f 19 o
when required to any subsequent
wgrand jury
Any eleullun cllkcr ttho liallfal or
refuse to perform any of his duties im
posed by this section shall upon con
viction be fined not less than fifty nor
bore than two hundred and fifty dol
lars or be confined in the county jail
r not less thirty days nor more than
l six months or be bothfincd and Im
imprisoned in the discretion of the
Duties of the Clerk
s Sec 0 It shall be the duty of the
County Clerk to cause to be printed
bound and ready for distribution one
book of stubs and ballots for each vot
ing precinct in his county and shall
furnish 50 per cent more ballots for
each precinct than there were votes
cast in said precinct at the last State
and National election He shall also
have made for each voting precinct in
his county one metal stamp at least
one inch in diameter which shall be
known as the county election seal It
shalrhave upon it the word election
straight across the center the name of
his county around the circle inside the
1 rim above the word election and the
name of the precinct for which it is
made arouund the word election
together with one stick of best sealing
wax such as used by United States
Government and by express companies
for sealing packages containing money
He shall also have made for each pre
civet in hiscountyone adjustable linen
envelope sufficiently large to hold all
j the ballots that may be voted at said
j precinct with a gummed seal on the
back thereof and a place on the point
of the seal for the county elec
I tion seal He shall also have made
one linen envelope for the purpose of
holding the tally sheet with a gummed
seal on the back thereof and a place
on the point of the seal for the county
election seal lie shall also have made
one adjustable linen evelope sufficient
ly large to hold all the ballots of which
there is any doubt or difference of opin
ion in the minds of the judges concern
ingtheir legality or regularity He
shall deliver said ballot books and bal
lots together with the election seal for
toe different precincts and the two
large and onp small linen envelopes for
t t holding the baUots i d tally sheet and
all necessary black ink stencils sam
ple ballots and cards of instruction as
herein provided to the clerks of such
precincts and take their reclepts for
the same One of such ink stencils
shall Be safely placed in the booth the
Bother preserved by the clerk tobe used
iilcaseany are lost stolen or destroyed
ould any person steal or willfully de
troy either of said stencils or any of
the election supplies required to be
t herewith he shall upon con
fictIon be fined not less than fifty dol
1 rs nor more than two hundred dollars
fian one nor more than six months
Preservation of Ballots
> Sec 10 As soon as the polls are clos
03 on the day of election and without
adjournment of separation of the offi
cers they shall in the voting room
open the ballot box and immediately
count the ballots and make a tally
sheet of the count When the result
qrthe ballot is ascertained it shall be
immediately announced by one of the
judges in front of the voting room
All the ballots which have been count
ed and oyer which there is no question
A of regularity shall consecutively be
placed in a string to be furnished icy
hc County Court Clerk as near as pos
i Ve in the middle of the ballot and
tlin the count Is completed the bal
l i so strung shall be wrapped twice
uund each way with thsstring upon
v I ch the ballots are strung and tied
h t hard bow knoj and the knot shall
v ih n be sealed with sealing wax and
rt rnpedwjth the county election seal
v t hejsdges of the election in the
presence of the clerk and sheriff while
211c wax Is hot so as that the Jmpres 1
v stun of the county election seal can be
ij jjgjttlnly read Provided That if there
castandcountei ur left
jncounted concerning the legality or
iifularity 1 ot which them isaujr doubt
rC tr rdlfference of opinlr n ia the minds
Ifthe4udgesof they election said bal
< dots shall be ldi iIi the large linen
2nlopo furbished by the County
Court CkrlR Jerrthat purpose and seal
ed up aoi Across theseal thereof the
fflcers oft the election shall plainly
1i1 trite tfceirnHies rid atthe point of
r tha alai indicated barr that purpose the
t i t r the elcctic m blin the
5piIseeof the clerk Sand sheriff place
V beo if atefbfoe set 1 in hot wax a
brte bed et u4 t it can plainly
Vtejo d and t sea WJlll be returned
fettoe fcjrffcaf tbt < nty Court with
lreLnrrrie M > c tfc to tl only Je
7 7
dicial or other investigation as maybe I
necessary with u true btatement as to
whether they have or have not been
counicd and if counted what part and
rOi homThe ally sheet shall be
jfciccd lathe linen envelope furnished j
furthat purpose and scaled up separ
ate > Uud across the seal thereof the
I udfs of the elect Inn hall plainly
write their names and at the pointer
the seal indicated for that purpose the
judclwf the election shall in the pres
