BITTEX3EN RtLttRD-PRtSSi Marion, Ky.. Aug 22. 1918. S. M. JENKINS. Editor and Publishet ROLL OF HONOR WHAT THE CflVtHNMLNF ASKS OF THE Kriu-ied a:i second-tun matter Feb rua-y 'Jth 17 Ht tiio postotlice at M 'tvi, Kentucky, under the Act i f C'lMfcTKhn f March 3, 177. tl.5'1 per year cash in advance. The Fo!!ow;ng Have Paid Their Subf criptions For The Record Press to Date Given. SOLDIER , FARMER That he give up all of life that '.That he all 'he wheat he can he holds mo9t dear; that he go, That he use every atom of. ener- I, Atolising Rales. fide per inch S. 0. Foreign Advertising 25 per inch S. C. Homo Advertising riate, or Repeated ads, one-half rate. Metal base9 for Plates and Electro Locals or Headers 5cta per line in this niae type. lOcts per line in this size t"re 15ct3. a line this size typj. Obituaries 6c per line Cash Card of Thanks 5c per line V'itr, Resolutions of respect 5c a line Copy This oaocr has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period oftnewar Our Country's Service Flag. (Continued from page 1) likewise the mothers and fib ers of these brave boys, as well as the wives -aid sisters and friends, are called on to share in and cw.'.-ibute to the cost of this principle. Yes, my fritnds, the cost is great, but the principle is great er. Lot us, therefore, count -ourselves lucky that we can have a pirt in this gieat cause. It is a struggle, a great struggle, but there is no question but that vic tory is at the end. As I have said, my friends, vir cruntry is m bly doing her sharp 'n this great fight against imperialism, militarism, despot ism h! d all other ismv that are so detestable to an American, and t) a l mn who star d for justice and decency. While our country is doing her part, old Kenutcky is not in the rear ranks; md, as a part of Kentucky, old Critunden county is abreast with her Meter tour ties; and, as a part of old Crit tenden's contribution to liberty, this little church has given up TEN of her galLnt sons. Ye, suns, indeed, and brothers, hus bands and friends. Yes, TEN. Not so man. , but a great deal to us. Mr. Superintendent, I hold in my hand a Service r lag. It is culled a 'Vrvice fog" because it r presents the service that our loved ones ora tendering to their country and curs, a ser vie? that it is to benefit you and mi-, our children nrd our chil dren's children. Lach star represents a boy, a precious 5iul. a s.rt, who has gone from voi.r l.o:r.e, gniw to help make i'.v vcrld a decent place to live in not only for us. but for future generations, May the Lord watch over these boys, and may no star here be changed to red, but may they all return victorious and tri umphant, that we may personal ly thank and honor them. I present this flog to your school in the name of Liberty Take it, preserve it. cherish it for the miko and in the memory of the brave boys it represents, and may God help us to be wil ing td pay the cost of the great prize that ia now in sight! I Ainsirt! K. J.. B'mlRett, JUi I Ajre. Hugh, Great Lakes, II! Haker Abe L. U 1 Bakjr Mrs Ei. Duarango Col Rutler John T. U 1, m Mrs Maude, Fredonia 2 Belt W fc, R 3 Clark Eugene, Tolu Campbell J It Djcusburji Clark R S, SpringlVd, Mo Crider Mrs LuU, K 5 Coran W. J, Joy. Corley E J, R 3 Clark Gilliam II, T.jIj S R Corn John VV, Salem Cooksiy Mrs Nellie. Crofton )rak J It. Tolu l'boe J Frank, Fredonia, Prennun W D. Tribune 1 Drury K L, R 4 I) dlins Thomas. Washiigton E3ton. Eli M, H 4 Foster, Coleman, Mullikin Ford J Andy. R 3 Frezor 1. A, City Fox i: H. CUni, N M Grat es W H, R 4 Green John, Salem Guefs Taylor. Tola Gess Rosa R, Tenn Guess Marion, Sritt'iy Grove uilless Y S. SM-m S R Gass Fred E, R 4 Glorr. Fred, Freiiorra 2 Grimes J S, Subivan Howtrton W it. R 4 Harpending E L, Coy Howertoti C M, Rrptnn Hatter.dorf II S, City Hill J A. Tiimme I Hughes Allie, R 3 Hughes