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Crittenden record-press. [volume] (Marion, Ky.) 1909-191?, August 22, 1918, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069460/1918-08-22/ed-1/seq-12/

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When one es the hurror of additional colleges an training!
willcryoutinanguUh.whyl t . .,. .
,, Z '.r .'centers for soldiers in the stu
niubi h oei is u worm an ine sacrincv: , ... ...
But for the herowm of Belgium, M Qtf nis Rl training corps
for the sacrifice of France, but for the 'brought to 257 the number of
will of the United States to take up sued institution ready for or
the tirfht for democracy in its la.t Kan:ztion at: d tquipment. De
For Infants nnrl Children.
Better than Calomel and Quine. Contains no Arsenic.
As well cs a remedy f r Chil's ar.d Fevers, Malariul Fevers, Sw amp Fevers
and Bilious Fevers. Just what you need at this season.
Mild Laxative, Nervous Sedative, Splendid Tonic.
Try it. Don't take any substitute. At Druggist, 50c and 51.00
v fnr.tf r.ts l!Tluid Dra
stand, Prussia would now be ruler of,
tails of the plans for the corps
with relation to the new draft
Europe and by this very day bo hurl
ing her spears at the United States.
Motli3rs Know Tint
Genuine Castcria
law .will be made known soon by
the wur department.
Dr. Gilchrist
Bears tho
3 AVctiel.ibkrrToraralionror
; iiimin-.iw'""'
Hughes' Chill Tonic
Government Sends an Urgent Call .
The President of the Civil-Service der arms, 43 per cent.
Commission rejently wired: j Now lets see something of the enor-
"Ntid tor sttnographtrt and tgpists at rnous loss of life, now we can only
Washington grouis mort acati daily. ' jve the correct figures as near us we
Incrtait effort all possibli." i can get, up to Aug. 1 1917, and you
The Government and business con- who have watched the reports will a
c?rns are short five hundred thousand res with me when I say the loss of
bookkeepers and stenographers, and uves since then is enormous. The
are offering beginners salaries never 'grand total was 14.8o3.0UU killed,
before heard of. j wounded and captured. Tne Central
The Government drafted our Civil- Powers loss was 5 Sf4.000. The Allied
Service Bookkeeping Set, and about was S 919.0UU. Russia alone lost
EIGHTY-FIVE per cent of the Gov- 4 400 uw).
ernment's stenographer write the j jlie nation that deserves" more s iu
Shorthand system that we teach THE ! patny than any other nation in the
BEST evidence that our courses are
Take, BY MAIL, our eight-weeks'
Civil-Service- Mercantile Bookkeeping
Course or our Simplified Shorthand
Course, the latter cnurae consisting of
THIRTY LESSONS, and we guaran
tee you from $50 to 12a a month an!
soon as you qualify. Money back ifi
not satisfied. Two hundred thousand
satisfied, money-making former stu
dents. Clip, fill out, and send us the
following coupon:
' Hathoillt, Ttnn ;
Send me, FREE, your book on
Home Study, and tell me about your
new plan of teaching the plan
whereby it is EASY to learn, BY
MAIL, Bookkeeping. Shorthand,
Penmanship, etc. This notice was
clipped from the Crittenden Record-Press,
Marion. Ky.
Yours truly,
J. Frank Loyd's Washington Letter
(Ccntinued from last week.)
j Name" j
Address j
11 1 1
If this stupendous sum was distributed griategt Generals the world has ever
equally among humanity it would give km,wri- it was he who won the battle
$66 00 to every man, woman and child j of the Mrne. it wia h who checked
upon the earth; it would build C.OOO j fcnj back th() mighty German
nd fivo hundred national capitols like !coumns and their marvelous fighting
tie ore; here Washington; and if j n,achmes, perhaps the best disciplined
made in one dollar bills it would takear,d traire(1 military organization of
2224 year, to count by counting nich lhe world has any knowledge,
bills per second, and workh.g eight seemt(j ,0 be invincible,
hours each day. It would be more . . . ,
than ninety dollars for every minute U was at Marne on one bright Sun
since Christ was born. In the past 125 ' T uthat three million men
years the six greatest wars only eMt hd each other to murder and kill,
twenty-one billion dollars, and one of h w" lhat bnKht SundayJ morn,nff
toem lasted 21 years, the Civil W&r that Gen. Jeoffr-commanded his army
lunifrwl fniip v)jirH- ipt thftAP fiiv arpflt.
