OCR Interpretation

Crittenden record-press. [volume] (Marion, Ky.) 1909-191?, August 22, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069460/1918-08-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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Ma. .i-'ii, a .v., V..;.. :
lb F.:!.-whij Have Paid Their Tliat he give up all of life that , That he cow c be w heal he can
iilrcrl-'cr.s Pot Tl-.e Recurd- j he holds most di ar: that he i;o 'ii.ut U us- eve. y atwn of oner
. 0:1: C.:.n.
Card Of Tbankj
To every relative, fii nil i-o'
neighbor, who in any v.
showed kir dn.ss or s (apathy '
j us ill our d ti k hour l orr.
ai (i hen av era ; I we v a 1
J H'SS t'li! -: if- It liiaa' -.
I Mis. J. 1' tV : :.i :''! : '
1. 1 .' i .
.W.-r A!
k T Ml
r.; i: i
i. ni
i ir.;;n I j't
iiU t Li i
iiij'Jir -Mei T. 1.
... n. Mr- i..i;il.
.1. n i :
, Al W 11 I
c .-ii;.t .-it .) u i cu :i
C'rk I! S ? imi,:':. ''L
Or.ii- r .Mi.' 1 ui It
' '" .v .i. V.. J , J.i .
. ....... !' 1 ! :i
Locals, or ii.Mlv.fi ' ...... ....
.. ... ... 1 l ..'I; (.i.nii II. I . ! . l
ct.i v- r ..iff in lh'4 type.
'i urn .loon W, Snlr.ii
A - I lit- ""J - t: v N .!!,,., 1',. ;:.m
TOj per in. h f. C
T.. per i.o'h S. 0.
j'la'.c, i v :. i'i""'
dsu! I?:um fur
r.i '. I ""ini' i!
l':a'- - hi.. I Klivtri..-
to a fiirt ign lard and :'.:rd in ey in lis leirg to produce a
Uhe i at'i of a foe vh -so C d its'mnximum ji Id.
I lust and whoe t'rrod in lilnrdsji ) Tiu.t ho shall ml dotctmT.e his
"i That le ch:d:.ir.o ith I.L-. n-hrat ncr?n;e l.y -.v!:;.t U- 'l inks
'luan'a b'ood the hdva:ic. of the hi xtfv will b, , , , .
. 1 . . .i 1 ' I t t .1 -i, . ii e; . rc
.j, unsfu iiKnoie nun. ; in iriuni i.e , win receive, r.unt- io ic: v.a:z i i w.
6 I,i icturn he nuy ncive coli', ' e'ear profit o.i his wheat ilun he Ciiutiu.a (c.'.l
li ' hmi.M-, .hardship, i vAarines. lever before r.-ei'vej. ihe com i ..
'.'J srieree. j sid , at (1 a clear co ts-eieneo.
gjljl couid) moi:e le asked oy' could less asked o:-1
7.1 HIM? 'I!IM?
o!'! ? 1 fit from hante.
.lulv 2?. lilS.
! i. ir is'er:
I i, i::-e iiv.h -' tint I t;:t- th
, . ... U!V to rile ,M"1. I '' I'l !'
I l:.,vn t rcteive.l
y. u : .;v '. I ea'ii
i-u'.e.) 'i card fu.n
, r. li .led ifvfj
v.'i v.-.li Mite
r-ia:' I
t r
. I.:-"
u.n it h N I'l.r I'fic
v.- ..." " h;;".!..i ,f-c tl:r.f
U.vjI it.o.Tti n' rc-spi.'i-t hi a
IK I. i' J 1- r.ii'K, K c I- i
l' P;. i.:. ii W l. Ti ll '
! I .
