OCR Interpretation

Hopkinsville Kentuckian. [volume] (Hopkinsville, Ky.) 1889-1918, July 12, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069395/1913-07-12/ed-1/seq-6/

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5 i ' .1 .IT ...... ?f
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rTefaryad tocaig. f
W Funk Merrlraan, mUmOm
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" iitaai MMi- i a tail Mmt
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M n 1W n T i IliJtJt., r.
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mi untie i.iTiitea. iu:4i n.m.
. T . .
P. 6S U8-lMVlU AC,
N, M -St. L. Faet Mail 5:33 a. i
m iiTita fniwn unvra
. 98 C. 4b St. L. Lira., 5:25 a. n
He, 62 St. Lotus Express, 9:52) a. n..
No. 98 Dixie Limited, 7:03 a. m.
. M. Dixie Flyer, 6:53 p. .
H. $ Hopkinaville Ac. 8:55 p.
W. 54-St.L. Fast Mail, 10 d
Nm, 96 and 94 will make Nos. 9
sod 91'b stops except 94 will not stu
t Mannington and No. ,95 wi.i
et stop at Mannington or Empire.
Km. 52 and Si.connoct at St. Louis for
Convfct't Mountain
Chang to Him Through AM
Hit TrotfWtL
He ereed ta the t&wirowtfi,
CMtkHMty parting the bmifcss with
ee hd to peer out down the moan
tain std. He wM a ragged gteat o
a man, clean-limbed, yet with a
strange pallor upon his face. Upon
aeh wrkrt too, were half keatal
ra. Theee had been caused by
the heroic efforts which he had wed
to free himself from hla manacles.
Sat he waa free at last He had es
caped from the state penitentiary
Om flat for rant at
Court. Phone 1674.
Occasionally she topaedaH
iore uie snvrm ana seemea to pieaa
1 with him. Ben gritted hla teeth.
If oaty Mwrtaan wouM lay asMe
Ms itte. Bat he kept hla ofcUp of it
even at the svpoer table; It waa only
later when he arm that h stand
It for a moment aaalnst the mod wall.
The watcher knew that his time had f Advertltenlent.
come. Mollie s hands were n Merrv
man's arm and she was pleading very
earnestly. Den fancied that she was
8m J. H. Dan law
building and gwemnl rayalr
all Moda, fbamflt.
The man w4m deait-nated
th Staff of lift" waa nFa4ftM
He sprang to his et and rushed dvar.ee affat for Cage's BluelliMM
throtigh the oyen door. He saw to
dlstlnetly; the world was revolving la
a fiery mist, through his weasoa.
Next moment, toe enraged to Are, Bern
had dropped his rifle and his hands
were on the sheriff's throat.
To and fro they wrestled. The ta-
The clumsy
llrMirand oiUi1 r round naarl aaasJ.
Auvertif ement, ' y
, 1
IM. II connects at Guthrlj for Memphis ao
m far south as Erin, and for Loulsvtli.,
CBMlaaati and the East.
Mm. 53?and C5 make direct connections at Guth
tte for Louisville. Cincinnati and all points north
aad east thereof. Nos. S3 and 55 also connect for
atoaohls and war points.
He. 92 rass through to Chicago and will ma
srnrlsawingtrs to points south of Evamvlll
M.f9S eaxrles through sleepers to Atlanta, Ms
gaa. Jacksonville. St. Augustine and'Tampa. FU
AJm PaHaan sleepers to New Orleens, Connect
at Guthrie for points East and West. No. S3 wl!
aat carry local passengers for points north ot
Mashville. Tenn.
J. C. HOOE. Agt.
Tennessee Central
Tlme Table No, 4 Taking Effcc
txovemoer 11,
No. 12 Leave Hopkinaville 6:30 a.r
Arrive Nashville... 9:45 a n
Us, 14 Leave Hopkinsville 3:45 p
Arrive Nashville...7:00 p. u
f a. 11 Leave Nashville 7:55 a r.
Arrive Hopkinsville 11:10 a
Wa. 13 Leave Nashville 5:00 p.
Arrive Hopkinsville 8:15 p.n
T. L. MORROW. Asren .
Practically a Daily at.the i nc
of a Weekly.
No Other Newspaper in th
World Gives So Much at So
Low a Price.