W U, Repton 1 Hill W II, Repton 2 Hill Jewel, Chehalis, Wash - - Henry Norm in. Kefeuivan, Mo 'Irnderson Mrs Lillian. E'ville Harris Forest. Tolu Hughes May field, City, Hughes Tony, City Henry Mrs Ida, City Heath W. R. Sikeston Mo Hardin M J, Tolu Howerton W R, R 4 Hale Mrs Harry. R 2 . Hughes Virgil E. R 4 Henry Howard, City Haynes C W, City Hashes Anthony, Mumford Tenn Johnson It A, Lola James W L, City Jennings Cecil, Fredonia 4 Jennings W F, R 2 King Geo H, Repton 1 Koon Suurlin, Fredonia 2 Little W J. Repton Lott W. H. , Fredonia 2 Lanham W R, R 3 I.Hmb Geo B, Shady Grove to a foreign lard and stand in the path of a foe whose God is lust and whose Creed is Murder. "18,That be challange with lis g Jhtari'i b'ood the advance of the 7 unspeakable Hun. 8l'ln return he may receive cold, 1M9 i hunger, hardship, weariness, f-1'J! sulfering. death and a clear con- gy in his being to produce a maximum it-Id . Thtt he shall not detetmine his wheat acreage by what he thinks his t rofi's will be, In return he will receive, more c'.ear profit on his wheat than he 'ever before received, the com- forts of his own home and fire- Card Of Thanki An Intera'mg Lclkr from tuoce. To every relative, friend and American Expt diu. nary Force neighbor, who in uny way! July 22. 1918. showed kindness or sympathy to IVur lister; 114 in our daik hour of sorrow. It is once more that I take tin t-19, 8 19 7- 19 3-19 8- 19 S-19 10-18 M9 K19 siit'i ce. ;siae, ar.a a ciear conscience. COULD MORE BE ASKED OF COULD LESS BE ASKED Of HIM? 'HIM? Mr. Farmer. d you realize that when your boy and your neigh bors boy left on that morning train with a smile on his face, that I he le:t. with c-i'm confidence, tha responsibili'y of his fae upon i YOUR shoulders? ' I That he smiled btcause he ft-It sure that the folks at home 7 9j aould not fail him? Did the qui stion of where his bread wns i j coming from ever enter his mind? Why should ho question it? u ,,( Where should it ccme from? Wh'i is he fighting for? What is he s 19 1 lighting for? 4 19 3 19 S-19 M9 7-19 5-1 S 12-1S 11-19 7-19 7-19 1 9-IS 7 19 !9 7 :9 7-19 l-i9 1 19 7-19 6 19 7-19 1-19 hi d bereavement we wish to ex press our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. J. l Hubbard and chiMren. To The Citizens Of Crittenden County Marion, Ky., Aug. 2tfih. WIS. The time to give our ronds pleasure to write you. I ctni un- ''d-Mand why I havn't receivedjj let Ur from you since I cnne" overea. I received a card fiom .ou t.nd appreciated it very I hope you will wiite me soon. j I am glad to write you that I ! have bet n lucky bo far. I have 1 !i:id ptod health and feeling fine their last general working for and dardy tins morning. We the year is now at hand. Any j boys have a juhy time, we never eradinir that has to be done j have time to lake must be done between now and i Sept. loth, to get the best re- the blues. I like to hoar the iifl-8 ring when they are turned toward the Ger tie is the onh' bar b' your ioir. Hi is the only p-jwyr un-1 der Heavi-n that can stop the blight of t'le Hun. lit is the only' obstacle u' dir the shining sun that stands between G rinan lust j snd thr Fanc ity of your hcn.e. H is the or ly agency on ti e! face of the earth that defies tin? w ill of tlie Germ;ui army, the suits. If done Uter thw uirt wnl ; man.", but the test oi all a Inr not have time tj pack befbie the 'rage fire, to hear th; in b:g r he Is wimer rains. There will be ring, and dun't ihink I will tor S20U per day allowed for all 1 get the firrt or e that j.r.t tUo necessary teams on the r uus tome, Vh well I scon ftrct it until Seiit. 15t:i. Overseers wid a!l and ihey don't scui.d l-d then return i.ll time t' r tuinis. now ( nly when j.i.y or.evn.ts cVC that eatL' and Oct. to fcl- p u: d I lit? It as njo-e l;t. ij-.;t tuin 'ei' . nu ttua my n.