Newspaper Page Text
A- Mr. W. R. McBeath, who has Been confined to his bed for three or four years, is no better. Helen and Leslie Dunbar are visiting their uncle, H. Dunbar. J. K. Holder, of Eli, is erect- ing a new house. H. L. Wade & Son are receiv ing their new spring goods which makes a nice display. I am living where I can hear the horn toot and the hounds yelp the fox hunters delight. H. Dunbar is doing a nice bus iness with his gasoline grist mill. Plenty of.meal $1.00 per bu. J. K. Butcher and Bill Blair, of Eli, are building a new house for Walter Stephens, of same place. We notice Pulaski county aims to vote to sell bonds for new pikes for the county. How long oh how long do we have to take the mud? Why can't Russell and Adair get busy. Well, I have not written to the "Good Old News', in so long, I thought I had better write some. In my former letters I corre sponded from Eli, but from now on they will be from Irvine's Store, the place of peace and plenty. When you meet a man he is either hunting a load of corn or a milk cow and it goes to show that there is plenty or he would not be out, as corn and cows are higher than ever was known since the war of 1861-'5, and Wilson president too wonder what is the cause-Tariff? "Please answer some one. Dr. L. D. Hammonds mother, wife of Jonas Hammonds, died Sunday, after a long illness of cancer. Dr. stayed with her.for the last month. I imagine all help ful hands could do, was done but alaslman has but so small a pow er against the inevitable. The be reaved ones have the sympathy fall who knew them. Child Cross? feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child, with coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very little, then again ra venously; stomach sour: breath fetid; pains in stomach, with diarrhea; grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror all suggest a Worm Killer something that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box to-day. Start at once. You won't have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm Killer is a candy confection. Expels the worms, the cause of your child's trouble. 25c. Recommended by Paull Drug Co. Ad. Dirigo. The Dfrfgo man has been very sick for the past ten days but is glad to report that he is some Jbftter at this time Mrs. Mary E. McKinney, wid -ow of the late C W. McKinney, died at her home here on the 12th inst. She was 78 years old and is survived by several children, : grand, children and great grand -children. She was buried at the tStotts cemetery. Rev. T. J. Campbell preached the funeral. Mr. Girard G. Campbell died at his home here last Tuesday.. He, had beenn feeble health for several moittlw and the attending Irvine's Store. C. physicians pronounced his mala -v -. j, , . .. - - ij dy incurable some days ago. He was sixty-one years old and had been Postmaster here since the first of last January. He is sur vived by his widow, Mrs. Lucy E. Campbell, and by three sons, J. G., H. M. and J. 0. Campbell of this place and by two daugh ters, Mrs. Eldridge Stotts and Mrs. Melvin Petty, of Picnic. Rev. G. R. Abrell conducted the funeral Thursday afternoon at the residence, after which he was laid to rest in the family burying ground by the Masonic Fraternity, of which he had been a member forty years, the Glens fork Lodge assisting the home lodge in the rites. He was a member of the M. E. Church South, and during the last few days of his life expressed the fact that he was ready to go whenever God saw fit to send the summons. Coughed for Three Yours. "I am a lover of your godsend to hu manity and science. Your medicine, Dr. King's Xew Discovery, cured my cough of three yearr standing," says Jennie Memming, of New Dover Ohio. Have you an annoying cough? Is it stubborn ann won't yiele to treatment? Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's Hew Discovery to-day. What it did for Jen nie Elemming it will do for you, no matter how stubborn or chronic a cough may be. It stops a cough and throat and lung trouble. Relief or money back. 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by Paull Drug Co. Ad. Obituary. Last Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, Robert Aaron died at his home near Esto, Ky. He was born i?'eb.. 29. 