OCR Interpretation

The Adair County news. [volume] (Columbia, Ky.) 1897-1987, February 10, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069496/1915-02-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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Odd Bridal Boquet.
A bridal boquet made of flow
ers one year old is the product of
;a New York florist. At a little
distance the flowers seem as
sresh as if they had just been
The florist was head gardener
rla the botanical gardens at Vien
.na when the Grand Duchess Va
Jerie was married, and he was
ordered to preserve her boquet.
.Each lily of the valley had to be
itaken apart, its petals pressed,
;and pasted together again. The
tedious prdce required a whole
;year. It seemed a waste of time
even to please the daughter of
.an emperor.
So the next time the head gar--dener
was called upon to pre
serve a royal wedding boquet he
:took it to the springs at Carlsbad
rand dipped it into the mineral
water. The flowers did not
wither, but they had a petrified
Jook, and their whiteness was
'.turned to a dingy yellow.
Reproved for his lack of skill,
the gardener went home and be
vgan a series of experiments that
iasted seven years before he was
.satisfied with results. He did
aiot patent his process, but kept
it secret, so that not even his
3iead workman knows how to ob
rtain his results.
As made up, the flowers are
;iied in a great cluster, surround
ed by Farleyanse fern, with a
tshower of tiny clusters knotted
at intervals into long streamers
.of narrow white ribbon. The
fboquet is finished with a great
'bow of white satin ribbon .and a
jfall of real antique lace.
'Flanking the strange bridal
Jboquet are two very effective
ibridesmaid's bouquets. One is
imade of pink sweet-peas, the
.cluster surrounded by maiden
ihair fern and tied with a big bow
of pink ribbon, from which fall
streamers of narrower pink rib
,boa with the single flowers knot
ted in at intervals. The stems
of these flowers are cut off short.
A pompadour bouquet was of
ink sweet peas tied with blue.
A lavender boquet tied with
lavender ribbon was intended
for the bride's mother. Scarcely
less lovely than the conventional
shower of sweet peas and or
chids was the cluster of white
roses with tiny buds tied into its
streamers, intended for the bride
who prefers the sort of bouquet
her grandmother picked in her
own garden on her wedding
When costive or troubled with con
stipation take Chamberlain's Tablets.
They.are easy to take and most agree
able In effect. Faull Drug Co., '
1 .Adv. . , .
' l
With the Inventors.
A collapsible bed which can be
placed under an ordinary bed
when not occupied, but which
extends to full height when
drawn out, has been invented
for use in small rooms.
A Massachusetts inventor's au
tomatic fire-alarm system may
be attached to the electric light
ing circuit in a building to allow
the latter to ring a bell.
In Germany there has been
patented a process for convert
ing water into hydrogen perox
ide by the use of chemicals which
'are recovered afterwards for fur
ther use.
To retain women's hair and
millinery immaculate on long
autmobile journeys is the aim of
a wind and dustproof vei) and
head wrap patented by a New
York woman.
To cleanse windshields on au
tomobiles of snow and sleet a
Washington man has invented a
rotary brush which is provided
with power through a flexible
shaft by a car's motor.
The government of Brazil has
begun work on extensive system
of reservoirs to enable the resi
dents of its northeastern states
to get water in long dry seasons,
which frequently occur.
Silent gearing for high-speed
and heavy-duty work has been
developed to such an extent that
some of the newer battleships
are equipped with such gears
transmitting 68,000 horsepower.
Has Used Chamberlain's COugh
Remedy fOr 29 Years.
'Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been used in my household for the past
twenty years. I began giving It to
my children when they were small. As
a quick relief for croup, whooping
cough and ordinary colds, it has no
equal. Being free from opium and oth
er harmful drugs I never felt afraid
to give it to the children. I have rec
ommended it to a large number of
friends and neigiibors, who have used
it and speak "highly of it," writes Mrs.
Mary Minke, Shortsville, iS". Y. For
sale by Paull Drug Co. Adv.
Herman Auerbach, a wealthy
realty operrtor of New York,
killed his wife, two daughters
and himself, in a fit of despon
dency over business reverses.
Try This for Neuralgia.
