- r
r r u j- i , on-
E. L Harpendmg. Notary Publ.c
Dr. J. D. Threlkeld of Dawson
Springs, was in the city Monday.
., Close-out price on White
Skirts at Lottie Tinsley Terry's.
Mrs. Harvey Moore, of Prince
ton, is the guest of her sister,
.Mrs. Gus Taylor.
Horse and mule feed duiry
feed, hog feed and chi cken feed
Prices right at Wheelers' Gro
cery. Hunter Moore, of Owensboro,
is visiting relatives here this
Have your tires repaired now
The roads will be good in a few
Marion Steam Vulcanizing Co.
Miss Mary Weldon, of Padu
cah, is visiting friends and rela
tives here this week.
You have elected the members
of your Fiscal Court. Now help
them solve the road question.
FOR SALE.-Duroc Jersey
Sows end Pigs.-S. M. Jenkins.
Miss' Mariam Blackburn, of
Taducah, is the guest of friends
and relatives here.
Do you Ret up at night? Sanol is
urely the lost for til kidney or blad
der IroubUs. Sanol Rivet relief In 24
hourt from til backache tnd bladder
troublea. Sanol It t guaranted reme
dy. BO cent bottle at the drug ttore.
Mr. Henry James and Fred
Crayne, of Ridgway. III., were
the guests of friends here Satur
day and Sunday.
The following counties have
voted the 20 cent road tax:
Pike, Martin, McCreary, Owsley
Wolfe. Fulon. Livingston. Nel-
aon, Shelby, Henry, Carroll,
Often, Franklin and Grant
Insure your tobacco crop
now irowlnl afainst hail.
With the Hartford Afency
time tried and hail tested.
tf C. G. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix G. Cox
t ave returned from Dawson
Springs, where they have been
sojourning the past week.
Special prices on coat-suits,
for a few days only, at Lottie
Tinsley Terry's.
Mrs. Dora Wilcox and her
daughter, Miss Rolline, were in
the city Saturday on a shopping
Miss Miriam Blackburn of Pad-
ucah, is the guest of Miss Eliza
beth Cook.
FOR SALE-Full blood regis
tered Chester White pigs f 15.00
each 3 months old. Have only
a few for sale. W. D. James.
R. F. D. 3. 3tp
Mrs. M. E. Croft, and daugh
ttr Miss Ruth, have gone to IV
toskey, Mich., where Mrs. Croft
goes each year to avoid hay fev
WAN ILL)-Furnished room
and board within 10 minutes
walk of Post-office. Give price.
Address E. J. M. Critterdcn
Record Press.
How much damage is done to
your vehicles because of holes in
the roads. -
The Kilpatrick graveyard wil
be cleaned off Saturday Septem-
17th. All interested are request
e land othera are invited to bring
tools and dinner nod ipni tl.c
day. Preaching after dinner.
W. H. Reynolds,
Rev. James F. Price,
New line of fall hats just it
ceived. Felts, satins and vel
vet tit Lottie Tinsley Terry's.
For sale, some gco i, used auto
tirea and tubes.
Marion Steam Vulcanizing Co.
Don't forget that you pay a
heavy road tax in repairs, be
cause of bad roads.
. Mrs. L. N. Sisco and her two
aftractive daughters Misses Glen
'ra and Lemah,. have returned
14 - A I .-! A. it..!.'
worn a iwu wet us vish wi uieir
"any fiiends and
Southeagt Mo
relatives in
FOR SALE-One Large Frame
tobacco barn, 40x52 feet.
4t Geo. W. Stone.
Mrs. Fannie Hughes, of Cen
tral City, Ky., is visiting her
sn, J. A. Hughes, on North
Walker street.
Mrs. Minnie Shuttlesworth
and her sister Mrs. E. B. Lang-
ey from Pittburg, Pa., left
Saturday morning, Aug. 10, for
Anniston, Mo., to visit their sis
ter, Mrs. W. T. Daughtrey.
Don't throw away your old auto
tires and tubes have them repair
Marion Steam Vulcanizing Co.
Charles Bealmear, Verna Sum
mers and Dr. J. V. Hayden of
Salem, passed through the city
Saturday enroute to Dawson
Springs, to spend a few dayB.
When pastures begin to fail
try our Dairy feed to help out.
R. F. Wheeler.
Mrs. Peail B. Mc Adams, went
to Ashland Friday to visit her
brother, George Thomas Lawson.
Before returning 6he will meet
her eiiter, Miss Elizabeth Law
son at Logan, West Va , where
they will be the guests of Mrs.
