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-A ' 'f THE ADAIR BOUNTY NEWS 5." ' if. ?V ufSg ENTIRE CITY IS SHAKEN AND MANY ARE EXCITED. Atlanta People Are Dumfounded by Sensational Results that Fol low Use of Strange New Liquid and Reports of Startling ' Cures Continue to Appear. CAN NOW BE OBTAINED AT DRUG STORE HERE. Home People Will Have Opportunity to Investigate New Liquid That Has Caused So Much Excitement by Remarble Results in Atlanta and Elsewhere. Atlanta Ga. There seems to be uo end to the excitement that has been created here by the strange and mys tifjing results following the use of the new Root Juice treatment in cases of stomach and kidney disorders and rheumatism. Some of the severest cases that could be found have been treated success fully with the new liquid and so quick have the results been in many cases that the sufferers aud their friends were dumfounded. Persons who were helpless from rheumatism for months and who had to be carried about claim to have re covered as if by miracle after using the strange new medicine for a very short time and are now walking the streets enjoying the best of health. Sufferers Irorn stomach trouble, who could not drink a glass of water w ith out suffering afterward and .who claimed to have suffered agonies from indigestion, headaches, belching, and ' bloating, pains after meals and other simiki- ri stresses now declare they i . . rty appetite, can eat any j .. -nd never suiter from any of uicbe symptoms. Many prominent and influential peo ple or this city have used the treat ment with pronounced success and a number have given out statements for publication. Among these is Mr. H. P. Seay, 19 E. Pavillion Street, whose wife has been practically an in valid for four years. When seen and asked about his wife's experience, Mr. Seay said: "It is true that Mrs. Seay has been wonderfully benefited by the new treatment. She has been suffer ing from stomach and kidney troubles for four j'ears and lately these became complicated with nervous prostration. We tried several doctors, but they did not seem to help her and then we started trying every remedy we heard of. During her illness Mrs. Seay has used one hundred aud forty bottles 'of various well-known medicines with but little or no relief- She is now on the third uoiU- of this new Root Juice treatment and we are delighted with the results. She has gained in strength, has a splendid appetite, sleeps well at night and feels better than she has in four years. In fact three bottles of this new medicine has done more for her than all the hundred aud forty I spoke of." At almost any hour of the day in the drug store where the new med icine was explained one could hear shories of startling results obtained by those who have len using it. A very interesting and remarkable experience was related by Mr. Wilson Gaines of 318 Western avenue, who is well-known in railway circles, having been employed as switchman by the Central Railway of Georgia for eight years. Mr. Gaines explained that he had been troubled on and off for Ave years and that he suffered intensely. When asked to give a description of his case he said: "I suffered fearfully from rheumatism in my joints and it was especially severe during wet or changeable weather. My digestion was poor and I would sometimes belch gas after eating, x suuerea uisu iruiu headaches, backaches, painful urina tion and was nervous fnd irritable One Girl's Bravery. Violet Perry, a New York girl, stood in her doorway of her home one night recently, to say good-night to a friend, when a little puff of smoke rose from -floor, almost at her feet. With an exclamation of surprise the girl looked down. On the floor lay an object unlike any she had ever seen, though instinctively she recognized something sinis ter rin its appearance. Three fuses were sputtering and smok ing, and little crails of fire writh ed toward the central mass Violet had heard of bombs, though she had never seem one. Mastering the terror which at ;he thought seemed almost to --. X, paralyze her, she sprang for ward, .and stamped out the burning fues. Then faint and tambling she went to call a policeman. The girl's intuition j had not been mistaken. The mysterious object was a bomb, made of three sticks of dyna mite, each weighing a pound, .and each stick had a seperate uBe attached. At the Bureau Sometimes I could not sleep at night and I grew weak and run down.. I tried several doctors and least ten or twelve medicines without rinding a cure. I have been using this new Root Juice treatment twenty days now and am feeling better every day. I have spent at least $250 seeking a cure without even getting relief, but I find the juice treatment is fast cur ing me. The medicine has proved to be worth its weight in gold to me." Mr. II. L. Bassinger, of 118 Elm street, Macon, said he had suffered jrom rheutism and stomach trouble for nine years and that although four doctors had told him there was no cure lor him, the first bottle of the juice treatment had given him relief and that he was feeling line. A lady who gave her name as Mrs. Mattie Colquitt and her address as 400 Cromley streee, said: "I suffered thir teen years from indigestion, gas on the stomach and belching. I used to throw up half what I ate and suffered fearfully. I spent a lot of money on doctors and medicines, but got no re lief. When 1 heard about Root Juice and the great things it was doing for the sick, I tried it and although I have taken only one bottle I am be ginning to feel fine. My food digests now and what I eat stays down. I know this new medicine is doing me a world of good and I believe it is going to cure me completely