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DAILY KESTUCKIAN ASSOCIATED PRESS "ttAT norm. Vtl I ..i i; 13 rou." Dtablithed 1879 VoL XU-D.ily Vol. 1. No. 148 HOPKINSVILLE, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY. AUG 29, 1918. THE WEATHER. e4st M.W ef 7 - - - : : "ce 3 fV MUM AIRE t Thursday and Friday. CooUr r. Sdi'tonal Comment Walter Hince Pan, An to England, hai resigned en arcoant f 111 health. ona John Boynton, a soldier from Denver, at Camp Sherman, following quarrel ahot and wiunded hla wife and tn killed himself. 'SECOND DAY BIG SUCCESS Vilhjalmur 8tefaaeon. Arctic ex plorer and discoverer of the "blond eekimoe," la at Circle City on hla way up Ui Tukoa and on the out side yU Juneau and aoatheaatarn . Alaska, according to advieea received Fifty American cowboys and other .eWniani got Into the Nofalea fight the scrap devol- Pd teal skirmish. We now aoo rA President la keeping trained aeMlern at Camp Shelby and other soot hern rampa. The fight at Nor lea waa really a matter of shooting acroee the street. .which la the boundary lino between Nogalee, Arii.ona, and Negates, 800- ora. International street waa Uo battle (round until the Mexicans were pursued. . In the north the British are al ready acroee the upper end of the old Hindenburg Una and If their pro- rreaa continues they soon will be able to operate to tha east of the lino an unscarred ground on which tanks and ravalry can be brought into the fray with good results. Behind the lines everywhere French and British airmen are har air5 tha Germans in retreat, but in this work they are being met by Urge forces of enemy airmen, who sre fighting hard in a endeavor to r ie secure the retrograde movs- t of their foot soldiers. TODAY'S PROGRAM. Morning. Judging of Hereford and Angus cattle. Grand champion, any beef brood. Polled Durham special, offered by K. n. McGaughey. Poland China Hogs, special by R. H. M'Gaughey. man-power bill, bringing with srmy draft all men from 19 are old, waa paaaed Monday .Senate and a modified work clause. All efforts to change limits or to direct separate i.ion of youths under 21 fail e m rasa re now goes to con en the House and Senate Terence for serious contra ct the work or light provia- t at all unlikely that the i In Mexico waa something ' a mere clash Caranxa it America and Mexicans -. unfriendly and many e openly pro-German. It .,. t. Caranxa, who wished the Kauur i ".y more happy birthdays, is try!'', to "help soma" by doing sonvthi'K to stop tha ateady stream i f Aim" in who are going over ov v to take part in the Rhine. If so, it may to make another choice plea and furninsh Villa d amunition. LIEJAMES. of Senator OUia M. ' very prims of his use- I ublic calamity at this ; and vigorous, a gaint I tha most powerful po- in Kentucky or the of the leaders In xtic prty in tha nation, ue he stepped at onra In hip without tha usual pr !ubailon, and was tha rlgnt ti or President Wilson In all t legislation. At tha early I yer, ha has fallen at his 'i an endorsement given him I. . il.sthlxd without tha atking. To him came tha exceptional honor of presiding over two conventions that nominating a president His death will cause eal sorrow all ever Kentucky, for ha was without doubt tha most pvpu'u- man in public life in Ken lucky, liis place will be haid in deed to fill, because ha was a sis tee ms n and not mere successful poli tician. ii i IMWI . , ANOTHER STAR. Fenton S. Cunningham, ona of the young men in the list of aelectivea 'who lefi yesterday waa a linotype operator In the) Kentucklan omce. The names of forty-eeven AmaT'j. I.s waa a member ol to. u. and aaw, M Midiera killed on tha French tervkt on tha Mexican border. Last front Sre Included in tha 'casualty isii na wen uivauaea ana aiscnsrgca ut announced by the Afternoon Race. 2:25 trot, mile beat. S la I, parte (300. 