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THE ADAIR JOUNTY NEWS ATLANTA PEOPLE EXCITED OVER STRANGE DISCOVER.. Starting Results Following the Use of Strange New Liquid Aroused Intense Interest In Georgia's Capital City. MANY FORMER SUFFERERS DESCRIBE ITS EFFECT Woman Helpless From Rheumatism Enabled to Walk Without As sistance, Sufferers from Stomach Trouble who Could Scarcely Eat Enough Claim Complete Recovery. Atio..ri fin Mnnv nersori of this city have 'becorae greatly excited over the wonderful cures repcixeu uy am ferers from vrious chronic ailmtnts after using atrange new liquid, re cently introniced by an Indian man who claimsto have spent the best years of his life and a large sum of money perfecting it. Scores of people who say they have suffered for years, many of whom never expected to see another well day.ciaim to have been completely restored to health and news of count less wonderful results has spread like wild Are. The drug store where the strange liquid has been demonstrated was be sieged with health-seekers from morn ing till night and many interesting stories told by persons who, having used the new treatment successfully, brought in some sick friend or ac quaintance to obtain a supply. Amon?' many callers who re i.t experiences with the new t . ..owi was Mr. Oliver W. De V.eiie, who has lived at 840 Bank street, Atlanta, twenty-two years and who for sixteen years has been em ployed as blacksmith in the Southern Railroad round house. Mr De Weire said he had been afllicted with stom ach trouble for about four years and that five doctors and many different medicines had failed to effect a cure. In speaking of this strange case he said: "I sometimes would have no desire to eat all. My digestion was poor and frequently I would suffer intensely with pain in my stomach Gas would form in my stomach and cause belching. I had dull, heavy headaches and was very nervous, ir ritable and worrisome. At night 1 could not sleep. I was weak and felt all run down. I have now been using the new Root Juice treatment for ni,n, fiima woolr nnd ffifil like a new man. I have gained six pounds in( tvoiuiit-riri ran tat a" most anvlhinir I sleep line, too, and get up feeling rested. This medicine has certainly lixed me up in line shape." Another startling account was given by a man who said he had come from Marietta. He gave his name as James D. Rupp, his address as 32i Hoovel street, and was very enthusiastic over the results in his case. "I have been a sufferer from stomach, liver and kidney trouble for seven years," he said. "My food positively would not digest and 1 was in constant misery. I tried one remedy after another with out relief. I heard so much about this new Root Juice treatment that 1 pro cured a bottle and began using it. To my great surprise before I had finished it I found ray stomach, liver and kid ney trouble fast disappearing. Now 1 can eat heartily and 1 sleep well. In fact, I frel better every way " Mr. Oscar L. Seymore, living at Weber and Orange streets, reports that after suffering from rheumatism, swollen joints and pain for eight years, three bottles of the juice treatment put him on his feet, caused the sore ness and swelling to disappear and made him feel fine. Another and one of the most start ing cases that have been brought to ight is that of Mrs. E. G. Moore, who has issued a signed statement giving the facts in her case. In her state ment Mrs Moore says: "I almost be lieve Root Juice to be a gift from Heaven, for I have suffered seven years with chronic stomach and kid ney trouble and it nas entirely cured me. Whenever I would eat meat or Facts Aboul Hair. One of the first things noticed about the "little stranger" is the color of its hair. The color of the baby's hair depends to a great extent upon the color of the hair of its parents. Here is one rule which very rarely has an exception. If you ' are red-headed, and you marry a lady whose hair is the same cheerful hue, one of your chil dren will be nicknamed "Gin ger," at school. It is tha snnie with light-haired or dark-haired people marrying. . As a rule, their children will all be fair or dark. When a dark-haired man mar ries a woman with light hair, -then the majority of his children Will be dark-haired, the minori ty taking after their mother. That the color and texture of the hair is strongly hereditary is to Keep Them Alive potatoes, gas would form in my stom ach and this would press upon my heart so heavily at times that I thought I would smother. I had dull heavy headaches and pains across my back. My hands and leet were always cold and when getting up in the morn ing I would be so dizzy I could not see. 1 was an invalid for four years and al though twelve doctors treated me I was not apparantly benefited. At times I was too weak to feed myself and when I started taking Root J uice I weighed only ninety-eight pounds. Within a week after taking my first dose I found I could eat anything I cared to without the slightest discom fort and that I was gaining rapidly in weight. After I took several bottles of the medicine I was able to do my own housework and have not been troubled since in any way." The case of Mrs. Schondell who suffered for years with rheumatism which became so severe that she was unable to move, is another of the won derful results that are being reported. The story of her strange and remark able recovery is best told in her own words, and the following is quoted from a signed statement which she has issued for publication: "I suffered for years with a severe attack of rheu matism. After trying numerous doc tors without success I made up my mind to see what the Root Juice med icine would do for me. Before taking the medicine I was unable to move and had to be carried from one place to another, but when I had taken only two bottles I was able to walk with out assistance and can now take care of my household duties Root Juice saved my life." The effect of the Root Juice upon persons suffering from stomach troub le is almost incredible. The appetite increases with the first few doses and it is