OCR Interpretation

Crittenden record=press. [volume] (Marion, Ky.) 1907-1909, March 25, 1909, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069458/1909-03-25/ed-1/seq-5/

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Kf.- 'r . -'" Ei l
ge nva. Y'M
MARCH Cth 1903
v.flr :a i
We propose to prove beyond question, that we have the prettiest, and most
complete stock of Spring Suits for Men and Boys. Dress Goods,
White Goods, Silks, Lawns, Batistes, Linens, Spring Jackets, Embroid
eries Laces, Rugs, and Druggets ever shown in this County, and its
up to you now.
No matter how hard you
are to fit, we can fit you in
a suit No matter how hard
you are to please in pattern
we can please you if the cloth
is made, and if not give us
time and wecan haveit made
If you want something nice
in knee pant Suitsyou should
see ours. We have them in
Plain and Knickerbocker.
Do you vvant Something New in
Spring Dress Goods? Then See
what we have in store for you.
Compare onr line of25c ties with
other people's 50c ones and you will
find the difference is 25c. '
Just In receipt of another lot of Hats
Hats and Caps.
Don't forget that
we carry in stock
the largest assortment
IMatings and
Lace Curtains in the
county and we are
satisfied with small
We do not expect to
sell everybody all the &
shoes they need, for
some people don't S
care whether they S
get good shoes or S-
not. We sell the
Good Kind.
Spring Oxfords for Men, JJ5
Women and Children, in Jr
the New Styles and the kind
that saves you money, gT
gives comfort and service, fcw
. W.Nunn.duotUt, Pre" Buildin
Horn Monday March 22od, 1909.
to the wife of .Union Cannon a 131b.
toy, mother and son are getting
long well.
hand bags and bar
Jap any kind, any quanity any whero;
we pay freight. lliohuiond Hag
Co., Richmond, Va 37 lOt
Mrs. .1 H. Daughtry. of Union-
town, left Tuesday for West Texas,
where ijio will be the guest ot Mrs.
I'. K. Biggs. Morgatifield Hun.
Ilarvoy Moore, of Princeton, was
the guest of friends hero Sunday at
the home ol .Mrs, and .Mr. (ins
Mr. and Mr-. W. H. Yanddl haro
rccurned from St. FN.,
after a pleasant Mijourn of two
I FOR SALK:K!gs for latching
'B., Brown, white and Huff Leg
homo, S. 0. and It. C. It. ( Reds.
C'ookrcls aim. W. (J. Pabmi.kv,
41 1m phone y. l.ols. Ky
Miss Sallie lluii'l, of Princeton,
is I lie guest f Mr. and Mri.
3us Taylor.
Stephen II. Hunter, of Sikehton,
Mo., arrived last week to spend a few
iavs with frkmW and relative lirrr.
All kinds of ll.ru.jiK and
Ilcpaircd. Prices at
it Walk rb.
Sam Uugouhciui in tho Luui
tiIIc and Uine'iiiuii nnrkou ilii
Itcv, A -I 'I'li iniun . iil iriMcli
at the l'r'Hbtriir ulitnoli, , IJumoiI
States of America, Suiul i) tunning
and evoniug.
The most el?jaiit f I'ari.'Un mi-
eru hats will ! foin.l mi Mr.
IJavidsoo's next uu i Fn-day.
, Cnuntv Attorney Wulior Kmuo
nTj City Miirshnll Win. Mooniu'll,
K of Kuttawa, wcro liuiu ihis wuuk,
aoh Having Piipnrtuiit In -fore
the court.
Miss Grassham and Miss
Rapolea will be delighted to
show their old friends all
up-to-date millinery at Mrs.
E. L. Franklin's Saturday
Earch 27, 1909. Salem, Ky.
Dr. J. I). Thrulkeld, of Salem,
Iwas here Tuuidny homo from
Dawson, whero s largo iDterest.
