OCR Interpretation

Crittenden record-press. [volume] (Marion, Ky.) 1909-191?, August 22, 1918, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069460/1918-08-22/ed-1/seq-15/

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" : ,
Helping the Heat andHilk Supply
iSpfrcuU Information Service. United mat Department of Agriculture.)
f Wf&SZ-
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a7-r gY"' iiiiii
WIS, by the McClure MWip
par Syndlcataj
"I don't see wlitit you suld we'd give
them ten for, when you know we
huvpii't nny sugar I"
"Wlint difference does that maker
Some of our best families don't have
sugnr nowadays."
"Well. I'll liet the Clnrkson glrU are
rolling In sugar!"
"If thev nre. nil wo need to do Is to
shake them over tho cups, und there
saucers. Ana a sugar oowi mm
mntch, but whose glass sides displayed
proudly Its white and glistening con
tents. .
"The walking Isn't a bit better," ob
served Josephine, looking put the win
tlow. "I iipioso they will come In the
machine. I'll bet the chaufTeur hn a
hard time getting up this hill."
Hut no struggling automobile pre
ceded the ring at tho ball. The Clnrk
son girls called up from the door. "Just
a minute till we tuke off our creeper.
We don't want to scar your sinire
take yonr'a off, Jim hurry."
There was a deep tone among mw
voices In the lower hall. Anno peeped
over the railing.
"Jo," she whispered, "hustle out an
other cup. They've brongnt a num.
"May Jim como to tne party.
said Nornh Clnrkson. "Ho held us up
nil the way over, and I know ho is ex
hausted." . , ,
"Certainly." replied Anne, aliasing
.vlth til o- friMMl-loOKIIlg imuu-
linmm r-
(SPecUU Information Brvl Unltad BUte. IPUn.nt of Agriculture)
chv'V vPSSf wwsa
i,v-f tet
, V lip .
r. j..T.r-5-.:j(..r. -;
... ci.u 4k. Tahia Manv Times Oftenef
Suburban Pool Capaoie oi ru.n r.... .
Than Usual.
0m mmm m m
Sport of Fishing May Be Made to
Serve Nation's Food Needs
and Give Exercise.
There Is no more delicious mcnt than
frog legs. Yet with the exception oi
few hotels widely scaiiereu biuub
the lakes and a few of the streams,
frog legs are rarely served. Around
practically every pond of any consid
erable sue there are enougu
properly utilized to furnish an occa
sional meal nnu to iunusu
sport In shooting or otherwise lawui,.
ttenuon 10 nsu. aim
eas. Lakes, Rivers and Ponds Offer
, Practically Unlimited Quantities
of Fish Living on Food of No
' Us to Man.
"fou needn't joke nbout It, Anne. fJ.ed JamM clnrkson. "but I'm nfrald
I have some pride If you nnven r. anu
ltn not colng to have those rich unra
sons coming here and thinking were
not ns well able to have things as xney
nre. even If they do enrry tUteen dollar
knwiin l.nira nil oovered over with
tiln-rushlnn fruit, and tassels.
"I don't know how you're going to
rot it I've telephoned to every store
I can think of and they all say the
unnie thlnff 'no sugar
"Telephoning and asking face tofnee I hesltnnt Hand.
nre two different things. 1 u ran om
nml .w nlidt I eon do."
"Toanniiinn Rruce. not In this bad
went her V
Hut Josephine hnd vnnlshed Into the
bedroom of the little tint.
it -n thn nrst Any of thnt "never
remenil.ered such-a" winter. There had
heen henvv snow fall, a thaw and
then a sudden freeze, with thick. hlacK
over evervthtne. And In the night
fho nentlier had moderated and rain
hnd fallen In torrents on the Ice. This
i i, . atlll ralnlnff. with a
hnnrr wind. It was n day when sensl
bio folk wore creepers over their rub-
On Kind of Bread That Should Not
B Mad. and Thre Kind. That Should.
It will be rather stupid lor mm. u-
cnuse we are going to knit.
pri.nn I could learn yon nugiu
start me on a nino-inrn squurv,
thnt whut they cnll thetnT
Maybe Josephine will tenon you.