E. Rucker in her mountain
Jus, because a man is a good
citizen is no proof that he will
make a good County Road En
Mrs. Richard Bebout of Sheri
dan, Ky.. is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Ella Woolfe and relatives
of this place. -Livingstone En
Jersey heifer calves for sale
from 1 month to one year old.
J. Robert Bird
Mrs. Julia Miles left Saturday
for Salem and Hampton to visit
old friends and neighbors in the
vicinities where she formerly
When you have Backache the liver
or kidney are ture to be out of gear.
Try Stnol, it doet wonder for the liv
er, kidney and bltdder A trial- 60c
bottle will convince you. Get it at the
drug ttore.
Mrs. R. L Hardy and Baby
Hardy left for Atlanta, Ga.,
Thursday afternoon to join Dr.
Hardy who is traveling in the
south and has his headquarters
in Atlanta. They will spend the
fall and winter there and in
New Orleans.
FOR SALE -Ford Tourir.g
Car. Late 17 Model, in gcod
shape. Good tires. See
Walter Guess.
Mrs. Wi A. Swansey, of near
Kuttawa, died Aug. 9th, at 6 A.
M. was buried Saturday after
noon at Glenns Chapel near her
home. A large congregation as
sembled there to pay the last trib
ute of respect, and the floral olT-
eriegs were beautiful. She was
Mist Pearl Jones before her mar
Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Moredock
are entertaining a house party
at their home cn North Main St.
Their guests are Miss Helen
Koune of Bardstown, Ky., Mr.
Mat ion Thrasher of Lewisport,
Ky., and Mr. Russeil Lawson of
Weit Tell City. Ky.
Mrs. Verlie Coffman ot Morgan
feild was here last week repre
senting Western Kentucky State
ft, .ait .
Green, Ky. She was the guest
o( Mis Ethel Howard and her
many other friends while her.
Misses Irene Moredock, Elizi
beth Rochester, Vivian Roches
ter and Helen House uud Messrs,
Marion Thrasher and Russell
Lawson motond to Hill Spring
Saturday and had a picnic dinner
"Service That Satisfies"
I have bought the Hert Yates Pressing Shop equip
raent (the best pressing outfit ever in Marion), and
have had it put in first-class condition ffr
Special Care and Attention Given to Pressing
Mr. Gleaford Rankin, an experienced presser and
clothes shop man, will be in charge and do your work,
and it shall be our constant aim to serve you promptly
and well at all times.
Also, we are prepared to take care of your needs in
Dry Cleaning Ladies and Gentlemen's Clothing.
and your work will be called for and returned promptly.
Let Us Have Your Business. Satisfaction Assured.
Concrete Building Opp. Hotel Crittenden
You ctnnot enjoy a good meal if you
have indigestion. Mi-o-na stomach
ttbleta are guaranteed by Haynes &
Ttylor to relieve the worst ease of
stomach trouble. 1
Miss tivian Rochester mot r-
ei to Salem Sunday and was ti.e
guest of Mrs. Cade Gray.
Miss Katherine Hughes spent
several days last week in Union-
town, where she was the guest
of relatives.
Insure your houses, barns
and live stock with the Hart
ford Agency. Marion Ky.
tf C. G. Thompson.
Shelly Franklin, of Vandocser,
Mo., is visiting friends and rel
atives in the county.
STRAYED-From my farm
Saturday, one Poland China male
pig. Weight about 50 lbs. Re
ward for its return.
A. J. Baker.
Prof. Chas E. Thomas of Rose-
burg, Ore., attended the Crit
tenden County Teachers Insti
tute here last week.
FOR SALE-Fine farm 1 mile
south Gladstone. 200 acres 50 in
timber. Well watered. Good
house, 2 barns. Good orchard.
Joe B. Walker,
Imp Gladstone, Ky.
Mrs. Creed Taylor returned to
her home at Marion Saturday
morning, having been the guest
of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Baker
since Tuesday. -Sturgis News
Mrs. Lottie Tinsley Terry has
returned from market at Louis
ville. I have several good
farms for sale close In,
also have town property
and mineral rights.
W. E. Belt.
Why don't the taxpayers in
sist upon none other than com
petent men handling the road
Marion meat market managed
by Mr. Sowders has fresh meat
at all times. Barbecued meat
one or more days in every week
Kev. James r. l'rice hvlJ a
splendid Country Life Confir-pr.-e
r.t Liberty, Tenr., I.tst
week. There was a large atten
dance, a Tine line of speakers
nnd a fine program rendered.