F.W.Nunn.dontiit, Press Building
Green li. Crawford, of Tolu, ws
in town Tuesday,
Mrs. Davidson will show the latest,
smartest and moat exclusive creations
in spring and summer millinery
at hor opening on the 26 and
26 of this month.
Qus Graves, of Faducah, was here
atteding court this week.
C. S. Jackson, of Frcdonia, and
W. H. Groves, oi Dvousburg, were
I are Wednesday attending court.
Mrs E. L. Franklin desires
to announce her spring mill
nery opening on Saturday,
March 17, 1909. Everybody
cordially invited to attend.
Senator Maxwell went to Kvans.
villc Tuesday afternoon to moot Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Strarkley, of Ard-more,
Okla., who will pass through
enroute to Paducah from Cincinnati.
Itev. Hamsoy will preach at tho
Southern Presbytorian church next
Sunday morning and evening, and
at Doan's school houso in the after
noon at 3 o'jlock.
By reason of tho large patronage
I have rcceivod in tho past from tho
ladies of Marion and surrounding
jnumry, I wUh to thank them for
tho same and state that this season
find me with a larger and better
-took than ovor before, -Mrs. David
(Mr. .?. H. Daughtery, of Union,
town, spout Tuesday night with Mrs.
I 11. Shuttleworth at tho Princeton
hotel. Mrs. Daughtery was on her
way to Texas Caldwell ,Co. News.
FOH UKNT: The J. B. Champion
residence next door to Dr. T.
A. Fruxor on Dopot strcot. Apply to
T. .1. Yandkm,,
or S. M. .Iknkinh.
Mr Suan Glenn who spent th
winter in Florida tho guost of Mr.
ind Mrs .1, .1, Bennett has roturned
W. S. Birehfi'eld and wife, o!
Shady Grove, were in the city Thursday.
Mrs. Birchflold is the leading,
millinery at hor homo town and has
hpnn for several yoars. The ladies
of that vicinity patronize Mrs. Birch-field
My dear friends of Crittendon Co,
After months of illnqsR I am abie to
do ropair work again. Work of all
kinds guaranteed. You will find
me at tho Frank, Wboolea rosidonoo.
v Ivan Wilcox.
John Hubbard, who is well known
in Princotonand Caldwoll county, is
gow with tho Now York Storo whero
ho will bo glad to havo his friends
oalland soe him. County
Just received a car load of lime.
Omvk A Walker.
C. W. Metcalfe, our hustling iee
plant man, is putting in a new 15-ton
ice plant at Dawson. Ho expects
to have save in operation ibout
May 1. -Caldwell County News.
Mrs. John Bebout, of Paducah, is
visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. T. LuttreJI. -Sturm's
greatest laying ohickons. Eggs
50 cents at my house or 75 eents delivered
at express office.
MiH8 Fbanckh .Jackson,
' Frcdonia, Ky.
R K. No. 2. box 41 lm
Mrs. Oliver Hurley, of Marion,
came up Sunday to spend a couple
of weeks with her parents, Mr and
Mrs, Eddie Jones, who livo near
town. Sturgis News-Democrat.
FOB SALE Two hundred soft
maple trees at 20 cents each. Two
yeas old. W. D. Haynkh, Marion,
Mrs. J. W Given and daughter,
Mrs. J. G. Bourland and little Mildred
Bourland woro the guests of
Goorgo Givans at Princeton last
Mrs. Mitoholl Henson, of Frcdonia
valley, was hero Friday and Satuiday
Her husband is on the petit jury,
Elmer Braswell, of Alva, Okla.,
arrived last west and is the guest of
friends bore.
FOR SALE. A good mare, splendid
worker, good walker, sound and
can be depended upon to do her part
of any work. Cash sale. Jno. B.
Paris. Marion, Ky.