Thousands of people keep on suffer
ing with Xeuralgia because they do
not know what to do for it. neural
gia is a pain in the nerves. What you
want to do is to soothe the nerve itself.
Apply Sloan's Liniment to the surface
over the painful part do not rub it in.
Sloan's Liniment penetrates very
quickly to the sore, irritated nerve and
allays the inflamation. Get a bottle
of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any
druggist and have it in the house
against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints
Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments.
Your money back if not satisfied, but
it does give almost instant relief. Sold
Mrs. R. N. Meredith, of Cyn
thiana, has returned from Wash
ington, where she- pressed her
claim for $100,000 from the Gov
ernment for the loss of her hus
band's life in Mexico.
Many Disorders Come From the Liver
Are You Just atOdds With Yourself?
Do You Regulate Eiving?
Are you sometimes at odds with
yourself and with the world? Do you
wonder what ails you' True you may
be eating regularly and sleeping well.
Yet something is the matter! Consti
pation, Headache, Nervousness and
Billions Spells indicate a Sluggish
Liver. The tried remedy is Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Only 23s. at Paull
Drug Co.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Skin
Eruptions Ad.
What Grit Can Do.
Over in Scotland there once liv
ed a stout, tall, busy youth who
was known among his neighbors
as the "grit bare-legged laddie."
One day he called upon the vil
lage schoolmaster, and said: I
wish to attend your evening
"And what should you wish to
study if you came?"
"I want to learn to read and
The master looked into the
lad's face, shrugged his shoul.
ders in a knowing way, and said.
"Very well, you may come."
The lad could not see into the
future, nor had he any dreams of
greatness. He had only a great
desire to know. He was eigh
teen years old then, and could
neither read nor write; but be
fore he died he wrote his name
among the great and honored
men of the earth. He was George
Stephenson, and became the
great railroad engineer.
will relieve your indigestion. Many
people in this town have used them
and we have yet to hear of a case where
they have failed. We know the for
mula. Sold only by us 25c a box.
Paull Drug Co.
Patrons of a Philadelphia
boarading house missed a num
ber of pieces of jewelry recently
and complained to the police.
Earl Eratz, a fellow boarder, was
arrested on suspicion but when
his clothing was searched noth
ing was found. As the prisoner
was led from'his cell the officers
noted that he limped slightly and
made him remove his shoes. On
each little toe they found a dia
mond ring.
Stop the Child's Colds they Often Re
sult Seriously.
Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough
are children's ailments which need im
mediate attention. The after-effects
are often most serious. Don't take
the risk you don't have to. Dr,
King's New Discovery checks the Cold,
soothes the Covgh, allays the Inflama
tion, kills the Germs and allows Nature
to do her healing work. 50c. at';Paall
Drug Co. Buy a bottle today. , . .Ad
The Perfect Laxative
For Elderly People
Afro has its attractions no less than
youth in a more serene and quieter life.
lint it is this very life of rest without
sufficient exercise that brings with it
those disorders that arise from in
activity. Chief of these are a chronic,
persistent constipation.
Most elderly people are troubled in
this way, with accompanying symptoms
of belching-, drowsiness after eating-,
headaches and general lassitude. Fre
auently there is difficulty of digesting:
even light food. Much mental trouble
ensues, as it is hard to find a suitable
remedy. First of all the advice may be
ijiven that elderly people should not use
salts, cathartic pills or powders, waters
or any of the more violent purgatives.
What they need, women as well as men,
is a mild laxative tonic, one that is
pleasant to take and yet acts without
The remedy that fills all these re
quirements, and has in addition toic
A statement issued by the
Rockefeller Foundation denied a
report that the foundation had
ceased its Belgian relief work.
The steamship Dacia departed
at noon from Galveston for Rot
terdam with 11,000 bales of cot
ton to be transshippd to Bremen
Waicii Your Children
Often children do not let parents know
they are constipated. They fear some
thing distasteful. They will like Itexall
Orderlies a mild laxative that tastes
like svr- - bold only by us, 10 cents.
Paull Drug Co.
What Killed Them?