afier thirteen years of suffering. I, for one, can certainly recommend it to any one in my condition." Lack of space makes it impossible to print all of the many similar stories that were told, but it is safe to say that at least a dozen people recited equally interesting and startling ex periences. "WONDEREUL 3IEDICIXE CAN NOW 1?E OBTAINED HERE. Local people are to be given an op portunity to test, the Isew Root Juice which lias been effecting thehe marvelous results and which created so much excitement in Atlan ta during the demonstration at that place. The main laboratories at Fort Wayne, Ind., where the medicine is prepared, have made arrangements so druggists can now procure it through their wholesalers and those who have not already placed it in stock can easily get it. , Any person who suffers from indi gestion, belching, bloating, pains after mea's, loss of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, nervousness, backaches, weak kidneys, impure blood, rheumat ic dains or other symptoms of func tional disturbances of the stomach, liver, kidneys, or bowels can therefore, obtain the Root Juice in one dollar bottles at any good pharmacy or by writing direct to the Root Juice Lab oratories at Fort WTayne, Ind. In view of the phenorainal cures that have been reported from else uriiorA it-, is hfilifivfid that home ueoole. suffering from various forms of stom ach, liver, kidney ana nowei aisoraers, will find in thenew treatment the same wnnriprfni results, which have been experienced by those who have already usea it. of Combustibles it was said that the amount of dynamite was enough to blow up a battleship. There are fourteen familes in the building which is Violet's home, and the iife of everv in mate was in danger when the plucky girl risked her own life to stamp out the smoking fuses. Miss Wilson's Trousseau. One of Miss Jessie Wilson's in timate friends who has frequent ly been consulted about the trous seau, asserts that the wedding outfit of the White House bride is neither extravagant nor lav ish, and embraces only the nec essary clothes for the wife of the average citizen. This friend also said that $5,000 was a liber al estimate for the cost of the entire outfit, including the wed ding gown itself. Two attractive gowns in the trousseau are rose-colored chiffon velvet afternoon gown, made with a plain draped skirt, caught up slightly in front, slightly trained to a long nar row point in the back. The waist is of silver lace and white chiffon with a touch of chiffon the color of the skirt. around the bottom of the skirt and sleeve is a border of white fur. The other gown for shopping or calling, is to be worn under a fur coat, and is of orchid broadcloth. There is slight suggestion of the peg top in this gown mere ly a suggestion, however, there is more than the usual breadth about the hips and the bottom of the skirt is nearly two yards wide. Nearly Every Child Has Worms. Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, ect., are indications of worms Kickapoo Worm killer is a reliable, thoaough medicine for re moval of all kincs of worms from chil dren and adults. Kickapoo Worm Kill er in pleasant candy form, aids diges tion, tones system, overcoming con stipation and increasing the action of the livar. IS perfecaly safe for eveu the mosa delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try t. Drug stores or by mail. Kickapoo Indiana Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. For sale by Paull Drug Co. f Hogwallaw News. Raz Barlow says belonging to the Excelsin fiddling band is an awful "strain" on his fiddle. The Old Miser at Musket Ridge presented the Hog Ford preacher with a hickorynut yes terday. Atlas Peck spent the forepart of the week in the Calf Ribs community and upon his return was accompanied by a brindle cow. The Deputy Constable"has de cided to capture that One Hun drod Dollars Reward that has been offered so long through the weekly papers by the Hall ;Ca tarrah Cure Company. Fletcher Hens tep, who is in terested in all the public affairs at Washington andMexican war, sleeps in his large square spectac les now, since his wife papers the ceiling with news papers. Miss Flutie Belcher haswrote to the wholesale millinery houses of Chicago asking to Sbefshown all their new styles inlhats, asjshe wants to select oneS before they are all picked over. The "Farmer's Rest"! eating house has been opened at&Tick ville. The tables areS allJSmade extra large in order to giveHthe patrons plenty of room tofchew their beefsteak. Are you one of the very for tunate persons who, when"about to put on your vest for the first time this autumn found, far down in one corner of thepocket a great big nickel. Miss Fruzie Allsop was the cause of Poke Eazley's mule running away Monday evening. The mule ran for some distance, when it reached the forks of the road and then, being un decided which way to go, stop ped and turned back. A Night Of Insomnia. The most common cause of insomnia is disordert of the stomach and consti pation. Chamberlain's Tablets co rect these disorders and enable yo'u to sleep. For sale by Paul Drug Co. SEEKING TO SAVE DOOMED WOMAN Mrs. Wakefield Sentenced to Be Hanged. MAY ESCAPE THE GALLOWS. Various Organizations and Prominent Women In Connecticut Protest Against Extreme Penalty She, With Aid of a Man, Brought About the 'Death of Her Husband. Hartford, Conn. Aroused as tbey never have been before, Connecticut women of every walk in life are shoul dering the burden of preventing the state from inflicting the death punish ment upon Mrs. Bessie .7. "Wakefield, convicted as an accomplice in the mur der of her husband. From every conceivable vantage point wives and daughters of promi nent men, suffragists and women op posed to their sex exercising the right of franchise are attacking as disgrace- V iH,: ?4&Z && .zw.w. ft$ v x -;- v- -vtmimm. W;V".'A,5H' ..wvft'iW'3 """U" 'ifgb"-?i,. : -. . -. -T,Art.