Newspaper Page Text
I THE ADAIR COUNTY NnWS Sc Gradyville. .The weather has been very C90I for the past few days. We have had considerable rain for the past week. Several from this place spent a'day or so on the banks of Rus j sell Greek last week fishing. Strong Hill. C. 0. Moss and Frank Firkin spent last Thurs day in Columbia. Messrs. Ed and William Stotts, of the Petitsfork community, were in our midst one day last week. J. N. Coffey, of Columbia, spent one night last week with Uncle Charlie Yates and daugh ter. W. L. Fletcher, our efficient Deputy Sheriff, spent a day or so in Columbia last week on busi ness. Mr. J. A. Wheeler, one of Sparksville best business men, was in our midst one day last week. Mr. Mayfield, the well-known dry goods ""man, of Nashville Tenn., spent a day or so with our merchants last week. Mr. Geo. A. Keltner, one of the best business men of the Keltner section, spent last Fri day in our midst and reports business good in his community. W. L. Grady, the well-known stock man, of this section, is having some repairing done on his dwelling at this time. Austin Wilmore, who has been in Louisville for the past week, returned home last Friday. Mr. Curtis Hindman, of the Milltown section, was in our midst one day last week receiv ing calves that he had contracted at a fancy price. Mr. H. A. Moss, the well known lumber man, of Greens burg, was in our town last Tues day and reports business good. Mr. Thos. Do well has just re turned from Louisville where he had been on the tobacco market for several days and reports his sale ot the weed very satisfac tory. Clyde Crenshaw, Deputy Sher iff, of Columbia, spent a few days of last week in this com munity preparing for Circuit Court. Mr. J. Cager Yates, of Brad fordsville, was shaking hands with his mrny friends in our town one day last week. We all know J. Cager and we are all glad to see him every time he comes. Mr. W. B. Patteson, the well known insurance man, of Co lumbia, was shaking hands with his many friends in 'our town last Friday. Mrs. A. T. bhirrell spent a day or so" visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Moss, in the Nell commu nity, last week. Several from our town attend ed the quarterly meeting at East Fork, last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. L. Grady, one of the finest judges of horse flesh in Western Kentucky, says there is -the finest lot of mule colts in this of Wheel No Spring Fever Or Bad Blood This Year. Wonderful ROOT JUICE Quickly Overcomes That Tired, Lazy. "All-in" Feeling, Cleans the Blood, Build3 You Up. Fine for Old Folks, Too. Guaranteed. How's the time to give your body as well as yourjhouse a good, old-fashioned renovating from top to bottom. You need it, and need it badly. Every-' body does. You've been storing up tilth and impurities all winter and JUICE cleans out the blood, purife ir, stirs up that lazy stomach, liver, kidney and bowel action, puts new steam into you, strengthenc and tones up the nerves, fcivesyou new force and vim and "pep"; but it works easily. your whole system is clogged up. 'smoothly and mildly. Nothing harsh Your blood is thick and impure: your stomace, liver, bow els and kidneys are half asleep. No won der you feel lazy and tired and "good-for-nothing" Get a few doses cf liuur JUiUJi mto 4 you that g r a n d i new tonic made of Nature's own resto ratives and see what happens. You'll think Nature has in & .AJi mm sJhsrr-- 1m W Mali about it. ROOT JUICE can't hurt anybody. It's a new and wonderful combination of some of the oldest and most reliable vegeta ble medicines known and it will do you more good than any thing you ever used in all your life. You will see a big differ ence in two or three days. Finest thing some miraculous way "That Root Juice was Surely thef0r rheumatism, kid. give you abrand new Ri gnt Thi ngf or you f Father. "ney trouble, back, set of vital organs. - -" ' t tt. aches, and stomach auu juuu icci ueuiici. uiiau juu to iciu for months. Glory, what a difference it will make No more lazy feeling, no more rather- go-to-sleep-than-work feeling. You'll get up in the morning rested, bright- trouble you ever saw. , Get some right off and try it. Don't let any scheming druggist palm oil something lse one you. Get ROOT JUICE because it's guaranteed and eyed, clear-brained and ready forevery-1 it's got to give results. You can get thing. And remember this: ROOT I your money back if you want it. po. 5 Smart Sprin Garments $9.95 $15.00 $19.75 Od u v A grand spectacle of styles ia presented to our patrons in this sale of Suits and Dresses. Every Model, every Fabric, every Style worth having, is included in this great collection. Latest ideas of Fashion are faithfully and beautifully expressed in these