1..,;iv K I,, K 4
I) r:.nir.:..-, VV...sl,.i mi
K .. Ivi M. K I
:i"K'j Mr. -Karat .r. d y;m nal'2"? thaf. .vhen jiurboy ftcd yjjr tieijth-
"ilbvirs boy 1 i'c o:i t!ut niomiiK trim s ith a grille on his face, thru
aw; he left, w.th ciiui conftdenc?. th . r.'S).;:isibiii;v of hii lae i tis
h i-i ; YOU 11 sl.ou!dri? j
siv; Tliat l: Rnilel b c.T.$e he U pure tint the folks at hon.e ',
" I;1. .u,i:!.l n--t iV.i. I i-nV n l tli. i . cti.ui nl u-lmi. l il Iiium.I
runir lion ever ent t miiul .' ',v !;oui 1 h; questi. n w'i
The ti':i! to . i v c i'i,r t '' i
tli. ir hct eiu i :.l wi i"hii;:.t f r
tho J e.ir i .v lit hand, Any,
gra.au t!r.t I a t.i '.. ilt v(L v.
m.jst le dot.e b-iw. u i tiow :in i hi t
1 ti. :
I.JU '
ha! ;
a-il u
b -. o ;.
l .i ,
I'. 1
: A
i i
a hi; pr.pcr cn::;tcd i
v.-.'.r. t!:c GYc;T;:r.crit inllv '
c.ivro cf 'Airu'iica. 'or the ,
pc.ca Cl aic v.'r .
Cur Country's Service Fbg.
iCjr.f.i uoJ fri m pn;r 1)
. likr.visii the mothers and ftM--ers
of tlnse hrave boys, as well
as the wives ai.d sisters and
friends, rre called on lo share in
a i ! contribute to the cost of this
Y. , my fri ads, the cost is
i, but the principle 13 great
er. ' L' t us, 'therefore, count
i-.ves it,;-ky mat we can nave
.rt in thi;. gieat cause. It if
i a eT'-at struitjlt.', hut
is no ijue.-tion but that vie-
at the er.d.
: I i,v. a;il, r.iy friends,
.. i! 't
i. '"ily
i '.
', K I
.- "i
li. i r
,, in r
:i iilitiiir .' ') '.'
''.I. r 1 1 v- n ;
' i . -'.u ' li
,' 'I ; li :!i'-i
. 1 . f t '
-, -'.1 -. :.r:vy
I'ra'ic , i
Wii ; is1;; !i.;ht for? Wh.it l
i; bar b "for you, d-nr. H ' is t'te ..-i'v p ,: r a:!
..it i :')! to.' I!:.r:it :' t'i il in. II - is t!.': v iv
tie.u. lftn. to i,. t the l e: t re
Milts. It .loat- I ilt- taiM.irt vi.!
not inve l p..ck t.rio e tke
... 'it
win it ra: .-. ii.e-e wi.i
' i 2 IV pi r di." vd ' : ai'
i.i'fj '.-try t -
; u 1 1 1 1 c . 1 1 . i
t I'll r. tutv
i i
0 I till' ! a- i to I
() r.vir mi I . ! ::
' . ! t i . i .le yi"i tlMt I
n ! i. '.v ni fur, I have
o ! I , a I'i :.. d fi'ciitiK line
,'-i!y tbii in ri.inn. We
; - e a j ry ; we re- er
so la'. e the h'ut I
t' ;i;n s i-i:-.fT v. I. i'i)
tur..: d t ovard fie Gi."'
I :.t il.c 1 1 t df all a I at
u I ar "' '! I ' h" Is
a il (! i.'. k 1 u:'l :..r.
t " " '!
I 111 V. ' i I I
' t V 1. 1 1.,' i ;
lit v
t it
i. t :d
II t . 1.1 1. t
il I
in t!
: . . e.
"a 1 1; :
l'! t
that. '
' !' f !s 11 ;L'; Ji.Iv.s.im l: A. Lola
i i :.. .'e,t lUht against jam;9 y L. City
-ri.disn), ndiitansm, despot- -lenniiK (''i-il.'Fr-fJuiia t
. o-'ut ;.;:.v that fire Mcmilrtri v,' f.
