ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE WAS FIRM lfi REDUCED TOBACCO About 5,000,000 Pounds Less On MsrJtet This Year Buyers Refuse To Poy The Eight Cents Fries. The Action May No! Prove Final As Another Appointment Was Made For This City Next Tuesday. (Bv Jamks Banks.) For three days, bcirining last Thursday, the buyers representing tlic Imperial, the American, the Itegif, Gallahcr Limited, aud also representing other manufacturing have been -ample of Association tohacco dram from the 11M)J crop grown in the counties nf ('ritteuden, I'uion, Webster, Hopkins and Henderson. Buyers have been here from Owens-I) ri. Malionvi!le, Hopkinsville. &npj liiior. t:i 1, as it were, to the homy buyers. With these, or with tffvevnl of these, the district committee lias been in conference. And in consequence the committee is pretty accurately advised of the requirement of each and all. There is only pooled to the Association this yai, or, ay to .t0te it in another yay, l tic Association will have, as a close approximation, only twenty-six million pounds of tobacco of the 1 1 0 1 crop lor sale. I say "only" : the Asiociation sold and i .u million eight 1 fijhtj t.'iiu p.tunt.s of the 1 !' crop. Of the UM-s to bacco prized, nine hundred h uhcuds Have boon uld and tliirtv five died boghead remain unsold. Alter I inch brief, pertinent break in con- j tjnuii, turn we airain to the KIOJI cror'. "Advice of our rciuirnicuts," said the buyers n the committee, AND PREPARES TO PRIZE "make known to us your price." "The price is eight cents," the committee, ''the same fixed by our members in magisterial district meetings." 'We can't give eight cents," answered the buyers. "Then it is up to the Association to ptize," responded the committee. So much of the conference I have chosen to report in dialntiuo form for the s'ake of condensation vouching for the ppntixl accuracy of the same. Recognizing the limitations of the powers of tho committee the buyers made no bids, ' Is this, then, a finality?" Mem. bers will ask. .Members may judge for themselves when 1 tell thorn the committee has an appointment to meet tho buyers in this city again next Tuesday afternoon. From which it would seem neither party regards tho conference just closed as a finality. It is only logical to conjecture tho committeemen have gone home, each to his sevpr.,1 counties, to learn if numbers ai" of the suite mind and resolution as to price as when the Magisterial meetings worn held. The committee is only concerned to loyally carry out tho wishes of tho members ouly desire to act in ac cord with the will of a majority of the members. Within the next few dajs wo shall see what we snail sec. ) ..Venetian" Calendar for 11)10, jographed in thirteen colors and gold, but. all the issues ol The Conmanion for the remaining weeks of 11)0!), from tlie time the subscription is received. TUB VUI'TH'S COMPANION Companion Building, Boston, Miss. New Subscriptions Received at this Olliee. KILLS HER FOE OF 20 YEARS. ' 1 "The most murcilous,"enemy I had for twenty years," declares Mrs. Jcano Duncan, of Hanesville, Me., "was dyspepsia. I sufiered intensely after eating or drinking and could scarcelysleep After many remedies had failed and many doctors had gave me up. I tried Electric Bitters, which cured me completely. Now I can eat anything. I am 70 years old and am overenjoyed to to get my health back again," For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Kidney Trouble, Lame Back, Female complaint its unequaled. Only 50 cents at Jaa. II. Orme's and Haynes & Taylor's. A Well Knovvt. Fact That no akis disease, whether from nternal or external origin, can long iniai.auu me iwo powerful gormiciueft, :EMO and ZEMOTONE, they destroj ho Harms that cuuse tho disease, thoy Iwajicuro. Wria 'orsinplf. E.WUoo 1 ltd. Co., St. Louid. All Druggists eelllt. YOUNG GIHLS AKB VICTIMS headach, as well as older women, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build up your health. Try them. 2,j cents at .las II. Orrr.e's and Haynes & Taylor's 250 (.mid Stories. The V u t Ii Cnipanion abound.