto a lovely nm ol Rna umm aiitria. w eattu op. HUNTING IN ARKANSAS. (CoHtinutdfrtm latt What I am golu&r hi low I ID Kolas la writs nrllh tainalliluir i pride tad Mmsthlng of fetr pild uitita.-Doyt" tbouid hv covjr. tbemielTM with to maoh glory, in fear that, psrbtpi. tome out who dot. not know we wall, or Itar in muob, may tuiiik tnd call iuo a Mini obauten, buljtatjuitiliaruut toelum wnicn propjrly trauiitlud 4uea.n "thou ibalt not lie." Yetterday tveulng after Ilia worn inn rain, lot ton oama out warm luaeweatlng eartb reaponilod with urttelul lnoiiM to hit peuetratiux beamt, and the dark woodt aeomxd to t clothed iu Karmeuta of bur n:tbea gold. iue ctpitin propoted that we make the drlrea between Cypreataud IUnd lake. We mouuted and Ktlloned to our atauda. At utual early In tbe uriTeiueaogi got up ueer and ran ar Deyoua tne uuiuiott guardt aud no oue got a tbol. At tbe foot of Uyprett lake tbe captain blew tlio gaiberlug algnal. We autitered the and gatberod around lilui. We tucn eroioed tbe nock oftlialltud Uke, aud In uiakltig ilio circuit ul that uneutive bjilv of uriiur wu ttruck a tcope of woodt we had n:tar aven bul'ora. We weie lo.l, aud for an hour we wandered, only teeming to get deeper and deeper into tbe unkuown wool. It aeemod if tbe wild beatl auiiglit a lair bore ns might II .m i, aud uutougbt frum year lo year. Hut at Ittt au opeuiug appeareu lu me groat lore.l. llko nit in iiorm clouds, and we rode out into a little cleariug wbore iu lime, agone humau force bad atniggled, aud alruggled in vain, to cotnb.ii the dctolatiou of nature. A cabin, ii roof balf eaved in, lu walla nil) buried in drift taud, itt dourt and windowa batLered down and l'iiuh. told in aad aecenta of tiit tnirit m decay that now held twty .er a apot wuere once, mayhap, age bad toiigbi miHiter and . chililhood uratilc.l roil lid a runny hoartbatonr. A liz ari tunned ittelfon the broken rool aud a wcatel aought theller from in. 98C w"r .i....MK IIIMU WI.I11U .IB receiNTi UI KY. I Ha buried and broken walla. Kink or I he old house, aweeplug around II and holding it at wlibin an arc of a .:ircle, wat a little Held of tome ten r. t, ovri'Krown wilh woedt and low biiihct, and back ol thit, in dark oulliiKt, Hie tall cuttoiiwood and Hilrly cypreat formed a background gloniuy and imprvqaire. Oa a iiit te cliidwd nook Ilia tun aboiie wl.h no- eullar warmth an I lu.ler. and i' "ivnifil a tpot whore every drniru of the lore.i might come aud le t In peace aud nanpiuedt. The explain raid he bullercd the field wai lull of deer, and told utto cimmouni, mtcli our bortea, li t around ami lako ttanda, and he would dilvo the enclosure with the one dog be had. We poka in wbii- pdi t, lor tbe thing had an uncanuy look aud crept arouud that Held like niurderout aa'aeea creeping upon t tottlonient In tbe ulgbt time. We made the circuit, loaviug BIHCraveui mine cantor or tne arc by a large eyproii, and etcry man waa ready for the deadly fray. Too captain had ctrcoly entered the field when Swerthoart opened aud both barrel of bit gun went on" at a large doe gol up, aud men, wnmlerrul lo relate, tho whole Held teamed lo be allvt itb bounding deer, aud at tbet ought tbelter in tht woodt, the orokceut bliaod from polut to polm and the foro.t tbook wilh the echo- ing glint. Air. J'rrih killed two