Speed Program.
Running rfCft
Tacirff Race; i
Tro'.tins H r4
Great Exhibit
Beef Cottle
Dairy Cattle
Swine, Sheep
and Pcultry
J VP- ' u'-lt' J.
HopkinsviJie. Ky., August 27-31, 19
Reduced Rate's
on Railroads
Sluittlc Train
Sen. ice to the
Pair Grounds
Tt'ii per ch t of all net earning vi I he "i o it-1 Cmi ami Belgian R?lief Fund.
Holland Gumett, Pres., Jno. VY, Richards, Sec'y.
Baby Show Aug. 27
t!;,i.:"., ,
Wilton Wco(!s of Owen: lo" , ' Mi.'so- He'cn Rou-e. M.r:::i . rrniTooir nts:
v-1 .i . i G-.e i-nrt ot hif- cci-f:i 1'i ri-e a :1 Irene Morrd ':. M.i : . liirli sehoo'.
.1 Yil;i;.r.i Ihif, teturi i
.r. e
'.K,;.-!,.r e
Uvior. dni: V orop i r a '.
a;el o her sdi' ols
ry work rj v on
t r.'il t Kuttii'A a t! .
(! li.'.Vi !j We.;:;;:- h
to .J,
..!'.' i I.:
I:..L. U rDfnJirr,
Oriin llornir.;, of M -t -;v: v.;!)
i ititii y in th'.' ci'y ti; i
1 i.-i ! I i VP v i: a..'.-,
ill;,:, ; Iv'l ii ;r a". 'I
, ; v.' I : t v. c ;ti ! ) v i:l t:f! W Ur. j
Hon'. !U liii't v c U for' iliss Janice Sec! t ar..l Arthur ; reqa: f.nont?
ii 'rin. 'JVrr., s.ttf ni a bcott, of Kat;si3 Pity, wi.o l.avej
P .ntir'. a'S( ,-ia'ion. He wi'.l le ' bet-n the tucfts i.f Miss Kather.
CiWv.Lntr.i.d htlprn tl;i? ,,t ?cv Tal days. .ine How?, have riturnoJ hrme.
Mr. .1.11. V.'hi -ra-.
vr '.in i! hst at.i ti.at tray
f cr 1) ii are t;i". tori mv
rri.-i-a'"' ! y :r forms of
!i.;i,,!i,,i. j l.e i : t ; 1 1 1 i is:on,
r C'ii.c.; A, i ay incluilc al!
ri.r) ;s , () en i.vci t .. to lo-.vif.tri
PSIVlNf iCSli !!i!5i3! SH
, I
For Br-nd- Only One Vty
To Meet fUniand. i :. Gray-to ik
, . . , Insure i our liouses, barns ; Mr. and ?,r. W. C. Cms and
V li'lHIl, . . , ... 1r.' irK Huiurnfor left S itnr-flay fnr i
, . . f UI..I HIV divvi. null iv - w - v . -. m j ....
...f Mirnai.lKd 1. u'' M,nn k , ; Louisville, where Mr... CroB ar.d !
Mm. Alo.wDv. ( , .. C G Thompson. . daughter will residP. Mr. Cross
Not.m.- i.i,o tin- .r.lri. m " ' ' H I will ko to Washington, whet e he
,iiK,Hii..n iis.l Mnn.M-ti Mi-oi.a. (;iarli !i McCunni'll, of the U. ma volunteer's corps.
T.yfcr;,ur ....!.. u.-k it u.-i mi L r, f()r a 15 fur0UKh visit-i Johnie Gasa left 1 hursdn far
Mrs. F,J Van l'.-lt has return, d ilu parentN Mr. and Mrs. T. '('reat Lal;ei. wh'-r'!
fn.m Iyuisville after having vU- j MK'oiinellur.d brother Marion, ' be ,rail,eJ for eervice. , ,
itedherhuslaiidat Camp Taj lor. wh- tl., s i,(.Pn f,,r pon,e time. I Miss Helen House,' of Hants-FOliSAHK-Otu
Hark't Frame l i;uy i);jn(ia anj 8;amp8, hy so town, who han beih the pirest'of
tubacco harn. 10s"'-feet. 'd-iiiii; you will help our kooJ old Mia Irene Morcdock, hr.s re-
lt (Wo. W. Stone. 'iii.eli.ti nniviiie t'nele-t to be ; turned home.
