Newspaper Page Text
1$ - -1 ' -H . LO AV Si X 2 JltytinjfiriUe lentifdtift Sick Headache Permanently Cured . "I was troubled, a long time, with sick, headache. It was usually accompanied with severe pains in tho temples and sickness at the stomach. I tried a cood many remedies W! recommended for this complaint ; but it was not until I began taking AYER'S Pills that I received anything like permanent benefit. A sin gle box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now a well man." C. H. Hutch inos, East Auburn, Me. For tho rapid cure of Constipation, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nausea, and all disorders of Stomach, Xiver, and Bowels, tako )bv . XT1 M ' A? Aaaa m mi mmmm aaaaa, w jaawv JIYLKS rlvP Cathartic Pills Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ask your druggist lor Ayer't Sanaparilla. It May Your Life. A dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent au attack of pneumonia, grip or severe cold if taken in time. Cures coughs, colds, croup, lngrippe, hoarseness, difficult breathing, incipient-consumption, asthma or bronchitis. Gives positive relief 'in advanced l stages ol consumption, asthma or bronchitis. Guaranteed. For sal6 by C. K. Wyly. The Henderson tax levy is 31.57 for thio year. Ilm o You 'Kidney Trouble? A 50c. trial bottle of Foley's Kid men ure will prevent serious results Irou. O.K. his fatal disease. Wyly. For sale bv Jas. Crockett is on trial at Columbia for killing Dan JCidd iu Aduir count)'. How to Trent a Wife. i From Pacific health Journal.) First, get a wife; second be patient. You may have great trials and per plexihes in. your business, but do not therelore, carry to your iiuuif n a cloudy or contracted bior Your vife may have trials, which, though of less magnitude, be nartl Ku her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing horn her brow all clouds of To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chumberlain'n Cough Itemed in the house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later Your vife will then know that you really caie for her and wir,li to pio tpct her health. For sale by R. C Hardwick. The race for 'Sheriff is becoming exceedinglv warm iu Woodfoid county .Kidney Disuses n are the most fatal Foley's Kidney Care a Guaranteed remedy or money refunded For the first time iu several months the jail of Anderson county is without a prisoner. NOTICE. I want every man and woman In (lie UnlifJ States interested in the Opium ami Whieky habits to nave qno of my books on these Address It. SI. woolley, Atlanta, Ua., Box 82, and one will bo sent yon free. The two months' drouth in Eastern Kentucky has been broken by the rains of this week. When Baby-was rick, wo gav hor Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When ;she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria. Wheash'e had Children, she gave, them Castoria. The BowlihgrQroen Masonic Lodge will celebrate' 'June ' 25, St. John's Day, . at tne'fair i grounds. ' The things that popple see are inside oi tnein are not ouisiae. otwo see the sumo thing exactly alike t)ne woniaVmaV look out at a beauti ful landscape and see all the beautv , ,ana restfuliie8' .and grandness that there is jt. Another one will look at the. same scene and see nothing. The in!Jn.vVho is perfectly well t and " ious enjoys life to the lull. JJr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery ' makes people well. There isn't anything miraculous about it it is the most natural thing in the world. It simply puts the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, in perfect order and thereby makes the blood pure and rich. All diseases live and thrive on impure blood. Keep a stream of pure, rich, red blood flowing into a diseased spot, and the disease will not stay. A man lives on pure, rich blood, and disease dies, on it. ' Dr. Pierce's Gulden, Medical Discovery makepurby'ricli blood. