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C-tiM 1 y I keep constantly on hands a nice line of Caskets and Coffijns, and Men and Ladies Robes, also a nice Hurse. Lo cation over Cumberland Grocers Co., Columbia, Ky. Phone 52 A. J. B. Jones. Daily Courier - Journal $.O0 a Year Sunday Courier - Journal $2.00 a Year Best National News " State News ( Local News Market Reports Foreign News Political News of Everything for Everybody (. c (4 it ( Are you interested in what is taking place day by day all over the world ? If you are you NEED THE COURIER-JOURNAL. If there is an agent in your town give him a trial order one month Daily 50 cents, with Sun day 75 cents. Ifthers is no agent in your town give order to the paper in which this advertisement ap pears (you may get a special club bing rate,) or send the order di rect to the Courier-Journal. WEEKLY COUIER-JOUR-NAL has been discontinued, but FARM AND FAMILY, a most excellent illustrated monthly magazine, is a worthy successor. The price is only 25 cents a year. Ask for a sample copy. Courier-Journal Company INCORPORATED Louisville, Ky. Residence Phone 1 3 B Business Pho e-13 P DR. J. N. MURRELL PENTIST Office, Front i corns m Jeffries BTd'g up Stairs. Columbia, - Kentucky Land Owners Attention. e .. T. C. Faulhner, is prepared to do your Surveying correctly. He has thirty-three years experience. Charges rea - sonable. Phone 74 or i , write T.,C. ffaulkner, - -':?: '" '. '.U. Columbia, Ky. Survey in Jack Chinn This well known Jack will make the season of 1914 at my barn, 'near Milltown, arid will be permitted to serve mares at the sum of $7.00 to insure a living colt. Money due when the colt come3 are the mare parted with. All-care will be taken to prevent accidents but not responsible should any occuK J, C. Browning. A Splendid Clubbing Bargain We Offer The Adair County News and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer Both One Year For Only $1.35 Subscription may be new or renewal What the Weekiy Enquirer is It is issued every Thursday, subscrip- tion price $1.00 per year, and it is one of the best home metropolitan weeklie of to day. It has all the facilities of the great DAILY ENQUIRER for obtatnine the world's events, and for that reason can giue you all the leading news. It Carries a carries a great omount of valuable farm matter, crisp editorirls and reliable up-to-date market reports. Its numerous de partments make it a necessity to every home, farm or business man. This grand offer is limited and we advise you to take advantage by subscribing for thelabovo combination right now. Call or mail orders to The Adair County News, Columbia, Ky. Serious Thoughts. The seeking and the saving of the lost are the invariable marks of the true Church of Christ. The right kind of holiness is that which makes us turn away from sin and yet seek to help the sinner. In the spiritual life there are recreations, but no holiday. School breaks but once, and the home afterwards is eternal. God sometimes washes eyes of His children with tears in order that they read a right His provi dence and his commandments. Prayer is so necessary, and the source of so many blessings, that he who has discovered the treas ure cannot be prevented from having recourse to it whenever he has an opportunity. 0no. The farmers are busy getting ready to plant corn. Mr. Lincoln Dunbar, who has been in Indiana for some time, has returned home. Miss Mollie Flanagan is visit- Ing her uncle, J. W. Tarter, in Pulaski county, who has been sick for some time. , ' Mr. John Wooldridge-bought a gopii horse from "Mr T. B.Nor flefet,oBarr ""'':t X " iiiteratblffMteiWfriond - THEADAIK C0UNT5TNEWS Notice yw "JOE" Cleveland Bay This celebrated Stallion will make the season of 1914 at Will Johnson's barn, 4 miles south of Columbia and li miles "West of Gadberry, on Pettits Fork Creek, and will serve mares at $6.00 to insure a living colt. He has proven tolbe a good breeder. - Joe is a dark bay, 16 hands high, heavy built, good style, has the best of eyes, feetjand legs and in facta perfect model in fcevery respect. He is the best and' qui test work horse I ever seen, and a fine driver for women with 'perfect safety, so he needs no further introduction. Money due when colt is foaled. All care taken to prevent accidents, but not responsible should any occur. We willjalso stand a good 7 year old Jack at samejplace on same conditions as horse, at the low fee of $5.00. This Jack isblack with mealy points, 14 hands high, heavy built, good style and has proven himself a good breeder. We thank the people for their past favors and solicit their future, ones Call and see our stock if interested. Phone Will Johnson. Johnson Bros. has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Catherine Dunbar. Messrs. Jay Rexroat, J. M. Luttrell, and Miss Martha Wil son have died within the last week. Messrs. Caesar Eastham.Ruel, Orvis and Kermit Hughes have gone to Somerset to attend the show. Mr. Okie Fox has gone to Illi nois and Mr. De Soto Popplewell has gone to Minnesota. Mr. Asa Pohton's little son, Omra, has the measles. Mrs. Martha Flanagan visited her sister, Mrs. W. E. Dockery, last Friday night. Miss Lota McKinley visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fox, Sunday. Remedies for Poveriy. The treatment of poverty is absorbing the attention of the National Probation League, and it ventures to say that two rem edies have been discovered, which, without giving the league away, are as old as time i.e. Removal of the cause and the other to alleviate by