He was at home in time to enjoy
the Flag Pay Service at the
Main Street Presbyterian Church
last Sunday. This week he holds
a Country Life Conference at
Crider, Caldwell Co. He goes
t ) Water Valley Saturday to be
gin a protracted meeting.
Miss Mary Ray of Fredonia,
arrived Monday to be the house
guest of Misses Irma Perry and
Elizabeth Rochester.
Our meats are choice and will
please you. Try us with an or
per Sowders.
Emanuel Stephens, of Pem
broke, Christian county, has
been the guest of relatives and
friends the past week.
I pay for corn l.GQ for hay
$20.00 per ton. These are my
buying prices. Bring all you
have to sell. -J. M. McChesney.
C. R. Newcom and family, of
Owensboro, Ky., arrived Mon
day to visit friends and relatives
here and in the ccurty.
FORSALE-Briscoe automobile,
5 passenger. 38 horse cower.
191K. model, run 8000 miles.
Good condition. 1600.00 cash
takes it-O. Augspurger. U. S.
Vet Insp.
Mrs. Robert S. Graham and
little eon have returned to their
a en ...
nome in r aaucan after visiting
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pierce.
E. E. Phillips of Gladstone.
moved here and took the position
as trouble man with the Home
Phone Co. He rented the W. B.
Rankin house on Morgan field St.
Lawrence Hard is leaving
New London this week for his
ship the U. S. Steamer Patter
son, a destroyer, now at the
Philadelphia dock. He has the
rank of quartermaster, first
class. '
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman H. Fos
ter and their little daughter.
who were guests of relatives here
several days, returned to their
hometodayon their plantation at
Mullikin. Ky.
Homer McConnell, Carl Frazer
and Glenn Springs left Wednes
day for Indianapohs where they
will be trained for service.
Mrs. T. A. Morrison of Ada,
Ukla., whohas been the . guest
of Mrs. Elizabeth Pope and Mrs,
Wanton Wiggins left Wednea
day for her home.
Anthony Hughes, of Munford,
Tenn., is visiting his brothers
Ym. Allie and Lee Hughes of
this county,
The Christian Church in this
city will be dedicated next Lords
day itt tl'e 11 o'clock morning
service. The exercises will be
conducted by the pastor, Elder
S. E. Harlan. There will be
special music. The many friends
of that prince of good fellows,
Rev. Harlan and his noble tnd
faithful little band are indeed
glad to know that their church
building is now paid for and free
of debt
Marion, Ky., Auk. 14th, 1918.
All persont having claims against the
estate of the late A. H. Ctrdin, are
requested to present tame to the un
dersigned or to A. C. Moore, properly
8 15 Mrs. Zylla. If. Caedin,
Executrix of A. H. Cardin, dee'd.
City Patrolman Siler Says Famous
Via Hepatica Prescription Help
ed Him Out Considerably.
City nightwatchman J. L. Siler, who
resides at 381 N. Belleview Blvd., af
ter a hunt of five years for something
to put his liver in right thape, was
considerably rundown until E, C. Phil
pot, of Nashville, told him to go down
to Weiss' Pharmacy, Main & Union
Sts., and get a bottle of the great Vin
Hepatica prescription and take it.
He at once made a dash for this pop
ular drug store, wnere he found sev
eral others buying this wonderful liver,
stomach, kidney and bowel remedy,
and got hit firet bottle.
"I had been suffering for five years
from an inactive liver, had no appetite,
was all rundown," said Officer Siler.
"But since taking Vin Hepatica I feel
more like doing my work than I have
for years. I really enjoy my work
now, and I gladly recommend Vin He
patica to all who need real tonic."
If you suffer from indigestion, weak
ness, or any other trouble caused by
disordered stomach, liver, kidney, or
bowels, or you feel in need of a real
good spring tonic, come or send for a
kottle at once to
J, li. 0RMF,
Marion, Ky.
Married at Providence
J. D. Hunt, Providence, age
48, to Miss Mary Stewart, age
24, of Marion, Ky. Enterprise.
' Wanted Hides.
At the Marion Meat Market.
Will pay highest cash prices.
J. R. Sowders.
Quarterly Conference.
The Quarterly Conference of
the Tolu circuit will be held at
the Hurricane Camp Ground on
Wednesday, August 28. It is
confidently expected that each
Steward will be present, and
that a full financial report for
the entire year will be made,
both on Salary and the Benevo
lent claims. '
E. F. Goodson, P. E.
The Texas Wonder cures kidney and
bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures
diabetes, weak and lame back, rheuma
tifm and Irregularities of the kidneyt
and bladder in both men and women,
Regulates bladder troubles in children
If not told by your druggist, will sent
by mail on receipt of $1.25. One small
bottle is two months' treatment, and
seldom fails to perfect a CLre. Send
for aworn testimonials, Dr. E. W.
