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( 5 iv;a l..:.W Jil t i " .- i . .. . 1 v m la.' S w .VI i-'C:- . V - " " . ' - i;,;. Ii,.:- iK il'.' ' Incorporate d. . . fcl the store for men 5 CLOTHING, HATS, and r MEN'S WEAR. - : 5 South Main Street HopkinsTille, Ky. j U O. CRAWFORD. Or JALRSun TENN ASSUMES CHARGE ' TODAY. ' .- dford& Johnson i F STATE We will sell you a Um Jng counties. adjoin "l. O. Crawford, an experienced JacVuon. Term., to- f lh. Hill long- on. oi Hopkin.vill.. "tP . j t a nnra a noisy. ... v.m Kaa cifl And sh. h. moved to Central City jmd Mr. Crawford has m-f-v. t ci4iait. the owner. from iir. 4. k. ' , , , Th. house haa been overhauled and 1. being refurnish" w .H tent It will b. ran on th. Amert- ." j !. will be served. Whito tfrf w.U.7. wUl be lm ik .limntr room . -in k- mule to keep th tnd w"."rz to that ander rtt- 01 in. b -f . . . ..... ,1 it. miAm reouUtion under the management of th law Mr. HilL Purely personal. 1 hands We know the farm lands of this commumTjr- Will do our best to sell you a good farm or will sell you a nice house and lot in the city. W have several attractive farms in our for sale. " Can give possession of a very fine, well im proved farm if sold quickly Price reasonable. Office let Floor in Pennyroyal Building. fifflCff S HOST PilfW T. P. A. ELECTION. Tonight at the .will at 7:30. Avalon Pont J, Officers will be CHAS. W. DUCKF.R LEAV-5 mo ESTATE TO HS FOUR SONS. " . - l.:n. fill.f !ith eminty . I WO - - flerk'. om. thi. w.k and ',tI,,,, t4 rroh.f..- Th. will 01 i 1 Chan. W. Iuckr. WM daUM nvnr,- j 1 111 hit mnii nrovineil lor nn egual dintributloo of th. act. 1 cPt that th. hoone and lot on Bry tret In U ro to C. W. Durkcr. Jr.; $1,000 to Frank Durkr. ana nnA .a T.v;n rn,-lir In addition to f UUW IV " - on-foorth intrwt in th. Ml- ne. of th. tat. All dobU owing by the four .on. tu b. cancelled. C. W. Ducker, Jr U named a exe cutor. ' The other will wu that of In. bit. Jo. J. Davonport. It la dated February 8, 191S and the property f ..r. WtiA ia lrft to Mra. Maria D. W.t, iter of tha dec.aaed, with whom Mr. Davenport mad. hi. horn.. J. M. Davenport it named aa execu tor. . . . : - r Fotrrncrt Favorite in Fa Vn. Tox's Supre-.r.s Artt r' ' In "T1I2 TIGS ; : 1... v,i.v..manr. h James Wi Auain i".u " ljlf LIIIUIl -1 V - ... M" r 1 .1 UU loLri. of tremendous power inu ausui Adults 13c War' Tax 2c i P Rex Today elected and delegate xo aUte con w i n Rriharta. of Colfax, La., j L..'k.i.. ,i.tjhter. Sara Roth, on their return homa from a wit i nth tm friend and rvn. i. rk.ri.irnn ana wunwn wee tiV., itopped over this Roberta' parm-u, day with Mra. E. Irocter, at 208 Wwid Mra. B. Mra. rhaa. M. MeachaialelTeet. terdny for a fhort visit to her Mw Cham M Meacham. Jr.. near Mor- iranfleld, Ky. Her lit'.le prandaon. William, who I ad S?-n her . a month, returned home. M t ti-iU Fvara. who if attend ing- BuiineM Collece in Taducah. ar rived lait niitht to apend a week with her father. Mr. E. P. Fear. Mr. E. P. Fear U at ill visiting- in Taducah. Miaa Marv Hulie. who ha Just completed a ccurse of instruction at Bowling- Green, lert yesterday 10 ac cept a position at Tampa, Fla. Dr. Lewis Powell' condition con tinue to improve and h. will b up in a day or two. Mr. Eug-en. Young-, of Trinceton, is visiting relatives and friends in th. city. Mr. John n. Trie, returned Wed nesday night from Tampa, Fla., where ha and Mr. Trice had been several .week. Mr. KtRKMANSVIlXE MERCHANT ... PASSED AWAY MONDAY. Henry C. Butler-, a 'merchant of Kirkmansvill., and on. of Todd county', prominent Citiien, died Monday of Brig-ht'a diaeaao. H. was 63 year, of ' ajr. and ia urvived by hi widow and two broth- i i- ek..;e n R ers, on. 01 wnom outi f-tVr. of Todd county. WUliam Duncsn ind Crol Ilollow.yin "Vengeance tnatne w o Ch ipter 3 "The Unsealed Puak.; 2DigActs. ., aaaaaaaaaBaaaa...WtaaMaW...alli "aaaaaaaaaaaaMaBBasaaai-" . - , O rwi. Kenvon In-Tb Hidden Hand." Fame Myswying ocrc... I Doris Kenyon in id. - g Ba-PjPjaa r t .Tua In "Birds Of a Feather' A 'rollicking comical riot of . 