Dr. E, Champion, of Lyon county
given ono year in tho ponitontiary
for participation in tho Birmingham
raid, will be turned out this weok,.
having served out his term, lesa
eond timo of ono month. - Cajdaell
B. F. Cartwright, of Rddyvllle,
was here this week in charge of
John Boloy, a convict from Henderson
who was wan tod hero as a witness
in the Slaydaa oase. His testimony
was givB Tuesday.
I have all the tobacco I can
handle and can not buy any
more at present.
A. B. Jarvis,
By S. T, Depey, Manger.
MosBrs Lawson and Cskow, of
Marion, were in the city Tuesday on
the lookout for a location to estab
lian a maohiDO shop and open a stock
of heavy hardware and mining sup
plies. They woro well pleased with
the prospect horn but wcro unsblo io
find a building to aocommodato them.
If thoy decide to 0011.0 ihoy will hovo
to build. Providouuo Enterpriso,
Don't fail'to go in Piereo's Building
on Salem Street row.
When in need of Fresh meat, Don't
fail to 'Phono.
And hear George Thomas' smiling
I bu? Fresh Groeencs, Always the
Just give Your Order to Diok Pick
ens and ha'll do the rest.
Corn, Bran, and Hay,
When Deliverad Expect the Pay.
With Kindest words to All who Ow,
Tho Farmers' Grocery ob Salem Row.
Pleaso Call in Morning, Noob or
You'll Find Your Account Just and
Whereas the report has been circulated
that I was hired by Jno. B.
Paris to make the race for County
Suporintondeat, I hereby state that
he and I never mentioned the subject
in any way and that he knew
nothing of my announcement until
aftor it was made. Whoever started
the above report has willfully and
ma'icionsly started a falsehood.
F. D, Stone.
8TOCK PEAS Just received a
nioo lot of Fresh Rocleancd
peas. Wmvbr &Walkxb
In order to faoilitato tho seleotion
of teachers for the school in Division
2, it is hereby understood, and
agreed upon by a majority of trustcts
of said Dsvrsion that eaoh. trustee be
and is hereby authorised? to select a
teacher or teacher fjw kis respective
districts for tho Behoof year 1909-10.
said ohoico being subject to the
action of tho Division BomkJ meet,
ing tho last Saturday in Juno. 1009.
This March 11, 1909.
T, E. Gkikkith, Chairman.
W, G. Conditt, Secretary.
'Our business in Ind. needs us there
Uily friends my samples are tncharge
of brothor Ivan at our residence on
north Mai street, Plcafie givo him
part of yourjtrado''
Yojw llepeotfully,
MV. Jf'NA Whkklkb."
Chas, Mow. who came over to
vote in the, vuiary and spend a few
days with Kis rulativcs,hcro, left ear
ly last oek (or bia homo in Offona
To Be Given Away.
A $2.f)0 Premium Ham Froc.
One ohanco with evory $1,00 worthr
An extra ohanoo with every lOo pur
chase of Swift & Co. 'a products
until Saturday, Maroh 3, 3, o'clock
p. 111 Premium Uhius Bacon and
Lard nlicolutoly tho tipest sold,
lluniURU Gbookrv Co
The lislcil Clife.
Tho Musical Club was delightfully
entertained Saturday afternoon by
Mrs. C P. Noggle from 2:30 to 5
The hostess bad arranged an interesting
programme on the celebrat
ed American composer, William
Mason. Muoh good, as well as
pleasure, was derived from the
various topics discussed concerning
her great work and teachings.
A contest consisting of "musical
synonyms" proved to bo an
feature of the meeting.
Refreshments consisting of chicken
salad, coffee. and sandwiches were
and, enjoyed by alL
A few minutes were aside for
the transaction of business.
The following motto for the . Club
was adopted:. "There is music in all
things if men had ears."
Miss Ina Price was electod
and four new members were
reoeivcd in to the Club.
The now members were Mjs. Levi
Cook, Mrs. R. F. Haynes, Mrs.
Thomas Clifton and Miss Nelho
lhe following programme was
Dance Rustigue, Mrs. W. V.
Haynes, Miss Sallio Woods.