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to the World's Dispensary Medical tiouv Buffalo, N, X, and receive Dr. Pierce's lOi'8 pagov "Common Sense1 Medical Ad visar5,"'profuseJy illustrated BY HIS OWN JAED' STIOK. How a Lot Ownor Got Even wiih an Avaricious Neighbor. Cats are said to have nine lives, but thero is- more than one way of killing them. Two brick houses standing side by side in a s.treet west ef Central park arc standing witnesses of the truth of this proverb, says the New York Press. Not many months ago there were two vacant lots where tho houses now stand. The owner of one of tho lots decided to build. When tho walls of the new houso were about completed tho owner of the adjoining lot decided to follow his example. He employed a sur veyor to stakeout the house, ino surveyor discovered that the walls of the house in course of erection on the other lot extended just one inch over line. He informed his employer of the fact, who immediately communicated with the owner of the property, demanding an exorbitant sum for tho property accidentally appropriated. The owner of lot No. 1 did not prove a complacent victim to tho extortion. He at once gave orders to have the offending wall torn down and rebuilt. The other man, rather disappointed at being a victim of his own avarice, proceeded with the erection of tho second house, building his wall close against that of the housej flrst erected. When the second houso was all completed the owner moved in. A few days afterward he was to receive a notice similar to the one he had sent out himself, demanding tho same amount as he had named, the reason being stated, "the walls of the houso you have just com pleted and are now occupying extend one inch over the property line on my property." He employed a surveyor again and found that the statement was only too true. What had happened was this: The owner of the first offending wall, when he had had it torn down, had, with deliberation and malice aforethought, caused the wall to be rebuilt one inch on his own side of the line, realizing that the second house would probably be built close against tho first. There was a cnoice of two things for the owner of lot No. 2 to do either to move out of the house in which he. ha 1 just got settled with his family and have it rebuilt or to pay the amount demanded for the one inch of property. As he had set the price himself, ho felt that there was litte use in taking it to the courts. He accordingly paid fche pride demanded and received a deed for one inch of land. SIMULATED DEATH. The Lethargy Lasting for Weeks Produced by Fakirs in India. Dr. Kuhn has had occasion to observe two cases, the genuineness of which he had no reasou to doubt, says the New York Medical Journal. One of the fakirs in question had been interred for six weeks and the other for ten days The fakirs, who are hysterical to tho highest degree, possesses the faculty of producing artificially a condition identical with cataleptic ecstasy They use all possible means, such as mortification of the body by a special diet, tho internal employment of different plants known only to themselves, and the adoption of a peculiar posture of the body for mauy hours. When they have practiced this for a ' sufficient length of time, they of the postures prescribed by the sacred books of the Indians and fall into a hypnotic condition induced by looking fixedly at the end of the nose. . . . - m Hasheesh is still made use of by them to diminish the respiratory force, for this hypnotic, when associated with other plants and employed in a peculiar manner, 'makes up for the loss of air and nourishment. The fakirs have hallucinations when hypnosis begins; they hear certain sounds, seo angels," and their faces express a 'feeling of happiness. But, little by little, consciousness disappears and the body acquires a peculiar rigidity. This is evidently, says tho writer, a matter' of self-hypnotism in hysterical per-, sons who are sufficiently predisposed to it This lethargy is looked upon by people as death, and when the subjects are aroused it is God who has brought them to life. In Greek or Boman, literature, says tho writer, find accounts of persons whb, have ' died and returned again to earth. j" There is nothing astonishing in these facts, for Bouchut, in his' treatise on the signs which enable us to recognize real death, reported tho case of a woman who had been disinterred in order that a friend might look at her again. Sho was found to be alive, and she lived for many years afterward. Also, in tho Department of tho North, thero was a case reported of a girl who had remained in a lethargic condition for several years. She had fallen into; ,$& condition on bearing, that she fiB' o bo 'arrested for having comm&ted: a crime. . j 1 Dunn did his best poetical work before he had attained tie age of 25. dim