- in stirriiiL' stories of adventuro and tin........ n. ...... .1 ..,..: I... ... .. iitu.".... vuc ujuj uusu.iuu u us- oa'o from accidouta! peril, another a strange encounter with wild creature man or bnaft. Many of thee stories arc true as to fasts, and onlv disguised as to and places. A score or morn nt such stories will bu published during 1010 iu addition to nearly liUO otlors 2&0 good stories iu all, no t.wo alike. And tills is not counting tie &erial stories, which it is believed will be considered by old Companion readers as tho best The Companion hH ever published, Rvcry new subscriber will find it f pfcial advantitre (n snnd at once ' ?1.7li for the new 1U10 Volume. N't only does lie yet the beautiful I HAS SUPPLYS FOR SALE iKIi fry, fr -. .i.&Mtfiaiu, ., ftWjfcff&,$Uj! . Succnsstul Meeting. Urn'. James V, I'rico has hold a successful meeting at Corinth chinch in Loxun county. There thirty three professions and fifteen additions to the church. He is now in u meeting at Liberty church in higati l'pisbytorj. Thin) have becu twenty one prolcsdons to date and a deep interest. The nicctint; will cutinup this week. mUMBLE WOMAN LIVING IN MOItfiANFIHLD. ! Great Society Favorite In Washing j ton City During Youll). i 93 Years Old. Perhaps but few people living iu and Vomit eMiiiiy km w that here in Mnrganficld resides oi e of the remarkable ladies of the United States, a lady who is seen to walk about our streets and almost every week of the year going from l' house calling upon and conversing with Iter friends. Many people know her, though but few arc informed us io her tcmarkable career. Her name, is Mr. I.ottitia Bristow, who has for time lived with .Mr. 1!. L. Jones and family, of this city .She is now nini vthroo years old atid is as spry as many ladies who has not lived half licr years. . ... ... ct.- :. ii ..l I l tnining and delights in tolling of her giilhomi dn. s, says the Morganliold Post. Wiikn A Youno Laiv. She was a great society favorite in Washington City during the administration of President Tyler and other presidents of that period. She has heard many of the greatest orators 111 the nation in their famous speeches which included the speech which made Henry Clay famous. She tells of her stage coach journeys from Washington to to Kentucky, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and other points West. Enjoys Fink Hkaltii. Mrs. Bristow is enjoying the very best of health and never takes medicine. She walks through tho streets of Morganfiold to any part of tho city to visit friends and says she enjuys the out-door exercise. She is a great reader, spending considerable time reading prcseot day litcra. turc. Madisnnville Hustler. This remarkable woman is the aunt of Mrs. Horteusc (Calmcs) Jones, of MorganGeld, of N. K. Calmcs, Editor of the Record-Press of Marion and Ben Bristow, one of the most highly honored men of President Grant's cabinet. She is now visiting old friends in Hopkinsvillc near where she was born. CROOKED CREEK. Corn is gathered and some of ou farmers arc through stripping their tobacoo. Miss Minnie Paris visited E J. Corlcy's family Wednesday. Jesse Fritts and family visited at Calvin Johnson's Sunday. Miss Grace Deboe, of Craync, spent last week at E. J. Corley's Forest Hcrigen apd family visited his father's family near Oak Hall Sunday. Mrs. Ira Clark visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Johnny Fritts, Sunday. Bcrnic Marvel has built a new house on C. M, Davis' farm J. W. Arflaok has rented his farm to H. S. Driver and John and family have gone to MorganGeld, where he will'work with tho hammer, tho cVb.iI and tho saw. . Mrs. Lummy Fritts visited Will er ' ' v. r " ?