OCR Interpretation

Crittenden record-press. [volume] (Marion, Ky.) 1909-191?, August 22, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069460/1918-08-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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iwmm vmm ROLL OF HONOR
Marion. Ky.. Aug 22, 1918.
Editor and Publisher
The Fa'Wng Have Paid Their That he give up all of life that ' That he tx all 'he w heat he can
Subscriptions For The Record- he holds most dear; that he go That he use every atom of ,e.er
in: (I Hi jiiMi.'l-'-iass matter Vtb
n.t-u Mth !.' Ht t ie nostollire at
ilH-o'i, ken'ucKy, under the Act if!
t', (if M&fffh J, 1KT7.
Press to Dute Given.
I to a fort ign lard and start! in gy in his being to
the path of a foe whose God is-maximum yield.
lust and whose Creed i Murder. Thtt he shall not determine his
" ls That he challange with IU wheat acreage by what he thinks
V!?1 htari'i b'ood the advance of the his roll's will be,
unspeakable Hun. In return he will receive, more j To The Citizen Of
8 m' In return he may receive cold, ' c'.ear profit on his wheat than he
ll-i9j hunger, hardship, weariness, 'ever before received, the com
suffering, death and a clear con-j forts of his own home ai.d fire
'");' siierce. 'side, ar.d a clear conscience.
J"19 1 Mr. Farmer, d you realize that when your boy and your neigh
jj'jjji bors boy left on that morning train with a smile on his face, that
10 jjlhe le:t, with c-ilm confidence, tin! resnonsibili'y of his fate upon
h! YOUR shoulders? '
produce a
-1 H-CUll'Ti'N UATKH
11.5') per ye:ir c.ifh in advance.
fine per inch S. 0. Foreign Advertising
2.' per inch S. C. Homo AdvertisinK
Plate, or Kepeated adf, one-half rate.
.Metal hases for Plates and Electros
I ocats or Header j
Gets per line in this siae type.
lOcts per line in this size t e
15ct3. a line this size typy.
Obituaries Ec per line
Cardi of Thanks 5c per line
Resolutions of respect 5c a line
This D?oerhas enlisted
with the government in the
cause1 of America for the
period of tne war
Our Country's Service Flag,
(Continued from pape 1)
likewise the mothers and
as well
era of thf se brave boys,
as the whes Ar.d sisters and
friends, fire called on to share in
ar.u cJi.'.-ilmte to the cost of this
principle. " " '
Ye9, my fri-nds, the cobt is
great, but the principle is great
er. Lit us, therefore, count
ourselves lucky that we can have
a prrt in this great cause. It is
a struggle, a great struggle, bin
there is no question but that vic
tory is at the end.
As I have said, my friends,
'vir rrur.try i n bly drvrg her
--hav in this great fiuht against
imperialism, militarism, despot
ism Mid ;!) othc-r hm, that are
so detestable to an American,
;.r.dt a l mn who staid for
justice and decency.
Vt hile our country is doing her
part, o!d Kenutcky is not in the
rear ranks; tnd, as a part of
Kentucky, rid Critunden county
is abreast v. ith her sister tour.,
ties; and, as a part of old Crit-t-nden's
contribution to liberty,
this little church has given up
TEN of her gallant sons. Yes,
si ins, indeed, and brothers, hus
bands and friends. Yes, TEN.
Not so man. , but a great deal
to us.
.Mr. Superintendent, I hold in
my hand a Service Flag. It is
cl ed a "fi rvics lhi;" because
it r presents the service that
ovr loved or.iM are undcring to
:hcir country ai.d cars, a ser
vk" that k is to benefit you and
nil-, our children nrd uur chil
dren's children. Each. star
represents a boy, a prechin
.djI. a sn, who hus gone from
yoi.r l.orr.e, g'ni to help make
f'.e v.;r!d a decent place t live
in i.ot only for us, but fir future
May the Lord ws,tch over these
bos, and may no star here be
changed to red, but may they
iill return victorious and tri
umphant, that we mav personal
ly thank and honor them.
I present this flog to your
school in the name of Liberty
Take it, preserve it. cherish it
for the sake and in the memory
of the brr.ve boys it represents,
and may God help us to be wil
ling td pay the cost of the great
prize that is now in sight!
