Newspaper Page Text
THE ADAIR JOUNTY NEWS DELINQUENT TAX LIST. The following are the delinquent tax-papers of Adair county, as return .i3dby the Sheriff: District No. l. Whites. W. K. Abell, (gone from county.). E. K. Bottom. .. Kiley Brown, (gone from county.) A. M. Bottom. Ernest Burton. Les. Cox, (gone from county.) A. T. Carter, (gone from county.) W. C. Chapman, (gone from county.) W. B Chapman, (gone from county.) S. R. Davis. J. II. Dickerson. gone from county.) Shelby Ford, (gone from county.) Welby Ford, gone from county O. L Ford, (gone from county.) W. S. Goode, (gone from county.) Hack Greer, (gone from county.) A. F. Giles, (gone from county.) E. Goode, (gone from county.) J. S. Hardwick. Allen ITumphrey, (gone from county.) Irvin Lewis, (gone from county.) L. M. Mullinix. J. W. Mann. J. H. Robinson, (gone from county.) W. S. Redford, (gone from county.) Thomas Rich. Jno. Richardson, (gone from county.) C L. Seaborn, (gone from county.) Peroy Stayton. W. C. Slavey, (gone from county.) S. P. Slavey, (gone from county.) M. C Thompson, (gone from county.) O. W Tarter, igone from county.) A. A. Thraher, (gone from county.) G II. Tucker, (gone from county.) jr. A. Wolford, (gone from county ) Colored. M. E. Burriss, (gone from county.) M. E. Crow, gone from county.) DlSTinCT 170. 2. Whites. Fred Acre. G. T. Atchley. Jas. Allien, (gone from county.) Wallace Beard. P. M. Burton. Eddie Burton. W. N. Burton. Geo. W. Burton. A. O. Burton. Larkin Burton. Miata Burton. Geo. Burton. ST. H. Burton. Jno. Bryant. Johnnie Bryant. Pete Bryant. J. C. Bryant. Frank Burriss, (gone from county.) IPete Burriss. t Jas. Blackford. 31. W. Brockman, (gone from county.) Frank Byba. Ivan Burton. J. T. Cowan. Clarence Cravens. 'Bob Carter, gone from county.) Jno. Foley. Les. Franklin, (gone fron county.) Chas. Floyd, (gone from county.) J. W. Foley. A. J. Foley. Win. Gadberry, (gone from county.) J. A. Harmon. J. W. Hill. I. W. Holmes. G. T. Heir. J. P. Head. F. II. Holt. Oreed Harmon. Mont Karnes. Jno. Kinney. N. G. Lee. Marion Lane. I. Killer. L. M. Miller. L. B. Maupin. Sid Monday. J. T. Maupin. Willis McElroy. S. D. Napier. E. H. Napier. A J. Pierce. Chalmers Powers. Henry Powell. Montie Powell. R. II. Perryman, (gone from county.) B. J3. Redmou. Curtis Roach. Zach Rooks, (gone from county.) Jo Rooks. J. V. Rooks. Lewis Rooks. J. M. Sullivan. J. W. Shaw. Elmer Sparks. Mack Snow. T. E. Swanson. Martin Wheat. Tom Warren. T. T. Warren. Sam Whitehead. Colored. Jas. Fisher, (gone from county.) Bob McWhorter. District Xo. 3. Whites. - Sen Bennett J L Bennett Byron Blair ;Fiuis Blakey, gone Umm county Willie Blair, gone from county JRollin Bennett L H Bennett -T J Bryant . ' '' "Thomas Cawley B C Cundiff GroverCape ' ' L W Cape :Mont Helm 'Sidney "Helm J'B Helm Finis Jones s MWKirtley ' Wm Morgan Addison Morgan a ? , Jo Morrison W L Parrigan J T Sullivan Lucian Shelton, gpne from county S B Spoon G L Turner L A Turner Woody WJieat Ben White J E Yates Colored. Wm Hughes Mack Hurt Will Taylor v District No. 4. . . Whites. Rubin Bohanon S J Brack, gone from county Jeff Brock Wilford Bragg Tom Coomer Amon Coomer T C Coomer Jas Estes , Dan England Ed Estes Tom England C J Fields, gone from county Geo Franklin W L Grider, gone from county TJ S T Garmon, gone from county J P Gilpin Roy Grider, gone from county Jack Harmon -H B Janes W R Janes Eli Janes T F Janes S T Janes J II Jesse Tom Jesse Will Moore G C McKinney Chas Napier, gone from counjjy T Propers, gone from county JRRoe M A Roach G C Smith, gone from county , Jas Sweeden G R Stilts, gone from county J J Stotts JFStotts R L Stone W R Sexton, gone from county Walter Travis J B Wilson Leslie Wilson dies Wilson F S Wooten Jake Wooten W S Williams District No. 5. Whites. Jacob Bottom Bowles Burriss, gone from county J A Bottom Jno B Burriss, gone from county Baxter Burriss, gone from county J N Cabbell J W Coffey W C Coomer Willie Coomer Sam Cabbell