garments. And the cne big satisfactory advantage in buying here is the great money-saving, because of our extremely low prices. We not only save you money on the jcost of your garments, but also save you the cost of alteration charges, as we make no charge for alteration. It's to your interest to see the exceptional values we offer at 89.95 815.00 and $19.75. Spring Lace Curtains. It's not by aceident that we have built up our immense Curtain business. It is due simply to keeping: faith with the public and giving; more for your dollar than you get elsewhere. You will need Curtain3 a little later if not now. Why not buy now while selection is best? You will be delighted at the beauty of the patterns, the sterl ing quality and with the low prices at which we offer them. The Curtains we offer for ?1.98 are un questionably the best in quality and the richest in patterns ever offered at this price. In this line you will find English Nottingham, Marie Antoinette and Cable Net Curtains in such an array of pretty patterns that you are sure to find the Cur tain you want. You will find qualities in this lot equal to many priced by other stores for J3.00. Our price only . , Curtain Drapery in Lace and Scrim in plain White, Arab and Colors, the kind that is used so much at the present day. Special values at 30c, 39c, 23c, lDc and . At 93c we show twenty styles. You will find them unusuall attracUve in design and the quality the best to be had at the price. You will find them a QO bargain for JC The Curtains we offer for S1.50 are sure to appeal to all who want moderate price Curtains. The patterns are not ordinary and are shown in a range sufficiently large to meet all requirements. The quality is the best ever offered fl 1 CA .$1.98 10c n Q M.J. GATHOF & BRX). 42t West Market St. Betveen 4tjh & 5th. r Louisville, Ky. o II E X rS jority of the corn crop will be I with their moneys worth. The planted in this section next week. We understand that from the appearance of the many plant beds in this section, that there will be plenty of'plants to trans plant a large crop of the weed this year. GiensforK. .section 01 county this season, that we have ever had before. Mule men can take notice and ' govern themselves accordingly. Messrs. Elmore Wilkinson and Tandy Jones went to Creelsboro after fertilizer one day last week. Mr. Henry Hudson is buying quite a lot of produce, as well as Mr. Bob Taylor & Co. The roller mill is going to be completed forthwith. Mr. E, A. Strange is overseer. As usual the boy3 will go. court ing in a few days. I am sure Judge Carter will welcome the boys with a hearty hand shake and a smile. - UlUlllllu JlUvI 1 ul 111 IHpVMBWB9BNQflNWM!MB9HHH9Hutf HHHf flRfiflE ll.HHECIIBnHE? tt 'BBSb. r & m "'seBB'eSSeE' BrH 'J second was given on Saturday night. Large crowd. Excellent plays and was acted well and was enjoyed by all. Mr. Tom Taylor will give a so cial in honor of Miss Carrie Tay lor, who is visiting relatives at this "place. Mr. G. W. Turner returned home from Bowling Green on account of having the measles. Mrs. Willie Wheat, with the assistance of MissxHide,of Louis-j ville, is having a good trade in their millinery shop. Bro Young delivered a very interesting sermon last Sunday at the Christian church. The Sunday School, at this The above picture is a natural photv-raph of JUDAS ihe famous Purcheron Stallion. He will make the season of 1914, at my barn, one and one half miles east vi Columbia, on the Sumerset road, for the sum of $10 00 to insures living colt. DESCRIPTION: Judas is a 6 year old purcheron, a aieel gray, weighs 1700 pounds and is 16 hands high. He is a perfect model and a world beater. Remember that the Auto and such like modes of conveyance have lessened the demand for saddle and harness horses. But remember that they have nothing to do with the Farm and Draft horse. Remember that every farming "country in the world wants the Purcheson horse. The leading mule producing States are raising mules from the Purcheron mares. See this horse before you breed, 1 will gladly show you his certificate of registration and Pedi gree. Judas has proven himself to be a great breeder. His foals of 1913 are ihe htrst I year old colts ever seen in ihis country and his xoals of 1914 are second to none. He is kind and wdl disposed. v Money due when coit is foaled or mare traded or remoyed from neigh borhood. x All care will b'e taken to prevent accidents but not responsible should any occur. W. G. McKINLEY. Mr. Ernest Harris was here, one day last week selling fruit trees. C. W. Marshall will visit rela tives in Arizona next week. Wheat is looking good through; out this section. Some few farmers -are plant ing corn this week. Rugby. u There were two entertainments here