AinsAirtK F. J.. B'odcett. Ho,
' - - . II. -I. - . T -.1. Ill
rtHe- II 0tfr, vre;u i.nM.'y, ii.
Itaker Abe L. R 1
Bakjr Mrs Ed, Duatano Col
Hutler John T, R 1,
uiAir. m Mis Maude, Fredonii 2
Brit W S.. R 3
Clark KJirene, Tolu
Campbell J It Pcustuirr
Clark R S, S; rinplie'd, Mo
Cnder Mrs Lula, R 5
Coran W. J Joy,
Corle E J, R 3
Chirk Cilinm 11. T.Jj S R
Corn John V, Salem
Cuokriy Mrs Nel.it., Crofton
Drakp J I!. Tola
Uvhoe J Frank, Fredonia,
I'remiun W 1). Triliune 1
Drurv R I H i
I) .Urns Thorras, Wa.-hirptcn
Eston, Lli M. R I
Fusti-r. Culcmun, .Mullikin
Frd J Andy. R 3
Frazor 1. A, City
Fox I: P. ( M
Gra es W H, R 4
Green John, Salem
Gucfs Taylor Tolu
Gasf Rosa R, Ttnn
GiU'. Mation, S::ady Grove
lilies P S, Sl-in S l
Gasa Fred E, R -1
Glenr. I'r.d. Ksed.ra 2
Grim? J P, u! i.'an
Howtrton W it. K 4
Haipeluiii c E L. ( i'.v
Howt-rton C M, R. prnn
Hattendorl II S, City
Hill J A. Tibutie 1
Hughes Allie, R 3
Hughes W L', Repton 1
Hill W II, Repton 2
Hill Jiwel, Chehalia, Wash .
Henry Norm in, flt i'uiean, Mo
'!,ri lerson Mrs Lillian. E'ville
Harris Fore?t. Tolu
Hughes Maj field, City,
Hughes Tony, City
Henry Mrs Ida. City
Heath W. R, Sikeston Mo
Hardin M J. Tolu
Hoaerton W R R 4
Hale Mm Harry. R 2 .
Hughes Virgil E. R 4
Henry Howard, City
Haynes C W, City
Hughes Anthony, MumfnrJ Tenn
Johnson U A, Lola
James W L, City
Jennings Cecil, Fredonia 4
Jennings W F. R 2
Iiirg Geo II, Kf-pton 1
Koon Suurlii, Fredonia 2
Little V J. Repton
Lott W. H.. Fredonia 2
I.anham W R. R 3
Lamb Geo R, Shady Grove
Lynch Arthur, Camp Sherman, O
Long George. R 2
Love Fred. R 3
Mortis II. F., City
Morrow Mrs T M, Repton
McFee Ed, City
Manlove J W, VuMosta, Ga
Card Of Tbaoki An lnteru'inj Ltl'tr From Funce.
To every relative, friend and' American Exp tiii ivnary Force
neighbor, who in nny way! July 22, 1918.
showed kindness or sympathy to TVar bister:
us in our daik hour of sorrow i It is once mure" that I take tin
at d bereavement we wish to ex- pleasure to write you. I ctni un-
press our heartfelt thanks. !drtund why I havn't receivedi
Mrs .1. P. Huhhnrd and children. ! a hlttr from you since I cnnie"
Crittenden County
Marion, Ky., Aug. 24ih. 1'Jlh.
m '
overiea. I received a caru noin
,ou hnd appreciated it very
mi.ch I hope you will wiite me
I am glad to write you that I
have betn lucky so far, I have
The time to give our roads' had gtod health and feeling fine
their last general working for at d dandy this morning. We
ithe year is now at hand. Any j boys have a juliy lime, we peer
grading that has to be done have Mine to lake the blues. I
must be done between now and like to hear the liftVs ring when
Sept. 15th. to get the best re-
they are turned toward the Gtr-
UM That he smiled because he felt sure th tt the folks at home
7 u'; Aould not fail him? Did the qt;i i-tion of where his bread wns
j( c 'tivng from ever ent'.'r his mind? Why should ho question it?