euce of the clerk and sheriff place
with wax as above required tile coun
ty election seal After tLe certificates
have been prepared and signed and de
livered as required by law by the offi
cers of the election then the ballots
that have been counted and tied and
sealed as above required and none
other together with the tally sheet
after it has been stamped and sealed
as above required shall all be placed
in the large adjustable linen envelope
prepared and furnished for that pur
pose then the said envelope shall fie
sealed and across the seal thereof the
officers of the election shall each write
his name in a plain and legible hand
and the judge shall in the presence of
the clerk and sheriff at the point on
the seal of said envelope indicated for
that purpose place the county election
seal in hot wax as above described so
that it can be plainly read and the en
veloped so sealed shall then be placed
in the ballot box and securely locked
with the two locks hereinbefore re
quired to be furnished and the key to
said ballot box and the county seal
shall then be placed in the possession
of the judge of the opposite political
faith to that of the sheriff of election
and the sherff of the election shall then
take possession of said ballot box con
taining the ballots and tally sheet and
also take possession of the stub books
containing the certificates of election
and the envelopes containing the spoil
ed and mutiliated and uncounted and
questioned ballots And the judge of
election holding the keys to the ballot
box and county election seal shall go
with and accompany the sheriff of elec
tion within two days thereafter for
which he shall recieve the same com
pensation as the sheriff of election now
recieves by law for delivering the poll
books and election returns to the Coun
ty Court Clerks office and shall in
the presence of each other deliver to
the County Court Clerk the ballot box
and the poll books certificates and
the envelope containing the spoiled
muliliated and questioned ballots and
the keys to the ballot box together
with the county election seal and the
County Court Clerk shall then and
there in the presence of the said skier
iff and judge unlock the billot box and
ascertain if the package containing thr J
ballots and tally sheet is properly ser j
cd according to the requireme nts
herein and If he
shall then issu
e his
receipt in duplicate for said ball jt box
and ballots one to the sheriff and
to the judge which shall be In form
as follows or as near as can be to con
form to the facts
Form of Receipts
I Eeclevcd ofSheriff of elec
i Lion for PVecflnct
the bal
lotbox and of judge of the
to said ballotbox rmd the county elec
tion seal for saii prerincl I hereby
certify that 1 fVnd upon examination
in the presence of said officers that the
package in Paid box iF properly sealed
and stamped according to law that I
have replaced said package in said bal
lotbo and relocked the same and de
livered to each of thorn a key to said
brAno box and to the judge of the oleo
tion and taken their receipt for same
The clerk after having satisfied
himself as to the Condition of said bal
lots shall replace said ballots ir the
ballotbox and relock said box in the
presence of the Judge and sheriff and
then and there deliver to each of them
I a key to said box and the seal of dee
tion to the judge who gave it to him
and take their receipt therefor The
fotsfco receipt shall be as near as can
bate conform with the facts as follows
Received ot Clerk of
i County Court one key each to the bal
lotbox that has been delivered to him
this day bysheriff of election
in precinct county Ken
tucky after having first seen him un
lock said ballotbox and examine the
package therein and finding it to be
sealed aid stamped according to law
I and that we saw him replace SAid pack
age ip said ballotbox and relock the
same andjudge of election
hereby acknowledges receipt of the
cotlntp election sealforbis precinct this
day of1900
Judge ofPrecinct
Sheets otuPrecinct
Skall 18 Kept Six Meatbs
The judge and atorif shall retain
skid keys for tb4 period of s4x mouths
ati wbMa ti JM if tiMre hw not been a
oossteet fflM they fchall deliver Mid
k JItlMn 1Et7lbfk
F b J
er with the county election seal audit
shall be his duty to destroy said bal
lot Provided however if there be a
contest filed then the judge and sheriff
of the differentprecincts who hold the
keys to the ballOt bx of their respect
ive precincts shall upon notice of the
filing of the contest deliver the keys
to the Judge of the court having juris
diction to try the contest and the offi
cer so holding the county election seal
hall then deliver the name to the
County Court Clerk
Sec 11 At the close of the polls and
before the ballot box is open the offi
cers of election shall count the remain
ing ballots thathave not been used and
tear them from the book and destroy
them by burning and in their certifi