She's the Instructor," sum Aimc -Josephine
came In from tho dlnlnr-
room. "My sister, air. i-iurnH.n.
"How do you dol" bowed Mr. v.inrv
. l.tui.i.hlne'a
son, gravciy unnwuro u -
"Krother Is dnffy over every in-s.
concerning me wnr, riui"" '
I supposo thnt makes you wonner wnj
ho Isn't In uniform, lies noing n..
sorts of esix-clnlly Importnnt go em
inent work. This morning he hnd to
get after some grocers, wno wit.hi
living up to the regnianons "i "
commlsHloner sugar shortage, you
know. Don't mind If I f'l. Ju'
"No, yon can't have too mnny wnrn
lng.H .
Josephine was frantically casting on
stitches. ,
Hut It wns really a very pienm
Cereals Other Than Wheat
Are Being Baked.
dough at once and place In loal I pan.
Urush top of lour wan i
rise to double the bulk and bake In hot
oven for ltt hours. in.
Housekeepers have been scrv n
whentless bread for months In th
form of quick breads. Many nous
.. manr hotel keepcra
' . .k..
Satisfactory Yeast Breads With ffj
wheatlcss bread thai couiu o
hand and bo tised for toast or for
sandwiches was felt tj au wno
tho pledge.
This Psi-per-ceni urrnu --r
meet this need:
100 Per-Cnt Bread.
... unuid. JV ciipfiit rroun
I mi.ir.pooiiful torn
II rak "(.
l t-poon(uls "
1 f(K
Problem Solved Both for Housekeeper
and Professional Baker by Ex
perimental Kitchen of Agri
cultural Department
nmiseVeeners as well as profession
al bakers have been working on the
unnly native to ponds and streams of
- it ii. . I ntit nmnnoni nvnr 111111 i unf ir Tfiivi rinii u u ij i - - . . ..
hlch much fewer people av.u u.-.u- - .-,,,. rrlJo " ;no , " , Mr. Clnrkson Urol.lem of how to make .ntiswcor.
selves than of flan, inai is in . r,- 'Tr' . , rn br bcr t wrt breads with other cereni.
In the good old IMbllonl way.
Josephine nppenred, clad In a very
becoming brown raincoat and little tnn
hnt. She wore brown boots and ridicu
lous low rubbers, and carried a brown
Sister Anne stood at her tower win
dow and watched Josepldne slip down
the hill, using her folded umbrella as a
staff. Anne began to chop nutmeats
r.p aonitu-trhea. wondering what her
i. ..i.i f.mr ab.iins or yarn
ih-iu " - .
wind, nnd didn't mind at an wncn
began at tho wrong end of one aud got
It nil annrled up.
At last cam ten-nncl Uio irnnsir-
ent sugar bowl 1
Help yourself to sugnr. ur.
Anne. "Jo got two pounus um '
Ing. wasn't Itiucayr
...m ..if in the saving of much erratic sister might be doing,
WUUIU v - l .
food and would be of personal diuvuv ronitty was mis
to those who might become Interested
In it
Every pound of beef, veal, mutton
or pork that goes on the table repre
sents a consumption of many pounds
of corn or other valuable grain fed to
the cnttle, sheep or hogs fjom which
the meat was taken. The more of
tbese red menu you eat the more
eweals vou are taking out of the aup-
nlv that la so greatly needed for the
i nation's war needs at this time. To
. lnrire extent, too, these statements
: apply to all kinds of poultry. The one
i vinrf nf meat the production of which
does not require the consumption of
other human foods, Is flsh. Tne eas,
lakes, rivers and ponds of this coun-
tr offer nractlcally unlimited quantl-
i ties of fish that live on food which Is
. t no use to man. When you eat fish
vou save meat and save grain, both
of which your government asks you
to conserve.
Ordinarily It Is possible to secure
good, fresh fish at the meat market,
but whether Justly or not, fresh fish
i niwnvs mora or less under suspicion
In the meat markets of cities and
tnnns that are distant from the sea
coast or the lakes. Tho suspicion In
most cases la not Justified, but even
if it were It would not follow that peo
ple of Inland towns and cities must
necessarily refrain from eating fresh
Fish for Family Us,
Thrn are a large number of streams
and ponds from which one may tok
the fish needed for family conajimp
tinn and there should be very many
mora such ponds. A fish pond does
. neeeiiaurtlT tak up much space
.nil need not be COnUnea 10 urge
In the nearest store, Anne marched
bravely up to the counter.