est war. onlv dmvi the txntns cf thia I
..,mntU Tha ITnlf Ci.t.-'cet
a liiBt outi'ina sitiirtH annA tir lua '
congress appropriated $18 0OU OOO.CU),
and this congress will be far more. It
is costing the United Stales now t-i'J.-Oiu.000
daily. Just to give you su:ie
idea what ammunition alone costs in
. some of the great battles the battle at
iiosons last year the French alone in
the seven days battle expended one
hundred million dollars of ammunition.
Up to Aug. 1 1117 the Alius hod put
up fl7.C00.O(0.tU0, the Central poneii
$31,000,000.00(1, Germany $20 000 out1-J
O00, France $18,000,000 000, Russia $15
'KKl.ooO.OOO, and so n down to the
mailer nations. The nutional wealth
of the United States the tiisi of Aug.
1917 was $225 OOO.Ouo.OtU.. The ft talth
of the Central Powers, J. E. Germany
Austria Turkey and Bulgaria was $134
0ou.00O.00O. The combined Cn.tral Powers has an
area in square miles of 1.222 000
The United States has an trea ol
3.027.000 square miles, Kutaia 8.373.000
square rules.
The combined Alliib powers has an
area of about 18.000.0' 0 square miles.
Tne population of the Central I'ow-1
crswas 147.000.00t. The population
o( the Allies more than 4oo.0uu.000 the
population or Kussia alone was 170. Ooo-
Now let us see about the fighting
trength. The fighting stiength of the
combined Allied nations, kgcs,.from 18
to 45 in 114 was !M.!U0.0OO in Oct. 1,
1917 91.700.000. Estimated enlisted
trength October 1st, 1117 was 18 400-
000 per cent of man power under arms
27 per cent.
The fighting strength of the Central
Powers ages from 18 to 45 in 1M4 31-
000.000 um as Oct 1 1K17 20.050 000
estimated enlisted strength, Oct. 1,
i 1317, ll.d'W.OUO per cent of power un-
world, is poor little Belgium, a mighty
history could be written of tlvs Ititle
spot on the map, in 1014 Belgium had
a population of 7.600.000 souls, now,
the is all but annihilated.
We must not tail to think of poor
little Serbia, she has lost 1.1U0.000 of
her men,
Now let us see what Uncle
Sain can do in case of emergency.
France with man-power of 9 OuO.OW)
men, equipped and put in arms 6 400.
000. Now Uncle Sum with hm man
power of 22.000 000, can put on the
! battlefield 15 000. 000.
We will remember that in 1914 it
I was Belgium that checked tne mighty
card ut Germans, until r'raiue h;.i,i
1 ped and rushed nearly seven million
' men to the front.
j Belgium and France were f.rctd to
' do nearly all the fighting the first year.
' Belgium stood like a stone wall until
she was almost annihilated, then it
j was tbat Bngland sent to France her
' regular army of 160,000 men, the Ger
man Emperor called it the little con
temptible armv. That army was an
nihilated, one diviaun of 12,000 men
and 4UU officers, came out with 3,000
men and 5o officers.