On T!iur,.);.v evardnor Ausr! IF.
ciulremtntiotCk.$A. . . f -J . . Lf tl.p PrutMlrrim
Ift:;!::::,;! mm. FRAZER'tn nsviMe, ind.. Mi8, Kitty ,
tu.uv.e.vjray anu l-lr. liOOl. t.
Cook were unite j in marriage.
He v. Taylor officiating1, ;Dr. and
Mrs. Morris trd Miss Frances
Giay enly wi'ei , present. ' The
Mrf. K. II. Yates has Murned h:"' fl,r)"ur Tht'' art erlit- Thomas Cr fiUI.. t I'ariuc.h,
to I.uisillc after l.avhjr vi-iud ; ld t!,e ",?4t- ; who hns be n t te :uel i.f Mia
It r parents. yu i.uve i.i-Mcne mo kather.t.e li'.-d,. lu
' ' i nr ki'iiifVi nre Hure In In-out of fc.r. 1 .
Fat potatoes ai d I"- a I t:iti io', Trv Si.t.t.1, u tuiniVn f. r tl.: li v
ll at Will FI.V.-wheat f.rtl.ob'.ys r. ki.m.. n.t Ll.ll.r A trial Wc
.. , , I, ,,.,... , I'U'tlv lll Cl'IHIIK-f ..U. (. t It lit tllO
The Wheat Ca-npr.in ia now
on. The pledge boo3. ir i ow
in the hands of jiood imin. v. 1 o
will push the campaign for, j 1 couple ' leftai noon Friday" for
n. 4 : . .... iiii.:.. v r J
mat is oui. . . . , j
Our government ir asking us,.
ji Chicago and other1 '1a1e' resorts.
.'This U the consummation of in
as patriotic citna, ta' saw all;
the wheat ye can.. A. crisis in'
tlr.iK nluif.
i ho ure lU hting lor our home".
Mifs I-rr.a V.'.-od.- h a iplurr.ed: jf3 w
h. n o from a vi- it v..:1'. ! r nnrn, UtAvard
L. Jani-'S 'ii
Marioa High School In Class A.
Wird a-id bttle A li.jt of fiho-ls acsrediifd by ;
rui. o rr.tni-iiift ! the Kei.tucky Asriia'io". of Col-i
Mrn. W
WANTliD - Fur:
hi.d board within
' walk ttVo!- fiici
Alltess i: J.
H-ci.r'1 l'r s.
Mi-s I r A:h r a .d t oifo. f:
Ati.ii t;. . ur. t!-e j t
ii.is at d r.-h':M.- h I-' til.
fi'in' full fifteen fntrnr.cu crulits
fi.r Rrarfiiati in tln-rtfrom,
2 Tlirt't; qualified teavliLTS must he
i-mploynj wlio devote all, their
time to liih school work.,
3. The pupil enrullmetit .must not
xccid thirty pupils jr teacher.
1. Two-thirds of the teachers ein
plojed must pofgess an academic
icholrHhi tqulval.-nt to Rrad
uatiun from a standard college.
5. A minimum period of fnfty rhin
utes must be given each 1 recitation.-
o. School must be in session ' not up, as patriotic men, 'an I meet
(-as than thirty. eekB dur- this situation. 'We mtist do as;
wit me year. . nnrhnu.f.w!,,, " k..!
7. The iquipment for teaching ' ' -v.
Science hiust not be lend than
f )."i) in valuf, and the library for
reference puruotfea should not te
le-s in value than J7j, exclusive
of pul.hc documen'.K.
properly h..ndie the F ut j,ct .rut- f rom starvation. The reserve,
t. r .if the recitation. j supply of fcod is Ftnaller than
The ttli .l sfnt:inei.t both of tie 'ever known. We havp pnni'ch
fcno,iih ,ii ho c mHii.mity muftlto tide us over until another hr.r l','rs- Nonie Arfiack pn-4 children,
l.e i 11 m u i u il I.i'i.rr' sMve. i .. I. . i. ' -J. ' ' !
, i, u-..i u:.:vts v.c rcjtuu.o oui i
I lie . . I. - ! i i I iu-t l( '.tl'- ..... .... I
,1 ,., , ,.,,,,, laiinpenceand ma'e tlie largest
extended courtship unitiog 'to
old and prominent families,
: Mr. and Mrs. Cook wiil be fat
tion ia at hand and we must risel borne to their friends after Aug.
-U'h, at the home of the groom
in tast Marion. ,
-we must show the world the
kind of men we are. J
The world is looking to ub fur
bread, and we must furnish it or
Card Of Thacki !