, , i'H.n tMiirni, i- rdur.iH
.. ; -.-i-. jv.t- .1 '...-I
, . ... - ' ' t . .!. V I ...i..n
'.i-'coi'cy. i ij.u w. il , iv 'Jui m 'J
-.pf,- i- '):! I,i'-! r.i i...-'i '" W.'W.f ,
!ii'.jrt.ky is i..t in t'a" ' ' ' '":
; a,-, ;:.s a part o
!,! Ci i'i. ndn ei ut.t I
! o.- i it tr ou:
I'.-i.-. ;:
I r- 1 1-:. K 1
si i, .k:. i ri : -r'. : ' "'
On..- ' -I .! '' '
llJ, ri"ii It. I. -i '
f -I ' : '-: !- ' .' ' r
Ho.. . t triii C M, r.,-, . .'.i
Ifa'toi it j; f II ?, On '
HiU J.A. Tiniiiu- 1 , "!
iluvboii Allii1, It iJ
Hushed V U, Ut J.tuli J 7-lt
11.11 W H, Ilepton 2 l-)t
HillJLWt'l.'Chi'liBlio. Waih --11
Henry Nnrm.n, Herculrsn, Mn R IP
H.-tvlerson Mrs l.illiwi. E'ville 7-U
Harris Forest, Tolu ; J'J-.lf
Hufjhes Mayiielil, City. H If'
ilushes'Tony, City . lO-lS
Henry Mrs Mh.' pity R-19
tlpath W. II. Sitifton Mo S T.)
Har.lin M .1. Tolu IM!
How.rton W It, R 4 7 lt
Hale Mm Harry, K 2 8 IP
Hut'hes Virgil F R-l . . S 12
Itppry Huward, City ' l'
Hiynes C W, City 7-l'.
H -r'u's Antl.ory, Miimfiir.I Tnn 8-19
. Vl'1
3 lt
7 19
i - it Xr'l.ur. ('.'.ii
t u 3 1; i m
;..v .'I i
.. t' tb if .'o
at ; ..'. il.
t l.'.'i .r ; i!
t Aiv.ci'
W :'.) ihii by co v. b
ii'in t'-.it you Iimvj dip
bre'd lie t.t'j civm: ta ! i r
yju,' Or if I.e d-ies i' t -jo.u bu!;, ea i yo i li'? d-.vn
t .ic c 'iisciein-e i-i a n ai iio prf-.-rtned Irs (i:ity?
t ' p n r a ,
c i'i
i n ,n t i
1 ia co 0 :n j o i t - .
rt re. uic of Co tlTor:.'
U I ikv.-t
'4. la'V ( a t!.i
:o-::l , 'a
'I tii. w ' ;.'
;:: li .w ,.! ,
.-. ';:nl t-:;
t.aU t ,e
L' m a line
to r st widi
l ,.tn
L'..i.. ." ' l
la'.. L
ty :s .: 1
d.ilVr. 1 1'
road a,:e
i . i i:
t! i.
t;: .1,
t o r
i .... d oi !.;
i f I e i e
.a no:. ,
le ;i.l. .U
:,l in 1:1 .
'. s i iu:i').r i' on.' b s i :.v
t j the ar it .3 U.e i'a:tv ot il i
k Idtr niii, to.ae now tba i cit-i
- '. :. ' .. ,"i,d
.. . .. .. . i' urn. I a
. .. .;. - 'i v .! !...nJ. v.'e
i ..:.' i a a to li.u.k very
:. i.y- . a! Ha: i . i.i" ; i (i y a all
1 V I 1 have t I i XIU (' I 8 Its V t!
I. a u v t .ko t.nur to write, SO
..e r. - ' i
of oli'i Crit-I V rt r. Mt. ' V
v.-nian, 0 S l'J
1 to h.'ln to kei n tlimj in:ah in a u .-ee 1 wid htve tdeiitv f
A HEAT WILL WiN T. iU WAR. r.oihiag cm tak.? its pW s' paySa!,t. cotul.tion. 'ihe uaar i.a.e t t. II ou ail ..bmit the
ir.v Li.i:ej tau-s.1 em p ah.ee w! at is r. creed. ar.J Y(:U:,nenCun hhow .h(ir , utrioii-tii i t.,itn s tbr.t pas-.d in Fmiico
a.eiio ar'? re-roavUi: t ir 1 1 ; part yoj p ay in it.