---,- rv c. Ki 11 1 r and in mil v Sunday. Soaio boys paid It. C. Fritt's apple house a visit a few nights aj.o and helped tlicinselvcs to the apples and canned fruits. HEBRON. Bay Dauv'htroy was in Marifii Saturday Mrs. Kd Cook and foo, Lacy, visited relatives at Blackford last week. Mrs. George Howell, of Blodgett, Mo., was in this section Sunday. (J. K. Thomas and wife visited relatives in Tolu Sunday. John Vaughn and family spent Sucdaj at Ki on. George B.rly spent Saturdjj r.nd Sunday with his son Jim, at Tolu. K. T. Franklin and family weic in Marion Saturday. Bob White has u new buggj to say nothing of other thing". Miss Minnie Umkrdowu, Mutl'inn, risited tier parents, Mr. and Mre. 11. P. UndorJowti, Sunday. Miss Stella Watson uont to Marion Friday. Lyell and Virginiu Kaslo), Ma' toon, visited their father, AI Kasle. Saturday and Sunday. Born to the wife of W. J. Belt t twin biby girls. Kvcrybody that possesses a gun is bird hunting. Miss M'nnie Pans visited her brother J.oiinie 1 aris, ol brooked , . , . , tj'cek neighborhood. Grant Graves and family visiwd Mrs Nancy Paris Sunday. Ed Cook and J. Ii, Easley were iu Marion Tuesday. Roc Williams and family were in Marion Saturday. HORSE DROWNED NEAR DACUSBURG H. F. HAHHACK OF THIS CITY AN0 BEN SMITH, A ORIVEK, BARELY ESCAPE. Team aud Hack Plunge Into Muddy Waters 0! a Swoien Stream. II. F. Haminack, of Marion, Ky., travoling salesman for an Kvatmillc Hardware house, and Ben Smith, a driver for Willetl's stable of May-field, had a harrowing escape from being drowned Monday afternoon near Backusburg following the heavy rain ou that day. Thoy were driving two horses to a light drummer's hack and were unable to cross a creek. A farmer, realizing their predicament agreed to pilot them through his field where the stream was navigable. All went well and they had crossed the water and started up the embankment when one of tho hordes balked, the vohiclo to rull back into the water. The team fell and sank in tho deep wator and the hack was cipsized throwing tho haggagn out-One of the horses was rescued by hard and faithful work while the other animal could not be extricated from the swift and muddy wators and was drowned. Tho baggage was saved oxnept a grip containing two fine gold watches and other valuablo articles, which was swept away by the wators. Messrs and Smith got soaking wet and also had a close call from meeting death in tho mannor of tho horse. Tuesday the hack and dead horse weio pulled out from tho creek, tho waters having subsided sufficiently to allow them to do so. Hamraaok and Smith left Wednesday morning to finish their trip. mmr Iri Do you think your nerves all gone, and your stomach ton P Has ambition to forge r.lieod in tiis v.utld left youp If so, you might as well put a btcp tc your misery. You can do it if you will. Dr. Pierce's Colc'cn Medical Discovery will make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver to work. It will set thlnf.i riht inlyour stomach, and your appctilo will come back. It will purify your blood. If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption, it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after consumption has alnost gained a foothold in the form of lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is given free to all who wish to write him. His great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice. Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substitutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr. Pierce's medicines arc of known composition. Their every ingredient printed on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit-forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Save Money in Cereals The best and biggest bargain a housekeeper can buy is a Mother's Kit Go to your grocer and ask him to show it to you. A complete assortment of different delicious cereals for palate for every meal. Not only is it economy to buy your staple cereals in sufficient quantities nt economical prices, just the same as it is cheaper to buy flour by the barrel and butter by the crock, but in every Mother's Kit there is in addition to the saving In cash a special Fircles3 Cooker Certificate, equal to 18 coupons, which when added to the coupons from the packages iu the kit enables you to secure a wonderful Fircless Cooker by merely adding 89 cents. A Mother's Kit consists of IS assorted packages of Mother's Cereals, packed insanitary sealed packages, in which they are guaranteed to keep in perfect condition indefinitely. 8 Packee of Mother' Oati, (tancinrd tlze. 1 Pnckaeo of Mother' Corn FlaLn flox lr '). 