OCR Interpretation

Hopkinsville Kentuckian. [volume] (Hopkinsville, Ky.) 1889-1918, June 03, 1892, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069395/1892-06-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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Bring Watch The DateJ
Your Job Work JWtektittu
This Offioo. Renew promptly)
VOL. XIV.-NO, 45.
A fortunate offer.
Men's Laundered colored
2 collars-worth 7Co.
Mon'a splendid quality Colored Fronch Percalo ond BluoJQn
Chnmbrnj Shirts Collars-Cuffs worth ?rOL"
Cblldron'a Fast Mack Imported I'rjn
IIoso,' sizes 5 to GJ-worth 2tc XKJK"
Ladies Imported Dalbriggan 1 n
IIoso.Flain and pin striped -''
Mon'a Seamless Socks, finn Boft
Wliluvl Inn Mmnnni. 191n
-Men's Negligee Shirts.
$ FuwSophyr Flannel Silk, 61 W
Striped Shirts worth $3 vX. OI
. EitrnFino Madras Cloth Shirts black Ground with color-A Op
,y od hair lino stripo, very strong and well mado. worth 7Go u
White Shirts.
'. Men's Fino Linen lsom Unlaitudered Shirts, QQ
r alUtnprovonionta, porfoct fitting r"
10 ya,rcls fine 15c. Gingham 98o.
0 vds. Hoosier Brown Cotton 49o.
10 yds. Lonsdale Bleach Cotton 79o.
10 yds. fine Ohantilly Muslin 50c.
Heavy Bro cvn Drilling 7c. a yard.
3 yards Cassimere Panting $1.
i 3 yards all wool Jeans 50o.
Ifeeavy double Seat Drill Drawers 35c.
E$$M(my Other Choice Bargains JJJ
I I A Leader.
. -,-v its.-.- . , , '
V4 Vj
f" t
.Jp'f?'" - - ,'
" C V I
A Shipment
jpefed and
Chairs just
Come to-
wday and get
"" cnoiee.
Shirts oon
quality Qn
JJ .
Slnco Its first introduction,
Hitters has gained rapidly in popular
fuvor, until now It Is clearly In
tho lead among pure medicinal tonic
and alterative containing nothing
which permits It iuo n8 it beverage
or intoxicant, it is recognized as
tho best and purest inedicluo for all
nillnoiita or atoinnrll. Hirer nr If 1,1.
I1CV8. It will rum alrk lirn,W1in In.
digestion, coiistlpatlou,
ian irum mo aynein. HaimacUoit
guaranteed with each bottle or the
nioiioy wiii bo refunded. Sold by It.
0. Hardwlck.
T.. rii . t ...
xu ioiJcun, inu., na organization
tormud the
Club, lm.q boon form tnr tlin r
aiding tho colored pooplo of Kansas,
. ..? . .. . """, 10 auenu mo
too worm ai air ana obtain reduced
rates and good accommodations.
The Homeliest Man In
Ilmiklllftvflli. lid tvftll na Mm l..t.lBA...
o.l, xud other ro Invited to call on
any druggUtt and got a freo trial hot-tie
ot Kemp's llalsam, for tho throat
uiiu uiugi', Bieiucuy mat sens entirely
upon lis merits mul Is guaranteed to
relievo and euro nil chruulo and acuto
cougliB, Afitliinu, Ilronelillis and
Iargp bottles 60c. and $1
Tho JCO.00O World's Fair
nrlnlion. which Orwwn linn nmiln will
uovotod in largo part to tho
nun ior oxniuit 01 reproductions in
caao of tho many famous wpooimens of
ancient Greek art, uow owned by tho
govornmont. Thoao castn, it is
will bo presented to ono or
moro Amoricnn muscumo after tho
r air cloea.