1 bv lurlr in to kt i'ii u: the rj.ais . w !:"ii 1 run e b.ick to tlie U. S.
SOW MORE WHEAT tliaa you ewr (!id before, prepare y urlM mUth af an) otlur Wiy lrj lf j lol)(, ft, Uivky (; v
proun.i is you never oreanad of P'.'pamff wheat ground, and:,leca ,,e a blitL,ktr liy sulir.g j tav I ve t . one an I all tell the
guar,. agauiBi every i.ev mai wi.i ie. to reuuee rroui.on, ; back anJ iee h s . hi -.,u. ehiMri.:, th.lt i hUn tlVl. n-id
and t!n-i you will simply h iv; perfo,-ni"d your duty.
Written by W. lI. Tr.ee, County Agent,
(i't. i!l , Alb n Co.. Kv.
hor dodouhle service lor ,'u Lt ti- j th tik of lli. ni give my Leit re-
flit, lrts everyboay. i ,d ti.nl garus ti Mr. aid Mrs. Slntou
yourg, work soine toad v. atiiin I mi'l al o to Hum, Will my
t:ie iif.st two or tniee ue ks.
cla-s mad lure. Would appreei-: Thecun:y ha- no r.mn. y with !
ate a hiir.ili of i ther p ipers, also 1 whiili to tore rnd w(,r.. ib:,i-. ! ,
'th I'ress-Fure would like to 'The people, I y ttuir ot.- b r tn
get it. In.ad.rg n atter hi re is'j.ast U y. ;.r.i lutve ciio-m to ,
".n io.'
. V. ? .
1 M,L'
:- ca.:
: i i-
I I.!
r I-
k r
t , I-
,,, ';','y,o;.'!v, ;;!, c.i,
: -.i .i , '. .i
r a m,- m,.,.,:1; .; . v;. ,
i , 'i i ' . i - .
, j., ., ,! ..'vi- n !... I'. ('; . '
i Suit, 1 !:':.
i i'i.i 'i .1 ' ... :! -1
..:..-i. ..In .1 A ''. '-"
i'.ir .- t I 1 , I - 1 i i
V ,r;. ti,.:. r I. .'., ;, P.-.,i,r,g.,r:l
I' l .!' ' 0 :.. O'-r-e.
I', . I.;'.: a:1,-, i: l
I' k li..rii: Fn-'t. in i '
l'niii Ilina. It 1
I . v.. : ; "U ( iv,r 0 ur , .in . vi.u
i,'!...! tn.- ' .1 i ! ! rtu o v J iiii.i', i . ,., -1 1, 1)1
K a c b t t a r I It''i i'i-'"1 l-'1 1 " "
a '. a.-, u- '.' . . '
' .'.! I
If there ever win a t.'ie to t'il.e
plenty of Vin !! pit;.-.. it i.- r:j;l t
now ilurinc th'i- h-t smimut hj8.
Vi.u see, it i- iiij'!'' if '.' "i
finisl herbal r. mi 'ln n nrd lur.i
kriuu'i tu tin- m. fl . u I r -fi i ion f..f
cloiil-l.l lir'l tni:'rir UV'i:r J st.'lll :
in sinti a way a.-. l irw it 'h: ;r a -t'-t
r-'-iatir y p-.v. r titi.iinl 'r! - fr'V-
I aet of lfhi..i. l:;: !.iri;i, i'm'i U'lil'
olh -r tuir ir.er i.ilm. tit.-. I i'.- . r in-
r .1 i '.li. .,1'vll
ii ! .r ti !':
flfarcer than h-vs' teath. When wor.: the ro.aa. ii,s;eal of
we get a tirwppaper it is slaie. jing so;,,l io,e .;. in ! u..
We sure had plenty of nni. e v.i rl. The but; t nn n.
the night of the Uh. You .-e -' t'.e wcrl j n the man .v. w.i;
we ee brate the event. I m id ' pn (1: by i:,e o;pn ssi.m of i.i.