We wish to thank each and
everyone for their kindness and
u..uv4, uu nciiiuak luuiisil IL
wom2n and children will -oie;isymPatny s!l0'n U3'n tlie dea?n
of our dear husband ar.d father.
May God's richest blessirgs rest
upon all is iny prayer.
I . . 1 - I I 1 1 l
fri,! ,v ;ift,.rno.,.i frum a visi: to H-gts corrto u ujuiy 1 in- otvn , v
. . , .. .. . ... ..-..m., !..( In- I'.-.,f ;.!.! leiiiv f'"'1
mr pari!Mf, wr, a a ..i:s. , ,. ' ; , - i v r
S urgis Nes:' au''VrUf ,ruJ " ,!naai lii-h s.ho.l I9 i
. iucuon, hi,p i'.u.r oij,, tllt. fix.d ,ar,,,S(. ,.f ,,,h aebo-fieniirely wiped out and the world
I t n ... .. M .. 1 . 11 . -1- . .... . ... 1 .L . .
itriMJUKtiiviM ill ni.J ii ii it.- n.:io;i(;i inr,- un.i lue c iiiiiHiiuiy t.y out lf f
ro.K nti.tlVS altcn fit He rnt " ft iiuinu t.y mid a ...
. lii.d r . .m Oiive at Marion
til run lit- s Domoerat.
Give pi ice. , i-'ine fiim I ir.ilej
(r.lt. i'bo -,,i,ta lsi.n e. 1 111 .n. e- ,'.0 in
1i;it r. V.!l .vi'tiTi J. C'i il
1 ..... .. i ... i ... i
ii J. Oil in ViUi ii ii ei.i.r.i. .
.in- J!. V."u.T,
1 -Li r;
Cli.-, A.
A;nn..'i 'it-dd next jar in the history 'of
Miouid.ujr country, that reserve wiil be
i:.i!. C
(..a i-ti r.e, Ky.
it ir from Ge .rgttj'. n Co i g
Ti :.n y! ,it:i:i, K'viit .i'.y V, , ;..
a. i, beu a, I t'Mai', l 'i: :
L uisvill.' aod L'invcr. oy
ige H. H. Gns e!os- d lie j.r iwt'n of tl.e :.c.'n. .it. o
1 .T.ieti. i: i.t C:ive sohvu-lf- in Kentucky sine-.' li'io
Aug'-t l.V.h. lie wis - Ikw Pee. i iem trl.'ibk. l-r.-:: .-.j
1 almri of Cilit 'ie i;i I.' "'.t .j.'i' v IV.
nhf-ull axi ire r.lpolo accredited rii:i- oi.'Ul.ty to LrOu'lC- .'it 1 'ast
'ti .r. wi;i. th.. s..u;i..rr: 'sf.ciHtn.fi t.f .-iiiall crop of whv;U next j ar.
"'. m-f ':' ','rllwh Xwv is the t'n.e to ma aid
0 i ,S. f wilt te HO Si.ii .ili.tl i;i ihu I.e.xt :
' i- .. i - 1 .
ii... ii-ij.i ..i. , .... . i
crop, i.ct noUi'.ni cot m tl.e
Thj Texas Wonder cures Kidney and
blu.ldi r troubles, disj!ves crave!, cures
di'.bete?, weak and lame hack, rhenma-
j'.ifm nnd irr.'VTiilarilii s i.f Hi,? ki ineiJ
ind bladder in both men ui.d woin.n.
V i- WflT.t rvcrv fu .-i,r I" llilai
V " ' ' J IJnr... I... I. In. I.. ........ !.".. I-
I iiluiui'ii (i.nu.it-i li I'uiitvn in L ii.i ireii.
. If t.rit milfl lit. fntiii .li..rTi. ...it) ......
..... .....v. t,j "i.. ui .i.ni, C...
by miil on ntipt of f l.Jo. One i.iinil
Insure juur tcr.anoo crop j,., . .
now firnuir.it a:u:il I;-j:. ,,..,.1 1,.- 1;;,!. y. N. I ;!! ..f;in mnh- h.sthas ii.cuas:d to
ViiTIl UiC '.tutll'iii! r.eiiCi Ki.'k'a:!'.. lil , w ': is ii s 1 'i.'i'.: :;.i, 1 'ti, re weie t!.-.11 1 1 ..1
time tried iml tffO. pnnei-'r. liuT'.eetn.i r. .- .'tn! sell n.ls and 'It private 1 e! o .