I jj, Where should it come from? Whit is he fighting for? What is he
s p.) lighting for?
j He is the onlv bar b:fi,re your dotr. Hi is the otdy pjv?r un
der rieavi-n that can stop the blight of fie Hun. 1 1 is the only
tbstjde ut der the shilling sun that standi between (Jirinan lust
snd the sanc ity of your hcn.e. He is the or ly agency on the
face of the earth that defies tin? w ill of the Germ ui army, the
ame army that raped Belgium, that laid in desolation the villages j jai.
oi r ranee, inn t urns piiihges, ana arsons, ana mat now seek,
the op n road to America.
suits. If done later thttdirt wiiTniaiif, but the l i'-t of all a li.r
not have time fc pack befbie the'r.ige fire, to hear tln ni b;g he Is
4 19 1
3 l'J
12 IS
7 19
S !9
7 '9
6 19
1- 19
' It
5 19
7- 19
8 It!
8- 19
2- 19
8 12
6 !9
7- 19
8 IS
3 19
8- 19
7 19
7- 19
3- 19
5 IS
8- 19
7-1 S
7 19
7 19
winter rains. There will be
SliUO ptr day allowed for all'
r.ecessary teun s o; the rcues
j until Seiit. lota. Oversttri will
then return r II time fi r teams.
,oVc. b-.tAten that cute and Oct.'
!i.t. !
i lamciitcting this ippebl t
I the citizens of the county bi-
cause road work is a county af-j
ring, and (Ln't ihink I will lor
get the (irt or e t hat vot cl a
tome, Oh well I scon firjrct it
all and they don't hui d to L::d
now nl when i.ny t.r.r v. u.ts
to ch i p a; d 1 t. i e it as a
j...st iiiiii ofi' ..nJ btjit my imp
I think it wont Uke i s very
long ti- give ti." ''. "mans a good
Evtiy ctizc-n in the couii-' licking and then the boyi will
ty 13 interested in the roils, n'o;Le a ha; py bunch but until we
i'.v . . : l I e ' I . .i i -
luuiertnee u ne ue oi reioirtu , Kti ine Kaiser ar.u nil iiuncn we
ir.ce ho many I can't take lime to think very
it ucli about iii me and you all
Morrow Mrs Fanni", Buffalo, NY 11-19
Mcl'onnell Mi8 Cora, Tribune 7-19
McDonald J W, R 4 8-I!
Nelson Geo E, Repton 3 19
Newcom Frank C, Camp Jackson 1-19
Nunn Oscar, Sul.ivan 7-19
Pickens Jas A, Tribune 7-19
1'icktni Mrs J A C, City 7-19
Paris Rout, Lola 7-19
Paris Gilford, Camp Beauregard 2-19
Phillips O E, Gladstone 719
Postleweigtit Ailie, R 1 12-1
Peek Harliii, Fredonia 2 7-l
Palis Rina. R 1 7-19
Pupe Dr A F, L-misville s-Pjl
Kushin Jennie, Golcondd, III
When thu boy comes bic. cm you look him in the eye an I tell f). a(je or nol
",,M uu nave , 0U C U ,; L l" you U" n,,n tnal l,,e:,manv ti our Uj have gone
uicnu ne .auw w nun as a ir.uu ui uie tlUH lS 01 inll ii V . t . r it iu th. .n r j f 1 1 u i ,. : I i,(lt. . , ,A
oldtr nun, more now than et-i . hard y t.ke time to write, so
j v ii.i(- w (' k.upt ion,. , , , uric 1 nni IKI u I'll ltl i'l
s ''' 'ipUiSable condition. 'II. e uldji ii;ne to till you all about the
'A VOl't . . ... .......
men can snow -nur patrioibm tilings tnal passed in l-runce
you? Or if he doesn't come bick, cai yor liedojvn
the conscience of a man who par formed his duty?
WHEAT WILL WIN THE WAU. nothing can tak
the United States alone cun rrcduce wha is recced
alone are resonniibl f )r the part you play in it.
SOW MORE'WHEAT than you ever did before, prepare ytur
.V J' . ,1 l f ... : ..i . . . j ii
niwmujjuuMHi uiii.ni. .. ui nucoi kiuuiiu, i he can te a t lacker by silting
Kua.ul!lli.3icr.) UKt.a-) mai in ici.u iu reuuee (-reuuciion, back and see h s younger i.eih
ana men you win s;mpiy nave perio'meu your duty.