"we." however, I had la tiling ; w it;h. or. Niuv. vu.oMer nan
to df with the noise programme ; wa vote to iir.e the y.i iipn
If you would ted U'ltik to w r!'e nan luv.o. k ur i f, ri .r
I would h:1 gl id, sure wi uld lo. e: 1 cnei.'. rustle i.; ...r I ti'
to get sr.m 1 tt?rs?. liiinj k;s s.'att- if piri.i i.-i . .... i I I--will
he bine y tie -i.'.-.e jau tie-.e 1 ;. t ai i... ; i - ai
pt t thi-i mi I vorit w rite 1,
tirn .
Your own, til! I vl.ov" ;
ui fi.'r ti e table at bt nte a
i r i ba-j . ha,!,, lur I iw wir t r.
As ev-r yi ar bn ll i
rivate .d:in L. IIaini!toi,
; i 'm. ('. U. S. Inf. Arm-r-c
: 1. e.li I i-ai Korees France.
It ii a grivc mistake for ni ;licrto
i V't 'h.tir.it hit, jml piiini.vn! uaTcr
in V ikr.it this m:!y V .ni to hronio
.1 li i: j I t'.an ;!i"Tii-ni h.'e.
H . U i, i hi.;:, .f y:r r...rvr-. r.:o
( X(':!.il '', ii-i f. ' '.:.,;'.i I. w.-ary r
!c;.tc!.r.cl, : " hn i! i a will
j r-vc a v. -:.-' "' '. ' ' '.r-.Tf,
. It t,..s t. 'CJ I : . n ii."ii"nta t
h'"j:i.c tl.i! ! '!, i ' '-'..! t
. . -t ... .1 t. ' I
- ' i ii.i-.-sl:,jii. I ...oii-ini'M . I'oii .a i
r ; or.
. Jt 17: -i
0 .i.f
kok .l u .
I lUf
If I l.rrVliU-llKfS "'III
l'-' I , ii'liiioii.
I. tti: 1 1
C. i:,C or n li
Vl: ;";i!, t.-.v.
t .
J. it. ORVit,
Marion, hy.
Ltdor Fio.ti J. Pen nav.i.
h ranee, J'nv u. i.'wa
Ui!r r..her and .M-l
lio v are y. u? H .v i ' ery-
r ' .
ar n :i ci: rl.a .n.
r. ;aa at.; :r hi y,
:'; ..!. a S I.. V I o
or I (.ae, In '; taa- , ..o,.., r v, I)
v.'or.d a io' . t p'a.-e t iiveS-yaaiv u- I.!', .i.i
. c ... I . . k I" .'... .. .. T - ... I 'in ,v
io in i, : i.,t u. i. vit ii.r iu.i le, ' '.' '" j
gear rat ioi, s.
7.1 1 thing i.t home?
S' k I i- ,,i cm. In;, -i. ', t. I
;.' ...( y. u me irn. ! i
. V. I ; . j: . Mi , ,1 -.ii i.i-.. r, . i -I.
,-i ., i. ,1 ;: a.v !.!:.. r Ir
' yo: I k: in. i. iimI im'i . r.
1 Y"i.i l- ni, if l-.iitn .1. , v r -.
.. ' l j 'I ii uv: -.i ii I,, i i
iv rid fn :. : '. i"' . i i - .
y-.n ilri.w ,i.: u i A ' I-..
HAND M.h.i",? " .. 'l-ivi ! '
inc, A'l 0U.i:i; -r I "i
hi, ,
I am ail right, at least I am ' nhu .i.. your u. a : a
always hanin;: nr.. and at meal 'iu.li' ' p-Mtim. w.a
...! .. ..o t ...... k... unn . Mt'.Oil a-ili'.v rlup
em ii am. i ii i. 'I. v.... . v v. j .
- I ! .
I Su'lawm C.
Sni'.rl Mit V
I '..il.'
, i .
rj'Jcnn juJge as to m li-ultli. j
iJ.i' I lauai'i wri iea for about i,
i liml l!..1 li.-, i
hi a l -1 a
r -..