-.p Iamciucting this tppial t uiiew. the citizens of the county be- I think it wont i win oi me uerman army, me i .,1,i .... : . ,.,,,,.. f. ; n,, , ..... ..w same army that raped Belgium, that hud in desolation the villages i fllir K. MV ; ... ...... M;..Rin., .,nii ,u. t, of France, th it hums pillages, and d' spoils, and that now seek, the op n road to America. When this b,y conies bick cin you look him in the eye an 1 toll him that you have done all you could? Cm you toll him that f.e bread he r.te cam to him as a re?ult of the eiForts of mn lie you? Or if he doesn't come bick, cai yoi lie doAfn to rest with the conscience of a man who pat formed his duty? and YOU! WHEAT WILL WIN THE WAR. nothing can take its p!:.c s the United States alone can produce wha is recced a'ona are responiible fir the part you play in it. SOW MORE WHEAT than you ever did before, prepare grouiKfa's you never dreamed of preparing wheat ground, is very mans a good the boys will ty is int.resud in the roads, no te a ha; py bunch hut until we difference if he Le of required, get the Kaiser and his bunch we road uge or not. Since so many Itan't take lime to think very Simanv (four lvs have gune! u ucli about heme and you all tj toe wur it is ti e uuty of u.e'vn.l have to ixcue us as we older nun, more now than eei;ha:dy time lo write, so to help tj keep thtse roads in a y. u tee I will have plenty of 5 19 7- 19 12-19 8 lti li)-lg 8- 19 S-t9 219 719 8-19 8 12 6 19 7- 19 8- 19 7- 19 8- 19 7-19 8 l 3 19 8-19 7 19 7-19 3-19 B 18 Lynch Arthur, Camp Sherman, 0 8-19 Long George, R 2 8-19 Love Fred. R 3 8-19 Mortis H. F., City 7-18 Morrow Mrs T M, Repton 7 19 McFee Ed. City 7 19 M unlove J W. Vuldosta, Ga 7-19 Morrow Mrs Fanni", Buffalo, NV 11-19 Mcl'onnell Mi-s Cora, Tribune 7-19 McDonald J W, R 4 8-1 Nelson Geo E, Repton 3 19 Newcom Frank C, Cmnp Jackson 1-19 Nunn Oscar. Kabivan 7-19 Pickens Jas A. Tribunu 7-19 I'ickcni Mrs J A C, City 7-19 Paris Rt)bt, Lola 7-19 Paris Gilford, Camp Ilenuregard 2-19 Phillii s O E. Glailstono 7 If Postleweight Ailie, R 1 12- le Peek lUrlin, Fredonia 2 71 Paris Rina. K 1 7-19 Pope I)r A F, L'uisville K-19 Rushing Jennie, Golconda, III 7-19 Robinson Ed M. Tribune My Stephens J E. Pembroke 7-19 Sulllivan C. B.. Silver City. N M 7-I Smart Miss Daisy, City ll-1'.t Sulle..ger W D, it 3 3 19 Summers I. K, San Antonio, Tex 4-19 Towery Aaron, Piney l-l! Thurman L. F, I-iwa, 1-20 Thurmun Currie, it 4 1 20 Tbrelkild Harry, Cmp Beaungiird 7-19 7-19 2 .9 12-18 12-18 2-19 guard against every agtncy that wid tend to reduce reduction, and then you will simply hive performed your duty. Written by W. G. Trace, County Agent, Scottsville, Allen Co.. Ky. passable condition, 'lhe o.Jr men can show luir patriotism by helj ing to keep up the rvuds V(ur as much so us uny other way, or 1rl lu ran to u klui'Lcr liv Hiitmir J back and see h s younger neigh bor do doable service lor his ben efit. lts everybody, old and young, work toii.e rohd within the next two or three weeks. The county has no money with which to r.ire mad worn done. timet) tell you all about the things thai pastd in France wlo'ii I cme back lo the U. S. if 1 happen to be so lucky. Giv my I -ve t one an I all tell ti e children that I ttill love and think of thi m give my best re gards t) Mr. aid Mrs. Slatou and aho to Fl ra. Will i-ay 'ood bye. As ever jour hn thtr, i'rivate Maxi L. . Hann'tor-, Hdqr Co. C. U. S. Inf. Amer-. c .n Exu'di i it ary Forces France. Fine Summer Tonic If there ever was a time to take plentv of Yin Ilepatica. it is right now durlnir these hot summer dais. t JOU WOUIQ leil lunK 10 write mail tO WOl k xur rea ls tor JOI r Mcitablc.ifvou fell Uncuid. weary Of You see. it is made of eight of thej I would be glad, sure would lovejleneiit rustle up your little depressed, Scott'a I'.mulsion will finest herbal remedies and toni.