Written by W. G. Trace, County Agent,
Scottsville, Allen Co.. Ky.
by bell mg to keep up the roads . wii.-n I erne b.ick to the U. S.
as much so as any other way, or if I happen to be so lucky. Giv
my I vc 1 1 one and all tell ti e
i mi . .i ? i i
I ua.iv utiu ot-o ii a ) vuiikci iiriK"- I'liiiurei) mat 1 Mill love nmr
bor dodouble service lor his ben- think of tin m give my Wt re
lefit. Uts everybooy. old and!L'.iriis t Mr. at.d Mrs. Slatim
j clas mail here.
young, work tome rnhd within
the next two or tlnee we. ks.
The county has no n.otiry with
ira. Will t-ny
and al.-o
'O.hi b e.
As ever your hre.ti.fr.
t'rivate Maxi ? L. . Hannitoc,
Hd.jr Co, C. U. S. Inf. Amer-.
c .n Mxiedi i it .vy Forces France.
If there ever waa a time to take
plenty of Vin Hephtica. it i riRl.t
now durlne these hot aummer
You see, it is made of titjht
finest herbal remed'es and
hnoHii iu me iiiru.titi 'i'ijv-i"iuii i.'i y fjg liOrf.e
in ;uch
et reistin? power uaint the rav
ages of typhoid, malaria, chill and
other summer ailrmnte. Fine for in
digestion, liiliousnie-js, constipation,
in rvouncfs and weak at.d rundown
cniidif;on. Cntiie or aend in for a hot
tie i.o.
Wjilllil otiMrn..!
ate a bunch of other papers. alto: w hich to bire road Worn done,
the Fress-sure would like to ! The people, by their vote for the
get it. Reading matter here is' past two years have chocti io
scarcer man ii-i.s learn. nen worK tr.e roaus instea J cl .
we get a newspaper it is stale. Mng some ore cisi to do the) ........
We sure had plenty of noi.-ejwi.rk. The biggest sinner in j J frORD FOR MOTHERS
the night of the -1th. You see j the worlJ is the man w ho w .11 i jt i, a gravr mi,taj,r (l(f mrtheri to
we cek brate the event. I?aid pnfuby the oppritsion of his nrgWttlitirarhcan(lpaiinanduiTcr
we, f.owever. I had nothing ntwUi or. Now. voj older men i n 'in thu only i aiu to tnromc
nicancM ana t.urn tnonens uc.
K r If wotk ii tiring, if your ncrvci ara
to do with the noise programme j who vote to kree th
" i T . ..u . ii ti i . .. . . . 11 hoik is mini:, ii your nencs bio
da..! II ou would tell Lank to write; ma., to work ycur reals tor yo. r esciuUe, if you fctllanKuid. weary or
of the I would be glad, sure would love jtenelit rustle up your little depressed, Sct.tfi l mulsion will
toni-s to get some letters. Gucts sis; spark of patrijiism ar.d h Ip rrove wonJcrful strcngthencr.
bv the time vnn tifcp I iflV'tt till f ff libyil
i::;:tt:Lr' 1 er ,r the
Is in
Marion, Ky.
Your own, till I fhove my feet
under the table at homeasain.
Letter From J. Perry Travis.
France, July 11, 1'JlS.
Dear Father and Mother:
How are yru? How is every
! thing at home?
Seel; buiineaa employment, nnd at
every dour you are "turned down."
Why? Berauttd you are not trainnt.
, Ru.-dne.M men ate lookinK for truimd
i yov.iiK men or.d women. .
j Your head, if trained, m wi.r'li from
j l" no to S10 on ad-; ctir fu.r.ta are
1 worth from $1 no to 12 en a day. Are
'you drawing a I1KAI) namry ir u
I HAND nalan? The Dn.injh'.n Truir.
ing. AT COCl.fCK or I'.V MAIt- wi l
' educ.te your Iu ad will fit you for the
Yonrs very truly,
E. Jeffrey Travi.
Co.inty E igineer.
It possesses the very elements to
invigorate the Hood, nourish the,
i.ervti and build strength.