1:1 pace, mile heaU, I la I, pane 300. Running, t-4 mOa dash, pom flfto Running, 7-1 sail dash, puree $100 Night. Metropolitan 8howi on the mid way. With the passing of tha cloud and tha re-appearing of Uic tan, the Pen nyroyal Fair give prom tee of being tha best in the history of tha ass tion. Tha exhiblta, which war not sll on band for tha opening day, ware all In place for yesterday and great 'a, ona or tna largest m years waa on hand. Tha Metropolitan hows are proving a hit. Many new and attractive devirea are causing lot of favorable comment among those present Among theaa are tha whip. Thia la an entirely new at traction to thia region and was the center of attraction last night It la a riding device, which gets Ha name from the Jerky motion which It has. Tha races were again very cloaa In the 2 J trot W. C. Jenkins, Fast Tramp wow handily it) 349 & taking alt three heata. Sievero't Victor Muscovite waa second in each heat. Rittiaa Morine won tha 255 pare In straight heata cloaely pushed by Joe Direct owned by Fitxgerald. The time waa 2:194. Mrs. Hubbard who won both run ning races Monday duplicated thia feat hy' taking tha S-8 mile dash with Patriotic Mary In 1.08. and the 7-8 mile dash with Dengro in 1:34. These were tha same two horses which won Monday. Following are tha awards in tha cattle rings: . Shortkeras and Polled Durkaass. Bull, three years and ever. Ham ner A Meacham, 1st, McGaughey 2d. Bull, 1 year and under 3, McGaug hey 1st, Hsmner aY Meacham 2nd and 3rd. Senior Bull Calf. Hamner A Meach am 1st, Holland Garnett, 2nd, Mo- Gaughey 3rd. Junior Calf, McGaughey 1st, H ner A Meacham, 2nd. Champion Bull, any ago, Hamner A Meacham. Cow 3 years old and over, Mc Gaughey 1st and 2nd, Hamner A Mea chain 3rd. Cow, one year old and under three, McGaughey 1st, Hamner A Meacham, 2nd. Senior Heifer Calf, Hamner A Meacham 1st Junior Heifer. McGaughey let, Hsmner A Meacham 2nd. Champion Cow, any ago, Hamanr A Meacham herd, bull and I females, McGaughey 1st, Hsmner A Meacham 2nd. Senator OllierM. James Most Prominent Leader - . . 'T In Kentucky Passes Away t aaaawtuaj m n i a swwiannain ta sasasaaJ,ssi.sM ojqsw ss. HAD BEEN AN INVALID K BALTI MORE HOSPITAL SIKCEjLAST SPRING 47 YEARS OJJ), MAO JUST BEEN RENOMINATED FOR ANOTHER TERM OF ' SIX TEARS. STEAMER E.RIC SUNK. The steamer trie, of 600 tons, has been (fnk by shell Are, presumable by the same submarine which tent four fishing schonera to the bottom on Sunday off tha Atlantic coast The ainking of tha four schooners by a German submarine off Point Platte, Miquelon, " apparently Indi cates that the U-boat la working east mariner said. Tha point where the vessels went down in tha farthest east that tha submarine has yet oper ated in its attacks on tha Ashing fleet. Gets the Deasoerali Neeaiaetioa foe U. S. Senate la Mkhigaa. (By Associated Preee.) Detroit, Mich-, Aug. -28. Incom plete returns today show Command- Henry Ford, Democrat, have been nominated by their respective parties Baltimore, Md., Aug. 28 Senator OWei M. James, of Kentucky, died at John Hopkina Hoepital her today of acuta affection of tha kidney. Mrs. Jaatea and the Senator's brother, E. H Jam, war with him when tha and came at 8:45 o'clock. Tha senator bad boon a patient in tha hoepital about lis month. Olll M. Jamea, on of tha leaden of the Democratic party and long a dominant Agar la Kentucky poli'.im, eerved Ave consecutive term ss a msmber of Congress front tha First Kentucky District, waa elected Unit ed 8tte Senator by tha General As sembly i ;12, and was renominated for that oAc by a large vote at the StsU priorary ea Aug. 3, last Bora in Crittenden county, K., Ju ly 27, 1RT1. aad educated in public and ecedemtr-erhooh) tn that taction. Jaawa took a early interest in poli tics and at tha rloaa af a legislative ion, during which h served as, . page, ne began In study ot taw in. Kentucky's crop Drosnocta at are the office of his father. Judge L. H.tnt may be eummarised an bevag i Jamea, and was admitted to the barihcat crop of approximately 12.192. ten THE SENATE AIEH1T U AID (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 28. Senate and House Coflfrcnee on the Man-Power Bill reached a complete agreemnt to-. day, eliminating the Senate "Work or Fight" amendment FRENCH AIM III A SU ADVANCE 8ECAPI1EB Ft II FlfEC.'" lie. ILLAffiS Fill) MEXICANS HASTEN TO ACOIM (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 28. The