2 Package of Mother' Yellow Corn Meal. 1 Package of Mother' White Com Mor.l. 2 Package of Mother" Granulate J Momir.. 1 Package of Mother' Wheat He art. 2 Package of Mother' Conr.o Par. Homi ly. This kit can be purchased at your eroccr's by simply payinp SI. '?5. The grocer himself will either reJeem your coupons and deliver the S3. 75 Firolcsi Cioker, or, if you so desire, send the coupons and i9 cents directly to us and c will iliip the Cooker to you, express collect. If your grocer does not keep Mother's Cereal, write to us, giving his name and yours, and v.r will send you free a useful souvenir. The Great western Cereal Company Omrating mohc Oatmeal .Mius than anv otiilr one concern AKRON BOSTON NEW HAVEN PITTSBURGH I Kiugston the NCW YORK I'HILADIXPIIIA CHICAGO ALBANY ST. LOUIS The place to get good Photographs is at T. D. Kingston's Gallery nearly opposite the If you want Pictures and Good ones, call at Gallerry nearly opposite post-office. When you want a photograph of yourself or child at reasonable prices call at the Gallery in sight of the post-office. Kodol For Dyspepsia and Indigestion If you Suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on the Stomach, Belching, Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, etc., a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly Kodol supplies the same digest Ive Juices that are found In a healthy stomach. Uelng a liquid, it Marts digestion at once. Kodol not onlydlgests your food, but helps you enjoy every mouthful you eat. You need a sufficient amount of good, wholesome food to maintain strength and health. Hut, this food must Iks digested thoroughly, otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result. When your stomach cannotdoits work properly, take something to help your stomach. Kodol Is the only thhrg that will give the stomach complete rest. Why? Because Kodol does the same w ork as a strong stomach, aud does It hi a natural way. Photographer So, don't neglect your stomach. Don't become a chronic dyspeptic. Keep your stomach healthv and strong by taking a little Kodol. You don't have to take Kodol all the time. You only take it when you need it. Kodol ia perfectly harmless. Our Guarantee Oo to your druggist today and get a doN lur bottlu. Then after you luivuused th entiru contents of the bottlo if you can honestly say that It lius not done you uny good, return tho bottle to the druggist ana lie will refund your mouey without Klst. Don't beiltute, all druggists know that our guarantee Is good. This offer applies to tho largo bottle only and to but on In a family. The large bottle contalns2J4 times ns much as the flftycent bottle. Kodol Is prepared at tho laboratories of E. U. Do Witt & Co., Chicago. All Druggist ijJHk vy1! each month. very M1 r'imZaaaaW sold via the Cotton Louisiana, Texas W of these low fares and now open in the limit gives you ample bV going and returning. to Texas from Memphis It operates mm I sleepers, chair from all points with Cotton Southwest until aaVaV M aVaaa. . XaWl . Vl WeaaaV me aaal nJaV T VaV aaa aav W At f &n . show you how you complete VvftSKjMHP Sold by BMvW Sufi On'.h'j lit and 3.d Tuesdays of taw fare round ti in tickets will be 13'ilt Kout3 to points in Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Ta!:eadvanta,e investigate tht won '.rful opportunites Southwest. The 25 day return time, and you can stop over both The Direct Line The Cotton Belt is the direct line to the Southwest, through Arkansas. two daily trains, carrying through cars and parlor-cafe cars. Trains make direct connection at Memphis Belt trains for the Southwest. Do not delay your trip to the the biir omcrtumtics ro eone write where you want to co. and I will cheap you can make the trip and give Do You Feel This Way? feci all tired out P Do you sometimes you ii'r.t can't work away at your 6ion or itade any lorvcr? Do you have a poor and lay a.vahc t. a fh'n unable to sleep? Are schedule, etc. I will cLo send you fieo c.r books en Tcxai and 'i'!' Count n " in ci Ion. L. C. BARRY, Traveling Pasaengcr Agent 83 Todd Building, LouitriUe, Ky. aiPi i j . J u