Hall, 2926 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.
Sold by druggists. Advertisement.
Popular Lisman Couple
Wed at Marion
Bryan Blankenship and Miss
Eva Lane, both prominent young
people of Lisman, were united
in marriage at Marion, Ky., Wed
nesday. The bride is the charm
ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.
E. Lane and the groom is a pros
perous young farmer. Enter
United States Senator Ollie M.
James Reported Slightly Worse
On account of the extreme
heat Senator James is reported
worse, but strong hopes arcstil
entertained of his ultimated re
For Softanlng Leather,
A band-operated machine to knead
the stiffness out of leather bat bees
Invented by an Oklahoma man,
1 T
Anotker Call From Rhodes.
(Continued from page 1)
Spencer' . . 10 0
Taylor . . 26 8
Todd . ' 20 0
Trigs . 20 0
Trimble 14 t
Union . 20 ft
Warren . . 60 IX
Washington 76 O
Wayne . 42 0
Webster . - . 15 IS
Whitney . 60 1
Wolfe . .69
Woodford . 2 U
Lexington . 20 10
Covington - . 0 14V
Newport . 40 9
Louisville . 254 81
Eld. J. A. Hunt passed away
Aug. 3, 1918. He was born Dee,
14, 1854 age 63 years 7 months
and 20 day. He was married
to Miss Amanda J. Herrington
May 7, 1874. To this union was
born eight children, William H.
John W. James O. Mary B.
Lieuellen, Albert Everette Mar
tin L. and one infant, of whom
only three with his wife survive.
Being, William H. of Mexico,
Ky., Everette of Sikeston, Mo.,
Lester Martin now serving his
country in the U. S. army sta
tioned at West Point. Ky. He
also had one adopted son, Ora
He professed faith in Christ in
1877 and united with the Pleas
ant Hill church 1878 waa chosen
deacon of same church in 1890,
and also was ordained to the full
work of the ministry Aug. 1896
and has been pastor of Pleasant
Hill for a number of years was
pastor at the time of his death.
Bro. Hunt was a kind husband.
a loving father and a friend to
all He was a man that will be
missed by all who knew him.
And was a victim of tuberculosis.
Funeral services was conduct
ed by Eld. T. P. Moore of Sardii.
Tenn , and the remains were
aid to rest in the Paris cemetery.
A friend.
Nice Cows For Sale
Several good Jersey cows and
heifers to be fresh soon. Can
be seen at my father's farm one
mile northeast of Marion. Also
one Delaval Cream Separator.
Harry' Johnson,
8 15 4t Route 4.
Violin, Voice And Piano
I will take a few pupils in
.a T
voice, and on the riano ana
Miriam Pierce.
In Her Mother's HomeSayi Tits
Georgia Lady, Regarding Black
Draught Relief From Head
ache, Malaria, Gulls, Etc.
Ringgold, Oa. Mrs. Chas. Gastos.
of this place, writes: "I in i user
ot Thedford's Black-Draught; in fact.
It was one of our family medtolnei.
Also In my mother's horn, when I
waa a child. When any ot us child
ren complained ot headache, r.jually
caused by' constipation, she gave ua
dose ot Black-Draught, which woulJ
rectify the trouble. Often In tit)
Spring, we would have ca!nr? ar.d
chills, or troublea of this klud, v?e
would take Black-Draught pretty rtt
ular until the liver acted well, a..l
we would soon be tip and around
again. We would not be without It,
for It certainly boa eared us lott of
doctor bills. Just a dose ot Black
Draught when not to well uvea a
lot ot daye In bed."
Thedford't Black-Draurtt hat been
In use for many years In the treat
ment of stomach, liver and bowel
troublea, and the popularity which It
now enjoys la proof ot its merit.
If your liver It not doing Its duty,
you will auftr from tuch disagree
able symptoms as headache, bilious
ness, constipation, Indlgnnflon, etc,
and unlcsa tomstbing la done, tsrloua
trouble may result
Thedford's Black-Draught has been
found a valuable remedy for thee
troublea. It It purelr verotahls, and
acts In a prompt nnd natural way,
regulattot the liver to Itt prflpor
function and cleansing the bowel of
Impurities. Try It. Insist on Tted
I tsrd s. the original nuU g.uulnt. & 7t