Then it was that Great Briilan with
a man power of 12,0t0,0uO between 18
and 45 years rushed her mighty army
of five million to the front. The two
greatest battles. the world has ever
known, is the battle of the Marne and
at Verdon. I had the pleasure of speak
ing to Gen. Jeoifre twice while he was
here in Washington, he is one of the
luaianuanu uie un uie giioi miner
thn Kive the lood but
did not
kW Ol.1v Of) 8 battle
, and that is the battle
than t f) Msme,
of Verdon, it was against the slopes of
Verdon that wai hurled the mightiest
assaults in the history of man. It as I
here that civilization paused before
j that impact, then UiiereJ anj fell as
the Prussian hosts swept onward; then
rose again as the dauntless soldiers of
rrsnce responded totr.at watchword 'something to help maintain this high
of liberty, "They shall not pass." standard. New equipment will be re
It whs upon this ban li field that 'nnjred for some of the new courses in
800,000, men 500,000 Germans nd3'N,OJ() be offered; a larger and better library
French lajed c"un their liven, the'jg needed to tearh effectively the
main buttle ground of 3 1-2 acres of 'courses we no offer. We expect you
ground, it was saM that five men were 1 to help u get them, that the boy and
killed for every 9 iquare feet or every 3 girls of Marion and Crittenden county
feet square, in other words they would ! may have the tet opportunities,
be five men dtt) , tint k if it, We are expecting a large number cf
Today with all its devastation and Pul' fom the county to tske odvan
ruins, with all the sacrifice of life, with ! of tn now urp In Agriculture
all the sorrow it npresents, Verdon i we naI1 l,le ott:r tcaus- of
standi forth n the gr.atest monument I
to cjuratro. bravery and determination 1
of which the world known. 1
()f these 8 K),0o0 killed only i'i,(XH)
were found, the rest were shot awuy
either blown tack to the elements by
that tremendous fall of artillery shell
or else lost under the scored and pock-
marked earth which has been churned
amj turned over and over again to a
deplh In manf places of thirty feet.
We cannot read of these horrors
without being brought to d"ep reflect
ion. One cannot read and learn of the
suffering; endured by Belgium and
France withoat being saddened for a
lifetime nor ever expect lo have that
dreadful picture effaced from their
memory. Our boys cannot go and ser
and come back the same. Those whom
God permits to return to us will come
to us saddened, deeply religious and
lympathetic for human kind as never
Instruments for examining con
ditions inside as well as outside
of the eye. Glasses scientifical
ly fitted. Prices reasonable.
Office in Press Bldg., adjoin
ing Marion Bank, next to Mo
Connell & Wiggins' barber shop.
Carlisle St.. Marion. Ky.
Some Rules For Success
George Re) nolds, a well known
Chicago banker, says in the
August American Magazine:
"To sum up. therefore, these
are the essential rule?, as I see
"Cii ose your life wor tarij .
"Make your own ru!e3o; ten-
'duct early.
"Choose your friends careful'y
Do more than the routine
work of your job.
"Decide quickly in alfmattr.s
a-id net promptly.
"If right, iguore criticism; if
wrong, change without delay.
"Practice economy. Be neith
er extravagant nor niggardly. '
"Avoid depending upen your
friends. Give as much as you
receive from them.
"Practice diplomacy it smooths
the rough spots and gives you
the advantage on the next move.
Cultivate cheerfulness, to
enable you to carry the neces
sary and throw off the unnec
essary burdens.
"Indulge in sufficiert p'ay
and recreation to keep the body
strong and the mind vigorous.
"Be square with yourself as
with these with whem you are
V.'.,i -'- "lit ---
drljjkln Ut c u.s CiPl-S
dlrrboe.choli rmaiKloitM-f ri!?lr
IH ullomcf mili!no. At ii r
ltuorlrn)il p'rall. alu-
n.isna iat I . ....... .
jMarito Hign Scboo! In Class A.
continued from page 5
we are sure do everything necessary
to keep its schools up to a high stand
ard of efficiency. We confidently ex
pect a hearty and liberal response
from everyone when called upon to do
tn' ' we "celva under the
South llughei Act. We hope iIihuo
young people who como to us enrnt-
I ly seeking an education will not be
1 Ji'pnirnpo'l hy H''Mullis In finding
: places to room and tutird. Open your
nearts and nouses to mem, ir you
can accommodate any of them call the
Principal by telrphooe and he will re
fer pupils to you. Let us all v-k
together for the lest session in the
history of our school.