Ertry dniirHt lui jVntpa. fry 10
MiMH, lilaaMiN m
A L ttir From Camp Lojan ill,
Cinpluiio. : Aug. lollMS.
I) ; r Loiter aid Crittenden
, C n.tity fi i nds: .
ipjlj' Afi h v;e a few idle minutes
will write ou another letter to
Allofiur listdoiiir hail p.ven i ., .,., I .,, t.,n.,
i-w nmjn iMfii i mil run eu-
jo i. g the n.ivy.
me up. I wnn i.n.tl.lo I . v .. my o.-d
llittHi kl Hf it nil. M'lll. HH U IM.'I.I,.
kin, hesidn Ihe li in'l.le ht un-ick paiim I Mil HoW 8t!.ti( lied lit Cnnip
lutrtrel. i ur diuci't h Ivim. n,y Logan, It', the United i?t;:tts
h.il.aiid t.) tiy Mayi' Wm..l ifd Naw K ll - liiiiitfi' this p.ttnn is
I am all right, at least I am
7-19 i always harping around at mei.1 , tdKheni ponition. will put you ii.toioe
aini Drauitl.on will
Pohinson Ed M. TriUino S-19 t;mu &,)d eat j can B0 ypu l0.tK.a day rlaa. and DrauKl
Stephens J E. PemLroke 7-19 . , , . lt, . . linrf the poiition f. r you.
Su-llivan C. P.. Hlver City. N M 7-I Ca'1 C 10 hthfllh' , J S. G. PARSONS. Cashier t
Smart Miss Diioy, City 11-19 I haven t written for about I ti.,na Bunk, Jiirer.n, N. C,
Sulle..uer W U. R 3 3 19 two Wtek. YcU remember I , "(in compleliriir a tw. .m.nths
Sulle..Rer W D, R 3
Summers L K, Sun Antonio, Tex
Towery Aaron, Pincy
Thurman L. h Iowa,
Thurmun Carrie, R 4
Threlkthl Hurry, Cmp HeaureRiird 7-19
To,h J W. R 1
Todd Mrs Fannie, Zdlah. Wath
Tackwcll Ernest, City 5
Tiier Lee, Camp Sherman, O
Travis Miss Sallie, R 1
Tl.rcikeld J D. Dawson
Threlktld J Ii, Sheridan
Truitt Chester C, Sullivan
Tjwery J R, Rt pton 2
V.iiihoont r C W, Fords Ferry S R
'rii T J, Ci'y
Wolie C F. Mullikin
Wright i; F, likzeltmi, Run
Watson E-neat, Sheridan
Wring Harriet, alem
Wicker Oscar, Fredonia
Walker Kelley, Roslclare, 111
Wallace Susie, McKemie, Tenn
White Mrs A II. Nashvile, Tenn
Wright Mrs Laura, City
Wofford T N, Forda Ferry
2 i9
have not lieard from you sinco 1
left the States and that has been
Marion, Ky.. Aug. Mth, 1918.
All persona having claims against the
wtateof the late A. H. Cardin, are
rrnuested to present tame to the un
dersiKned or to A. C Moore, properly YgtM HofM)( To!u
proven. , Vatea Mrs Nora, City
15 Mrs. Zylla M. Cardin,
Executrix of A. H. din, decM. nd.ll T. A., City 2
Hm Ni-
"(in complelinif a tw. -m.nths' roure
at UKAUUHON'S arid without pnvi
oua houkkeepiiiK exptrience, I took ip
I...:... ... . . I.:. . . t l . ... ....
. i -. . I.iv uuuea LrtMllcr il linn i'ihir, mill,
over two months, and it was not. of (1b T1IuKo,,(;1 Mid
at nil convenient for me to wri'e. ,.HACTICAL ,ril,mill j M1Vld Kt
until now. Finances are low. j URAUUHON'S..! have had ru trouhie
My pay roll is ever three months, in doitm my work."
i pr.:n.i it you w-ur.i to urnw a neau salary,
L5ut when I am broke, why. I
jj.iji'dnii't have any fwa' of losing my ;
4-19 nuney. Mo:.ey isn t of mucli
u-19 u- Can t spend it, only at the
'-19 i. M. C. and lhy foak you
7 19 'worth. The Hed Cross gives
l-l9!everything, the Y, M. C. A.:
1-19 trivps nnthinu- but writinir nailer. '
0-19 Tha V M fi A bpro Rhnnlil to 1 Hon. Edward U. S'one.