S. 0. I'Aia-ON' '. I'll
ti iiiii! ll.ink, .1. li - ,
May the LirJ vt'tu". . v, r th-soT ;u li-t
'":.. ar.d may no Mar !mr f , To-K .1 w It:
i'l:iirin..n 1. I'. 1 '.'".
n.u.-n.iin t' .rn , K 1
ikitry. Oni Ui:.Ui'i;'iri!
.t n p",l tu rt"', but nalV tfa y T M Mrs Fni.i.i", Z.H.li. V.'vli
i.i! le'urn viotorioui an I tr.-: iaikell Kn.. .a. l ey o
urr.phant, ti at we unv per . ta' , l"'l'nun'
' . ,i . . Travis Mir nalli'". K l
!y latin and honor the... Ti.r-iKt-i.i J l, D.s..n ,
I present this tatg ti yourjTliri.kl.M j , sh-ii'l-n
Ec'ac il in the name of Liberty.
T: . it. n:a o: ve it. cherish it
r tu,t N..'
.!. ( ., rn. : '
.', i.'j t'.vo " V.. ek-1. ii ll letr.en.t) r 1 . "On t..nu.liiui.kr .. ;.. . -m-m !.' I'o.iir. j
I y Inve mil heard from you since I at 1UAI OIKiN'.s nd wiU.oir pteu-,
l--iSlf il... i.m i.o.l that has been ' UJ 1,l",kU,''l"' riui.c, 1 t.. op
'"' , .. ..r.i.. i ... I ...i
tiis. and U was not , , ,,.,. ,
w aunt' ii 1 1 it a ii' ii i m o 1 1 1 .tin
cuiiso ii.-;; ;
1 ' ,i i our p. i.l i! i. r . ' .
i,;. ., 1 v a. i" ni ... . ; i
'. . , . I i. , . I v, , . J i i n . ; ,
r. . ,. I I! .-. ' 1 '. t l 1 1 I ; , i 1
I M..,v. M I. I III ' ," il '. I ' .'k
1. 1 a in. a 1 1 '.y M ,i yi ' t .
it.- 1 . I I s i;. . I i i
am ,. ii- v. i-o .hi li-m," it i.
I i. , ion til - 1. 1, i.-. n '
i i .i i . i.., c .irn Ii ,1 ii-ur:.. : i
i 1 1 -i mill ' t i.o .n il .,:!.! ! i li -
I I i. I....!, ran i - .U'0 i ;
a. i. I. . i r io;i it.', t .1 ; i'ii
; i- m;.-i,i.i r.i. I li,,. o
' i ?.. . r ii.iii..-y t";'..' a. .1
' H V .!:.- .'. i.Wi.n
t .nap L(,; r, I '
i. . . V.K
.: ,! . o
', .-!.. 10 i r
' t i .rvo
l .' s
.- ., U
.'. . a ..i.l
, . 'ii ... . in.
sni'.i r ): tn
tid hlle IiU
l.l i
A farm of 'J'.l'l ncr"4 i t I
at i.ll (onveorert. p.r rii" to At re'.,,,. A(.TUAIi ,,.. i c. lv,,i at' I'..,,.n Valley, about lad i.iiv
i no
a I-.
i r
ovr two nont
a, I
Tiuitt Clieiiter C, Sulavun
T .w ery J It, R. pt.i i
for Yl.e Viler p in the ii,tni..ry!V.hK-.-'CV F-rh- Ferry S it S-'or three times what anything is feA.
cf ih- tr -tr hriji. it represents. , J.J, K; M' kin 7 ,.,orth. The Hed Cross gives jn L nisvil!t.
r.n-J n ay Cod hMt us lo be nil-1 Writ;,lt K yt ii,t(.it,n. Ka.. i io( everything, the x . M. (.. A-; Siirinpr-.
T-l'.ii until now. I'ii.anc'j are low. ' liilAL'OHDN"?, I liavu tu.il n. ir uM
i! .'') My I ay roll i over throe monti s io ".y work "
u Is ajnd i " ,v''''1 ,!rnw H ",'ary.