arriv al of Gen. Elias Callea Military Cover nor of Sonora, at Negates, to pre sent tha profound regrets of the Mex ican government for tha clash today between Mexicana and American troops, in ths border town, it sxpect- Th adoption of tha conferees ed to put an official close to the mat er Truman Newberry. Republican and T"m oy ootn tne senate and.ter. Tha action of Proaident Caran u r i n 1 , l i Houee immediately after they con-l xa in ordering Ceneral Callaa to ara. vane tomorrow la regarded as cer- ceed on a special train to tha scene in yesterday' primary at candidate U,in- 0nly th diPO' of one or two for United States enatora. . i",ln" ndmsnts remains to be ac Ford, who waa a Candidate on both '""l ""lorro on ticket, received thirteen thousand ,nine cf th' two hou,,, leaa than NewberryJ I THE AUGUST CROP WIT CITIZEN OF mm. I- DIED SUDDENLY OF HEART FAIL' URE MONDAY AFTERNOON. of the disturbance for thia purpose wss accepted here a a formal admis sion that blame for th affair rested upon the Mexicana. At the state department it ia aaid that no official notice hat been taken of tha clash until military authorities have made a complete Investigation. It is believed Ceneral Callea' apoli gies will be supplemented by expres sions, through th Mexlcsn ambassa dor In Washington. CAUGHT IN A DOUBLE TXA AND DIRE PERIL THREATENS THE WHOLE LINE. r Br Associated Pre?.) British Headquarter In Franc. Aug. 28 "Eeuter" sar hard Ar Ing continued fday. Th C' troop delivered another ttU tha court f the morning on Vk Ilk front af Av miles flanking Arraa CamKral road. Th Aght is rarrmg ihem right into th V artTTy U U Hinderburg Una. , French Armiea la FWId, An The French Thirty army todi turod Divert and poshing ano. tha autskirts of Noyon. French c ' ahry thit morning entered Ker,i;. French infantry took th town o C reset, two and a half miles auTL cast ef Neatl. RURAL 1 Mr. J. W. Wade, one of the moot Paris, Aug. 28 In a swift ad vene today covering mors than six mile at certain point th Frruch troop oouth of tha Sonsino recap tured forty villages, th war offlc an nounced tonight. a full year before he reached hi ma-'nnn Kn.hrl. Mnunj t a non nnn orominent ritixens nf PnkMi Jority. . ' ' bushels last year; corn 10,T7 4,000 stricktn with heart failure and died1 During the next four year he bushel, compared to 122.860.000 almost instantly Monday afternoon. leaped Into political prominence in, bushels in 1917; oat 8.029.000 bash! Hi health had been poor for om the western aection of tha State, and h was not yet twenty-five when he wss selected a a delegate to tha Na tional Democratic Convention at Chi cago in 1898 which nominated Wm. J. Bryan for th presidency. Out of tha memorable campaign that followed tha Chicago conven tion grew a close friendship between Mr. Jam and Mr. Bryan that con tinued through life, despite tha fact that their view war not always In accord. ! els, compared to 8,080,000 bushels time and he waa unable to engage' OF MRS. JENNIE EDWARDS, WHO last year; rye 449.000 bushels, com-1 In any activ business. DIED YESTERDAY MORN pared to 428.600,000 !bo grown last, Mr. Wade waa eighty-four years ITid. barley 138,00ft bushels, compared to. of age and a nstivs of Trigg county. MO.OUU busnets last year; Iran po-ne was one oi tne most nigniy -; Mrfc J,nni. Edward, who for sev- tatoes. ,u,oou Dusneia. comstrtdi cium pi on community inn ; ,i kM ! ..,. u,,.,,,. an active member of the Methodist' p.,d ,way yterdey morning at wt viiiot via ovuui w iiinw osiri w to 6,720,000 bushel last year; and 361,171,000 pouns of tobacco com pared to 426,600,00 lebs. grown last year. Corn haa been badly damaged by tha drouth in some sections, but ths late corn" may be able very largely to overcome tha damage if tha rest He waa twic married and ia aur- t Her condition had been critical for It was tha ringing speeches in da- fen of th Chicago platform that 0f the aeason be favorable. Arot attracted nation-wide attention! Although th tobacco crop ia ap- ta th young Kentuckian and placed ' p.rently seriously cut. In thia tat. hint at a eingla bound into the Inner by th drouth it should be