alte.nl Dr.'iiivhi.ri'y Practical liusnnii
Collide, Nashville. Tenn, Catal't;ue
j I.err.nly ar ii n hxs mw. my lif...
am a iieA-wi.tiiiiii now." u in a tin..
pie, harmh'M priparuti.ni II. n! ti
ni"in (he I'iiturli'.l mucin f r in tl,,.
iiitiiitiiiiil tract and allayn tl... ii.'Uir.n
ti..n which cau'es racticnily all itiiin.
arh, liver and 1nt i-tM.,.1 ailiio rits, in
C'U'lirif appendicikM (li e doe wi I
convince or momy refunili d.
tor Sale at a liargain
A farm of 2.12 rures in the
H"ptor Valley, about Iff) acres
splendid bottom, balance ood
lying ridie; no wite; well wat
ered; gotd liouse of 7 rrM.rr.s;
good barns, crib, etc.; shihII
Mi s l.ernice Wimlerly is the
'. ir.iimr nf Mis I.irnln Ji nkin fur
or three times what anything is ''-uirfi ..r,..n m w.r
in Louisville from Duwstn
Hon. Edward U. S:one. l'rof.
(hi the bjiiK ( f Lui! Michigan
close to the border of Uiscon in.
lb-re is where the sailor 1ets
his idle indue r.nd here he
b: Ii r. ,i. lid a! uilL I til- li.Ul.O (t
; nili hi,. i i..,.ctin..; i, i. ns.
j 'i'l ii i"..i... !i t;,:us rt !r t.. l;k
. N .'.ian l. wi.l mr you i-iiii hear
a c ii -1 1 n t kii.cKi.i and roaring
; of lli.'ii ll KUin ni.it rillcM. It
I as h; u, h , j,;t. yutnig us
c. M-,i mil f ,
I 1 vvi.l l j put ,l wk u tie ('ay
c i.i j I.., Hi in n aero 9 lVr 1
inn anxioi s t ( w I" et Ik ie;s
a;.d get in act.ke b, r;cj.
1 Vihenwe have n,um laities
.1 . . .
tenant Imuse; Mtl young or- ' lougiu j jst as real bat
chard adjoining K. ptmi villngM l1''8 u:c fl,ul:. '! thetneii c a
which has 1 stores. '2 t hur.-h.n , narJ'J' w"'t for the ominand to
called the Old Men's Money As- "'. Duke Stone ar.d wife,
'aordition jundMrs. Joe L vm and
c"i9 1 Weluveapuper called Slats Maughttr Grcdie, i . red toCarrs-6-19
and Stripes, printed weekly, for ville Fli,lay l" be 1 uefcU of
t- nnd bv ii. anldifra. It alwnvs 1 Kev. V. L. Stone and nmily.
Walker Mrs Sallle, SummiUville.TU-lO (iias a (Jt 0f funny things in it,
W alker Mrs Emma, Sikeston Mo H-19 ' as well as news in general.
3-18 . That reminds me. I want you
Avoid This.
We fit mn tllMrurd the wrnna rnrds,
ii. . .. ... ...
i - --,finii Minieiimes u nninieiis Tnal war
to change my American Hoy and with friendships.
7-19 , have ic sent to me. I can get 2d .
charge when they are lined up
1 ready fur the Mittl.'.
i When I et across I men td
do my bit to help win this great
j war that wu are in,
j l am now an iM ert rilleinan
and 1 thh.k tnat winntho ti.nu
'comes ti r n. e to iharge blithe
Huns 1 will lie able to vet fow
ot turn bt lo:u they (t in.
It U aim ist .un ' tir c .ovv oI
Will have to elite ft r 1 1 in til. e.
Y'tir fiienu,
f Cbde Inrmer. to A 2 ui K.g.
nn. III.
a blacksmith fln p and gri-t mill
jkOod n ad; good pi oplc; h dvt-ir
able home.
Call or write,
W. K. I PI T.
Marion, Ky.
Real L'tate Penler. Imp
For Linnts and Children
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