-s to get some letters. Guess sis'; spark of patrio'.iam and lu lp ' rrove wonJcrful BtrcrRthcncr. class mail here. Would appreti ate a bunch of other papers, ali-o the Tress-sure would like to j The people, ty Uieir vote U-r the get it. Reading matter here is past two years have cho-cn to scarcer than hens' teath. When work the roads instead tf a; we get a newspaper it is stale. I ing some ore elss to do the We sure had plt-nty of noi.-ej work. The biggest sinner in the night ot the 4th. lou see 'the worlJ is the man who w.ll it is a rrave mistake fr mothers to we celebrate the event. I caid prtfu by the opprtesion of hisj nrglcftthcirarhMandpainsandsuiTcr "we." however, I had nothing j n iKht or. Now, yoj older men j wlence this only kails to chronic to do with the noise programme j who vote to l,rce the youngt-r 'fiftSi, .M ' IF I'AII IIIAIlU nll A ....II. I .... I. . ..J ' . . . ' A WORD FOR MOTHERS known to the medscal profreision j wili be home ly the time you' get this so I v ont write her this time. Your own, till I shove my feet under the table at homeazain. Ferry. cleansing ana toning up your system in fuch a way as to give it he great est resisting power airain't the rav ages of typhoid, malaria, chills and other summer ailmrnts. Fine fjr in digestion, tdiousness. constipati o n , nervousness and weak ar.d rundown condition. Cotne or send in for a bot tle i.ow. J. II. ORME, Marion, Ky. i BIG SALARY these boys put these reads in t-hape for the winf-r. Yours very truly, E. JefTrt'y Travi. Coanty Engineer. Merlon lioraife k- NOTICE. To,h J W. R 1 Todd Mrs Fannie. Z.llah, Wath iMckwell Ernest, City 5 Tber Lee, Camp Sherman, O Travis Miss Sallie, R 1 Tbrelkeld J l. Dawson Thrulkeld J li, Sheridan Tiuitt Chester C, Sullivan Tawery J R, IUpton 2 Vmihooner C W, Fords Ferry 8 II Wring T J, Ci'y Wolle C F. Mullikin Wright K F, Ilmeltnn, Kun Watson E-nest, Sheridan Wring Harriet, alem Wicker Oscar, Fredonia Walker Kelley, Rosiclare, III Wallace Susie, McKerixifi, Tenn White Mr A H. Nashvlle, Tenn Wright Mrs Laura. City Wofford T N, ForJa Ferry Letter From J. Perry TravU. France. July 11, 1013. Dear Father and Mother: How pre you? How is every thing tit home? I am all right, at least I am always hanging around at meal tirn; and eat all I can get. so you can judge a.i to my htalth. Seek business employment, and at every dour you are "turned down." Why? Because d vou are n t train, c1. . Ilu.-iness men are looking for trained ! yo'.mg men ar.d women. Your head, if trained, is wor'h from ."(i0 to $10,011 add)-; your blinds are'! i worth from $1 no to J2.00 a day. Are J you drawing n HEAD salary ir u I HAND aln? The Draugh-n Train ing. AT COLLEGE or BY MAIL, will I moves lhe caturln.l ' educate your head-will fitou for the t higlo ht poEition, will put you into the lU.oil-a.(liiy class, and Draugbon will ilind the positioa for you. S. G. PARSONS, l"ahier First .Ni- 1 r.aven t wrnien ior aooui , ti;ina I!link( j.rn. N . c. wru.: two weks. You remember 1 1 "on completing a twt-minths' course have not heard from you since I at DRAUGHON'S and without previ left the Sta'es and that has been ou xprieiic... I took tp .. j . . . i.w duties as caihier of this bank, laid, over two months, and tt was not u8o of itm THOHOl!Gll m,d at nil convenient for me to write, practical tracing I nceiv.d at until now. Finances are low. j DRAUGHON'S, J have had no trouble Mv Lav roll is over three monti.8 in domg my work." injn.i If you want to draw ahead salary, Bat when I am broke, why, I y.u,: don't have any fear 0f losing my j rKEE. 4-19 mjney. woi.ey isn i ot mucn 3-19 u1 Can't spend it, only at the 12 13 t. M. C. and thy toak you two or three times what anything 7io worth. The Red Cross ' Bite. id Dr.iUhon'y Practical Biihiiksi Colli ge, Na.