I i. JR A n 'mmWWWWWm7 WSSffiS in When two China-men meet, their way of saying "How do you do? ' is "How are your bowels?" it amounts to the same thimr. If the bowels are In good condition the rest of the system is pretty sure to be all right. But when thev are consti pated, it has a half-paralyzing effect on the rest of the body and the mind too. Headaches, dyspepsia, biliousness, nervousness, poor sleep, weakness, heart palpitation ana gloomy spirits, all come from constipation. And that isn't the worst of it: It lavs vour svstem open to all sorts of serious and dangerous illness. lit isn't safe to neglect constipation and it isn't safe' to use dangerous wrenching carthartics, to overcome it, either. They leave you worse off than before. What is needed is a mild natural laxative like Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They act surely but without any violence. They regulate and strengthen the intestines to do their own work. When the " Pleasant Pellets" cure you, you are cured. You don't become a slave to their use. Take care the druggist doesn't give you something ebe he calls "just as good." It may be for him, but how about youf You might learn a thousand valuable lessons about preserving vour health by Sense Medical Adviser. It is a Brand book and the present nop?,; ecuuon is aosoiuieiy ucc iu &WIV!. ..11 ...tin ant.a 11 nt!.rnt stamps to cover cost of only. It contains 1008 pages and over 300 engravings. 680,000 cloth-bound copies have been sold at Jr. 55 each. This free edition id sttonir manilla paper covers, otherwise it is just the same. Address World's Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Or. Kollock in Nashville. KegularGraduateand Registered Physician. Formerly Assistant Surgeon V. ri. Navy, afterward Post burceon U. 3. Army, and later Surgeon British JJarlne Service, with t o year' experience as physician at not Springs Ark. Endorsed by the"Kncvo Vol. X, page 13J, the "largest and most Important work In the world." being In twenty-five volumes, each the slzoof alarge church lllble. He Is noted as the discoverer of the active principals of gelseminum, a specific for neuralgia of the face and womb, cures catarrh) Syphilis, Lost Manhood and ueneral Dehlllty. The Doctor lias been over the world and has made many cures given up by other physicians. Vendome Building. Farmers say they are having too much rain in some localities. It's lnrd to please everybody all the time. A Sonnil Liver Brakes a Well Man. Are you bilious, constipated or troubled with jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indiges tiou, hot dry skin, nam iu back and between th shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you have any of these symptoms, your liver is out of order, md rour blood is slowly being poisoned, because your blood does uot act properly. Herbiue will cure any disorder of the Jiver, stomach or bowels, it has no equal as a, liver medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at R. G. Hard wick's drtig store. At Cynthiaua the Whale Hardware Company, the leading stoie of the kind in the Harrison capital, assigned. " DISEASES OF THE SKIN, The intense itching and smartinc Jent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, anu other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eje and. Skin Ointment. Mnny very bad cases have been permanently cured by iti It is equally afficient for itching piles nnd a favorite for ore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cadys Condition Powders, they ire j ust what a horse needs when in bad Condi-lion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. L'VSold by R druggist. rWm. Fitzgerald one of Slaysville s oldest citizens, is dying. . - i .. 4- Cure for 3Iuscular lUiouniutlxui. -V Mrs. R- JLi. -Lamson,'of Fairmount, Illinois, says: "My sister used Chamberlain's rain Balm for muscular rheumatism hud it effected a 'complete cure. I keep it in the house at all times and have always found 'it uenenciai ior acnes ana pains, it isi the quickest cure for rheumatism,! muscular pains ana lameless 1 have ever Been. For sale tjy B. C. Hardwick druggist. . - v ki i . -! A tabernacle is being.erectea In Eaducah td be used, lor gathering during.the summer. For every quarter in a man's, pocket there are a dozen uses and ?to' ,use each one in.such a ways tb'derive the greatest benefit is a cjuestiod' every one