not uncommon to hear peo ple say. "I had not enjoyed a square meal for vears before I tried it." Cases of kidney and bladder troub le, too, in which the sufferers com plained of backache, soreness in the back, dark specks seeming to float be fore the eyes, painful and frequent urination, pufliness under the eyes and other common symptoms, it is claimed have yielded very quickly and many complete cures reported. The new liquid is said to be one of the finest blood purifiers and system tonics known. Indigestion, loss of ap petite, gas, belching, bloating, bilious ness, loss of energy, backaches, head aches, urinary disorders, bad blood, rheumatism, and other symptoms aris ing from functional disturbances of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels are declared to be perceptibly benefit ed by its use from the very start. Perhaps the best thing about it all is that the great discovery can be made very economically and conse quently the poor can take advantage of its wonderful health-giving power, as well as the rich. Large bottles holding nearly a pint are being sold for only one dollar. CAN HE HAD HEIIE. Local druggists say they are making an effort to procure a supply of new medicine for the benefit of home peo ple who are seeking a speedy cure and it is expected that a shipment will be here in a few days. Persons wishing any special information can obtain s?me by addressing a letter to the Root Juice Medicine Company at Fort Wayne, Ind , where the main labora tories are" located. is easily shown. Certain tribes which have never intermarried with other tribes, will be found to have the same type of hair, man, woman and child. The Eskimos are an instance of this. All of them have the same straight, black hair. The hair of a baby at birth is not always the same -color as it will be when it grows up, un less it is born with red hair. Once red-headed, alway red headed. As a rule, a baby's hair is lighter than it will be in the long run. Baby's eyebrows will generally tell you what color the hair on its head is going to be. The eyebrows are usually darker than the rest of the hair at birth. Hair as a rule, turns darker and darker until middle age arrives, and then grey hair begins to show. Do not tip the plate for the ast drop of soup. In the Lonely West. I think of childhood days and friends. I think of the dear old paths that Iroamed. I think of the dear little streams that rip pled along through the silent woods. I think of the rummage in the woodland, of the songs of the birds, of of the blue sky over me, of the beautiful flowers thnt bloom around me, in old Ken tucky. I think of the parting with old friends and loved ones in my old Kentucky home, and mind re flects back to the humble home of my better days, undisturbed by the eager greed for gain, con tented in mind and soul, with no higher aims than the Raccoon and 0 'possum hunt. Home, no name so sweet, no spot so beautiful, no place so at tractive as home I love the name home, That home is some times dis turbed by poverty, and to keep the wolf from the door we are compelled to seek labor in other fields. Behold the laborers are many and the work is scarce in Old Kentucky, therefore ye la borers seek work in other terri tories. I happened to be one of those unfortunate ones who was left out of a job and compelled to seek labor in other territories and hadpily I found my way to B-iyan county, Oklahoma, where a job was waiting for me at $75 a month. I took the examina tion and was successful made a certificate, have my contract in writing and begun school Mon day, Nov. 10th. I have a six months school and will do my best to get out in six months. Bryan county is in the South eastern part of Oklahoma, on the Red river. Durant is the county seat, and has a fine State Nor mal School. Durant has a population of about 7,500. I am in the Choctaw Indian reservation. They ae quiet, and sociable, and are as law-abiding as auy people. I call them the straight haired Negro. I have to look at their hair often to tell them from the yellow Negro. I hope this serve as a letter to many of my friends that have asked a letter from me. I will say to the teachers that the schools are all taken up and were when I came. I had my school before I came. Respectfully, James 0. Prock. Nearly Every Child Has Worms. Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, ect., are indications of worms Kickapoo Worm killer is a reliable, thoaough medicine for re moval of all kincsof worms from chil dren and adults. Kickapoo Worm Kill er in pleasant candy form, aids diges tion, tones system, overcoming con stipation and increasing the action of the livar. IS perf ecaly safe for eveu the mosa del icate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try t. Drug stores or by mail. Kickapoo Indiana Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. GEM MESSAGE BY PIGEON. Carrier Flies From Vessel to Short, Valuables Being Found. Philadelphia. When she discovered that she had left valuable jewelry In a bag at a hotel Mrs. Daniel H. Fergu Bon, on the British steamer Glenesk, outside the Delaware capes, liberated a carrier pigeon, which returned to th home cote on the Ferguson farm, Fair view, at Mendenhall. Fa., with a mes sage telling of the-loss. The hotel -was communicated with, and the jewelry was obtained and put in the office safe. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson started for New Castle, New Brunswick, and left one bag to be stored in the baggage room of the hotel until their return. Through a mistake the Jewel box was placed in the bag. The pigeon that car ried the message was being taken with others by Mr. Ferguson to friends in New Brunswick. MARRIED BY PHONE. Ohio Magistrate Accommodates Eager Young Couple. Dayton, O "Do you, Louis Motzel" "Number, please" "Take Florence Igou" "They don't answer" "Oh, central, please get off the line. We're trying to get married." Louis Motzel and Flerence Igou had their troubles getting married over the telephone here but Dan -Cupid Anally got the phone plugs in their proper places on the switchboard, and Squire Koehne was able to finish the cere mony. Motzel and Miss Igou had found two magistrates absent from their ounces, and when they reached the office of TToehne, only to find him gone they located him at a construction camp three miles from the city, and he read ily consented to tie the knot by phone. PACIFIC DRYD0CK. Work to Bo Resumed Shortly Is Opin ion In Washington. Washington. Work upon the giant drydock at Pearl Harbor, the site of the great naval base the United States is establishing In the Pacific, probably will be resumed in the near future. Secretary of the Navy Daniels an nounced that Alfred Noble of New York, the engineering specialist retain ed to render an opinion as to the ad visability of going ahead with the con struction of tlii! dock, has reported that the project is quite feasible. The Pearl Harbor drydock Is to cost several million dollars, according to es timates. Work on the dock was well advanced when the coral foundation of the dock yielded to water pressure from below and caused an upheaval of the floor and walls, practically ruining all that had been done. CONDEMNED TO DIE, CONDUCTS BUSINESS Remarkable Fortitude of Frank, Awaiting Death. Atlanta, Ga. Leo M. Frank, sen tenced to be hanged Oct. 10 for the murder of Mary Phagan. continues to manage in jail the affairs of the Na tional Pencil company, of which -he was superintendent and at whose plant the girl was killed. However, he will not be hanged Oct. 10 because the motion for a new trial will be heard, and if the decision is adverse the case will be carried to the supreme court. It may be a year before his fate is definitely determined. His wife has visited him daily since the end of the trial and has assisted him In going over the mass of testi mony. When at the trial Solicitor Dorsey declared she had never gone to the police station to see him and cited the fact to the jury as an indication that she knew Frank was guilty she leaned forward in an excited protest, but under the law she could not tes tify. She is determined In the event of a new trial and she Is confident one Is coming to in some way show that she never for a moment doubted her husband's innocence. Mrs. Ilea Frank, his mother, joined In the jail conferences for awhile, but finally she was obliged to return to Brooklyn, where her aged husband is critically ill. She expects to return when argument Is made for a new trial before Judge Roan. J Solicitor Dorsey is directing the work of detectives who are trying to find new evidence to strengthen the case of the state should a new trial be ordered. TRUST ACTION NEXT SESSION. President Then Will Recommend Strengthening of Sherman Law. Washington. There will be no anti trust legislation at this extra session of congress, it was stated on the highest authority. President Wilson will recommend to congress soon after the beginning of the regular session in December the strengthening of the Sherman law. Between now and then he and his advisers will go over the Sherman law, dig Into the history of Its operation and make a careful study of what has been done with the law and its effect on business. It became known that the president will have before Mm the anti-trust laws of New Jersey, known as "the seven sisters" acts en acted during the last year of Mr. Wil son's administration as governor of that staU. Special All Persons Who Are Behind One Year on our Subscrip tion Books Will have to Come off, Under the Law, if not Paid at once The Government Will Not carry Papers in the Mail for Parties who Owe More than one Year Great The Louisville Daily Herald And the Adair County News One Year Each For S3.00 This offer will hold good for onl- a short time. Ifjrou want to keep posted in poli tics and current events, subscribe now. Oorne, bring or send jour subscriptions to this office. There has been a very heavy' demand all over Eastern and Central Kentucky for feeding cattle and the cattlemen have paid anywhere from $6.50 to $7.25 for good feeding steers. Deelare War on Colds. A crusade of education which aims "that common cylds may become un common within the next generation" has been begun by prominent New York physicians. Here is a list of the "don'ts"which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the cold: "Don't sit in a Draughty car." "Don't sleep in hot rooms." "Don't avoid the fresh air." Don't stuff yourself at mealtime. Overeating reduces your resistance. To which we would add when you take a cold get rid of it as. quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find. Chamberlain's Cough llemedy most excellent. Sold by Paull Drug Co. The total amount of prize mon ey and plate to be offered at the National Horse Show this year is 40,000. There are 142 classes, about the usual number. Alfred G. Vanderbilt will offer the St. James Gold Challenge Cup val ued at $850 for the best gig horse. i S Notice Bargain Potatoes poured into Chicag0 last week at the rate of seventy- five cars per day. The crop is selling on a basis of 50 cents to the farmer, or about 63 cents to the dealers, who are laying in big supplies. Saved His Pool. II. D. Ely, Bautom, O., suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctors advised amputa tion, but he refused and reluctantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve as a last resort. He then wrote: I used your salve and my foot was soon completely cured." Best remedy for burnes, cuts, bruises and eczema. Get a bos to-day. Only 25c. All druggist or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia" or St.Louis. If the plow lugs heavily exam ine it carefully for slightly sprung beams. Nervous and Sick Headaches Torpid liver, constipated bowells and disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches Dr. King's Xew Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get releif. Theystim ulate the different organs to do their work properly. Itfo better regulator for liver and bowels. Take 25c and invest in a box to-day. At all drug gists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co Philadelphia and St. Louis. r, - J. ;?, rafcaMRfc,,.