2 Act, of side spttip, farce. , , ; . Princess MondayDorothy DaHon in Flare-Up Sal.'?- j: Mrs. J. Moldenhower N. Y., mother of Mr. FnYlii""'' of this city, died last W.dneada at her home in New York of par alysis. e i I when 1 visitii V-5AES loldenhof MOTHER. CASE DISMISSED. NO NEWS FROM WM. JONES. -awl. -a 1 V ltafaft VtalWtl H COniei IU , M , ! a Mim awl K rflO t ' ZLa n Earlinirton thi wee Mr. John W. Jonea-r -SfdinK the w Mtainin! a woman wnn wiounneu tntehu'- Th. r... was lett wriUn b, the young- man on heard riLZ-A , F.b. 12 waa receiv.a wis w.c- . . : fill CWUST ventinn will be named. Thia is th. ! r.; ,i.!),l hum. hv hia I - 7 I .Hi-. " . r . . -.- most important meeting of th. year ym grandaughur but Mr. Trice 'and it is of rreat importance that m.inH in Tnmna. you be there. Don't forget th time jjr,. l, n, Lowery, of Pembroke, tonight at 7:30. visited Mrs. Geo. Connell a fw I T. H. MASON, Secty. dayi 0,1. Week. " ; M. D. Kelly DIAMONDS. FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND PLATED WARE SPECTACLES. . North Main St, Opposite ' Court House. ,H0PKIN$V1LLE, KY. Practical Jeweler and GraduaiTtrfilrisr. BSTABLISHID ISM . Th. INTELLIGENT, a ad WISE popU always patronis lb. ku.ia.M hoa of ..UblUk.4 nsiUlin ti konaat and equar. daaling, aad th. raliabl. work.hl. which t acqoirad only iT long yean of eprUc. Such ia th. novse M. D. Kelly. . ,E Ukti.kad ia HopkiBsvlll. la 1883. " . A Watchmaker of Acknowledged Superiority. m bk a . a at Mw,wBM - il 9 I i W. F. Cox Died at His Home la the Western Part of The County. t WAS 73 YEARS OF AGE fn the Family Burial LLot Near Where His Life Was Spent Announcing Our Initial; Showing of New: Spring Merchanfc And styles in ivieirs uothes ana rurnisnmgs Mr. W. F. Cox. one of the wenlth--Jeit and moat prominent citizens of thsWlrn Part f thecounty, died at hihome near Gracey at 6 o'clock We.lnt'cKv'"?- -'i Mr. Cox waj bprd n a portion oi the frm. where hd 'lived and was 78 year of e. Hi health had , been failing for aeve.-al years and ' for two or three year he had been an invalid. .... . U vii twk-e married and leave two children. Hi daughter by the first mariag. i th. wife of Mr. Frank Wilaon. Hi second wife, who was Miss ' Jessie Hunter, survives him with one son, Walter Cox, a prominent cituen of Gracey. , - ' Mr. Cox. was a Urg land owner f and was a man of liberal mean. He -. was a accesJul buinens wan and -was farmer -on a large seal!. I He enjoyed th. r--sict and con- ' . . II k.i Uni.iv him. The funerul services wure held at ...... Thuraituv afternoon nia niw .iiwi". - ' , . ... and the barial waa in the family graveyard ner by- SMALL BLAZE. - A acat cott-w at the extrem. ,d of E. 18th street, belonging to th Clymer hir. caught on flr. ntoy n'ht -5ut 10 o'clock. No . wioua damag. waa .done, aa th. fire d.part't mad. . quick run and txynifciw . . found that a sall hole waa burned -in tha floor. It waa not kiiow-. L th. fire waa of cci(JnUl . f incendiary orijjln. 3 j II e i-JMV ' "Hi flip i 111 a Vawi ruii Uart aWiMdatM 4 Mrs You men who think TWICE about the style of your hats will find Solid Satisfaction in these complete lines of Stetson, Knox and Youngs Hats for Spring '18. Fresh, crisp, sparkling, colorful, patterns and colors in our first showing of Spring Neck- . wear. ' Manhattan Shirts with new patterns thai breathe of Spring, with snappy colors and in several different qualities. Paices from $175 to $7.50. When you want fire, . tornado, l;fe or bond In , earsnce in tha Oldest " SnoriL-eot Companies see II. "a 'WALLACE office tp,"V.i, over Andron-Fowkr Drug Store, Corner Ninth and Main. Office 395, Reside. 46 .At" H HCPKIN5VILLE, iVt X Call and ; beeUs ' .