Kememember the date of the open
ing, Monday, September 9.
V. L. Christian.
75 More Colleges To Be
War Trainlnf Centers
Washington, Autr. 17. -Ac
ceptance today of seventy-five
1 V
The Kaiser called the Devil up
On the telephone one dy.
The girl at Central listened to
Ail they had to suy.
"Hollo," sho heard'the Kniser's voice
"Is old mur Satan home?
Just tell him this is Kuiser Bill
That wants him on the phono,"
The Dovil said "Hello" to Bill,
And Bill said "How are you?
I'm runnirg here a hell on earth,
So tell tne what to do."
"What cm I do?" the Devil sni I,
' My dear old K.iiser Bill?
If there's n thing that I can do
To help you, I sure will."
The Kaiser said, "Now listen,
And I will try to tell
The way that I am runnirg
On eartn a modern hell.
"I've saved for this for many years,
I've started out to kill,
That it will be a inoJern job
You leave to Kainor Bill.
' My army went through Belgium,
Shooting women and children down.
We tore up all her country,
And blew up all her ton s.
"My Zepps dropped bombs on citiei,
Killing both old and young,
And those the Zeppellins didn't get.
Were taken out and hong.
"1 started out for Writ,
With the aid cf puioiinus ga,
The Be'gionis darn 'em, stopped us,
And would not let us pais.
"My submarines are devils.
Why, jou should tee them rigM.
They go sneaking through the sea,
And sink a ship at sight.
"I was runnirg things to suit me,
Till a year or so ago,
A hen a man calied Wwdrow Wi'soh,
Wrote me to go mure slow.
"He said to me, 'Dear William,
We don't want to make you sore,
So be sure to tell your U-boits
To sink our ship; no m ire.
" 'We have told you for the last time,
So Bill, it's up to you,
And if you do not stop it,
You have got to fight u. too.'
"I did not listen to him,
And he's coming after me,
With a million Yankee soldiers
From their home across the sea.
"Now, that's why I called you, Satan
For I want advice from you,
I knew that you would tell ine
Just what I ought to d."
"Mydearold Kier William,
There's not much fur me to tell,
for the Yanks will make it hotter
Than 1 can for you in hell.
"I've been a mean old Devil.
But not half as mean as you.
And the minute I get you here,
I will give my j ib to you.
"I'll be ready for your coming,
And I'll keep the tires all bright,
And I'll have your room all ready
When the Yanks begin to fight.
"For the boys in blue will get you,
I have nothing more to tell;
II iing up the phone and get your hat,
And meet me here In hell."
Marlon Women Are finding Relict
at Last.
It does neem that women hv rn'trf
' limn a fair
shaie of tho aches und
pains inai anuci r.unmnry: nicy mint
"keep up," must attend to duties In
spite of constantly aching barks, or
headaches, duty spells, bearing-down
pains; they must stoop over, when to
stoop means torture. They must walk
and bend and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney ills.
Keeping the kidneys well has spared
mousanns or womn much misery.
Road of a remedy for kidneys only
that is endorsed by people you know,
Mrs. M J. Gibbs. W. Iii.llvil'e St.,
Marion, says: "I have used Doan's
Kidney Pills off and on for many years
with the best of results. Whenever
my kidneys have acted irregularly, or
my back hat been weak, or ached, I
have bought a box of Dosn's Kidney
Pills at Orme's Drug Store, and they
have never failed to relieve the com
plaint." Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy-get
Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that
Mrs. Gibbs had. Foster-Milborn Co ,
Mfgrs , Buffalo, N. Y. 8
i nclthcrOplum,Morphlnen
i Mineral. W NAH0I1C
x.iu Jj
I ( .ilV fy"
1 AheIpfulKfmoitfrf
ami Fcwrishncssi Ml
Loss ok H" '
fcxsct Copy of Wrapper.