Tocalallia, Mrs. Jenkins.
Simple Avon Orchestra, Mcsd.
Jenkins. Travis and Tuoker.
Vooal duot, Angelus, Mesdamcs
Walker and Orme.
Die Jagd, Miss lna Price. .
Milady's Bower, solo, Mrs. Walk
cmilrei Wbe ire Sicily
Mother who value their own comfort and the
welfare of their children, thould never be without
a box of Mother Grav't Sweet Powder for
Children, for uie throughout the season. They
b ak up Coldn, CurePeverishness, Constipation,
Teething Disorder Headaohe and Stomach troubles.
br all Drue Stores, ssc Don't accept an substitute.
A trial will be sent FREE to any
who will address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRor
New York, Mar. .-is. Apr, is. Mar June 17
Morgintowe Meeting.
The Rev. James F, Prico and J,
C. Minner are having a great reviv
al at Morgantown. They had nine
teen professions Monday and the
meeting still increasing in interest.
The peoplo of that town claim thoy
havo not had so great a revival for
eight or ten years,
On Sunday afternoon, Maroh 21,
.Mr, Charlie Howerton, son of R. L.
Howerton of tho Repton neighbor
hood, and Miss Burna Johnson,
daughter of Davo Johnson, drove up
to the residence of Rev, Martin E.
Miller at Marion,' and were united
in marriage.
They did not get out of the buggy,
but after tho ceremony wn perform
ed drove away as happy as Turks,
d looking as bright as the sun
shine of that boautiful Sabbath day..
The bride is an unusually pretty
girl, with a lovely disposition, attractive
and much beloved by her
friends. The groom is a farmer of
sterling qualities and a splendid
young man.
They wore accompanied by Miss
Kittie Howcrton and Mr. Luther
Rowland, Miss Lillie Postloweight
and Mr. Rafus Johnsoo, and quite
anumber of friends witnessed .the
Mr. and Mrs Howerton will go'te
housekeeping soon, carrying . with
them the belt wishes of their many-friends.
Vnter HyiMtUt Cultf ti UrtM.
We aae pleased to announce the
coming of Prof. Hernstreet, who is
rated as the greatest mind-reader and
hypnotist of the day. Prof.
has played many of our neigh
boring towns, including Madisoaville
Greenville, Litchfield, Hopkinsville
and others, and both people and"
press speak in the highest terms of
his work.
He will be at Marioa Wednesday
night, March 31, and two ladies, or
ono fady and ono gentleman will be
admitted on one full paid ticket if
at the opera house before 8 :I5 p. m.
Admission 15 and 25 oents.
Ethel B; Lofton, daughter of J.
G. and Mary C. Lofton, was born
January 11, 1878; died February 2,
1909, aged thirty-one years and 21
Brownio had been in poor hcalthr
for several years, but was not considered
daogorous until a few
weeks previous to her death, when
that dread disease, consumption,
seemed to take afirm hold on her.
Everything was done for hor that
loving bands could do, but the end-soon
canio and she passed away peacefully
and happy. She was laid to
rest in Mt. Zion cemetery, attended
by a largo onncurso of relatives and
friends, Revs. J. B. Adams and R.
C. Lovo conduoting the burial ser--.
vice-. She professed faith in Christ
at Hurricane several years ago.
She leaves behind bee a mother.,
a brother aud a sister, and several
half-sisters and a half-brother.
As a true friend I would admon
ish these desolate, aching hearts to
take comfort and oonsolation in the
sweet reflection that tho parting is
only temporary, and look beyond
life's dark vale where, at best, only
a few days are bright, to a happy
meeting in a better home than ,
man hands can prepare.
It must be so, and we shall there
enjoy the full fruition of "pleasing
bore of fund desire," and that "longing
after immortality" that comes to
all at somo timo in our lives to lift
us above the disappointing and un- .
satisfying things of lifo.
Her friends wore legion and wo all
miss her.
A Fbikno.
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