bticka tnd wounded another. Burke killed two doet and tired aeveral ahuta at olhera, all doea. Will Davit (iarnett killed a largo buck and iiiltaed another. Monroe abot two doet ; Peay alew two buckt, but the urgent oue or all, tbe very aotlered iiionaroh of the forett, arose, thook hit haunty crett and aougbt exit by mil uraveue at tbe cyprett tree, uiii aw him coining aud fired hattily and atruck him with one abot iu the brisket The buck aeemed to be aa tonlihed and then he became mad al the Idea that Dill thould be able lo hit him, tbe lord of the forett, and he l hen roached bit mine and ruahed it UIII, who threw hit gun away and ran behind the tree. The buck did uot atop but buried hit horn three Inchet deep in tbe tree and wat held t&tl and tight. BUI aaw hit oppor- uuily and rushed out and caught him by tbe tail and cried with all his lungs, "run here, run here" but everybody waa engagod, for the wore oi tiaugnter went on. iJeacon McCombt killed a buck and a doe. lleury Di-tno killed a buck and a fawn, and that a goose. Mr. Wosl, who it tomeiblng of a character, six feet aud a half high, and the very Impersonation of ttcilurntty and hboots a mur.7.le loader, shot a doe with one barrel, mltied wttb the oth er, and looking up at.d aeeing tigni of rain, put on hit tliokcr, built a llr.i and ti tick bit gun barrel iu it to dry, for ho never loada until he driot out his gun iu tblt way.'. Pendleton kill ed a buck and shot two doet. At last the fray wat over and all the deer either dead or gone. The cap- tain canio riding up with hit gun tmoking and hot, for be had ahot fourteen tlmea and killed one doer, and then 'it waa' lie heard a earful a'croeching at the big eyprest and some one saye, "Where la Crayent ? That'a Bill making that noUe." We hurried down there and found 1)111 ttill holding the buck by the tail, tnd tbe tree holding him by the horn.' It wat a foarfnl eni 'yot amusing thing to tee. Some laugh ed and aome were eniltton with fear, i'endleton bis oyci blazing with fury drow Ms sheath kntfe-that knlfo which bad boea the salvation of Orane and his goose hunters, and '- I I 1 , - l 1. 1 1 .1 tlp ' llDUllsuinK .. .uurv ill. uc.ii ruuiw 1UC, baye rU8h(,rt Iq gt once and tlain the buck, but tha eaptain interposed and aaid, "Young man, don't be rath," ttuiittciioii intrant. ed. j,nj Peacon Farrish ploaded with blra and Burke said: Fhllauder bo cautiona." Road Carts! oV'r" Ten porcont. Glieor RiirrmPC.! than anybody. : DUg,ltN tTnon't, buy before getting our pricut aud cattlngues. THE GE. W. ET00E2LL CO., K.m..Urar-r. K4SHVILI..TltNit HERWOOD-:-HOUSE! (Ilnrtor Kow Mainicnt.i T. 0. lmiDWKliU l'llOP It, - -A. GIFT That can be giv i. it h Pride and accept ed with pleasure is t o be had in our HI CIIIHS IU an unmatched and Unparalleled Bargain. begins tomorrow ( Wednesdays and continues until Christ- TOWELS AND LINENS. Krh for all linen Oaaiuuk Towclt, wurtn ixo. 1 r-k K;nli ft.r l'x:Mltirn!c Muck Towel OEf K tcli fr oure Unpn Oamaak Tawclt. 