must solve for himself We believe, however, that no better use could be made of one o these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa3 Remedy, a medicine th'at every family should be provided with. For sale by R..C. Hardwick,' Druggist- ii ', A. C. Joseph, an Arabian vhqse little child was killed at Lexington, has eued the Belt railway of that city for $10,000 damages. rfyo Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman and merchant at Goshen, Va., has this to say on the subject cf rheumatism: 'I 'take pleasurtj in recommending, Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rjieumati&m, as I know'from perspnarexpsrience that it will do all that js ejaimed for. it. A year ago thj'iBpijing Was 'laid up iu bed with inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely, Tie first application of Chamberlain's Eain Balm eased ana. tile use of oub .frottle completely cured him. For agile by R. C. Hardwick Druggist " 'i m m i i .i I 3 ' 1 1 i 1 3 I EVERY WfWWfVfVVVfVtUii THE COMMISSIONER'S SALE CHRISTIAN CIRCUIT COURT, KENTUCKY. T K.TorlanAc..Plalutlff( against Equity. Ex t lly Virtue of a Judgment and order ot sale of tho Christian Circuit Court rendered at the September term thereof, 1895, In the above styled cause, I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court-house door, in Hopklnsvllle, Kentucky, to the highest bidder, at icAucti juii muiiuuj juiiu ij 169o. at 11 o'clock in the mornpig, or there, about, (being County Court 'day.) upon of 12. 18, and,24 months the following described property, One large, rich, and well improved farm, situated In the Southwest' portion of Christian County, immediately on the Cadiz and road, near Gracey, Ky-, containing "IS'A acres, and consisting of three "boundaries or lots -of 1281-2 acres, KK acres and 4l"K acres respectively, and known as1 the McCirty farm. Said farm is In a lilck's'tate of cultivation, well wat ered, and well improved. The location Is one of ihfe besf In the county ; schools', cliurches and nostofllee are near bv. the .vicinity la popu lated by some of thfrbwt'fantlUes in tho coun tv. Th adanted to the crowing of wheat; tobacco, corn, clover, etc., and any one wanting an all-around good farm here is a chance. . Tlie metes and bounds of said lands are set out fully In the judgment rendered In tho nbove cause and can be had by referring to saidjudtfment or applying to the undersigned. For the purchase price, the uurchasec or purchasers must execute bond with approved security. bearlnglegaUntereat from the dayof I'sletrntU paid, the force and effect of a Keplyln Bond., Bidders wUlbe prepared to comply brOtnptly with tliese terms. ... . - 'Master C6mmUsloner rjohu cDabney, . , . f Attorney . r. .- . - t Sugur23c BapopSS'o 10c - trjunps iuc 1 can Tomatoes 8c taUuA Lard 3So 1 can corn 8o Total lil$ Wo w'ill' sell- the followibg at cost: All of our goods' alifornia can goods. Heinz's Ketchup and' Pre-4. ' serves, meat Dressing- and ""Olives and Olive" Oil, etel . W, A. Pbbl Bridge old stand, Guarantee Position. Awr'1tMto,'",t,on'orca'leP0",k iuomj la binic Ml pultUa U mwM. rot y iTiuwiri ar.i. NaShvllle.Tenn. InaorwatyBanken, Ml". odolheri Bookkeeping, penmanship. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, ete.; 12 teachers. K week, a Bookkeeping pu us equals 1Z eini.w. .-" .-.- ,- - ---. -,- nn hoard, car iare uaiu. vacation. Eniet anT time, oneap TonrdrmrnoLa for homo ituilf la next beat thing to eutertng our school. Wiite tu. (MsnUoq, tbU paper.; Ml I II I WANTED: A. brig-lit JBoy or 1 In this and every town tn tho vicinity "where ther.e is not already .an agent, to sell the Kew Yobk. J.bdjji: jt, America's. OrearpstStqry Paer, by the wekmrfditit as agent, making Scants on everrctlpy sold.. No charge being made, for UUSOlCl copies. . niaa.. tut mil particulars call at,the ofllceof tuts'papbr. WE INVITE CARPETS. HOUSEKEEPER t TO SEE OUR ELEGANT LINE flMlffltt Bugs, oil cloths and linoleums, lace curtains, shades, damask ' and reed curtains. We can please your fancy. Increase your bank account by buying from us. The handsomest and most perfect fitting line of Gent's, HOWE JEWELRY CO: THE HOST ELEGANT LINE OF Watches, Jewelry, DIAMONDS! . Silverware, Clocks, Cut-glass, Art Goods, Spectacles, ever seen outside of a large city. ALL AT LIVING PKICES.. Personal attention given to - ' ! Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repairing. Remember the place-209 South. Main Street. ' (Two Doors North of J. H. Anderson & Co.) Call on us for Reliable Goods and Repairing. HOWE, Dr. Matthew Henry Kollock Regular Graduate and Registered Physician Fnrmflrlr Acjlstnnf Wnrrfann In iVia TT U M n cured witnoutpain 1 L 'o' stula. rtrildlrlv w uobuufciuiiirumousiness. Nervous Debility, sNl0ihstv SS5: tency Melancbolys Dizziness, Lo3s of'Energy and Confidence, the dreadful effects of Earlr VIoa. urhlnl, Tirtnca rhnl or i .. af tingone for business, strfdy or enjoymedt of Ufa trn Atari urltl nan..l.lli. .".- ..... ...vv. lamuj success, uuei amlnatlon the urlnary.deposits a rost'sedl' meni win otten no found, and some times 4 amn.II Art1rlua nf nl hitman .lll . LjV...l coot will be of a thin, mllklsH, hue, again Bhapgiug to a dark and turbid appearance, Thiorp are many men who dl,e,ol this dlUlcUlty' ignorarit'or the Muse, which, ff the Aecdnd stage of Seminal Weakness, ''fhe. Doetorlwlll guaranteu a perfect cure inall such cases and organ?7 rtoratlot of W gepjtureurlnary .yKtTH yoaf troubles if iVlng away -from the city- Ti ob can be cured at home by ar dealings, and medicine sent; secure ffonVoto.1 "rL0"; V 3",non ofpatients are neyeh nubllshed. Bank rfnriir.a t , ..,..' hlHtvol,arflllr v" " '"l"""'-- Dr.KollocIs: 613 CHURCH STREET ,U ' ' 'Nashville, Ten'rr. -' Buggies Wire ! Pencirig . mi lile Pipes Hardware ;I mpfements and FighjjQg, Tackle at GUS YOUNQ'SW f .y h Virginia stJneetjiOpprtHotel'Latkam MGR. ""-SHOES AND OXFORDS rr 4 in this city. Every pair guaranteed. RICHARDS & CO. 1 v $' -- ---. n T7"j. i '4 ' J' Ulik ,vwuawa.,r laaaijiuurwutUU iU tUD UiUt 41UVJI . uiioraaras rosi aurgeon u. s. Army, ana "I'nO IviQin later Surgeon British Marine Service, with, AAiO JLVlOilIl OUIoQC fllcteaat His Office, where consultation with i? U JXl 1 1 K Hi Jpfl P.V one o the Most buccessful Doctors of the prescut age is cordially Invited. All will re- A flnmnloto nnd p.i;i ctl. A ana iieautlful Stock kind and honorable treatment, ahd complete OU permanent cures guaranteed In every case i ,j i, . undertaken. hand, all at Dr. Matthew Henry Kollock Treats Successfully All Chronic and Long Standing Diseases P.ntnrrh Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, ualau" treated by latest hospital ., ', Blood and Skin Disease. Sores Pimple. Scrofula, Tumors. Eczema, srpuuis. ana an troUDles arislncr uitcjn xroiu an Impure state of the blood, promptly and. cumjjiciciy ciaujuuicu lurever irom ino system, restoring health and purity. Kidney -and; Urinary , Weat Back, frequent and burning urine, .the bladder of both sexes, promptly anil MfftlV.oiird . ' " r Tiflflips wHl rceeYve treatment for all their- many aiimenis. ' Private Diseased Gonorrhoea,. oyprnus, uieet, Btnetures. varicocele, HydrOoeU, Tenderness. Weakness of Organs, V: LOWEST Cash - SIB FIGURES Bed-room Suits A, Solid Oak Suit for Wm. Duckeri Funeral Director, Jas. I. Belote, 1 Plain and Drnamenlal Plasterer. r ftptiKtjfVILIJS.XT. Formerly with Forbes & Bro.) y?M make,eatimatea ou all ..kinds of plastering and cement work. AllJvork guaranteed, and "prices "reasonable. .Bepair work a specialty and tfrill receive prompt attention. Addbess Lock Box 420. i if i. igto & This ratio pf sixteen grains pf silver to one Qfigoidhaphecrthe, measure of equality metals since tlleir nrst use as mnney by the tTiiltedflltos.K.J . There exlsbn6neeesslty.tochaniie that ra. tio more than to changcithe; length of a yard suuit.oriue numoor 01 ounces in weight. i-J a pound Tha BOnrhiHWhraln of shvlfxrVaiq nnnitnnl. y a workUiatchlng new sehemes for Of wealth and to rob producers ot wealth. ' Law maklncDOwer Is bribed; corruption in high places of trust and honor exists, and tho evil times' prophesiediby tlm patriot oraham Lincoln, now ,'mehace thevory exlstenco of our.countryaaa the nations of the, world. -All wi do-possible through San prejudice truth. ThcUlpoinnatl nnnlrer is ln.the noblend patriotic effort to make kuowju. thejru'th and. facts, exnose crimes and criminals, and to show tjie cause anaeueciiueunwarranteu interference with th People's lndiiRtrlna ' JVlth oVerv ciiih Vuberlhai1 tn thA tfonttvoV. , v -.-- , VH.W , ilfii for one yearAwe glvo a year'j subscrindorut " .. thWee;Eriaulrea3A(.te8 frit papers Xor thfprlMo( one' v iA t 31. - ' A. ni m 1 M . r""j3 .. IT; SO r ' & .' (P' .:.,? Li " . ,P ?: r'" .