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Newspaper Page Text
THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS From Missouri. Bogard, Jan. 12t 1915. Editor News: Enclosed you will please find $1.00 to pay for the News for the year 1915, please pardon me for being a little' late sending in my subscription. My son, Robert, broke out with small-pox the 29th, of November therefore we were quarentined for five weeks; during this time we were not allowed to send out any mail. Now we are all free again and Bob has gone to work feeling better than for a year. By having the other children vac cinated and following the direc tions of our physician the rest of us have escaped the dreaded disease, for which we are very thankful indeed. There have been several cases in the county during the last few weeks. Mr. Edd Smith the gentleman that Jim Shirley and Nat Walker worked for while in Mo., has it now. While we were shut in our neighbors were very kind and good, everything we needed was brought and put where we could get it. We were still under quar antine when X'mas. came but still it was a very happy X'mas, to us. Bob came out of his cell X'mas. Eve and we fumigated everywhere except one room. This had only one bed which was occupied by the two youngest children. The rest of us sat up all night, but Santa Claus came in from every direction. Our Sunday School remembered us with their X'mas treat and our 4ay school teachers, sent the chil dren a nice treat and then some of our neighbor friends remem bered us with several nice and useful presents. Certainly we are among good people. Our son, Coakley, got married last summer and is still running a restaurant in Bogard and is handling a few groceries in con nection with his eating estab lishment. Our oldest daughter, Lethia, has been given a posi tion as assistant cashier in the .Bogard State Bank, which was organized about three months .ago. She begun work the' first of ihe year. Well, we have had some real winter weather since the 10th of December. Lots of snow and ice. That makes a feast for the blacksmiths. It cost $3.00 fto get a team shod, all around .here, but a time like this is the ,. only time they do any shoeing. ' Well, last year was a bad crop year for Carroll Co. The contin . ued dry weather and the visita , tion of the chintz bug cut all .kind of crops short. Though when the fall rains come it made 'lots of good pastures and then we had fine weather for gather ing corn and working the roads, -the latter of which there was lots done. By the way, how did my friend, Mr. J. N. Coffey's drag work that he had made. I feared it would be too light to do good work. Here we use a steel shase and with the weight of two ordinary men on it and four . horses to draw it, so when we j make a round on a mile, we leave it as nice as you ever saw a track at the Columbia Fair grounds. We are always glad to get the Adair County News. It tells of all the happenings at home. The Gradyville letter is read first, because we all want to know about the home folks first. I will close by wishing the News and its readers a hap py and prosperous New Year. Most Respt Luther M. Wilmore. Your Cold Is Dangerous Break it Up--Now. A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and others .of your household to tight the Germs at okcc Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds and Coughs. It loosens the Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It's guaranteed. Only22c at Paull Drug Co. Ad Neatsburg. Mr. Frank Neat bought of Mr. William Jones, a farm near Edith. Mr. Henry Collins, of Camp bellsville, was here last week on business. Mr. Waymon Rigney, of Tay lor county, has located here and intends to remain for the present year. Mr. R. L. Neat, who has been on the sick list for some time, is no better at this writing. There is plenty of mud in the roads now and they are almost impassable in this community. Mr. R. L. Beard and family visited Mr. J. C. White, of Eu nice, last Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. I. C. Breeding has a fine bunch of hogs feeding for the market. No 2. Mr. I. C. Breeding sold a nice bunch of cattle last week to Mr. Henry Collins of Campbellsville, for 7cts per pound. Mr. Henry Grant sold hi3 crop of tobacco to Mr. Gowdy of Campbellsville at 3 to 7 dollars per hundred. Several from this ploce attend ed Court Monday. Misses Lela and Florence Beard were visiting at Mr. J. E. Beard Saturday night and Sun day. Miss Mat Grant spent Saturday night