185b. died April, 15, 1914. He was a victim of consumption. He bore his suffering with patience and was ready and waiting when the end came. He professed faith in Christ about 35 years agojoined the Cumberland Presbyterian church, at Grant's school-house, in which he lived a consistent member until his death. He was born and reared in Adair county and was married to Martha Law less in 1880. To this union there were four children born, Elmer and Ezra Aaron, Mrs. Pink Holt and Mrs. Zura Marcum. Mrs. Marcum preceded him to the grave several years ago. We would say to the bereaved fam ily, weep not, as those who have no hope, for uncle Bob is not dead, only sleeping, and is wait ing, beckoning thee to come to the other shore, where there will be no sad parting. The community has lost a good citizen, but God knows "what is best. He alone can heal your broken hearts. Look to him in this sad hour. "Only look and you shall live." The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. S. P. Sullivan af ter which the remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground to await the' resurrection morn, when the silver trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise. There was a large number of relatives and friends present to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceas ed. , , A Nephew. , THE ADAIR OQUNTY NEWS Program of -the AdHrCbuntf Med ical Society to be'Held in Co lumbia, Ky., May 14th Two . Sessions-Afternoon and Night. AFTEKNOON SESSION ' Diphtheria, S. P. Miller. Pneumonia, W. E. Grissom. Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, W. F. Cartwright. Tuberculosis, 0. M. Russell. Paper their own selection, B. J. Bolin, S. S. Simmons NIGIIT SESSION. School Sanitation, Tobias Huffaker. General Sanitation, W. S. Chandler. Sanitation Under the Mosiac Law, Z. T. Williams. Little Things, and Other Things, U. L. Taylor. Dr. R. C. JMcChord, Health Law3. Dr. J. N. McCormack, a general lecture illustrated by lantern slides. This meeting will be at the Court house, and we want everybody to at tend. It is for the public. S. P. Miller, President, U L. Taylor, Secretary, Rugby. Mrs. Flora Rossen was on the sick list last week with rheuma tism and neuralgia. J. E. and James Rossen trans acted business in Columbia last Wednesdsy. Roy Garmon has built a new porch to his house. T. J. Rossen sold a nice calf to Harden Harvey for $22.00 Miss Irene Harvey has been on the sick list for several days. Rufus Hayse and family have lagrippe this week. It seems like we will have it in our neighbor hood all the year. Mrs. Florence Harvey, who with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Har vey, are better from meat pois oning. The meat did not keep good and they were very sick for several days. Several from this place attend ed the funeral of Mr. Gerard Campbell at Dirigo last Wednes day. We were sorry to hear of his death as he was one of our best citizens. There is a fine prospect for a beech mast this year. We hope there will be for it will save lots of corn. A few of our farmers are done planting corn. There is a big preparation for a corn crop. Indigestion? Can't Eat? No Appetite? A treatment of Electric Bitters in creases your appetite; stops indiges tion; you can eat everything. A real spring tonic for liver, kidney and stomach troubles. Cleanses your whole system and you feel fine. Electric Bit ters did more for Mr. T. D. Peedle's stomach troubles than any medicine he ever tried. Get a bottle to-day. 50c and Sl.00. Recommended by Paull Drug Co. Ad. Iraycraft. Wheat is looking fine in this community. Mr. Valentine Bryant is on the sick list this week. Mr. J. D. Hayes' condition is no better. Mr. J. O. Polly sold four shoats to Mr. Frank Sinclair, of Colum bia, for $2.20 per head. Mrs. Nancy L. Hughes cele brated her 67th birthday last Sunday, April 19th. She receiv ed many nice useful presents. The flower gathering at Mr. Steve Abshers last Sunday after noon was reported quite af suc cess. r There was an old-fashioned-log Jj V a . w XC. .