Hundreds of years ago in a loft
in old Tobard inn, Southwark,
England, a cat was killed mys
teriously just as she caught and
was about to eat -wo rats. One
she had in her jaws, the other
she was pinning down with her
How death came is not known,
but it came insuch a form that
cat and rats alike were mummi
fied. For centuries the group
stood in the same position unrier
the rafters, hidden from sight.
The passage' of time made no dif
ference to their state, and when
the old inn was pulled down they
were at last discovered.
This cat and her victims are
now in a glass case in the office
of W. Le. May, the hop factor,
in Southwark. The cat is still
holding the rats, and their skins
are still intact. The rat which is
held in the cat's claws has its
mouth open just as it had when
it had when it started to squeal
before death overtook them all.
If Yz:i l.-j i.rc:.-3 Weighs
and 3"":r nrrveu ae in bad condition.,
we recommend
$ba0L P'lwOH
WTrTiHmiir m i .rju!siori
containing Uypophosphilca
a food and nerve tonic prescription.
Paull Drug Co.
More than 100,000 persons
have been added to the list of
postal savings bank depositors
since the European war began,
increasing the total deposits of
the system at the rate of nearly
$3,000,000 a month.
In a speech several days ago
Mr. Roosevelt declared Mr. Wil
son and Mr. Bryan were igno
rant, stupid, cowardly, hypo
critical, vicious,, unpatriotic and
altogether irredeemable.
properties that strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels, is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, which thousands of elderly peo
ple use, to the exclusion of all other
remedies. Trustworthy people like A. B.
Tigrett. Oaklawn Farm, Newbern. Tenn.,
and Mrs. Lizzie S. Brooks. Paris, Ky.,
say they take it at regular inter
vals and In that way not only main
tain general good health, but that they
have not in years felt as good as they
do now. You will do well to always
have a bottle of it in the house. It i3
good for all the family.
Anyone wishing to make a trial of this
remedy before buying it in the regular
way of a druggist at fifty cents or one
dollar a large bottle (family size) can
have a sample bottle sent to the homa
free of charge by simply addressing Dr.
W. B. Caldwell. 405 "Washington St.
Montlcello, 111. Your namo and address
on a postal card will do.
I will drill wells in Adair and
adjoining counties. See me be
fore contracting. Latest im
proved machinery of all kinds.
Pump Repairing Done. Give
me a Call.
A Splendid
Clubbing Bargain
We Offer
he Adair County News
The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer
Both One
For Only
Subscription may be
new or renewal
What the Weekly Enquirer is
It Is issued every Thursday, subscrip
tion price $1.00 per year, and it is one Of
the best home metropolitan weeklie'of to
day. It has all the facilities of the great
DAILY ENQUIRER for obtatnins the
world's events, and for that reason can
giuc you all the leading news. It carries
a carries a great omount of valuable farm
matter, crisp editorirls and reliable up-to-date
market reports. It3 numerous de
partments make it a necessity -to every
ome, farm or business man.
This grand offer is limited and we advise
you to take advantage by subscrib:ng for
the above combination Tright now. Call
or mail ordera to
The AdairCounty News,
Columbia,! Ky.
re Yob i Woman!
The Woman's Tonie
assSfc.- Tiucs i.-?
WW Designs
;WM Copyrights dc
AiiTom spiirilnf; S'tetfh "il !" Irllnn ra7
qnlcklr nsu'ertnln onr opmi - fie-j r:n-:.i t an
invcnliim is FT"inb.y put-i.ih'e C -n.ii inv
tionsstTlctlycoraJontlal. HAhllBCOX -" '.'Heui3
sent lire. Oldest cccncy Xursorttr.ii,; tw.-'t.
l'atciits taken tbronrli SIuit .' .. v.TI
social notice, without chars j. m i
Scientific Jlmttin.
A hnniUfrniolJ" il!cstratJ w'. I. r
cnlmlon of anv scientific journal. . i ,- a
ycir: f our montltf, $ 1. SoMbjal". .!?.-.--i.trr.
liraucli pace, 625 F SU Wjl&Ix. zti 2x-
JtiWI WWW ii II I 1 1 1 ii " ' i i1 'i'i'i1 i HWMWMl
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