cate of the result of the election they
shall certify how many ballots were not
used and destroyed
Penalties Prescribed
Sec 12 Any officer of the election
who shall knowingly and willfully give
or certify to an improper certificate of
the election a s herein required or
shall mutilate or tamper with any of
the seals or destroy or remove any of
the ballots required to be preserved
herein shall be guilty of felony and
upon conviction thereof shall be con
fined in the penitentiary for a period
of not less than one nor more than
three years
Sec Any County Court Clerk who
shall kDOwllDglyandJwillfullyunlock or
break open and remove or destroy or
in any way tamper with a ballot box
and ballots left in his care and cus
tody or permit any other person to do
so during the period of six months
which they are so required to remain
in his office or until they are removed
from his office by order of the court
hearing any contest shall forfeit his
office and be deemed guilty of a felony
and upon conviction thereof shall lYe
confined in the penitentiary not less
than one no more than three years
Sec 14 Any person or per ions who
shall in any way remove rautiiate or
destroy or add any new b allots to the
regular ballots that have been counted
and prepared for preS jrvation or have
already been preserved as required
herein so that the result of the elec
tion in such Precinct or county is
changed there Oy shall upon convic
tion be deen Jed guilty of a felony and
confined in the penitentiary for not
less than One nor more than three
years SecAny person or persons who
shall unlawfully attempt to prevent
or pr event any voter from casting his
barJot or shall attempt to or intlmi
dtJte any person or voter so as to pre
vent him from casting his ballot or
who shall unlawfully interfere with
the officers of election in the discharge
of their duties as such shall be deem
ed guilty of a felony and upon convic
tion be confined in the penitentiary
for a period of years of not less than
one nor more than five years for each
offense The fact that the person or
persons so offending may be an officer
or officers of the Federal Government
or of the State or any district county
town or city thereof or of election
shall not relieve them of the responsi
bility or penalty for the violation of
this section
All acts or parts of acts in conflict
with this act are to the extent of such
conflict hereby repealed
Sec 16 Because of the dissatisfac
tion that now exists against the pres
ent election law i n this Common
wealth and that it is desirous and nec
essary that the coming election in No
vember bo held under the provisions of
this act take immediate effect and
this act shall take effect and be in force
pon its approval by the Governor
Brave Explorers
Like Stanley and Livingstone found
it harder to overcome Malaria Fever
and Ague and Typhoid disease germs
than savage cannibals but thousands
have found that Electric Bitters is a
wonderful cure for all malarial disea
ses If you have chills with fever
achesln back of neck and head and
tired wornout feeling a trial will con
vince you of their merit W A Null
of Webb Ill writes My children
suffered for more than a year with
chills and fever then two bottles of
Electric Bitters cured Only 50 cts
Try them Guarenteed Sold by T
E Paul Druggist
Six Frightful Failures
Six terrible failureS of six different
doctors nearly sent Wm H Mullen of
Lockland O to an early grave All
said he bad a fatal lung trouble and
that he must soon die Bathe was
urged IB try Dr Kings New Discovery
for ConcMmpttoa After taking five
i bottinfe be era eatlrely cared It iipos
I iUvtfyMnatMd t cure all diseases
of Throat Cef t and Laagg iuchidiDg
Coughs Golds La Grippe Bowimonia
Bronchitis ABbama Hay Peter
Croup IThoojriDf 4JOuIti 50e Od S100
I TrW tottfci Inrtltalft An ilg MtoK
000 0 0 N 006 NONONONNN ONON0000 0 0
I < Go ToT o
Cooking j
I and Heating Cast 1 4
4 > Shotb Iron Heating Stoves all sizes Stove pipes 4
and Elbows Dampers and Coooking i
Utensils Tin Roofing
T i
+ 0
i a o
kUR new Lumber Warehouse which we have just com
OUR being situated on the railroad is well stocked
with all kinds of Dressed Lumber Lath and Shingles
Columbia Ky
Successors to Falls City Buggy Top Co
Manufacturers of and Dealers In all kinds of
Vehicles Buggy Tops and
Write For Catalogue
NO 142 East Main St LOUISVILLE kY
Teachers Association
The Teachers Association of District
No 2 will beheld at the Conover school
house on the 1st Saturday in Nov 1900
1 Music
2 Innovation C F Breeding
3 EssayMiss A E Montgomery
4 How to create a love for Composi
tion work in the schoolW L Brock
5 What are the benefits to bederiv
ed from the study of Civil Govern
mentWalker Bryant
6 Select Beading M i s s Elnora
7 How to teach Geography Civil
Government and History in their rela
tion to each other C E Breeding and
H J Conover
8 EssayMiss Vina Royse
0 How would you teach beginners in
writingW S Sinclair