U'SI .: . , i i 'i.t atle.i.l I'i nikliiin I'i.'ii'lu'iil Itiisiiiin-
a.,.,1 when I am broke, why, I (,ilh(rr N-!tllv,:): ,.,,, L.jU,,rK.
v.., jdoi.'i have any tea of losing mv j na.i
4-iu money. Mot.ey in't of tiiuchj
i-i'J.u-. Can t sienil it, oiny at me ms K..ri,i,.. Wimberlv in thu which has L stor.-s. 2 rhu-.-l
i. M. C. and they ' mak you two. ,j t ;ni.. .i,Liri, t ,ra blnksmith hon n.l rri-t r.r:'
route to l.er home'kood read; fool p.-oplc; a d
Silen(!id botto.n, l.ahmre n ,,i i
hiiiK ridif'; no wa-ti-; ell w i.t -ered;
vro'd hou.-i" of 7 rivm s;
gocd barns, cribs, ttk'.; sinad
tenant house; j.o d yoiir.g i r
chard adjoining Kepton vdlnge.
ai ar
' !''
', r !
! a
l t!i
' i'i ill Ii-i1
siii. in I. ones
11' )''
' lire to t f y 'he c-r.t ol the greut
prize that i3 now in sight.
Marion, Ky.. Au. 14th, P.U8.'
All periona having claim airainst the
sUte of the late A. II. Cardin, are
r()0?8ted to pracit mme to the un
'dersiirned or to A. C Moore, properly
Watsun F.-nt-st, Slmridan
WririK llarriit. alein ,
Wiikcr (larar, Freilonia
Walker Kelley. ItoniaUre, 111
Wailacv Susie, McKentie, Tenn
White Mra A II. Nmhvile, Tenn
Wright Mr l.aura, City
WoffordTN, For.ls Ferry
Walker MiaSallie, burrtmittville.Tll-19
W alkcr Mrs Emma, SikcMon Mo M9
Yatea Hope, Tolu
l-r. give iiott ing but writing paper.
Haws! ii j able home.
v. mi or write,
' !Th Y. M. C A. here should be I 'ri I). Stone rrof.
I J',' called the Old Men's Money As-, ' D-he Stona and wife, Mr.
and Mr. Joe L r.ioii ajid their
6iJ; We have a paper ealkd Stara dauithter Gradin to-reJ to Carr.-6-i
and Stripes.- printed weekly, for.viHo Fay to be tn., Ku8ta of
fc-io and h the soldiers. It always "ev- y- oluI,e B"u
has a lot of funny things in it,
Avoid Thla.
We itn iNsrnril -Hie wronu rarda,
ami unmellme It linppeiis that way
as well as news in general.
That reminds me, I want you
Yate Mr Nora, City
EaecuUlK of A. H. Cardln, dM. Y.nde.l T. A.. City I
"to to change my American Boy and with rinuilnbiva.
M9 j bare it Bent to me. I can get 2d .
tt. 472
V I.-: i i
th- are ;u.N,',t j it Us teal ! tt
II "' an- t iiii, and the nu t, c n
ht.rii y waul fur lln ci.ii.niaiui lo
c large when they are li.-,e. up
i ' ady for the natile.
Wheal I Ml acn.ss I nuaii to
d my hit io In ;i w in this great
w..r that wo are ,n,
I am now un pcrt r.liruian
and I tint. k tnat wi.cn the tKne
come h r me to ihurgy u, the
I Inns I u ill I . nl.. .. ... . r
I - "" ki iii lew
ii.r li..ni l..ltiA ti.nu
....... .,v unj Kl i III''.
lt is aim ist tun fur c .ow .) I
For Infanta and Chlldreo jw.rl liae lo dare U r '1 is ta. e.
VnUst For Over 30 Years' Y. urfmnu.
iwnysbta.. .,, Cl)de fiirmer, Co A li id Kur.
of CmSSk. S N' 'i''K I 'imp Log.
un, in.
W. K. I'Kf.T,
Marion, Ky.
Real 14 tat Dealer. Imp
' the

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