Frank Darnell Will Keltner, gone from county C W Keltner, Jr S U Lowe, gone from county C II Mann L E Rodgers W Z Sueed . J L Wright, gone from county Colored. Geo .lohuson Josh Ingram, gone from county District No. G. Whites. Sam Ayers C W Burriss J W Burton S L Bault A B Burton Robt Dixon X W Davis P B England, gone from county W P Ellis Robt Moore W F McElroy n L Pike W B Prichard T G Rogers I D Rucker, gone from county Aro Smith ' G F Wilson C A Edrington, gone from county Colored. J T Bridgewater Robt Bridgewater Chas Buchanon Nelson Fitzpatrick Muja naskins R B Ingram -Jack Ingram . J W Smith Lee Smith District No. 7. Whites. G E Akers S L Antle ' - Willis Bailey J W Bennett ' E B Burton r - . GLCook , - Jim Cabbell O E Coomer J R Caffey H L Conover Kobfc Franklin O D Hadley Lanis Janes L G Sneed, gone from counay G E Shaw, gone from county J W Sumner , - W E Taylor , J R, Taylor G II Taylor" , Colored. G It Bridgewater, gone from county Sylvester Beauchamp, gone from Co. Eugene Beauchamp, gone from county Lisle Bailey Jack Barper, gone from county W G Burbridge, gone from county Harrison Bradshaw Waller Cooper, v Mose Dudley E L Flowers Jno Frazier ' Elijah Gamett June Gilmore ( Sam Ike Garnett Henry Hardin, Gr.een Johnson J R Miller W E Moore, gone from county Wm B Rowe, gone from county Chas Rowe Squire Skipworlh J P Walker Martin Walker District No. 7-A. Whites. J T Barbee, Jr., gone from county J T Barbee, Sr., gone from county B M Curry, gone from county H J Compton, gone from county A Damron, gone from county M II Grissom, gone from county P V Grissom, gone from county W T Garvin C E Hanner, gone from county C A Hawkins Jno E Johnson C C Jones Guy Janes J P Jasper L C Rounds, gone from county Colored. Geo Gilmore. gone from county Geo Page A copy attest: Walker Bryant, Clerk, By L. O. Taylor, D. C. Here and There. Texas blackberries are ripe. Reports indicate a fine yield of Elbertas in East Texas. Indications are that the Ken tucky crop of strawberries will be abundant. The acreage in melons and cantalopes has been increased in Florida. Indiana has fine prospects for apples, peaches, plums, cherries and berries. Prospects for a good yield of fruit in several counties in Ken tucky is very flattering. The movement ot Tennessee berries is on in earnest. The crop is excellent, The Georgia melon crop is in good shape and it is now thought the yield will be larger and ear lier than last year. A Lesson in Virtue. The shop girl may not have a comfortable home, where in safety she might meet and be properly introduced to a few available men. She may not move under the so-called "pro tections" of society. But she has a right to her love affairs, and she can be, chaste and dis creet and strong in spite of her disadvantages. Many a carefully nurtured child, protected in her home, could learn much for her safety and happiness from the hun dreds of store girls that fight so magnificently for their good times, giving young men lessons in courtesy and decency, main taining their virtue and good names under the most trying con ditions attimes. W. R. Hitck- I kin in the New York Times. Best Medicine for Colds. When a druggist recommends a rem edy for colds, throat and lung troubles you.can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lowry, drug gist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and'lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other remedies failed." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, tnroat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doc tor Price 50c and 81.00. Sold and guaranteed by Paull Drug Co. Ad. Brave Girl Saves Two. Doris Brant, a Massachusetts girl, and only 16 years old, is to receive a medal from the Mas sachusetts Humane Society for saving the lives of two friends, Ruth and Hazel Bethel. The three girls had spent the summer at Lake Webster, and there Hazel -had learned to swim, though she had not become very perfect in that useful art. One day the two sisters were in the water together, when Ha zel found herself sinking, and screamed to Ruth, who at once went to her assistance. But by the time of Ruth's arrival, Ha zel had become so frightened as not to know what she was doing, and she grasped her sister in such a way as to make it seem proba ble that both would be drowned. Doris, who was on the shore, lost no time in going to the help of the imperiled pair, though she must have realized that this was with no little danger to herself. She forced Hazel to loosen her grip on Ruth, and then told Ruth, who was almost exhausted, to swim ashore, while she herself supported the other sister. Ruth carried the alarm to the shore and in a short space of time, a rowboat came to the res cue, and Hazel and her plucky rescuer were taken to safety. Not a Sherlock Holmes. A police officer tells an inter esting tale of an old woman he once had to deal with. A batch of bank-notes had been stolen, and the detective found someone to tell him that the old woman in question, a notorious "fence," had one of the notes, at least, at her house. So implicitly did the detective rely upon his informer that he set aside the formality of a search warrant, and proceeded to visit the old woman's house, locked the doors on the inside, and rum maged the rooms from cellar to roof. He is ail officer who prides himself on his keen scent in a search, but he was completely baffled; and after tearing up some boards and knocking down some plaster by way of making a show of doing something, while he waited for a new idea, at last he gave it up. , Turning to the woman and handing her back a candle which she had lent him to work with, he said: "Well, this time I confess I am beaten. Tell us where it is, mother, and I'll get you off." The promise was sufficient. "Youlve had it in your hand most of the time," she said, "and gave it me back this minute. It's wrapped 'round the candle." for the Weak and Nervous. Tired-out, weak, nervous meii and women would feel ambitious, energetic and full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health-take Electric Bitters. Nothing better for the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thousands say they ,pwe their lives to this won derful home remedy. Mrs. O. Rhine vault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., says: "I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never for get what it has done forj me." Get a bottle yourself and seo.what a differ ence it will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by Paull Drug Co. Ad. Paris waiters have won the right to eat: their Juncheons else where that at the restaurants where they work. But what the patrons do not know perhaps will not hurt them. U. G. HARDWICK, Pres. J. H. COCKE, V. Pres.; W; T. Pyne Mill & Supply Co. ESTABLISHED 1861 INCORPORATED 1889 DEALERS IN ENGINES. BOLERS, SAW MLIS. . GRIST MILLS, FEED MIL12S 1301 THIETSeNTft-MftlN. LOUISVILLe SMOKESTACKS, Sheet Iron and Tank Work JOBBING WORK SOLICITED " All Kinds of The Louisville Times And The Adair County News s the best afternoon daily paper publish ed in Louisville. It is Democratic and is heartily supporting TVood row Wilson for the Presidency. The campaign is on and if you want to keep in touch with all the parties throughout the United States sub scribe for the Times. We can" furnish The Times and The Adair County News both for 4.50 per year Come to the office or mail-in your subscription. Louisville Louisville, Kentucky On Main between Sixth and Seventh American and European Plans RATES: I American Plan $2.00 and up European Plan $1.00 andv up We serve the best American Plan meals in the South The New Louisville Hotel Co. inc. Herman Steinhilber, Manager The Adair County News and Weekly Cour ier Journal, both one Year Each $1.50. R. H. DIETZMAN, Sec :-vbhk rzz-Lmr ib Machinery Repaired- Daily note ( Ihtej KE & - i