This k i time of great events ar
you will want the news accurate!
and promptly. The Democrats, f'
the first time in sixteen years, w
have the Presidency and they wi
have the Presidency and they wi
also control both branches of Co
gress. The political news is sure t
be of the most absorbing interest.
There is a great war in the OU
World, and you may read of the ex
tiqetion of the vast Turkish Empir.
In Europe, just as a few years ag
you read how Spain lost her lastfoo
of Boil in America, after having
ruled the empire of half the New
The World long since established
a record for impartiality, and any.
bodylcan affords its Thrice-a-WeeK
edition, which comes every other
day in the week, except Sunday, li
will be of particular' value to you
now. The Thrice-a-Week World al
ao abounds in other Btrong features,
aerial stories, humor, markets, car
toons; in fact, everything that is U
be found in a first class daily.
regular subscription price is onlj
1.00 per year, and this pys for 156
Bpera. We offer this unequaled
ewepfer and the Hopkinsville
KentucKian together for one year
for 2.65.
The regular Bubecrlptioa Iprice of
Hm two papers is 3.00.
Wa art prerd toioatt kia4a of
big-'grade job priatiaff. Try ua.
three weeks before and his pursuers ! hie .was knocked down.
had never been able to. discover his . chairs went spinning across the room.
secret hiding pleco upon Dear moun
Ho had heard them seeking for him
eternally; on the very day after his1
escape he had come upon one of the
guards dozing under a flr tree. He
had taken his rlflo and then, awaken-,
ing him, scorn fuly ordered him to de
part The man had obeyed fearfully,
and tho rifle and a box of matches had
enabled the fugitive to live. But
every time ho brought down a rabbit
or partridge the sound of the shot,
echoing through the valleys, at once
Informed his pursuers of his where
abouts. Ho looked round cautiously. No ono
was In sight High up on the opposite
hill ho saw the outlines of a tiny
cabin. It was his sweetheart's homo
Molllo Stark's. It was to avenge
an Insult to hor that he had shot and
crippled Seth Baldwin. That was '
two years before, and ho had been 1
sent up for ten. Mollle had sworn to
be true to him.
But slnco his flight ho had not dared
go near her home. It was too des
perate a chance to take. But a visit
on his part to the wild glen In which
they had plighted their troth had re
sulted In the finding of a packago of
food placed there by Molllo. In it was
a littlo note.
"Dero Ben," it ran. "I hid this and
brout it hero thinking you would como
hero. Como to tho cabbln on Monday
nito at nine. Lovingly, Mollle."
Tho full moon gave almost as much
light as the sun. Tho fugitive crawled
down the slopo and approached the
opposite height, worming his way up
through tho ferns and close-clinging
Tines. At last he. emerged upon a lit
tle rocky eminence a hundred yards
distant from the cabin. From Mol
lie's window a rag fluttered. The fugi
tive understood that sign. She was
alone. Grasplrig his rifle ho went for
ward boldly.
He was within ten yards when tho
door opened. His heart leaped. Mol-
The candle waa dashed to the floor,
and In the bewildering night each
only knew that ho was fighting for
life with an implacable adversary.
Ben dug his knuckles Into the hollow
space between the point of th jaw
and tho great cord behind tho ear aa
old woodsman's trick, to compress the
carotid and produce unconsciousness.
He felt his enemy weakening. He had
him at his mercy now. Suddenly a
tremendous blow fell upon his head
from behind. He heard the shivering
of the cheap rlflo stock, flung out his
hands, felt fo some stable hold In
the encompassing darkness, and tum
bled to tho ground. Tho last thing
that he saw as his senses loft him was
tho faint glimmer of the relit candlo
and Molllo's agonized face, in its
aureole hair.
' "Mollle I"
' He started out through the whirling
phantasmagoria that surrounded him.
' Ho was dizzy and deathly sick. Gradu
ally, as tho fog cleared from his brain,
ho realized that t ho was lying in a
littlo room. Ho lay in Molllo's room,
upon a bed, and tho face that ho
loved best in all tho world was bend
ing over him.
"Thank God ho is coming to,
I Frank!"
"You had better leave him for the
present" It was tho voice of Morri
man. He camo into the circle of
Ben's vision, a mighty man, his face
swathed in bandages. Looking upon
him, Ben dimly wondered how ho had
over had tho strength to wrestle with
such a fellow. He was too weak to
lift a finger now.