1 "Two pounds of sugar, please,'
M with her sweetest smile.
' "No sugnr In the store." growled the
harassed clerk for the one hundred
nd thlrtv-seventh time that day.
tw. nn mir In the store." the
next erocer told her. "and more than
thnt there's no sugar up to my own
lionse. and Tra In the grocery business.
trkiii m vnnra. maaamr to a sic
Jialred Italian woman In a red shawl.
Josenhlne went out on more Ice.
For an hour she slipped and alld
tmm ona store to another, and heard
ihe same story In fifty-seven varieties.
vnantina nniined on a corner to collect
lier forces and decide where to attack
next. This particular corner was i
the foot of a Wlt-thls city was built
on more than seven hills and the aide-
walk sloped at an onpieasani bdBi,
also the building on that lot projected
In such a way that pedestrians coming
down tho side street were completely
hidden from those on th main thor
oughfare. Josephine had aeen ao many
C i- .v. Am hnt ah now me-
people inn wi -
rhanlcnllT watched them all. Terhaps
that wns wnf sne nouceu iuw
h.n a-hont Tint nil hllVO SOIYCO. Ul
problem satisfactorily. Tho oflVo of
horn economic of the United States
department of agriculture has suc
cessfully worked out ways of combin
ing tho various aubstltutee lu making
i 60-per-cent-substltutlon bread, a 75-oer-cent-Rulistltutloo
bread, and an en-
"Very." solemnly agreed the aide of Ulrely wheotless bread.
th. food commissioner. "Anyone wno The Brit loar piciur
Probably every kind or usn
has some peculiarly attractive
qualities. The following spe
cies of flsh are native o iut ac
tions Indicated:
New England Alewire, coo.
cusk, flounder, gooscflsh, gray
flsh, haddock, hake, naiiDui,
herring, mackerel, mullet, pol
lock, salmon, soup, sea trout.
shad, smelt, aquetengue, aworu-
flsh, tlleflsh, whiting.
Middle Atlantic Aiewiio,
bass, blneflsh. butterflsh. carp.
MitfUh. cod. flounder, goosensu.
halibut, mackerel, percn rock
salmon, had, amelt, spot, n
flh weakflsh. whiting.
South Atlantic Aiewue,
h. hineflsh. earn, ""-.
""-i - . . .
drumflsh, mullet percn, snnu.
Knnnlsh mackerel, spot, squ.
ton trill.
Purlfle Court isarracuun.
bass, flounder, grttyflsh, halibut A rn,ncoat hMn6 m b!(; mnrkot bmkt.
IUV . ,
ventured out on this treacherous wain-
Ing deserved to pick up some su.
It I exceedingly naru w uu ...
now." ....
v,.v, niiiiA1 Josenhlne asme
". . - t
the others were saying goou-uj-hope
you don't cure because
brought Jim." sue wmsiwreu. "-
stated on cbmlng when ne lounu uui
was you. lie's been asking aooui
ever sine he brought those bundle
to th Red Cross rooms. He's all right.
Jim Is. even If he Is my Droiner ;
she gave Josephine a hurried MU
klNext day a rackage arrived for Mia
Josephln Bruce. It bore th card of
Mr. James Clarkson, and It was a five
pound box of perfectly V
latMl aucart Josephine was furious.
i rtnn't se anything to he croa
.v...i remonstrated Anne. "That a
01 ' .. ., M
Ttluable prnt in tnew in. (
I won't hare nlm tuymi roc iuimr,
w A Aa
t.. v. iil inat tne same, ana in
be bought her flour and grapefruit and
mmmor and winter coata
.nd veara and year but not
-mi . inn time after th wedding did
Ann learn th real reason why her
brothcr-ln-lnw's favorite name iw
wlf was "Sweetness."
jone out of style In America ; It Is the
ill-wheat loaf that we wer aecji
tomed to using before the war. The
other loaves are the kind that all
Americans should u now. in uie m
thre loaves a mixture or oariey an
rice flour ha been Used In place of
wheat flour; the aecond lonf has oniy
50 per cent wheat flour; the third goes
step further and use oniy
cent wheat, while the last noasis oi
Sclng entirely wheatlcss. These breads
wer worked out In th experimental
kitchen of th dojiartment oi agricul
ture fflr of nom9 conom,,: '
th tnlted State food administration,
home conservation section.