-hviile. lenn., Catalogue 119' everything, the Y. M. C. A Mi-s Bernice Wimterly is the t K jl n 'k initio iiiiiua HiKiiua 101 w n few days, enroute to her lion e gIVCS fjiiiiauillp frnm IlnU-ji n It possesses the very elements to Invigorate Uie llood, noutuh tha. rents and build strength, 1!Ttrr dniBirlrt hs Semi's. Try'lti A L tti-r From Camp Lnjan III. (J imp l.'uaii. II'., Auf. 15 lDlS. D'i.r Ecitor ard Crittenden ' C n.nty friends: conies New Miilm ' A-1 huve h fow i,,!e minjU'9 will write you nr.otUT letter to Lt you know that I am ttill en jo., iog the navy. I i.rii now sti.tii ncd at Camp Logan, If , the United Statis Nuvv K ll" Range ihiscrmp is on the hanks of Liko Michigan close io the border of Wiscon in. Here is whore the Minor wets iiitebtiluil tract and itllas Hie inlUina-1 his lllie JllllKe r.lld here he ti .n which cauies rarticully all stum- hu It a Ho ad at nut the ll.uUe; ,f acH, liver and Inlet-tinal tilmi nts, in-1 ri 4 i ,, ... ni This e'uii.p k.,Ui:o's a ! ll, l;k N i .ian .iA Mr y..u call hear a e, ii-tiiil K 1 1 u k i . i u anil roaring of m:tt hiiif guns at A r:l!e'. It "All of our l ist il.K i! r bad CiVrn me up. I ns LrmS.lo t letve my bed Hi WHi kft ard nun elluWHHa iutii- k id. besides the teinble t 'muek psins ; I sutft red. Our iliugvist hdvit-ed my' t.i t- Mayi't VVi.i.d i(ul Remedy ard il bns unci my I if.-. I am a new wiiliiiin now." lt ia n tim-1 pie, harmL-ss prrphratioii that r,'. mucin the c'unirg appeiuliciiis One don. ronviiice or incmy refiindi d. HAYNES & TAYLOR. Hill , as o u, ror Sale at a lioryal!) A farm of W mt in t!.ejri,.l,'y f:': 1 Repton Valley, about 1(0 acres splendid bottom, balance ummI lv ir. lt ridiP! no waste! ivi-ll u-nt. i.rpri- irnl liniwai nf 7 ai.d get ill b. rViOj good barns, cribs, etc.; small tenant house; ud young or-! chard adjoining Repton village, which has 2 stores, 2 churches, i us v j,;f yt Mm eea titit e , 1 i.l I i-rtt.J wiin the i'h Cnas lu, ih in n, acrots fori urn anxioi s rtwt" i oi utics i When we have Miuin laities i they are (ought j M as real bat tles a:e fought, and the men e n haruiy wait lor the command to i Springs. 1-19 cr.vHQ nntnino- i:nt; writinc n.ini-r. -w Thf Y. M. C. A. here should Lei IIon' Edward D. Sloue. Prof. 719 Priori th o:d Mph',1 Mnnrv As.!F. Duke Stone ar.d wife, Mr. 19 1 . . utf Mr .InP I. inn fiiul hpr ai i ii in. Wuluveapuper called Stars uauK.iu. u..e,!. C 10 j Marion, Ky., Aug. 14lh, 1918. All persona having claims against the Mtata of the lata A. II. Cardin, are requested to present aame to the un der.iirned or to A. C. Moore, properly proven. 13 K9. .e.e. ... "r-"-, , ...., - . 2 red toCarrs- 6-19 and Stripes, printed weekly, for, ville Friday to be t. .., guests of fc-U .ml bv tl.P anldipra. It alwava' Rev. V. L. Stone and amily. Walker MnSallle,ummittville,Tll-19ia8a()t 0f funny things in it, Walker Mrs Etrma, Sikeeton Mo H-19 as Well as news in general. Yatea Hone, Tolu . 3-is' That reminds me, I want you Yates Mrs Nora. City Avoid This. We nffin illHciird the wrong rnrds, , - . j i ii no Koniotimes it iinimens inui wnr 7-10 to change my American Boy and ' with friendships. 19 . have it sent to me. I can get 2d able home. Call or write, W. E. I F.LT. Marion, Ky. Real ktate Dealer. Imp a blacksmith fhop and gri-t mil!: c"urL wmn arl' UP fcood road; good people; a d-fir-1 f"r. ,h ,,ht", I vHten i Ki'i neross i nie..n to do my bit lo help win this great war that wo are in. j I am now an taixTt rifleman ; and 1 think that win n the time 'comes tt r trie to tharge on the Huns 1 will be uMe to eet fow ol turn b lo:u 11. ey gtt inj. It Is .".lin ist inn f jr c iow " I will have to clue fer i) is til. e. Y ur fiienu, Cl de Farmer, to A 2 id Ri g. oj. an, III. CASTOR IA For Liants and Children In Uso For Over 30 Years r uyaenirmer. to A 2 id R Mwnys twars the Signature of Executrix cf A. II. Crydln, aec o. ' I