the sweet ening of the results. This is called by the league the great modern idea, and it took a great deal of modern energy and thought to figure it out. Idle ness " begets poverty as well as ungodliness.but a man may have a good job and still be in the grasp of poverty. Inability to manage, extravagance and evil habits cause greater poverty, hardship and worry than any thing else . in the world. If the league can remove the causes of these ifc wiU have accomplished the m i r aculous. Portsmouth Times. Atlas Peck, who has, had small pbxioiCithe past three wJeeks, w in -town i'Saturday: evening aiiSrinhssrihkndB( witrnkie: many 1 " "'"i'r t ' A Remedy No Family Should Do Without No matter how healthy a human beiner may be it is safe to say that not many months are passed without some obstruction of the bowels, in other '.ords, constipation, even if only tem porary. The bloating, the dull feeling may start after the evening meal. If a .axative is not taken that night it is certain that sleep will not be sound, and you will awaken unrefreshed. Hence, it is important for you and for all the members of your family that a good, reliable laxative be always kept in the house for just such emergency. It is sure to be needed, and when needed 'ou want It at hand. No family that is rareful of its health can do without such a remedy. But the question of which remedy to have on hand is also of vast Importance. The laxative most highly recom mended by the majority of intelligent Americans as being best for babies and grownups is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep We would be pleased to send the Daily State Journal, Frankfort, from now until the first of April for 50centSi Or better stilJ we will furnish the Adair County News, one year and the Birdseve view Largest mi in i ' iH'iihi i J I m PBII VX S77 A - fSBIP-w' (( W. J. Hughes & Sons Co., Incorporated Louisville, Kentucky. WHOLESALE I Windows, JDoors, Blinds, Mouldings, Columns, J Stair Work, Brackets, EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Asphalt, Gravel, Rubber, Galvanized and Printed. Also Elwood and American Fence. Steel Fence Posts DEHLER BROS. CO- ) 112-116 Eaal Matket Street Between Great: ran The Louisville Daily Herald And the Adair County News One Year Each For This offerrwlilholi good for only a short time. I&you ;want to kfeep posted in- poli- tics and current eyents, subscribe now! Gome, brinff-or sendyour subscriptions tp " -.- -' this office. ' sin. It is a liquid laxative-tonic, mild, and never gripes. Is effective on robust people and can be given with safety to an infant. Children like it because of these gentle qualities and because it is pleasant to the taste. It is the best all-around remedy you can have in the house for any disorder of the stomach, liver and bowels, and many people like R. H. Morgan, Price, Tenn., and Mrs. H. C. Davidson, "Wart- without the necessities as without Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. AllVOnP wi.Slini tn ttioVq a trial nf t,tn remedy before buying it in the regular 2 ,i U1 " "'"ssist hi imy cents or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can r """ "" OCMI. 1U U1S I1UIUU VT. B. Caldwell. 405 Washinptnn fat Monticello, 111. Tour name and address on a postal card will do. Daily State Journal until April last for $1.25. If you want to keep In in touch with the doings at Frank fort while the Legislature is in session, you should have the State Journal. ot our Plant in Dixie" Etc. Write for our Catalog Incorporated Firsthand Brook ouisiSie. Ky 53.00 PNEUMONIA left me with a frightful cough and very weak. I had spells when I could hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor could not help me, dui x was completely cured Dy DR. KING'S New Discovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. 50c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. C. D. Crenshaw VETERINARY SURGEON &$ Special Attnetfn to Eyes Fistulo, Poll-evil, Spavin or any sur gical work done at fair prices. 1 am well fixed to take care of stock. Mon ey due when work is done or stock removed from stables. LOCATION NEAR ED HUGHES' RESIDENCE. 0NBUBK5VILLE STEEET. Joseph H. Stone, Attoney-At-Law CJ Will practice m this and adjoining counties. Jamstown, : Kentucky A Q P. SMYTHE for FIRE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE !! V. ectric 3 f iVlade A Kev-.- fc:an Oi Him. "I was suirV-:.:: f -v-" p;ia l- v stomach, head and ' A'tfS it made me f2" '''. . Jicp lna.' PRICE 5GCTS. ALL D7ili: STCrE UVABSCr TT . OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' Trade Marks AnvDtruTft AfT. Anyone sendlne a sketch and description ray qnlCKiy ascertain onr opinion irec nucmci iuj invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free- Oldest agency lor securing patents. Patents taken through Jlnnn i Co. receive special notice, without charge, in tbe Scientific Jlrisan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lawrest eiiw culatlon Of any scientlec JournaL Terms. $o a year: four months, 51. Soldbyall newsdealew. MUNN & Co.364Broadwa,-Nsw York Branch Office. t25 P SU Washlcston. D. C Are You a Woman ? m udl u 11 g lis Woman's Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRU66tSTS F4 li. H. JOJSlES Vetevlnavy SuKgeon and Oentibt ears experience. Special attention given to Surgical and Dental work. Office at' residence near Graded Scboel bonding'.' "XJwRJTjJw El i g T. Alston, Raleigh. jN. i... -;Jtt ia7 liver and kidnevs did not wort r'gr-: g but four bottlrs n r : -trc Iit?- IjSBISB EHONB'-NOJt?; . Ji lt 3