"Well, young fellow!" Merrlman
was seowllng down at him. "You've
done for yourself pretty well
now," ho continued. "If my nephew,
Walt,- hadn't had tho gumption to
come up at the right moment and
snatch my rifle you'd have had a mur
Watermelon. 'Car near. L. ft N?i
you were gone when I saw the whack
He Btood in the doorway, her arms out he gave you that night"
stretched, to welcome him. Behind "That night! When?"
hor was the flickering candlo. But as "Two weeks ago tomorrow. Yep, I
ho drew near, "Suddenly a sight froze reckon yoVve kind of lost count of
his blood. Tho shadow of a man had ; time," ho continued, smiling less evil
passed the candle; another, and an- ' ly. "You've been mighty near death,
other. He halted In his tracks. Be- I young fellow, let mo tell you."
hind Molllo he saw a rifle barrel.
With an oath he flung back Into
the brushwood. He would have fired,
butj treacherous though sho was, he
could not bring himself to kill her.
He heard yells behind him, Molllo's
screams, the shouts of his pursuers.
If they had fired befaro he won the
woods they might have brought him
down as ho had brought down that
rabbit the afternoon before. But, odd
ly enough, they forebore, and with a
shout of defiance he gained the forest
path and was speeding like a stag to
ward Bear mountain.
An hour later he dropped exhausted
upon tho ground Inside his cavo. It
was a bear's hole, cunningly hidden
on tho mountain side. Among that
waste of burned-over plno stumps
none could hit upon it save by acci
dent, and that I. 'n did not anticipate.
It was not fear that made him pant
like a marathon runner, but wrath and
Molllo was a traitress He had been
fooled by a chit of a girl, for whoso
sake ho had suffered two years in
the pontitentiary. Anger, overcame all
other feelings. Ho would show her!
He would show them! What should
he do?
For an hour ho lay thinking, gnaw-
lng his Up in rage. His pasBlon for
her had been so Btrong, his lovo so
largo a part of his existence, that the
revulsion was terrible. Ho must con
trive some punishment commensurate
with tho crime. Among the hill wo
men there could bo none other so
baso as to betray her lover, as Molllo
had sought to betray him. He had
recognized one of tho men In tho par
lor as Frank Merrlman, tho sheriff. Ho
had been a suitor for Molllo's hand
beforo sho promised herself to Ben.
Doubtless ho had persuaded her.
- Ha! Ho had his plan. It flashed
Into his brain ready-forged in the fur
nace of his wrath. Doubtless Merrl
man would be at her homo tho follow
ing night Hor father, tho bedridden
old man, would bo bolpless. Ho would
Bteal In and shoot tlio man before
Molllo's oyes and thou then cut off
her hair, leaving her to tho dorlslon of
(ho hill folk.
His plan consumed him. Ho passed
tho outstanding hours like a man in a
delirium. Day dawned, tho sun blazed
upon tho wild-eyed man who paced to
and fro upon the mountain side. Tho
shadows lengthened as the sun de
clined; at last the fiery orb touchod
tho horizon. Shouldering his rlflo ho
marched doggedly through tho scrub
until once more he saw Molllo's cabin
outlined against the darkening sky
upon tho further ridge. Even as ho
watched a tiny spark Hashed out from
the parlor candle.
Aa hour lator be was' lying upoa Ma
For Sale. ,,
S x fresh Jersey cows, four regiet
ered and two graded. All freehand
all good. . C. L. DADE.
it vou have a nouae or
building of any kind that
vou want moved see R. C.
Lawson or call Cumberland
phone 878-2.
Ponies For Sale.
Some nice gentle ponies for
children to ride and drive.
To cure your hogs of cholera.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Oak Grove, Ky R. R. 2.
Notice To Tax Payers.
The tax books are now ready and
axes are due. Pay now and avoid
;he penalty.
"Well,- I guess you'vo won," said
1 Ben feebly. "When are you going to
take mo back to the penitentiary?"
Frank Merrlman scratched his head,
then, fingering his bandages, he
scowled; at length a smllo broke out
upon his face.
"When will you bo ready to start?"
ho asked.
"You'l havo to put me In a cart, I
reckont" answered Ben. "Frank," ho
'continued, "I'm likely to get a life sen
tence no.w and wo aren't likely to
meet again. I want to ask a promise
of you. Treat Mollle well. She's
the finest girl in the world, and If
she was false to me well, I reckon It
was for your sake, Frank."
The sheriff stared at him. Then he
turned abruptly away. "The devil
you say!" ho muttered.