1UU rod ii ui b, wrtrib x'i. wv knotted fr.oK,ilrawBt.icb.obMpal , i. 3. A On KrMiml-Um'iMif IHiiiwk Towola Z Z r kuotct miKu, i.cwiuu ricbtbf.zut 70 ForTuryflna Damaik Towela, knotted ud ror U). frlvga, rtob birden. CM f. t'rtrTryi1iiaimafkTallfti;..ih AJ7 'r Kor lamped Hnon Tabl ftoart, fery 0 X . C tJ iu i iriirf jut i'h h hiie or baul- haoiUotue. value 7c. omn brlt!Ut ..ltl UHUkliy at IS 00. . - "'" "- , I djQQ KorniiPtrulily Damank Tab e 1 rtr iiuiod linen Tldlua, worth Pi 0 Ciuth l'i yd Ion, pure white or IOC Sir. witbriolioolored bonier, price eUe where 4., .... ., .,. ., I I , . I ,- ! a - ExMiAWATiO!!. By one cut. di vide Uile flRure Into two equal pleoee of exactly the same hope, which, when joined together, will form an exact iquare, . One pair of Shoes for a nice HANDKERCHIEFS & MUFFLERS. We closed out the entire sample lines of Messrs. H. Richter's Sons, New York Imoorters, and bought at half the cost of impor tation, this means wonderful bargains. i , Band for Ladlo-' Hemmed Handkir eh lf, I ami color1! bortlrr. worth U MniTltr, lartce iiae. C l.n lie'ilttnBtitcbed llandkttrvlile wv worm iw. 25c TorlrtHn;' One Itavdkerchiefa twau tiful quality. 1 Ce, 4.KK4T M v Hi;IS 1 rloaen Iwiit X)s tifnl t-k, actually'Jr.tuat lactjota vacb. $1.08 Kor flue quality White Silk MuN ftin, wonh f t CO. 61 CO Fanny "ilk MuAloni, rich indo V"UO KtafQ and Ro'on, rlue i 21 QQa for CMkmere and Silk Mufllera, OOO worth ! 1 'r l-artice' Pheor Drop Stitch Hand 1UU kerchief. W.nh lie. ACr Fnr I.adiea' fine rawn work Hand- krrcblela wonb 7o. QOrt For fln Hrocaricdailk llandkerclilefi 1.88 Fnr lovely quality Whltr Silk Maf-flr-r. wild by otnent at $i 78, $1.85 Kuwuit t Ilk iluDtera, worth II. 10. OHn or i" vruneh Cantimtre MuOleri. MUU Tnl.i tl .!!-. FANCY BOX HANDKERCHIEFS. fnr a box of L-nta JlanLenbefa tor children. X of arentlrmt p Utttva llaitdkcrcliteft. J, Ori- r"op a luitiiftftra Iwi of half doxtn xJJJ F ire I inro liati UeioloU. $1.50 tar a 'orolr Ixix of tx-antifiil Lines llautlkeicliiefa. llulf uox- Jj 1 OK 'or a heimtiful hnv ol ladle Lm iJ'JJ rn llantlkorchiefd don, to box. Ladies' Wear-for-ever every day wear and Gold Head Gloria Umbrella Will be presented to the first person handing us a correct solu tion of this puzzle by Dec. 25th, 1889. Each solution must be properly dated, signed and sealed by party who hands it in. Re member . ' . J. H. ANDERS n co. 99 Are the people who ; ttTTATTiTTI T T)TTV A TVTT". TT7.TTT7IT C1T7IT T Allcompatitioa, do a strictly one-price, cash business and will save you money on any article they handle. ; ' Bush's Old Stand. Glass Corner. $Q ff r"r l"v;y b of One Linen O JJ Haniikeruhltffa, Iitdiea or gunta dosea lo box. SUNDRIES. d-1 in ,nr (n.lrt ulTl. 8iU Uu bralla, US iuoliek V.iueiS.OO. 44c For a rul.ndid Fur Alitrt, rMita CM- Fur your choice of any gentlemen OvO neawear toarbouee, it all poea. $2.38 For line Hlk and tlnci tab e coven. t1 QQ For extra larire marnellleecoun tplO0 ti-rpinot. Worth! T6. d0 CO For lrn O'ebraled pure 6llk 40 UO Umbrfllaawlibbeavyg Id bin- dler, form i r prico(5 oO. tCTQrt Kracal Pluh Mjff.a.ttin Iinol,u OOO tunl VAltin! W. Ho:Kk r BOOK8-!n .lynm il. lin.,i Ii,. Ida? hn laud pocket bojkt ttt half valun, H. nr-w fet3iili gKiit AlK(s Kxttiaf' r'r-tno.h Miiii At r IK-kutlfully emtfwdtr. d atrty'imu-l iri'TN CO HQ II-., M f-Ue. un iP&'VO to p n- u-itr.h tit w. LlHEa (J(LL lab a id Uufl'a tu alt tno ni 4i tfo aud t.)ej. RIGHT FROM THE EAST if. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. QQrt A pair for EUhrated V rtorla Faot OOU Jbtlacklloea flnciausooowa from Mto. rn l.tuliet t'aabmre Olawa worth ISn. Xc7w KlKant line of FinaUaahmareglovee. I Qrt A pair for Lab-a Fma Cati:ut'ro Ov JfoM, down Ironi Tionu. QQrt A pair fur Ladles Fine Kldtilore, yOO allaaea 1.19 , don (" m ti ; ?1.75 iiotair- ett iitt' in A unr-.f ftir lioiit u.,d i ktd eluv'. SMYRNA RUGS. QO For Smyrna Matt, UUU TI oenta. old cite whore al CA OO ',yr Mx7R ,ncD S". etee-i?L-&& whf re at te.uo. tQ Q7 r;rcx.Vi inch wide Rutta. 9old (prW-Oa e'Kvwn ea flo. '3.83 $2 93 w" erirf ll" 7 J',1,:I" 57.23 ll'orel"'7 r'1' s,u ch,"'u. r- DRESS GOODS AND CLOAKS at wonderiully reduced prices to move an overplus stock, nothing more appropriate or more appreciated as a gift than a dress or or cloak, beautiful ready-ma de Dresses; guaranteed to fit. . "WEffiCKERS OFGHMCES". Store open until 10 o'clock every night, Saturday and Christmas Eve 11 o'clock. Wo tic now recoiv'ny some large consignments of clothing from (wo of the largest manufacturing establish ment, n I' l,iln and Cincinnati, who found themselves overstocked with winter goods and desiring to nn !nail, ! ipped us a large lot at a littln above one-half their value, which fact enables ua to retail these goods at whole-ale piioa and thereby give tbe benellt of somo wonderful bargain! to our customers. And we further afni'it that we can ELL G-.OODS AS OHEAP At ary house In the State of Kentucky, owing to (be great advantages we have in baying, and another reason la lint c ur expentet are lest that any honro doing the amount of business we do. Besidea we are selling more cloiMng than any house in Southern Kentucky. JJuylng for three large atorea gives ni a big inside on prices. We Buy fer OAS H and Sell for GASH, htr.h enables na to get SrECIAL BARGAINS. Wo have suits made lo order from the latest patterns of Eu gli.h Wnratod Cheviotts, Tricos, Kops, Diagonals, Attricaua. Fits guaranteed and samples sent on application. OUR BOOT AND SHOE TRADE Is increasing every day. No old stock, but fresh goods direct from the factories. An Elegant Line of Gents1 Underwear, Hats and Furnishing Goods. Call and examine our goods and get our prices and you will be astonished to know that goods are so low at PYE, DICKEfJ & WALL'S, - : tn ... ... tliauial Rutaa by tin .. ""'""B'r. i" Emsville, Inc!. riESI National Barber SH3P GRAY & YOUNG, Props, S, KINTFi ST. sua aiAin Slinvliit: 10c, Slmmpooing Unir CtttHtis 25c. '! Hnthmb.H r.t-cla lr.irll sort til don; In said, "Young tlin iHUairftiiiwu. i-li-ly into lllll nried nut. "Sam TO ADVERTISERS MoCarty, let tbe boy alone, suppoao holt should break." Daaoon Mi Combs. spoke, "l'hiltnder, liateu to retaon, roniembor you have a faitlHi-: at home aiuiomly and pstlontly ex pecting your return, aud moreover that you are oue of the sweetest ring era in the choir of Salem church. t This latter fact seemed to impress him for' awhile,, but only for awhile. Vfavlng his bloody knife wildly above hit bead, said Pendleton, Men what do you Uke me forf' I "1 would have you to know that I am one of the famous goose hunter from the headquarters of Cypress lake." Tim i spoiklnj bq rushed on n.t nt iMW n.w.tirtuer. dlTMni SI All 8 A N l -KCflUXS Kill u.t t plication KIII5D. T) tln.a win wan lh .tr arlrflrtl.tnr o far, w ..." "f r it'l'tl'r uiM UiH f-.r tti.rot.irll an J ..rr.iotiva uia tli in tlid vunotia awjlioa. of our SBl-n l'Pnl l.l-t I 