DlO Recitation Miss Minnie White
11 Importance of spellingA O
12 A talk W D Jones on any sub
ject of his own selection
13 Which is the better disciplinari
an of the mind mathematics or Ian
guageC M Murrell
14 Importance of reading W B
15 Keel tatlon Miss Gertrude Mur
16 What branch of the common
school course is of the most importance
11 Rraudshaw and T G While
17 Uobme Resolved that the 1nil
ippiuos were justifiable iti rebelling
against the United Slates
Alllinnatlve Negative
Walker BryantC M Murrell
W D Junes J IL J Conover
CE Willis 1 f CF Breeding
Editor Sees Wonders
Editor W V Barry of Lexington
Tenn in exploring Mammoth Cave
contracted a severe case of Piles Ills
quick cure through using Bucklen
Arnica Salvo convinced him it is an
other worlds wonder Cures Piles In
juries Inflammation and all Bodily
Eruptions Only 25c at PaullcJ
Those who talk to us about imperial
ism being riot an issue in the present
campaign but a bugbear or a myth
Should note llie activity of the British
GoverHlBientsfor an alliance with the
TJaitsd States Our Eoglish peak
lug neighbors hare twig bees anxious
to have oar Government join them in
a IJ lcy of conquest and colonies The
British have spread themselves over
the world br force and are now eo
duetir GowsrpJrtCHt whtdfe htlitto be
tapafrtal Tile Qoteblta two tltlw
1 +
Is 0wniitrtb traveHi
piMi r lur round
uhr cimmoi tiiisn
tsitf as the pictun III
licatcs and is ruu flrsicla > in
every particular
o <
one applicable to the modified mon
archy which prevails at home and
another which Is typical of the tyran
ny and despotism over subjects who
are not participants in the Govern
ment toan appreciable extent but are
held by the sword For the purpose of
taking us away from our safe republi
can moorings and putting us under a
real or fancied obligation the British
Government assumedto protect usfroro
foreign interference when we were at
war with Spain with the certainty
that we would speedily defeat the
Spanish arms The timidity of our
Administration was played on We
did not need the protection so osten
tatiously offered by Great Britain It
was as much to the interest of Great
Britain as it was to that of the United
States to have no third party to the
war British statesmen know that a
war which would involve she Western
Hemisphere would require most elab
orate defense of British America
Lord Salisbury and his associates were
looking out for themselves as usual
Thats all right of course They ought
to be assidious in the interest nf their
own country Let us not bnwcvc
permit them to fool us
Hows This
WonftVr Onn Ilunrlre DnDar R
ward flr nfy HIM if Oitiiuli tha r tI
ut lie ru red iy 1 1 ttlV l iUi rim fir
11 11 BX BY C CO r jMlii p
We the uiilT > l m tl linvr kiuuji y
J Cheney fur Ito last 15 ears awl he
lleyo hui i Tfi city liunnribu 1 nTM
I business tninsactluns and HnaiiAially
I able to carry nut any nhigaI ions nnuie
by their firm
WEST Tnux Wholesale rug
gists Toledo 0
Wholesale Druggist 1 Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is liken intern
ally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent free Price 7c per
bottle Sold by all druggists
Halls Family Pills are the best
lI wish to express my thanks to the
manufactHrers of ChaiijberlslusCoiie
Cholera and Diarrhoea Bewetfy for
having put on the market S tci i Hofj
derful medicine says W W Ma sitiK
gill of Beaumont Texas There are
many thoifrftncLs of motncrs whoso
children hive been savarf f iom attack s
of dyseatry andd cholera tanntwm who
MkMiikbM iMaktMl ills tor fele
byk Cretins
i 1
> 1 ifor Itii can
fbi 1 thin nT the
DiV iiamed hotel
It is new elegantly
furnished and the ta
ble at nil times sup
plied with the best
the market affords
Feed Stable in con
Dry Goods Notions Boots Shoes
I aso keep a large stock of
which can lie bought at the very lowest prices
I have a nice line of MILLINERY on hands
J JJ J l r J J
Lebanon Marble Workz7
Manufacturers of and
dealers in all kinds of
1I1lUj tl 0 r
Special attention given to cemetery work Prices less than ever offered
before We are prepared to all kinds of masonry work such as foundations
fronts etc
WUI F JEFFRIES Local Agent Columbia Ky
Jlorse Jfyoe fertilizer
I have bought TWO CARLOADS of FertilizerThe
Horse Shoe Brand and can furnish you what you want
for small amount of money that you cant affor to sow
wheat without it
has been thoroughly tested and has produced surprising 33B
results It will make your wheat big wheat and will
cost you as little money as any reliable fertilizer ever j
sold in Adair county Call and see me
Columbia Ky
1 Fifth JIvenuE Hotel R
I say Ibis with the full QowleIJge of other drills It has a for
fertilizer feed and I can furbish you either the Disc Hoe or ShoW r
JDrillthaf will fHiJ from three pe iks to three b is shai per acre tiC
is easily adjusted and any ope can operate ijb J can also yon furnfgj l
Ttbeb 8t4raDd8 of v
for8 liillapdB oi
iW f Ja rigs t