Tho land of sunshine nnd flowers
rich also In mlnnml mul ....i....n...i
best reached by tho Kb
uiuuiiu nvniuiu uauwny. boo that
your excursion tickets road both way
.in tuuu iuiiu wiiicu UHOrM cuoico ot
threo distinct routes and tho moot
magniftcont railroad Bcenery in tho
world. Sond25o to J. II. Bonnott,
RnlL Tnlrn f!il.tr. tnr mnv rt lltitalrnlnil
book, "Utah, n Veen into tho
mm iTuiieu ,iToasury oi iuo uoas
Groat J3rita!n'H.ljuilUng nt tho Ex
position will bo a typical Bpooimou of
a ploturoeqito, K;;UsU
nomo ot tiio time oi Ilonry VIII. or
about tho period which the World's
Fair will PiimmnmnrntH. ft olll lu
uiuoty foot square, two stories high,
mm uuub vi leu uni'ic, neavy timupr
and .yellowish torra cotta, with rod
tiling (or tho roof,
How To Read.
your doctor's preemptions, Sand
threo stamps, to pay poatago.
and rutwvu ur, nau manus irrut
treatise on diseases) Illustrated In col
ni'Si'lt iHviM lhnlr nlcrnu ntul at.),..
viatiohs, Address A, 1, 6rclway&
Wf jjymvu, dim.'uuntli),
J.w.it At Ourpn tor DUralM
Cii.tlr ll.ln.illri nml rr.T.ntlrrt.
Although wpulnrly supposed to bo
itself a deadly poison, tho diamond has
from romoto ages been crcdllod with
tho power of protecting tho wcaror
from tho ctII olTects of other poisons, a
reputation which it retained until com.
parntlrcly rccoat timet. According to
l'llay It also hoops olT Insanity. Amber,
tod, was supposed to possess tho
latter virtue. Ilcsldcs the diamond sot-oral
other stones were supposed to possess
medicinal virtues.
Tho ruby was considered good for do-
rnngoment of the liver, as well as for
bad oyes.
Tho sapphire and emerald wcro also
credited with properties which rendorod
them capablo of influencing opthatmla
disorders, and thcro Is a superstitious
bollef that sorpents aro blinded by
looking at tho latter stone.
Tho turquoise, although not credited
with either rcmodlat of protective properties,
so far as dlscaso was concerned.
was navortholoss regarded as n kind of
sympathetic Indicator, tho Intensity of
Its color being supposed to iluctuato
with tho health of tho wearer. Tho
latter, moreover, by vlrtuo of tho stono
ho carried, could. It was said, all from
a height with Inpunlty. Tho marquis
of Vllcna'a fool, however, was
nearer tho truth when ho roversod
tho popular superstition in his assertion
that tho wearer ot a turquoise
might fall from tho top ot n high tower
and bo dashed to ptccos without breaking
a stono.
Tho opal was looked upon as a
thunder stone, and, although many
women now appear to havo strong superstitious
projudleo against waartng
one. It was In liygono days hold In the
highest estimation, for It was supposed
to comblno tho virtues of Ecvoral othor
On the othor hand tho onyx so
named on account of Its resemblance to
tho color of tho Anger-nails could
scarcely hare been n nice stono to
woar; according to medieval superstition,
It rendered ono particularly sus
ceptible to annoyauco from nightmares
nnd demons.
Temperance advocates. If thoy havo
any regard for tho bellof of tho tl rooks
and Romans, might sorlously eousldor
tho advisability of distributing
among drunkards, for It was
supposed that those stones prevented
Coral was mado uso of by tho Romans
as a protection ngalnst tho evil eyo, and
popular superstition has credited tho
topax with tho power of doprlvlng boll
Ing water of Its hqat.
Perhaps tho most wonderful properties,
however, were ascribed t tho
chimerical stones which many creatures
were supposed to carry in their heads.
Most of our readers havo, no doubt,
heard of tho precious Je wol which the
toad carries In his and so-called
toad-stones, which woro In
reality tho teeth of fossil fish,
were formerly worn In finger rings
as a protection against poison. It
was thought that tho best stones were
those voluntarily ejected by tho living
toads; but as tho latter wero not addicted
to freely giving up thoir treasures
In that way It was necessary to
procure tho coveted articles by other
means, and tho recognized method was
to doespltato tho hapless batraclan at
the Instant ho swallowed his brcatlu
Tho feat naturally demundod considerable
celerity, such as could only bo acquired
by considerable practlco; and it
was not unreasonable, therefore, to as-sumo
that, although tho endeavors to
gain possession of tho Jewels wore perhaps
numerous, they must Invariably
hare been unsatisfactory, especially to
tho toads.
Tho eagle-stone was considered an
excellent thing to woar during pregnancy,
and tho swallow carried in Its
stomach stones of great medicinal value.
Tho brain of tho tortoise was supposed
to contain a wonderful stono,
which was efllcaclous in extinguishing
fire, and whon placed under the tonguo
would produco prophotlo Inspiration.