AnJ here's to the hlu of the winj-nwept north,
When we met on the fielHsof France,
May the spirit of tlrant b- with you all.
A the uoni of the north advance.
And here' to the gray of the nun-kjs ed south,
When we meet 01 the fields of France,
May the spirit of Lue bo with you nil,
As the sons of tha south adva ce.
And here's to the blue and uray as one,
When we moot on the (Hds of France,
May the sj'irit of God be with u all,
As the soni of the earn advance.
-George Morrow.
The folhwinp; versi hai been aided hv th editor of
the Reco-d-l'ress, who has become poetically inclined.
And here's to the tricolor, of beiut' and urnce,
Held aloft by the oM uutr l in France,
May the Stars nnJ Stripes ive it holy embrace,
As the heroes of freedmn a Ivance.
Now is the time Unit your hi ns il!
moult or shed their feathers. 1 hi
process is rather slow and Nature
should be assiiited. II. A.. Thomas'
I'uultry Ketnedy will help your hens to
moult cauing them to shed earlier
and be ready to lay when tgirs sre
highest in the winter. If this ten:
does not make good, we will.
J. II. OUME, Marion, Ky
Millionaire It K4!td
When Auto Uyerturns intermittently interrupted.
Sandusky, O., Au. '20. -J. J.!'
Dauch, iriilio laire head of the!
Hinde& Dauc't Paier Omjiimy
of this city and his chtv rtVjr,
Harry Hicks, were kilLd urly
to-day when tli- iiutomobil in
which tlit-y were sptvdinj,' to
Cleveland skidded ur.d over
turned at a curve Feven miN'S
eatt of here. Dauch and HL-ks
were crusheil under the cir.
Dauch's wife and daughter, who
was riding wiih him, wore scr-
(.unit t-n-t
Woman Meets Death In
An Automobile Coilliinn
Owenshoro, Ky., Au. lG.-In
a collision between two automo-
biles on the pike near Hartford,
n Urno county, tonight, Miss
May Eastan was killed when a
piece of flyinjr ir'asn fntn the
broken windshield severed her
jugular vein. Miss Fastan, who
lived in Seco, Eastern Kentucky,
was visiting at the home of Dor
sey Martin, In company with
Mr. Martin and. other members
of the Martin family, they were
out riding. Dust obscured an
approaching automobile driven
by Carlisle Oldman, and the col
lision resulted. Both machines
were wrecked.
Signature !
For Over
Thirty Years
Aurora Boreilit Puts
Wires Out Of Business
New Yurk, Auir. 20. -Tele-itranh
wire service in a large
area in the Fast and West was
hampered to-day by the electric
al phenomenon known as the
, 'aurora borenlis, or "Northern
ylliKhts," First Vice President
(j. W. K Atkins, of the VesWrn
Union Company, said cable and
Ian J lines were ulfect"ii, espec
ially in New Ururtiwick, Niva
JSco'.mand Maine, service bt ing
Reasons! fe,
Why you dxuld U1
Cnrdtil. the woman's
tome, lor your troubles,
have been shown in
IhouMndi cl letters from
actual users cl hi; medi
cine, who Speck ironi
ppfsonal cxpeiicnce. It
l.'w re ,u!ti obtained by
r'h?r women tir so many
y:jr5 have tn-rnso tmi-
to unl-
rmiy good.
,l y not.
r.ivu Cardul a trialV
m The Vtas's Tcnlc
Jl Mrs. Mary J. Irvln, cl
l Cullen, a., writesi
"Aboul years bro, I
suffered unlold nrsrty
with le m8!ct''jtb!e, bearing-down
r-'is, head
ache, numbness . , ,
would ro lor three weeks
almost benl double . . ,
My husband went lo Dr.
i for Cardul . . ,
After Uklnjj aboul two
bottles bcKan noing
around and when 1 took
three bottles I could do
all my work." C-m
m A M ft w r

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