Ho went to tho door and called tho
girl. Ben heard them whispering out
side. And presently ho was aware,
in his weakness, that Mollle was
bending over him again.
"Ben, dearest. Did you think I had
betrayed you, Ben? Did you daro to
think that I was untrue to you?"
I He felt her tears drop on his band.
Ho listened dumbly, in an agony of
anticipation and doubts he dared not
"Listen, Ben! You are free. Free,
to go where you will. When you es
caped tho newspapers took up your
case. They demanded that you should
bo set free. The governor was ap
pealed to. He said that you had been
punished 6nough. Your pardon ar
rived tho week beforo you first camo
to the cabin. That was why I wont
to the mountalri.fll should have told
you, but I wautatL.lt to como as a
surprise. That night Mr. Merrlman
was waiting hero to band It to you.
You aro free, Ben, freo to go whero
you will freb to :to marry mo If
you want to!"
(Copyright, WU. by W. O. Chapman.)
Allaying the Panic.
An old gentleman with several sus
picious redispots on his face entered
a railway car rocently and quietly
took tho only seat that was vacant
An Inquisltlvo young follow asked
him it ho had bad smallpox, and he
replied, "Yes." There wns a general
scramble among the passengers, nil
of whom wanted to get out at once,
and In about a minute the old gentle
man had tho car all to himself.
The conductor, cautiously peeping
lu. demanded how long it was since
the ailllcted Individual had recovered.
"Well, sir," replied the victim of
filseaso, "I can't say exactly, but as
4 ear as 1 can recollect Is waa about
thirty-five yars ago.
For Sale.
Farm of 50 acres, more or lese,"
muafed near Church Hill; All im
provements. Apply to A. B. Land-
r. Lafayette, Ky., or J. W. Lander,
For Sale.
One good second hand, 4 H. P.,
horizontal International gasoline en
gine, in good running order, at a
J oargin.
One 18-horse power Garr Scott
'ruction Engine in good running
'der. and one 32x56 FrickSepera
r, nearly new and in first class
utidition with band cutter, wind
tucker, feeder and bagger, with
nrpaulin 20x30 ft. to cover same.
Will sell together or separate on
?y terms and cheap. Chance for
m enterprising man, with a fine
crop of wheat, to pay for the rig
his season.
8ixty-Srenth Smi-Ajiflal 'KteMii
City Bank & Trust Glo.
- ... ' JuMtf, 1913. ftv : v
T '. ' RESOURCES. $l'a:
Lmm and Dfaconoti. . . . ,V.V; . . .7 i j&J&lW?J'
BMking HtMt V. 17 GOO 00
OtWrRl Eatate 1900 00'
Furniture and FfxtMreaL , 8 000 00"
Cnah and Exchange. 138 497S
' "' . -
, 752 601.
Capital Stock ... $ to 000 Q0 "
Surplus, Earned l60 000 00.
Undivided Praflta... ipllffii -
Set AaWe fer'Taxea. . . . . .. 1 000 00
Dividend Na. 0S, This Day. 3 0O0 00
Cashier's Checks ., . 443 92s
Bills Payable 35 OOO'OO'
Deposits. . f.;. . ..,-551
" "IRALVSMITH, Caahier?
Louisville Daily Herald
opkinsville Kentuckian
Both One Year FT or
For a short time and tin
til further ndtice the abov er
special rate will obtain.
This world famous French perfume k delightful for handkerchief,
alornizcr, bath, finger bowl and for spraying the Inert closet. The favor
ite after-shaving preparation. Try it for yourself. Put up in a plain
package, but the quality is wonderful and the price only 75c. (6 oz. bottle.)
EL, Write to-day for a little testing bottle, enough for fifty
M. I CC handkerchiefs. Send 4c. postage to our American offices.
You will love this exquisite perfume once you try it
Can Bo Done Only By Use Of
The Latest and Most Improved Machinery
We have acquired a habit of investing in every new machine that is to be had aa soon aa it is put on the
market. That is ona reaao why our work is always satisfactory,
Skilled Labor is Another.
There are others.
This is the beginning of theFteral eeaeon, nut our aeaaenlatta the year round. Funeral, Party and
other special orders always nave the yemnteet attention. Our facilities In tkla line are greater than ever.
Nw Qrt)nhouss, Off lots and Laundry, vtnth Libarty Sts.
' T. L METCALFE, norist-Latmdry,
Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

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