Another stono possessing tho lattor
property was found to bo In tiio eye of
tho hyena.
Tho head of a cot, however, was
thought to contain what would undoubtedly
havo been tho most wonderful
nnd most dcstrablo treasure of nil.
could it only havo had a real Instead ot
nn Imaginary existence, for that man
who was so fortunato as to possess this
precious stono would havo all his wishes
granted. Queries Mngaxlne.
Uow O.n. Nsjil.r Tcatol tb aenulnen.n
of k Trick.
' After Napier's battles with tho
opposed to tho Knglish, a fnmous
juggler visited tho camp and performed
hts feats before tho goneral, his family
and staff. Among othor performances,
this man cut in two with a stroke of
bis sword a lime or lemon placod In the
band of his assistant Napier thought
there was som lliile.i) t?t vi, tb
Jaggtor and his retainer. To dtvldo by
a sweep of tho swonl so small an object
on a man's hand without touching
tho flesh, lie bollevod to bo Impossible,
though a similar incldont is related by
Scott, lu his romanco of tha "Talisman."
To dotormlno the point tho general
offered his own hand for tho experiment,
and ho stretohod out his right
arm. Tho juggler looked very attentively
at the hand and Bald that
ho would not ruuko tho exporlmont
"I thought I would find you out!"
exclaimed Napior. "But stop" added
tho other) "lot me boo your loft hand."
The left was submitted, and tho man
said, firmly; "If you will hold your arm
steady, I will porform the feat." "Hut
why tho left hand and not tho right?"
"Hecauto tho right hand Is hollow la
tho center, and there Is a risk of out-ting
off tho thumbj the left Is high, and
tho .danger will bo less." Nnpler was
startlod, "I got frightened," ho said.
1 saw It was an actual feat of dellcato
swordsmanship, and If I had not
abused tho man as I did before my
staff; and challenged him to the trial, I
honestly aokuowledga I would havo
from tho enoounter. However, I
put tho lima on my bond, and held out
my arm steadily, Thujugglor balanced
himself, and with a swift stroke cut tho
lime In two pieces. I felt o edgo
ot the Sword on my hand as If
a cold thread had been drawn across It
And so ruuoh," he added, "for tho bravo
swordsmen of India, whom our flno fob.
lowsdoeatedatMeaueu." This
Is eertulnly a proof of the sincerity
of an honest mind, ready to acknoivl.
edgo error, and of bravery and calmness
lu expiating that crror.N. Y. Ledger.
Whon n- married man Is looking
over a photograph album his wlfa always
studies with keen Interest tho portraits
ot the young women that ho
admlr BMamUlo Journal "
A Choice List of Summer Retorts.
In tho Lako regions of Wisconsin,
Northern Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa
nnd tho two Dakotns, thcro aro hundreds
of charming localities
fitted for summer homos,
Among tho following Bolectod list aro
nnmos familiar to runny of our roadors
as tho perfection of Northern summer
rosorts, Nearly nil of tho Wisconsin
ixrfnts of lutorost nro within n short
diltftuco from Chicago or Milwaukee,
and nono of thorn nro so far away
from tho "busy marts.'of clvilzation"
that thoy cannot bo reached lu n fow
hours o! travel, by fronuont trains.
over tho finest roads In the Norlhwo&t
tho Chicago, MilwaukooA Northorn
Oconmnowcf, Wis, Clcnr take, tons
Mlnorerua, Wis. takes OVotmJI, Is,
Wanke.na, Wis, Spirit tskc, tows
Talmyra, U'L. I inntcnsc, Minn,
Tonialiswk Lakes lllnnctimkli,
Wis. Minn.
Lakenltlo, Wit, OrlonTlllo, Minn.
Hllbourn City, Wis. Trior Lake, Minn.
(Dcll.otllio Wltcon While llesr Lake,
In) Minn.
Hearer Dam, Wll. Lnko JI mllion,
Mmllfton, Wla. So Dakota.
Dclsrsn.WIt, lll(t Htnno ijke.Bo
Sparta Wli. Dakota.
retrsukee, Wli. Klkhsrt take. Wis.
Wantaukcc. Wis. Ontonagon, Mich '
Marnucttc, Mlrli. Mncklnair, Midi.
lor detailed nformation apply to
any coupon ticuot agent, or send
stamp for a free illustrated tourist
fold or, to Goo. II. HeaiTord, Goneral
Pussongor Agont, Chicago, Ill7 or D,
C. Brady, South Pass. Agt. Louisville,
A flrcnt Naturnl llrrskwnlrr on the Coast
or Callforiiln.