0 f. lUMVrt.T. o . Nvripai.r A'lverti.lti Hi'rart. W rtltrnoo alrowt. hew York. 51T0 STOPPED FREE fl B a Tallin. Princn. KcstoTftr!, H H WCr.KMNS'iCBJit V W -NERVE HE3T0H&S 0a -n . K.UV. 111. ..III. (Mlu?hM l.r.LLi.l.. II " dlwt.d. r-(. VT f JUi tUIJJUl Jimu fluOu. tbe buck and plunged bia knifo in his heart. The buck lu hit dying atrugglea broke loose and fell prjne on tbe eartb, and au did 111, aud wh in he ceased to struggle ana lay anil Hill raised hit bead aud aaid, la he dead I We sent to oatnp for wagona and haulod our deer in, and at they all hung on a pule, they made a Hue dis pUy, and some of tbe boys wanted to gd home, but the csptalu taid, '-No, not yet, perhapt we Would do; heller another day.1' - ' ,v Sunday, November Ifi I am- told that, this it the day of tho month, ml if that it so 1 am one Hay twniii'i it all my ' dates in these voracioua l,r jnlclca. Wlisi matters uiair 'odo Gruirary movcatln calonilar up some ten or twelve days, aud if 1 only move it oue, nobody cares. A aanip ana uisiuti nay. wuu north wind blowing, aud spitting rain and snow. Some of the iitou go to the lake and waste sholls on high flying geese and duck l, getting only a few dead ones, and aome wandor through the woods.' Mr. West saw H v J deer in a drove, deep in tho woodt. Bond to the poatolllco and got tome welcome letter! from the dear ones at home. Capt. White, and with him our old and dear friend, Dick lllakemore, come luto camp about sundown and the boys welcome them with open arma to botpitable toddles. Tne men are jubilant to-nli;ht and havo strong hope for the hunt to morrow. These woods aro full id doer, but they aro brotd tnd doop, aud tho troublu is to g''t the deer to go to the stands. Sound sleep aud pleasant dream". Monday, Nov. 18 Breakfa-t before light, and boforo tin) sun wat tip we were oir for the stands lxng and tedium walling, but at luugih the dogs were heard coming. . A. large bui-k came das'iiug in behind llin stands.' He ran near and wlfhiii tight if U;nk.'iimre, and limn osnin to tin-, but before roa.-li tiif ma he rtu ar.'Umt a p 'Inl of buahea aud then down a deep run back of me. I tried for sometime boforo I could catch on to him through the huslie, but did to at last and II red mv right and hit him hard. The bu.liea wero so thick that he was gone before 1 could shoot a imin. I tracked him for sovoral hundred yards by the trail of blood no made, but lost him at last. l)n the far atatids, Daldwln, a man who has been hunting with ut for sovoral days, killed a flno doe. A bear chased old llluo out of the cane, and Capt. White aaw it about (I fly yards away. Wash Wills ahot at and wounded a fawn. This evening lleury Drane and 1 remain in camp ami go on the lake and try for 11. Ii, but with uo aticoe-a, Ura ne brought a gill net with him. ami some it iu ilia lak and yesterday ho tried to pull It up. but ssid it was full of di iftwnod ami he could not do it. To-day. tho ne groes went dowu and got it up, and Hie ih lu wood proved lo bo largo fish U -uddca the small fry, weighing tour or live pounds, -they took f.'Mii It three catti.h that would average, forty pounds each, The head of one wulglied thirteen pounds. Urtve tne wooils across Jeuurson lako this evening. S'trted a great mauv ilrer, which ucar v all ran around Hand lake, but the dogs