with Miss Sallie Burton. Mr. R. L. Beard has recently moved to Mr. J. S. Rreeding's farm. Mr. Sam Merritt is on the sick list at this writing. Uncle" Riley Light's condition is considered very serious at this writing. He has dropsy. Has Used Chamberlain's CO ugh Remedy fOr 29 Years. 'Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy has been used in my household for the past twenty years. I began giving it to my children when they were small. As a quick relief for croup, whooping cough and ordinary colds, it has no equal. Being free from opium and oth er harmful drugs I never felt afraid to give it to the children. I have rec ommended it to a large number of friends and neighbors, who have used it and speak highly of it," writes Mrs. Mary Minke, Shortsville, IS. Y. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Adv. Roy. The holidays passed off very pleasantly and quietly here. Most of the schools in this sec tion of the county closed Dec. 18th. There were several entertain ments, and they were reported good. There were three weddings in this vicinity during the holidays. First on Christmas eve. Miss Nannie Bailey and Mr. Sam Murrell. Miss Pearl Combest and Mr. Elzy Bailey,, All drove to Columbia where the two cou ples were married And on Sun. Dec. 27th, Miss Nannie Stapp. daughter of Mr. June Stapp, and Mr. Orville Humphinoy of 111., were married. The writer wish es all of them long years full of happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rahl of Illinois, started for their home Dec. 28th. They had been visit ing in this community during the holidays. The singing and social given on the evening of Dec. 31th, at the home of Mr. and Miss Pearl Antle, was enjoyed very much by all the young folks present The Misses Pierce who live ) near Concord, visited Miss Myr tle Redman during Christmas. m A Test fOr Liver Complaint Mentally UnhaPpy Physically Dull The Liver, sluggish and inactive, first shows itself in a mental state unhappy and critical. Ttfever is there joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing t. eir work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by using Dr. King,s New Life Pills; they emp ty the Bowels freely, tone up your Stomach, cure your Constipation and purify the Blood. 25c at Paull Drug Co. Bucklen's Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. Ad Dirigo. Mrs. Gene Gibson, wife of John GiDson of this place died last week, a victim of tuberculosis. She was buried at the Simmons cemetery near Breeding. Her youngest child died two days la ter. Our old friend Sam Mitchell was in this community a day or so last week inviting some of the boys to attend the protracted meeting over which Judge J. C. Carter will preside at the Court House next week. J. E. Clay well sold a nice bunch of shoats, to R. T. Baker of Amandaville at $6.00 per cwt. Mrs. Nona Petty is still very sick at this writing. Mrs. Jane Campbell has been on the sick list for several days but is some better at this writ ing. Although it rained from early in the morning till late in the night last Monday quite a num ber of our citizens had to attend Court at Columbia, a horse trade suit being the cause. John D. Lowe, Columbia, was calling upon our merchants one day last week with the view of supplying their needs for up-to-date footwear. X. W. Scott had the misfor- The Peevish Child Needs a Laxative It is natural for a child to laush and'plete iuu.y ana wnen u suiks drowsily or cries you may depend on it something physical is the matter. If you see no evidences of a serious ailment you will not be -wron? if you quietly give it a dose of mild laxative that evening on putting it to bed. The remedy most generally recom mended for this purpose is Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, which mothers throughout the country have been giving their children for a quarter of a cen tury. Today thousands of families are using it where hundreds used it then, and there must be good reason for this word of mouth recommendation. It i3 admittedly the perfect laxative for children, women, old people and all otheis who need a gentle bowel stimu lant and not a violent salt, cathartic pill or doctored water. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will act gently, and when taken before retiring will bring corn- tune to lose a horse la3t Sunday night. The animal in some way broke a leg. That an unusual amount, of corn was raised in this county last year is evidenced by the fact that hundreds of our farmers have not yet gathered their cpop, not having any place to store the grain. You can hardly go upon a farm without finding quite a number of shocks of corn still ungathered. If You are troubled with heartburn; gases and a distressed feeling after eating take a tfSSSzSm .Tablet o before and after each meal ancUyou will obtain prompt relief. Sold us,25o Paufl Drug Co. Some people talk so much that they haven' c any time left for thinking. Constipation. When costive or troubled with con stipation take Ceamberlain's Tablets. They are easy to take and most agree able in effect. Paull Drug Co., Adv. The undertaking business Europe ought to be good in Keep it Handy for Rheumatism. No use to squirm and wince and try to wear out jour Rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it in just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, relieve the soreness and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel so much better you want to go right out and tell oth er sufferers about Sloan's. Get a bot tle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of Paull Drug Co and have it in the ho use against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle to-day. Ad Chicago, 111. Billy Sunday in sists that before he will begin his evangelistic meetings in Chi cago he must be assured that a $250,000 "stock company be or ganized and incorporated to fi nance his religious meetings. Prompt action Will StoP Your Cough. When you first catch a cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough,) break it up at once. The idea that "It does not matter" often leads to serious complications. The remedy which immediately and easily penetrates the lining of the throat is the kind de manded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the irritation, loosens the phlegm. You feel better at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough" is one of many honest estimonials.- 50c at Paull Drug Co's. Ad satisfaction In the morning. After a short use of this remedy all forms of outside aid can be dispensed with and nature will again act alone. All elasses of good American people keep it in the home for ills of the stomach, liver and bowels, and among the thousands who have written the doctor that they will never be without it are Sirs. J. "W. Haynes, Brady, Ky., and Mrs. E. I Weeks, 1744 "tt 2nd St.. Owensboro, Ky. A dose of it has saved many a person from a serious Illness. Anvone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying it in the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one. dollar a largo bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the homo free of charge by slmplv addressing Dr. "W. B. Caldwell, -105 Washington St.. Montlcello, 111. Your name and addres3 on a postil card will do. WELL DRILLER I will drill wells in Adair and adjoining counties. See me be fore contracting. Latest im proved machinery of all kinds. Pump Repairing Done. Give me a Call. I. C. YATES A Splendid Clubbing Bargain We Offer he Adair County News - and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer Both One Year For Only $1.35 Subscription may be new or renewal What the Weekly Enquirer is It Is issued every Thursday, subscrip tion price $1.60 per year, audit is One of the best home metropolitan weeklielof to day. It has all the facilities of the great DAILY ENQUIRER for obtataing the world's events, and for that reason can giue you all the leading news. It carries a carries a great omount of valuable farm matter, crisp cditorirl3 and reliable up-to-date market reports- Its numerous de partments make it a necessity -to every omc, farm or business man. This grand Offer is limited and we advise you to take advantage by subscrib'ng for the above combination 'right now. Call or mail Orders to The AdairjCounty News, Columbia, Ky. ftjZSS9a2&- Tiie f Oman's Tonle Fan SALE AT ALL DHUSGISTS F4 .t ,, OVF.iH 65 YEARS' - f ir-r.r.'CKCE . 3 l Tin ::, i rss ti.r- fJS :-JfeS V TflAOE Mark DESIGNS - - - CcpvniGHTS 5 . irnn v ulliic fk?lrh nui 1ncrntinrcay r: .. ,j- i,i frtsa w . .-r an it -.m. i-r i3 iro)ibt p ut iiiJhc Couimtintra- : iti : i. til? iwriJeiitinl. HANDBOOK onl'ntenu .: . i!ejt nsency rr.eri'rrir'-t'" ti. I ,i .i t.ikpa tliroi.L'h !ui i. w a'. .clve . -;' mi? icf, without, charge, lut.i- r-onrie!7 illustrated weekly. Jjira.-s cir c.i..i i of atiy cienttac Journal. Torn. 3. 33 a f- r: lroir months. $U Sold by all newsdealers. OTIfc Co.364BfoadNsw York .; vl Vfflco. G3S F SU Weshlnaton. D. C I An Yoa I Woman? r -