On tho northern coast of California,
some thirty miles liclow tho mouth of
tho Klammath river, Is one ot tho most
interesting natural formations to bo
found n this country, known as the
Dig Lagoon. Here tho coast, which
runs north and south up to this point,
takes t. sharp turn inland, bordered by
very high hills, running to a distance of
about three miles, then turning out
again makes n sharp bay almost V-shaped,
and for ages past n sand-bar
has been washing itself up across this
hay until tho bar has raised up out of
tho water soma ten or twclvo feet, having
a width of about ono hundred feet
nnd a length ot four miles, reaching
across Uio entire bay.
This bar is In tho shape of a roof.
When thcro Is a htorm tho breakers
will roll up ono side of It, break over
ond run down Into tho bay Inside, and
it Is a novel sight to stand thcro and
watch tho waters, mountain high on
one side nnd perfectly calm on tho
other, tho lino between the two at In;
tervals bidden altogether. This bar is
a sort of short cut and can bo traversed
on horseback. In u storm the horseman
will ono mlnuto bo high and dry
on land, the next mlnuto a largo wavo
will roll up, and running under tho
horse's feet to tho depth of a foot or
more, the rider will be, for an Instant,
four miles or so nt sea on hor&cback,
with no land nearer than the high
bluffs of the mainland In sight
Moss agates may imi found In abundance
on tho pebbly Iw.ieh, nnd when
tho sun shines they glitter wlthdazzling
Tho wild duck that frtqucntrthls parV
of tho coast literally fill this inland
bay, and tho passing hunter, should
ho take a shot nt them, will raise, such
a cloud and such nqunckiugthathowlll
think nil the ducks of tho earth have
gutheretl there. Occasionally some wild
beast, like a boar or n panther, will bo
found crossing this bar, and the Indians
havo much sport when such a thing
happens, tho animal rarely escaping
capture or death.
Hero tho Digger Indians abound, living
on tho shell fish which they catch
along tho beach, seldom going over tho
ridge of hills to capture a deer, which
are plentiful. It would astonish v. Yalo
or Harvard football mau to como upon
this scene, some bright morning at low
tldo and too the squaws and children
playing lacrosse on tho beach. They
get so excited with their sport that
thvy keep It up until tho tldo drives
them from tho beach, coftcn staying
thcro until thoy have to chase tho ball
down Into tho surf. Detroit I'rcoVrcss.
Boils, abscoBses, tumors, and ovon
cancers, aro tho result of a naturnl of-fort
of tho systom to oxpel tho poisons
which tho liver nnd kidneys havo failed
to remove. Ayor's Sarsoparilla
stimulates all tho organs to n proper
porforraanco of thoir functions.
Getting In a plcklo is not opt to make
a man look well preserved. Yonkors
Tho trouble with a man's covering
up his tracks Is that ho makos now
ones In doing it Housokeepor's
Wco Miss "Mamma, mayn't I toko
tho part of a milkmaid at tho fancy
ball?" Mamma "You ore too little."
Wco Miss "Well, I cau bo a eoudonsod
milkmaid." Good News.
Social Trngody. "Is It truo that
Cholllo lost nil H- clothes In a hotol
firo?" 'It Is. When Cholllo was flrod
they kept his trunk." Indian apolU
A Clovcrly Parrlod Thrust Miss
Copo "Thoy tell mo that engagement
rings with figures aro now fashionable."
Mr. Keono "Yes: provided tho figures
run Into tho thousands." Jowolor'a
Pennons In Stones. PImly
"Shakespeare speaks ot sermons In tho
stones." Illraly "Now I understand
why women pay so much attention to
ono another's Jewels when In church."
N. Y. Herald,
Jackson "It seems to bo tho ambition
ot oil American oOlclals to roach
tho presidency." never
struck me that way. It always seoms
to ma that they nro ambitious to roai h
Canada." Tho Slopor.
Votand Kottlo. -First Wall Flower
(at tho ball "Handy, you've been
lately, haven't you?" Bueond
Wall Flower "No, why?" (Spitefully)
"You don't soora to catch any
thing." Chicago Trunin
(loud Kvltloner. ""'
"Now, then," said Judgo Swootxor In
a loud voice, "Mr. iiauingartnor, you
wero present at this fray. Did Murphy,
tho plaintiff, seem carrlod awny with
"Noln; ho vos carriodt avay on two
pleco poordts mlt his headl split oben
nil down his pack.''