- te. rolling at Mr, .mthan &urrell?s,t Tuesday, April 21st. At noon there was a bountiful repast served. In the afternoon they went back to the new ground and finished rolling logs. They made about 300 heaps of logs. The sale at Mr. J. O. Polleys, April 22, was very well attend ed and chings brought a reason able price. Mr. Melvin Blair is now pull ing stumps with his stump pull er at Mr. E. A. McKinleys. Knifley. Wet weather is getting the armers behind in these parts. Most of the early peaches are killed but the late ones and ap ples are safe. Tobacco plants are plentiful in this section and a large crop will be put out. Young grass looks well. Also spring sown oats Very little garden stuff planted owing to the wet cold weather. Mr. Robert Bault, who has been sick for several months, gradually grows worse. Mr. Alvin McWhorter, who left here several years ago for Oklahoma, has returned to make this his home. A. C. Wheeler sold one work mules to B. F. Monday for $125. Mr. J. B. Grant makes our town every day that the creek is fordable. Mr. Willie Humphress, a son of Mr. Jas. Humphress, of this place, who lives near Cane Val ley, is quite ill with lung trouble and has been for some time. Mr. W. B. Hovious and family left here last Thursday for Leb anon, Ky. Mr. Hovious is a drug man and travels by rail and Lebanon will be more convenient. Miss Bettie Monday visited Mrs. Anna Hovious a few days of last week. Mr. S. H. Knifley visited his daughter, Mrs. Kirby Simpson, of Taylor county, a few days of last week. Sunday School at this place is progressing nicely under the management of Mrs. W. L. Rus sell. Rev. Winkler, of Taylor coun ty, will preach at "the Christian church the second Sunday and Sunday night in May. ' Ralphus Corbin visited Demp sey Bault Sunday nightj Mr. John Arnold and daughter, Flossie, and grand daughter, Rubie Tucker, visited his daugh ter, Mrs. Fannie Tucker, of Ca sey Creek, last Saturday. Mr. C. D. Crenshaw was in this section last week chasing the boys around. Most Prompt and Effectual for Bad colds. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take a remedy that contains nothing inju rious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secre tions' and- jestores, the system , to a healthy, condition. This remedy has a world widei sale and. use, aud.can al aysWdepended upon. Sold by Paull Drug Co Ad. SPRfNG Every. floor is teeming with the newest .. and best in , Wall and Floor Coverings Stocks tip the Acme of Excellence RUGS, CARPETS, DRAPERIES and WALL PAPER Vie with each other for Early Recognition The Best news of all are our Low Prices, fixed by an Economical Organization, Centrally Located, yet re moved from the high rent district. Hubbuch Bros., & Wellendorff Incorporated 522 and 524 West MarketlSt. j For more than Thirty Years, Louisville's Leading Carpet and Rug House. Special All Persons Who Are Behind One Year on our Subscrip tion Books Will have to Come off, Unden the Law, if not Paid at once The Government Will Not carry Papers in the Mail for Parties who Owe More than one Year $t$ Let Us Reason Together f Was a Wise Old Saying j and that is exacty what I want us to do to-day. I want every xn JFAEMER who has Sheep, to investigate my work, and see if this is not the place for you to bring or ship your "WOOL to get the best VALUE for it."K"ow if you don't want your Wool Manufactured, I X will pay you the BEST HOME $ pouna oi wool i can gee. x am crying-10 represent um uiu laamuuu goods like our mothers used to make, in the manufacture of Blank ets, Flannels, Lincy, Jeans, Yarnes, Etc. Let me hear from your wool tnis season any way. sv Goods shipped 'cheap by mail anywhere. Farmers Woolen Mills, K. L. REECE, Mgr. P. O. Jamestown, Ky. Shipping Point, Greasy Creek, Landing. . Cheer Up. When things ain't going right with you, and you can't make them gee; when business mat ters look real blue, and you fear bankruptcy; when cobwebs gath er on your stock, and customers are rare; wljen all your assets are in hock, don't cuss and tear your hair. Just -listen to this sage advice, and take it if you are wise; give every article a price, and then go advertise. -1914. Notice M$$3$ s e MARKET PRICE, for I need every & $$t And advertise from morn to night, don't overlook a day, and soon you'll see the world grow bright, and things will come your way. Invest in good pub licity, and fortune you will greet and in a little while . you'll be way up on Easy street. Luke McLuke. cure fOr Stomach Disorder. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cares haveTea effected by these tablets. Sold by PauU'Drug Co. Ad. J w- "-SSI' r s v Wl tSf - f-a