last week. The first was Corn planting and finishing! given by the little folks. The planting gardens has been the occupation of our citizens for the house was qrdwded to its utmost T. J. Thompson transacted business in Columbia last Tues--day. Mag Morrison lost a horse last week." It got choked. We" organized a Sunday School at thi? place last Sunday, with Finis Strange as Superintendent. Will meet. every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock Everybody is invited to attend. Rev. Willie Rowe preached an interesting discourse at Harrod's Fork last Sunday. The woods are green, the grass has come and by the chirp of the birds and the ding dong of the cow bells, we know that spring is here at last. Breaking corn ground is the order of the day. ,. S. E. Estes has his store house I completed and is now waiting for the trade. There is a fine tprospect for a fruit crop and beech mast. International Harvester Farm Wagons r H The I HC Line GRAIN AND HAY MACHINES Binders, Reapers Header. Howert Raket, Stackers' Hajr Loader Ear Prenes CORN MACHINES Planter. Picker Binders, Coltiraiarj Emilaxs Cotter S&ellsn. Skreddert TILLAGE Per. Spriat-Ttati, id Ditk Harrow CsItiTatsrs GENERAL LINE Oil aad Gas Eagiae Oil Tractor Maave Spreader Cream Separators Farm Weftns Motor Tracks Thresher Grabs DriBs Fted Grisder Knife Grader CiaderTwus T TNTIL you see the 19 14 Weber and Columbus wagons, you cannot be posted on the latest improvements on farm Cl wdguus. wcua aim ujumuus wagons, m A-graue, uuiit 10 uxe mguest sianuarua m every detail, are also Tke Only Fifth Wheel Fara Wagens ob th Ijjarket The International fifth wheel (patent applied for) is worth a trip to town to see. Because $ prevents the pulling up or pitching of the front bolster, it is one ot the best improvements ever put on the xarm wagon. It means no more bent and broken king 1QDI ins no more Dent ana Drosen circle irons longer if e for the wagon, and easier work for the horses. See the International fifth wheel on Weber and Columbus wagons. If you will write to us, we will send you catalogues and information about this and other improvements on farm wagons and will tell you where you may see tne wagons. Meraa&mal Harvester Company of America IacoreeruMj New Albany IncL C&aapiaa Deexkg HcCamlck Khras&ee O&ane Pkae 1 h 3B Jr4rm- X4 1 M. Program. The following is the orogram place, is progressing very nicely L fche Decorafcion at Bear Wal. with Bro. Jones asx Superintend ent. Attendance is increasing, as well as interest. low, May 30th: otners.- . Burton an lO'Pref chine By A. Whitten. . 11 Decoration of graves. 12 Dinner. 13 Preaching by S, P. Sullivan Alrold soldier are invited. 1 W. Smiley, Chairman. J. B. Burton. J. D. Burton. Absher. Mr. Ben Shapira and Root. Earla, of Campbellsville, areput ting a stock of goods in the store recently vacated by G. C. Rus sell, of near Watson. l Mrs. Louisa McCallister. and Miss Bertha Dillingham has been visiting relatives at Neats burg. The bridge at Plum Point is being replaced, and every body is giaa. m- Mr. Hascal McDermot Kinney, Ky., was the guest Mr. and Mrs. L. G- Weatherford, last Saturday and Sunday, also Mias Arva Cave. Mr. Lambert Sanders was at Campbellsville Thursday. )tt, 'of! uest X)f liM-l Hanahtpr nf Hptia Vnllav : ..uw.w. wMr. w... a Tmi m feiw .1 a - . . j o.. . i . i i ta '.L.l . JHf- i . Wnfmava hora oraAiavrr.9ma 1 y singing conouccea,oy uucienj ,-. MrRr Mp.nnllichir'c c?fnr J?C" .. w " .TL wji i,.ji: . y,yi.i. ... L.w. wwa.k,,!., m Fiwvi, ,j.j' , , .!, fhaix Tt'nyL'jJK Most every one in this neigh borhoodhave been suffering from 1 severe colds something like la grippe. Mr, Gluff sold, his farm to W. p.anacitv. The plays were inter- R. Taylor. Mr. Gluff and family Every body come and bring occuyatiun v-v-' " ,"' , r ,- ..;,- " . , , '. . , -T-r--f. " . . m, -.7. past.week. We take it ;if the estmg ana acted wen jrromstart wm mase ineir iucure nome at ell-liUe-.Dagk-ets. inere win Qreenjcounty Ax.t,a coH-Us that- fch'e ,ma.- to hnish. All was .well pleased l reenwooa 4nmana. be no stand ontne grounq, on business. hind with their wofkiff Vaughan, Thursday ,noooe V.vrm?n" Ttu -.ov. . .c.... "'icj auu. Mrs. Ira .i . mSn" Liliie Van Cleave were shnnnino- - i-f-& Mr. L. H. Feesevof- nearSalo- t'Cane Va'lley Thursday. ma; layior county, Visited his Ujtfr. Bob Earls recentlr n, T -father at this place, the" "latter u part of the week. chased a boundary f timho- :om J. S. Beard. Price unknown. Mr. Ingram Robertson Twas iri" ""Sunday School at Egypt every one day lastf week ibunday morning.. Jiverybody -? W invited. ' r - YI " . - ' J- rvJ Mr ... Zm ' '' -'i '!. - .. w- . - " " J?" ' M . 1 J -Vf I lir-L kxMWW . - t " i fi.-l.j . .. ."' "" ' -vmr " WTM-j IF " " -5 w-