;H ;.. pn.tes.'-'f. P." o: ...:.;i 1.. o , n.i ri are 1 0.7 In 1 iri c :v. c.i..-
. :rl.t I :.!.M-.IHS. I fi. II 0 !: f t
ii' ei.i-i'd, c.tht rs t re .- 1 ii ;
l.f.r,!. i ml t I.t !!.. li w..
tf G. G. Tlixi. ;..
Ibn-ir Fivtiy, wt.o i- i 'b '..
niivy. h'-i'ioi.edat iV.n.p I'lai '. ,j ,,
Mass , is here for a lew ti. ys
' Cut tl.
' meat, toot the lute In Ml
no T)J pnvd'.e . ciio.)!. ().' the
iiti.ie sclr .i 70 are i:i C.i- .i A
; private "thuols ar,' in the
' .-if" it: 1). 'f i:. I . - r.r. ' nii. i V'( rk
.'i.ti uv u1'.. V : :.. . i- -jell
fj. iii. i. .) e a U.i! A ..fi-j;.vioii.
i,,.i Iiim-Ii i,','. .Ti; (!,:
!',, 1 1. U.."ii.r:'... id
u'.i on- II . v rk ef h..;li '.!.... .'a h. ,
iei; .1 by 1. a s kfitl 0..i.iu.s tti.l ii
tl.e I:, t fi-w v-ani.
.wiy of a wh"-it crop
hen y.-'fir '.,:Hi.'t manager
cul's on u ?.i:h the oieoVe
,.,.',u-.i 1 a unok, be ready to tell l'.o.v ..r.i.uli
nH Oi Mllll f.ill- ' , ,,,, ..in tnu. ... in r,,..
J"l V l. I 1 .UK, PU VlltAk JUU l.l'V
take up his time unnecessarily.
I II" gets no pay for this woik,
bottle U two month-t' treatment, and
thisj"1' lain lt uerre.-t a ere. a.'nn
n.r sworn leiimoniala. Ur. b. W.
Hall, 2'.CG Olive St , St. LouU, M..
J'j!.l by dtu,:i;iti. Advert.ttm'.iit.
.si. an' ' I.;it re . ;v i
i Tiie KiliiLtr.ek ir;-,.vc .u d will
Cut tl.e tuts in w b at :u l . .y , f ,,..,0,.. Sef.t.'m-
i.iiti'ti . ..........
:,:p. ah r .?re-ii'.iiiri' riipi'.-i-
io In.. 1 .'!.. Ik..,.,, t i.t ii rr . ...I iitlipi ; fir. l.'V. :tOil t.i liriri?' MuH
Aims l..lll l.vlIU , VI. I.i i . v. Hi. -
."Vii.h.i .-.'..i.i.i..! d., do i.ot remain fix.-, h is only doing his patriotic
el, but ate ci'tr tauily becotiiiiii; hii;h- i.uty. Sj you likewise will he
e ; mill pr.i.-cs.fiveiict.o'ilci.mmui.iti 1.1, ,.,,., ,011 to vour
l!! t ekl-S while ('l;l.S4 Ll 'jt'S ll S mJ 1 '" eer on the 'llert In lie. li U!i . ., , .
u.. i n.i ., ii ii v.i.is l ....3 i , . ( . f im;;y iU( J()Ur novfrrom r.t
pjblionnd U private m;i,m,s. ),,!' n,'w "' nM-.iro-, ,
li ii ion ih a nii -awaiM' un.i -
S'.'PoI-1, WlK'illCr
private, may beam
I tl rS!
,r.'i;rei i' e n lioi.l ci n inuni'y mid will
1 they me. t the ')' illowir i; i
cd home Saturday fr-m a vi-it t. !s nod dinner ami spend tl.e
in fnili She wh: iiei-'iinpatiifil'tlay. Hieaohi' ir alter dinner.
'by Miss Mary I .oil Morgan who'
will be her vue-t f .r a week or!
jel. day. Committee.
The boys "ove thin'" iimtj have ssvcrol good
have wheat nfiil meat, when we ,farm for Sale dOSO in,
W. 11. Reynolds,
l'.ev. .l.ifns P. l'riiv,
n , ,
Vv. V-x JUST III sHK TTl fift vv u fr c i
uvu bv dening rur.-ekes we
r rnuking' better sul.lieis of
' thn and better men of our
selves. I,itt!i" Miss Mary Virg'na
also have town properly
and mineral rights.