car. riod a fawn to the head of Cypress, wuicii was ahot at twice by Alouroi . aud thou shot aud wounded by Cra vous, and was caught in the I uke by tbe dogs. Sovoral other deer crossed and recrossed the aattd bar. ' a , About sunset Alux. lilakemore. Mr. Lennox aud Mr, Jones came to camp and were heartily welcomed. Alex, is the.same old bald hoidid, genial companion that wo have always found him to bo, aud Mr. Lennox it the famous betr buuter ol theso part. ' llu it of a (.tiriosity to loo' at a small man, and yet game, ovory Inch of hint. Tho doctors Lavn hid hold of him, anil now I hey irit mm financia l)' I n.iuuot 'say, but physically they salivated him until his mouth Is very much drawn and puckered They do say that In a fray or the tmimiicut deadly breach, or In a tight with brulu ' or the ferocioua panther, tha; the Mian lne lit. dltuuullivorio., ashis courage looms Up until his rorpiiroMlty HHinKS gt tf iir.b! prop .ripins A f'ji'i ,1 ., he iK v'n tire, a"rt In ntm.t in J Iit nigiit 1 slept between .Ion.., of rkatiaaa, and U'rnell, of Kentucky, aud auoh was the superabundance of caloric Wiit I dreamed I wat the imiimsr tolnlcc, ro.nied ovor the, burning sanda of Aiiloa and crossed reerosaed the eiiuator all night long. I.'jnnox did not briug bis bear dogs, expects them to-morrow. (To be Continued.) , ; What- is 7 jL-71-"-m. vs v w Ml' in 1 1 "Young man, qualify yourself for business 1 The profession! are full and the age demands It. Educate yourself for business! A business man forth farm, the counting room and commer cial pursuits, and yon will succeed now and hereafter." Henry Clay. CttoriaJaOrMJra'ILja fb lnfantB'amjCraldroJB't CompUtntB. Superior to Caato-feUi PaTBgorio or WarooUo Byrnpa. ChOdrBn cry tar C"irtorl. Mil lloriB of blc.a CMtorja ' ' CaatorlB cures Colic, CVnatlnatkiB I Hour Stomach. Dtarrho.a. Er.H!n.lJnnt flivM bBBlUij Bleep 1 alao Bills dlfBaUot WI nconmenfl CanfoHa for eh.lrlmi'n eomplaluta, aa aupertor loun prvrrjpUua known to me." II. A. Aacaaa, M. D.. Ill Bo, OxXorU St, Brookijro, N.Y. ( til CawTAua Oovrurr, 77 aluiraj St, KewTork. mmvwumumuftummuwmuuvmmuufq South Kentucky Oollege, HOPKINSVILLE, KENTUCKY. Mi-K . -iP' JLUJ: - , ...'"".' ' '... .. .. J ViilTi 'lllir"nilWlai'siii'?"i nit i'' '' ;" ' '-iiiujbbHibsI A SCHOOL roB BOTH 8KXI8. 40th Session will begin Tuesday, Sept. 3, '89. Thlaaohool offers flrst-Blasa wlTtntacaa In InclllB, SelBnos. Ancient I.anristoa, rrcneh Art. and Herman, Uook-itMtitag, SluaiB and lormauoo, Ja TBrma nodBrat. JTorCBtaloiuusglTUigiiut la- jVitOreaa JAMES I. SCOIIKT, Vm 01 U.U. rLKMIKa. SNnn?Mi t.H.LUIII CWI T '"ii.'.'J'WUUII1'1 Vi""l'l''!ll Irnrh C:cmerciai Mm ::i Mfoii of 2::i:::s Triisisr." SCHOOL HOURS: 9 to 11:30 A.M.; i:30 to 3:30 P.M. - . NIGHT SCH00L:-r7 to 9. For full particulars call on or address. S. N. CURNICK, Principal. Tet the abort adrtce by (heirreat Ceminoserbw beetled tir every yuuii matt ami woman who riealrea tnrceM, by attritt1lig ak ANOTHER OFFER ,'. ', ' Of our immense stock of ,'. . Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Millinery CLOAKS and OVERCOATS AT COST. SHYER'S CORNER, Caldwell & Handle, MAMuracTVBKiu or UIZED 11 CORNICE, WINDOW CAPS. : mmm m mm mi l mmi AND DKALCBS IU Tinware, Glassware, Queensware, Cutlery and Lamps. XTLatbSte . HopkinsvUlo, HyT .-J