"That will do. You may stand down."
i ii i i i
To prevent tho nppearanco of ago
uu 'Buckingham's Dye forlho Whiskers.
Summer Heiort Rhymes.
Mt la the limns of St. Punt, rntm,
CIllt'ltCWA. (Illrkn.nlr. ltlnn.iliali.t
wMrli unci to l,n Jlnnltn.ii.iln
L'naeka,.Anoks, Dceorali. Dakota,
!.'?"..'? K'khart, Mnnanni, Mouilota.
1 laf 111 I.llanft nr! In.l, kt.nl.,..
by Iho luihilreil, to IrlppllnKly tlitj" go.
Mlehttan Ma-, ami flat
Kegoiin, Monona, Nalliofali,
(jajtonlrka, Iho recily, anil tiny Dcotal
lWmikec, WanbcM, (Jkolxi)l, the tinny,
Anil renin, the pcerlcm, NcmanMn, the wln
"Mliiiie'a" galore over shallow and rock,
Hirer or lake like Ucnnotnowor.
Mr nomnnec, ilnuou;5Iluncota, tlieeloailel ;
Mlnnelika, tho clear; Mlnnetonka, Ihe
MWnilaM lir thn itrtfin. .ml Kn" Iiv tint u.int.
auconts, Waubcna, Wnucotnl, Wantinn,
Ollikiwh nnd Oknuclice, and wlclo Kothko
Wlnscconne, WAutntikcc, Jlaiomnnlc, 1'uk'
Mannoketn. Motlnro. Omaha. Tomah.
Ontonagon, Oknl.cJI, Vlroiiai
w......... ,vm vn.ri.vji, Onatonnn, ..Willi.
Ami latcit of all, tho oM rhlcftnln,
k Wnlipcton, Wyoccna, Wsubay,
iMiiftctKla, wo flnl,U
salntlajtaranns, MiakoiecHlom,
Tama. Tlliinl Ami Tnmntiflirfc Inn
Wo'ro msilotlio grand tour and Iisto Incktck
kui n,i.
Via Creamy Milwaukee lo ImiySt, Paul.
neimuio a
Ana at n.lioro.AU on
tho lino of the Chicago, Mllwsnkeo St. l'aul,
nail Milwaukee A Northern llallroads
All eoiiiKid ticket agenta tell tickets tls both
road, or aildrcM D. 0. Jlrony,Soutl)crn
go r gcnt, iiuisrins, ay
Liberia, tho negro republic has accepted
tho invitation to participate in
tho Exposition. nations
and colon ioa and provinces
havo now accepted, and tho aggregate
of their appropriations, with thirty yet
to hoar from, is $1,G107895.
Whon a noighbor ndvisos tho uso
of "Lemon Chill Tonic" probably you
will say, "Why I novor had n chill in
my lifot I don't need chill medicine."
Did you ovor stop to think that a
medicino nblo to stop tho most persistent
chill nnd koop down fevor that
nearly runs you wild, must bo ono of
tho best gonoral tonics mndot Try it
onco when your nppetito is poor or
you nro run down from work, worry or
sickness and you'll recommend it lo
your frionds as every ono doos. Doso
Iho smallest, modicino tho most powerful,
boltlo largest of any and no
comparison In tho tasto. Prico 50c.
For solo aud guaranteed by H. C.
At tho special request of tho Empress
of Gormany tho Princess
Karl, aunt of tho Emporor, has
occeptod tho presidency of the
women's commission which will cooperate
with tho Board of Lady Managers
in promoting tho women's exhibit
nt tho Fair. Tho committee
which has charge of tho wonen's wotk
in Germany includes ft number of
women of tho highest Bocial position
and will provo a most valtmblo
Hon. W. V. Lucas, Auditor
of Iown, says: "I uh
Chamborlaiu's Cough Itemedy in in
family and hnvo uo hesitation iu s.,,
ing it is an excellent remedy. I b
lievo all that is claimed for it. J',
sons afllictod by a cough or cold uu
find it a frioud." There is no.
whoopiug cough when thinro.,.
dy is freely given. 5J5 and M . i.
bottles for sale by Loavell & Wood.