- --.- &SVX&Xju.?- . i Asl. ""i57i y , - -' -: : -. a Otv. j A 'ftr r -p tr i r ' , '' z Photo by American Press Association. MBS. BESSIE WAKEFIELD. fui and unwarranted the carrying out of the court edict that ilrs. Wakefield shall be hanged. From every corner of the state the protests of the women are being voiced in the form of publicly circulated peti tions to which many thousands of names are being signed daily, in pub licity campaigns and in personal de mands being made upon members of the state board of pardons, legislator's and jurists. Although Mrs. Wakefield still is in a cell in the prison death house, ho word yet has been received bjT her indicating what will be the re sult of the unique crusade. If Mrs. Wakefield dies for the mur der of her hnsband, in the actual com mission of whifh she was not accused of having taken a hand, she will be the first woman put to death in the state since 17SG. Connecticut's leniency toward women who have been convicted of murder is explained in part by its efforts to atone for its unsavory l'ecord in Colonial days, when six women were burned or hanged as witches. In 1743 Elizabeth Shaw, a feeble minded girl, was hang ed on her father's testimony that she had killed ber infant child. She was executed after she had ridden a mile to the scaffold seated on her coffin and crying aloud to be saved. But since Connecticut became a state only one woman has been legally put to death within its limits. Mrs. Wakefield is twenty-four years old and is one of six children of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Webster of Middle bury, an uncultured, but honest, cou ple, who for years have eked a bare living out of a rocky farm. The daughter received practically no education, and she was only seven teen when she was married to Wake field, a Bristol farm hand. She became housekeeper for .Tames Plew. a Middle bury farmer. Plew and Wakefield soon quarreled about her. Wakefield was found slain last June. Plew confessed the deed, but he and Mrs. Wakefield blamed each other for plotting the murder so that they could bo married. Plew. wlio has a wife and child, and Mrs. Wakefield, who has two children, have been sentenced to be hanged on March 4, 1914. It has been stated in the Connecticut press that the vote of the board must be unanimous to commute a sentence, but the law was changed four years ago to make a favorable vote of five members effective. Mrs. Wakefield's children are with her parents. The boy, who is six years old, and the girl, who is four, know nothing of their parents' fate, and they flaily say to their grandmother, "Mam toa will be home today." The fact that many women have been convicted of single handed and premeditated murder in Connecticut In the last half century, and that all have escaped the death penalty, and that Mrs. Wakefield is not even charged with a part in the actual killing of her kusband, has Incited a widespread re volt against the decree of the extreme penalty in her case. ' if vw ',-. .vr ') II) I Hi- h, w j. ,. f f. v v . ww j jr . r j. v WjOCC'-: .' . -m::. .. s f r -t :x' ;-, mmiim s.-v xa jr-tsmyx &jifs. ' o-skx- (V -yy i W w W r" w " " - "jw i. . v ' ..' vttrara&ra'jS. . ikmmt,wjj Special All Persons Who Are Behind One Year on our Subscrip tion Books Will have to Come off, Under the Law, if not Paid at once The Government Will Not carry Papers in the Mail for Parties who Owe More than one Year ureal The Louisville Daily Herald And the Adair County News One Year Each For S3.00 This offer will hold good for only a short time. If you want to keep posted in poli tics and current events, subscribe now. Come, bring or send jour subscriptions to this office. Can Kentucky Elect a Democratic Senator? When the Senatorial race is discussed we frequently hear it claimed that if Hon. Owsley Stanley is nominated in the pri mary next August he will be de feated by a Republican in No vember because the Democatic "dry" voters will not vote for him. We also hear it claimed that if Hon. J. C. W. Beckham is nominated that he cannot be elected because the "wet" Dem ocratic voters will not support him. Neither of these statements are true. Many men who are making them do n o t believe them themselves, but are using this argument to defeat either one or the other of them for the nomination. Nobody questions the loyal Democracy of either of these distinguished gentlemen. They are both simon pure Demo crats and have each done splen did service for the party. With Notice Bargain the Webb-Kenyon law passed the United States Senate will have absolutely nothing to do with the liquor question, but the great trust question and others of a political nature have to be set tled and no Democrat in Ken tucky whether "wet" or "dry" wants a Republican Senator from Kentucky to misrepresent their views. They will elect a Sena tor who will stand shoulder to shoulder with Ollie James, sup porting both with voice and vote President Wilson's Admistration and no considerable number of Democrats will go away from the party nominee, who everhe may be, on a strictly local question which has nothing whatever to do with a United States Senal We have just had an elect tron of a Democratic Senator in the close State of Maryland, which has gone Republican much of ten er than Kentucky, where Blair Lee was elected by the largest majority the State has ever given, (Concluded on 3rd. Page.) i M a t-A 51 fTx.