W. E. Dclt.
The Tucson Arizona Citizen of
' lh.ss, of Marion, came Sun.l.ylA. i.tu wjs.
I Mrs. vuiiieiiiiu mi) "
iTncjoii has receivinl word that
' nftrrnoon o vwit l.r cousin
'Mrs. W. II. Ward.-Sturgis
' Ne . Duitociat.
1 you Rt up i niijhi? SihhiI i
lundy Ihc eM for all kidney u Wail-
' der irnubl u. Sanol rKps relief in 24
houra from all backaeJic and tiladfler
'' uouMm. Sannl a a umranled rumu-
. dy. SO sent hnltl at tho druu store.
' Give to Red Cross and Y. M.
i (i A. These agencies will adi
comfort to our beys in the trench-
' es and make life easier for them. Thursday.
W W "fS
by buying o.ir
. from the
Majestic Tailors' Fine Line.
A Special representative will be in MARION
Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 2nd and 3rd
Willi a big display of the la'cst and best Woolens at
Prices Ranging from $14.00 to $60.00.
has arrived saftdy oversea, lielc sure to sec and price this line, even if you have already
! t. . t. . 1-.'. ..!. t . I. ..Ml 1 .
ooiigiii or ao not lnicna io uuy a sun now. ii wm uc
worth your time.
This house makes a specialty of boys' clothing, in ages
from S years and up. All goods tailored right up to the
minute both in style and workmanship. .
Wait for the Majestic man Sept, 2nd.
R. E. WILBORN, Local Agent.
You will also be entitled to
tw ice as n uch Hour ui der the
food regulations as the man who
grows no w heat Huy your seal
wheat from 'your neighbor and
gtt ready for .umr crop NOW!
Crit. Co. Council of Defense.
Grave-yard Cleaning
The Fowler graveyard will be
cleaned orf Friday Sept 6.h. All
interested are expected to come
ami bring tools and dinner.
Others are invited. Come and
spend the day beautifying the
last resting placd of your loved
1 C. Gilbert.
Albert Conger,
Hugh Wiltorn,
Wanted Hides.
At the Marion Meat Market.
Will pay behest cash prices.
J: H. Sowd?rs.
h-r brotl-e'. Tlo-mr."" II. Mnor,
wa recently transferred from a
Kentucky to a Texnn contingent
and is now with the lignal oorps
of the IRSth Field Artillery."
Marion Thrasher, and Rgssell
Lawson, of Uwisport, who have
been cucits of Ml. and Mrs.
B. H. Morodosk, returned' home
$100 Reward. $100
Th rraditra ot Oil pr IU ba
pleaifd to learn Hint thrra IS at Ufitt
on drtadrtl difaM that stlanc has
been bl. to curt) la all Its sttftM and
tht la catarrh. Ctitarrlv boln artly
tnflurared tT ronatMutliillal eondillon.
requlr-a pon.tMullonnl. trrtmnt Hall'a
Catarrh Mrdlnaa l tnkrn ini.msMy and
acta thru th UaN o Uw Murouii Sur
faces of tha St'ftrnr thrby dMirorHif
th fnun.Utlnn ot the fllt.t.r, irlvlna tha
patient airenath ty hull.lina up th ann
aiii.iHon and a.ilfi'lna nature In dolnt Its
worK. Tha jroprlMora hava ao laurh
faith la th curativ po of Hall'a
Catarrh Mffllrln tkat Miff ffr Ona
Hun.1rd lnllar for any raaa that It falai
Io cur 8wd for Ut f tttimonlala.
Ad.lras T. J. CHENEY ft CO.. ToW.
Ohio. Sold by all Drufiist, Ke.
Nice Cows Fcr Sale
Several nood Jersey cows and
heifers to be fresh soon. Can
be seen at my father's farm one
mile northeast of Marion. Also
one Delaval Cream Separator,
Harry Johnson,
8 15 4t Route 4.
Pursuant to a resolution signed and
adopted by the Stockholders at a meet
ing held an July 29th, VAt, fte abova
named corporation li now closing its
busintsaa and winding up ita affairs for
tho purpoat of (lisaolution. All per
sons having any claims or demands
against said corporation are requastal
to present sarnu Immediately at th
offict of th Company, 408 Stark
ttuflding, Louisville, Ky.
by B. F. Weits.1, PresidwU
88 U