-The liberation "of carrier jiTgt o,i
aud tho keeping of a of Ih
flight will bonu inteiiMtiug feature ;
tho livo stock exhibit nt. Ilm Iixpif
lion. A number of breeders of pig
oous will exhibit birds, and lhy art-now
making arrangements for the pro
posed contosts. Georgo V. Childs,''
Philadelphia, and 6ovoral others bant
o Herod prizoa tor tho winnors in tnu
contosts. Tho speed record how is
325 miles in 329 minutes.
Twin City Express, St Louis to St.
Paul and the Northwest.
Tho Burlington is in it, nnd as
usual at tho front. Fastest timo and
bostsorvico on record botwoen St.
Louis and tho Twin Cities.
Pulman Falaco Sleepors and nil
equipments tho latost. Evory meal
eurouto eorved in Elegant Dinitg
Commencing May 30th, tho Twin
City Express on tho Burlington route
will leavo St. Louis, Daily, nt 10.00
Superb sorvico and quick timo, together
with natural attractions" which
rival tuo colobratod Hudson River
sconoryt combine to mako this not
ouly tho host, but tho only routo fw
Northorn tourists.
Visitors to tho Exposition will bo
ablotogo comfortably and expeditiously
from ono part of tho grounds
to another aud obtain advantageous
vlows of tho buildings. Thoy may do
this oithor in olectrio boats through
tho lagoons, or by tho intramural
olovatod oloctrio railway. Tho contract
for tho lattor has boon awarded.
There will bo fivo miles of doublo track
and stations at convenient points.
Tho routo, as raappod out, mm from
ono ond to tho other of tho grounds iu
a sinuous course Tho faro will bo
fivoconts, and tho capacity of tho
road about 20,000 an hour.
Just as sure as hot weather comes
there will bo moro or loss Ixwel
nt in this vicinity, Evory porson,
nud especially families ought to havo
some roliablo modicino at Band for instant
uso in caso it is neodod. A 25 or
50 coot bottlo of Chamborlain'H Colic,
Choloru and Diarrhoea Remedy Is just
what you ought to havo aud all that
you would nood, ovon for tho most severe
and dangerous cases. It is tho
boat, tho most roliablo nud most successful
troatmont known and is pleasant
to tako. Forsalu by Loavoll &
Dr. N. G. Blnlock, prosldont of tho
Washington Stnto World's Fair Board,
aunounces that thoro will bo
at tho Washington building n
"watermelon day." llo has sot apart
100 acres to bo davoted ontirely to tho
raising of those melons, and ho promises
to tako n train load of thorn to tho
Fair and givo thorn away with tho pur
poeo of convincing pooplo that as a
growing Btata Washing,
ton stnuds first.
Tho following itoni, clipped from
tho Ft. Madison (Iown,) Vcmocmt,
contains information well worth remembering!
"Mr. John Koth, of this
city, who mot with an accident n few
days ago, spraining and urulsiug hts
leg and arm quito severely, was curod
by ono 50 cent bottle of Cuambrlaln's
Pain Balm. This remedy la without
an equal for spraias and bruises and
shontdhovoa placo Iu overy household,
For sale by Leavel! & Wood.,. ,
JUNE 7th.
Next Tuesday's offerings will
include our entire stock of summer
Clothing, consisting of Alpaccas,
Drap'e'tes, Serges, Flannels and
Bedford Coats and Vests in Sacks,
and Frocks, short and long, at discount
prices, ranging all the way
from 5 to 50 per cent.
Uiis "will be a great opportunity right at. the beginning of;
the hot season to .supply yourself with a light coat and vest.
15 dozen Ladies' fine Dong. Southern Ties, the prettiest low shoe
in tha market, D, K andEE widths sizes 2 to 8 '"
3STe3cb T"Uiesa.a,3rTs prico 1 -2-S:-
5 dozen Ladies' fine hand turned Red Oxford's tipped, all sizes.
SSTesrt -price 1 .2-i-
Anderson-& Co.
Glass Corner and Bush's Old Stand.
Thomas Rodman's
'- - ' vf' .,
,A a
. ;& JtLton'J .
A nice lino of Black Organdies, White
Goods, Persian Mulls, Dress Ginghams
New Style Collars and Cuffs,
Nice Summer Underwear at Greatly
Reduced Prices. Como and sco mo.
$2.00 A YEAR,
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