remember counciU of th Democratic party of j that tobacco can grow out wonder hia homo ttat. fuiiy fmm drouth daman In a very Big Dills." ai James waa familiar1 ,hort time Ute In the aeason. and ly known to thousands, attended Ave former reports of great drouth dam democratic national conventiona aa tg9 to tha tobacco crop have often a delegate from Kentucky subsequ- proven deceptive because of quick nt U th Chicago convention and e-rowth Ute in th season. However, served a permanent chairman of the, the crop in Kentucky haa apparently conventiona or 1911 and 1818 which been seriously damaged. Lat potatoes will probably yield i. a u .lii i i , . - . cnnuren, mciuaing; tim, ,,, WM BK John T. Wade who ia now serving' ct, , . 0 with th American expeditionary - Mr- Edwad waa about 79 year force in Franca. I of age and was a lady af lovabl runer.1 aervlces.- conducted by' on,Ut, ,nd her death causes Rsv. W. P. Gordon, were held at the de,p r.Kret ,,,. her tarf, elrcl home yeaterday morning. The bur- of r.n,i. she ... . life.lon.- m.m. by the ber of the Methodist church. ial aervicea were conducted Masons and interment was in Rose dsl cemetery. nominated President Wilson. II waa largely instrumental in having tha Kentucky delegation to th Baltiiaor convention vot for Champ Clark ' and waa himself a staunch supporter of the Mlssourian, but aftsr tlie nomination of Presi dent Wilson ha became an ardent supporter af tha latter and frequent ly eerved at bit tpoketmin in the legislative chamber. Jamea' boyhood ambition to serve in Congress wtt realised ia 1902, when th age of 81 ha began the first of hia Ave consecutive term from th First Kentucky District Short ly after hia election to the United TUESDAY'S LIST. Congress, be cams a law. Bit re-notntnetlou at tha state wide primary on August 8, after hia opponent had virtually eliminated himself by asking hi friend to no,n- War DaoarUl Insta Jamas, cams while ha waa ill and came home and registered and wet Tuesday. Ninety-thre are mis ! at John Hopkins tt BaKtmor. where waa pieced in CUua Ona. His health ,-. iB ,ctio- i30 wounded severely' he had haea confined almost eontin- bly, the constitutions! amendment providing for the election of senators better thsn tht early crop. Tha buck wheat crop, near Somerset, la report ed in good condition, with an incr td acreage. The crop reports for tha entire United States Indicate about 878,- H37.000 bushela of spring and winter wheat together, (tha spring whest yield helping cut the drouth-damaged winter wheat crop) compared to an averago of 809.345.000 bushels, 1912 -18 inclusive; corn 2,989,975,000 bu shels compared to an average of 2,- 761, 252,000 bushels, 1912-16 Inch ?vs; outs 1,427,778,000 bushsls, com pared to an average of 1.296,406,000 SUU Senate by the General Assena-otmshels; barley 231,876,000 bushels. compared to an average of 201,625,- 000 bushsb; rye 76.6J4.000 bushels, by popular vot, a measure which compared to an average of 44,547, naving laiprovea. no waa arawu wim ,nd ,iteen died of wounds, one d ed ' since Tab. 1 C Urt ot nis cis.s and sent to Csmp 0f sn airplane accident, seven died vlcr. He leaves a yeung wife to ot du.e and thirty two were Wound V t married i:ty day tgo j,d tht degTt"udtenaiH, ' Id th dramatic eventa that led up 000 bushels; Irish potatoes 391,065, 000 bushels, compared to an average of 361,753.000 bushela and tobacco l,227,ti3l,OO0 lha.fumpared to an aveiage of 1,033,357,000 pounds 19 12-If inclusive. H. F. BRTANT. Field Agent - YOU Mrs. Lillian Gillock haa compiled the following list of 34 white and eleven colored new registrant who registered Aug. 24. WHITE. Herbert Lea Adams, Frank Bryan Bowie, Leonard Henus Boyd, Rob ert Nathaniel Brumfteld, Harry Can non, Luther Knox Cansler, Robert McKinley Cox, Raleigh Morgan Dick arson, Charley Dover, Elmer Agan Gerard, Taylor Procter Gilkey, Har ry Douglas Goods, Clarence Eugene Hammonds, William Wallace Hen derson, William Thomaa JacLvn. Clarence Elmer Jones, Jim Wesley Jonea, John Leslie Jones, Willie Jonee Aaron Kilgore, George Alfred Long, Wesley Mabry, William Thomaa May ton, Garvey Edgar McCord, Terry