Inoreit Volum of Substiwie.
Tha food administration require
that all bread old must mmnin
a .ninuin TlX'Tt. trout
bass, bowfln, bunnio, uurm,i.
carp, cattish, crnppie, uru.u-
flsh, pike. reasnnpper, m
bass, sturgeon, sucker.
Oreat Lakes Hass, nownn,
burbot, carp, catflsn, arumnsn.
luke herring, lako trout, percu,
pike, aturgeon.
Gulf Barracuda, buffalo,
carp, catfish, croaker, drumflsh,
mullet Spanish mackerel, aque
teaguc, aturgeon.
Snake's Reputation Undeserved.
The beginning of all religious cere
monial Is mnglc. Thus Aaron wun nis
iia turns It into a snnse.
rvllrtl (All
Hi cuiifuls rlca fluui
m eurfuli corn flU
IS rupfuls borW or .
Make a soiiKe of first four Ingredl
ents and one-half of mixture of sub
stitutes. Follow tho directions for th
75 percent lnf.
ri.u i,r..ni! are real victory
breads. Vso them for the cause of liberty.
it ni lon thought by most
, people that bread could not b
mail light wltn yeesi umi-a
large proportion of wheat nour
was used In It. ...
That has been found to na, in
lsrg measure, erroneous.
Bread mad of cereal ma
terlala other than wheat flour
can be made light with yeast
Th discovery la on or ui
necessary war-time :uir.-
ments of science.
It U avallabl to th hous
keeper and to tho professional
No on who has to do wltn
bread making can perform hla
full patriotic duty without apply
ing It tf as great an extent
Food Watt From Mat.
. .
... - ! I in all par" 01 mw vuuu j , -
P nt. Aii SB . irtouionomlc drain In th.
atata ItlSka ! f 1 til UCIUTT Ull
a higher percentsge of wheat substi
tutes so much the better, ne
reelp for a 00-50 oread wai
60-50 Breaa.
- .. MM
m eupnils lnjuia. 1 Diroo"..
taaatxwnfula Mil.
wheat 1 tupfuta barlar
rak yt . cupiuia n
Mnke a sponge of all the Ingredients
except the rice and barley flour. Th
potatoes should be freshly mashed
..hi. r.t nr milk added. The water
cupful mashad po
1H cupfuls
In which they cooked can be used 1 for
the llnutd. Let
atructlon by rata and mica of m
chandls beld for al by dealer. Not
only foodstuffs and forage, but te
tile, clothing and leather foods r
often ruined. Thl loss I du malnl
to th faulty building in wmcn
atores ar kept Often It would be
measur of economy to tear down tM
old structurea and replace them b
new onea. Ilowever, von th old
buildings may often b repaired ao al
to mak them practically rnt proof 1
and foodstuffs, aa flour, aecds, an!
alwava be nrotected I
wire cage at alight expense.
i.,i anrnrls lig. nui ui
novel. "Old stun r say me vnvmm
1'harnoh. "Watch us r iney. in ...
. i..f.rm sticks Into serucnts.
ininiiiKi, no.," - 1 wnen mo - r
..... t.r.,n'a annkO BOUDieS UP llio ,lr,hlMl in BUis. n"'""
lUI - , 1 l 1 1 rn uin . . ,
snnkes of riinraoh a clergy, and tunt . f(,rm nt0 otTMl pine In a loaf
.01 lira the nrgumeut inii a
The snake Is nearly, ir noi quite. i tghla ,jnubied. Brush over inp
Jked can be used tor bo f m
the sponge atand In 1 . , B of r4
. r.i. until very light If dry """'"'i '
yenst Is u-d. act the sponge th night
t vie cost." she thought, ana
Jooked ngnln at the basket. She gnsp
dl Not for months had she seen a
alght like thnt sue iooneo agnm.