Edward McGee, John W. Minor, Jr., G. Bryan Owen, Ben Perdue, An drew Rabold Quarlea, Walter Morton Thompson, Otis Turner, Louis - E. Wada, John Jonea Word. COLORED. Otho Anderson Brinkley, N'oten Bronston, Edward Caldwell, William Clark. Paul Dicksrson, Willie Doug las, Hubert Given. W. B. Hooks, Robert Jamison, Lee llillon Smith. Willie Weaver. Alvin Wright. Sha wss a nativa of Montgomery county, Tenn., but had lived in this city for tht past tight year. She ia turvivtd by two children, Nick Edwards and Mrs. Fannie Cheatham; and by two slaters, Mra. Mary Cole lint, of thia city, and Mrs. Martha McCulloch Williama, of New York. Funeral aervicea will be held thia morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will be in Riverside cemetery. JOHNSON-McKENZIE. Mr. Hirry T., Johnson and Mise Lillisn McKenxie were msrrisd at 2 :30 yesterday afternoon at the home f the bride's parent, Mr. and Mra. W. A. McKansi. near Oak Grove. It was a quiet home wadding with only a few intimate frienda present Mra. G. T. Smith, of Clarkavllle, sang. "Bcllve Me If A 'Thoae Enduring Young Charms." Miss Julia Henryl played Mendelseohn'a Wedding March Rev. Lewia Powell pronounced the ceremony. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Johnson motored to Nashville, where the groom ia connected with the Du Pont Powder Plant He ie a eon of the Ute John Johnson of thia city. Tha pretty brine ia ona af South Christian's most charming and popu-, lar girl. POSTMASTERS MEET. Two' hundred Kentucky postmat ure from all parts of tn J'.e Tues day bi.-n a Iw-d4)fs convention t H tel Henry Watterson. Tke obis. Three nums loesl boys have arriv ed safely overseas.- Thuv are Herbert Joe kellv. who has been ln tha rftv 1 Ji'h;'.an. j,kn and James Miller er inn,, lima nn a fnr!t!,-K 1fr !. ' f IKa ha. c.a t. ia aiii'i IJ iatttr f Cracer. i'' "' -,New Tork tu iom V s!v" ' " " " ' " v- x v " Biitish Headquarter in France, Aug. 28. Tha British have carried Croaille Isnvourt nd Fly aad tha French hav taken Marchelpot TTief Germans factn the nttleit forces from Arras to Soissona tvery where are in dire peril. j On almost every sector of tha bat tle front, the enemy lino continued I to crumble before th allied attack. notwithstanding th violence born c desperation with which th German ar countering. Near Arraa th old Hindenburg lino ia rtow well out flanked. From th Scarp river to th Somme, th hostile line la generally retreating and from tha Somma, south of Sola sons, th enemy front has literally been tmtshed with th German hosts apparently caught in two distinct trap. Their escap without heavy loasea in guns, prisoners and mater ials aeema almost impossible. The first trap ia a triangle formed by tha sharp curve of tha with Perrono at tha appex. Thia tri angla a a little mora than thrwa miles wide and eix mile deep. Tha Germane In It are fighting with their back to tha river on both th nonet and the east The French troops sprung their second trap when they penetrated th Carman front, over a front of 19 milea to a depth of teven miles, short ly after tha fall of Chaulna. They are Mill going forward. Tha Americana are Aghting with tha French northwest of Soiaaona in an effort to outflank Chemin-dee-Da max. Th Germane hav triad to cross th vesle aoutn or Bechoehea un successfully. Berlin stye that 2it Americana war taken prisoners. and heavy loss Inflicted., f . ' AND WILSON WON I , "Tha next few weka will be a r, betwen Hindenburg and Wilson." said Lloyd George, tha British Prima Minister, in a speech delivered t fcd.titurgh. May 24. In view of tha outcome of tha sec ond battle of tha Marne, there can bo no doubt that Wilson won the race. The AU-lligheat may issue procla mations .to hia depressed and disheert nd troops, telling him that . the Americaa armies and numerical su periority do not frighten as," and that "the desperate sfforta ef the en emy will, aa hitherto, be fiuled by your bravery." but nevertheless and notwithstanding, Wilson won. and Germany la beginning to rerlue that Wilson won. New York The Empress f Germany is i'l i ki conditio it bV v' J '. i 7 ,Ceatiaud ot Fourth Pag.) Av