was absolutely true, in xnni unn.
enmoudaged by a flapping paper cover
ing, .but with tell tale lime yeimw
aharp corners sticking out. were six
two-pound cartons or sugnr 1 Aim i"
food commissioner hnd ruled thnt no
Unior should sell more tnnn icn
pounds to any one person. intelligent of animals. To speak .. m Mot putting It to --.. 't -. (0 ,h.l
Josephine uruce. n - 1. the -wisdora 0f th eerpenr rf j,nko for 0M hour and a uuarter dw,mngl but to many thai
Inn hot oven. . ... eom from outside, rood uppnei
I before. Add the rice and barley flour
a-hen the sponge Is lignt vnCn..
lnir.orl tnn.
Similar car should b exercised IB
the home to protect household sur
piles from mlr and rats. Llttlo prog
ress In ridding th premise of the
1 1.. Maj. mi lnna aa the
pan. and allow to rls unUl l.i k w , ,let of fooa. CeV
..i rinnhiut. Itrush over top of loar " mb,h. nfton fun
inrs, llli -lima mm
tiara fihaeo Ntsdsd
PracUcal y all country faml- That mutton and wo, rouueuou only tlm. to " " C.nn.d Ortrleh C00a-
? mani T auburban f ami- this country can b Increaaed greauy. Bmker was young and very good- re.dtng "Newly canned oa-
1 VSJrZF&EfiS Ut .dm... of no doubt n.. JJi- f m, - th.
aralnl 1..1.. v.t throuch all the ages this
She looked aliove the basket to se ' jd a mmt minrtiess reptll has
.. . ... . MMI. K. an.l met I . .... . n.
WHO tills piuwrmi una". - - ,,. rreUltea Wlin B Buatii. mV
a pair of wrlous blue eyes p aching the aupernaturat
traigm imo ner ii-u -
iSSeST. S-M Z VZ w.cn "ed by developing rjg-g . l ; h7d"wn hi. P 15
aamnih flah could b grown at mini- bandry on .fra "PV.,'
.um Texpeni to .apply th. Ubl .nd Extern ana Jd fcfo
to t, Urg. onsnttUe. of other meat. !
mnA rereal. I . . . ..i. I mrwm
Hon In knowing that tn. nsn you --- - . . h
Seen Ukiu from your own pond In, of - J'ioSS
..ream within . ry abort m sheen; by SJTJJi
. . ...An.l.,nl nurd I mala S
-,.k aatiafartorr ou-ov uir.- , , . a,.nt from rata an
make use of rolled oa.a (1H cupful"). ' . . neint,nI4Tt rat-prool
. ... itii jMinraiBi. 1 - . ... . .
corablnea wun net. puw n contalnert cowea wun wire nnuu,
MM ., riu tmnmiBl. or iM ... ia tn trm
flour (1V4 cupfuls). In pl.c. of th rlco wlU ,pp,lfatto.
.nd barliT flour In th reelp. I of (onct to hole. In tka batnH
Uv. Ar Iw Ilartie. 1 or tn repair of aewctw
... n lha Inave Using . high per I .a .v. hnllittne.
centsge of ubstltute. equ.l th .11- Tn nfmslty of cWlmtlon M
M.. T.t ind Im and Th'" tatemeni 1. o.sea ou wheat loaf In llghtneas, wne n.". orgBni,ation In th. wont 01 rai
In th. midst of and legs .ana MMeh m Mog . 0 ,ub,tanc known glutn. , f n, Btmort lrflportnc
XmSASm P"h ,n Bon,h America for ,t rititic properUe. that 5, ,U th. .nlmaU 00 tM
- ... . . i I 1 mm ngfinun ni vuwai w iVww. - ..i.ta wamb at i nn o.iirr uumi. i .... iitiA lurnninniL
: ,v. J. .aekarea of augar. tnea. eggs prowa ' iPnreclsble amouni o mw " nearby farmt u. However, tn in
walk, went th.at .Pf 1; m..ntheaalvatlonotthotrich-grow- ,,(l tn. ... wheat four large I " .nM tnwnahln or count
JTESZMMMi in, industry, which ha. offered con- Ule. of flour, that do not contain neffort. to get rid of f.U. m.cj
&M?l luten.w. cannot expect th. i.atlng rewlt. m.y b. .tUIn
. S hT.tyl.sh mtl. tan will tak . l.r, .family to con.um. f Mnnedfrom ,e.f to year. c
;;du.g.V filing for. Port or ottieM pc M. -
..1 m a.f iiAvni in ar am iiitiij '. 1 uin
their apara tlm. to It. tak. enough
flsh from utreatu or pnd to plac this
.axcdlcnt food on th table averal
time oftener than la now th. general
The hour or two that every m.n
should devote to some form of recrea
tion. If Intelligently applied to fishing,
would afford th. antne rest and re
.ena.lonth.tl.tob.l..dfromnon. .productive .port, and would, a th"
ism time. b. nbt only a domcsUc bt
,a pulille economy.
There la ioth aonrc of Beat
Feed for Next WlnUr.
r.MM.tn farmer, may advantage-
ously plan to .TTZZ
ply of feed 10 OTm ."l
when danger 01 - - -
void th. tncartalnry of oclWerte.
durinc th. winter when th. demand
for feed usually exceed, th. output of
th. mill.
v. Unit nav he utilised bf
g rating In th. field with tariou. kind,
of lire stock, especially catUe.
inm landed on her Stylish
h.i anil hnunced down Into her y.wn
joaepnin nau nu
her bag, but she
she closed It And
outrngeons polite
ness, she stooped and picked up two
of the other package She handed
them to the young man In the gray
raincoat, crawling out rrom mo -maun.
-Your auear. air." ah. anld, aralllng,
and went on her way, entirely unre-
.. t t. -1 1 . In hue
I'erhnp. tne prcciuun iauni .
1... -.nnA her, eaulllhrluni. She
uaa ..... Aln.
h,,rri.ui towaro nnme. nnu in
ner Josephln. .nd Ann. awaited the
..bn .iri. In the tlttl kitchen-
ette a teapot waited, with a fat llttl.
.-1 ,,. nwam and a Plate of nut
anowicnea, auu
on breakfast egg.-Popular Sdenci
Na Mistaking Hla Meaning.
Rmiih wna taking his friend out for
. . ... k.a Iiimn. II
a drive, ine car nu
balked and bucked and bounced along
nateadiiv. greatly to tn menu ms-
comfort They turned Into a park
hniiiovnrd and the friend noted a algn
. tha aide Of th roaa. niiiu, juu
better not drive on this road," ald th
friend. "Whyr asueu emiin.
that sign aay Tieasur enr ouiy.
Not Quit.
"I understand that Mabel inld Fred
.miiuhI her of cruelty."
"Oh. no: ahe naked him to have bl"
hair cut and be anld he yould hare
Vnd 1 U .uhmlt to to barboMW. U
pact and less poroua. In th. 76-per- nlM(J .fforti tr very tffectlve.
Anl inn
inO-neMcnt-suhstltut. loaves 1
" - -- . . i.i 1 . .
... t. tiaed a binning maicim. . . removed or ssi
and as an additional leavener. I uratn tM "pot with lemon Juice aM
a a b.. ran.ftuhatltut Leaf. mhhln nlentlfullf Wltn table ai .
n I .......... .. - .
tu cupfuls llama. 1 v . . Apply before wanning, aou m m
1 nn. . ' ..a ail ....riila harlaV I . . - .h. arwtt wlf
fc euprui maanw 7i r. 1 Dnry cases no rai m 'i"
potatoes. . 11.A remain after th Wasn.
IV. cupfuls wnaai itt ci" 1
u ka veaat. and . . . tf T0n sprinkle a little salt oiyofll
ftablatpoonful com Hi cupfuls nee nour 1 ffp pourn on (h y.
. '"? i -.mruta corn flour, water It will be wonderfully Improved.
S laupouniuia - . kafoM
Mnke a .pong, of tho first eix in- A.woy. iu. ....v, r--
treillent and a tmru 01 mo una.u.. ""-
rJSa l.ght,le. two To prevent cheen Irom tooldlnl
in he rest of the aubstltute flour, and In vinegar and vruof dry. Keep la I
ih. t silshtlr beaten. Shape we 1 eooi piace.
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