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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Newspaper Page Text
i THE ADAIR COUNTY NW$ . '- -r . ) ir'&m- THE ADAIR COUKTY HEWS tubUshed Evtry. WMnesday BY THE Adair County News Company (Incorporated.) CHAS. S. HARRIS, Editor. Democratic newspaper devoted to the interest el tie Oity of Columbia and the people of Adair and adjoining counties. Entered at the Columbia Post-office as second class mail matter. InfaWery creditable. raaoner or nearly lour years. He is not personally acquainted in this part of the district, but he hopes to meet many of the Democratic voters before the primary. The The office of Railroad Commis sioner requires the undivided at tention of the folder, and he must be an accurate business man. These qualifications Mr. Klair possesses. 44e4444 40OX4 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR WED. APR. 7, 1915 Announcements. tor cikctjit court olerk. JVe are autharized t6 announce F. A. Strange a candidate for circuit clerk of Adair county, sub ject to the Democratic primary to be held in August. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. Judge J. C. Crrter, of Monroe county, author izes us to announce his candidacy for re-election to the Office of Circuit Judge in this the Twenty ninth district, subject to the action of the Repub lican voters, as expressed at the polls at the coming August primary. '"FOR COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY, i "0?Ve are authorized to announce A. A . Hudles ' ten.' of Cumberland county, a candidate for re ejection t3 the office oi Commonwealth's Attorney ''la this the twenty-ninth district, subject to the action of the Republican voters in said district, aVjexpressed at the primary to be held the first Saturday in"! August, 1915. $9 There is nothing unusual to re port in European War. One side or another sinks a ship every few days. It is believed some hard fighting will commence about the first of May. Jess Willard, the Texas cow boy, knocked Jack Johnson out in the 26th round at Havana. ' A .white man is now the heavy weight champion of the world. FOB THE STATE SENATE. I -.V.-JVe are authorized to announce D. E. Hatcb- . crv'of Baruen cotnty, a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the Democratic voters at the August primary. The district is composed cf the counties of Barren. Metcalfe and Adatr. We are authorized'to announce R. B. Trigg, cf Barreu county, a candidate for the State Senate from the l?th district, subject to the action of the Democratic voters In the August primary. ' The district is composed of Adair, Barren and Metcalfe. FOE THE LEGISLATURE. "We are authorized to announce H. C. Baker a candikate to represent Adair and Cumberland in the next Legislature, subject to the action of the Republican voters, as expressed at the Au gust primary. Notice. All parties desiring Kubber Tire work done in first-class style, guaran teed, call at J. M. Kearnes' Machine shop. Also any other work in his line 21-3t Three automobiles were received in Columbia last week, a Ford by Dr. Jas. Triplett and a Case 6yJ Mr.-Il. F. Howe, and a Ford by Mr., Walker Bryant. 4 Corn Drills? Yes, Black Hawk, Campbell and Superior. Cultivators: Genuine Brown, Buckeye j and Brinley Le verless, both Riding and Walking. Complete Line of Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggie, Field Seeds and Fertilizer. Let us know what repairs you need at once, so as to save . time and postage. The Jeffries Hardware Store, Columbia, Kentucky. For SALE.-White Faced JBlack Span ish eggs; 76c. for 15. Mrs. JE. L. Feese Columbia, Ky. . Red Lex. II you want to breed to a first-class horse, call at my barn in the Flat Woods, and see ooe of the best breed ers in Adair county. , 2-4t F. W. Bridgewater.' 444.44e0444Mt 4404444Mfr i ExfiTa! SnMcial! ?i f T We are author! Jed to announce G. L. Perry man a candidate to'resresent Adair and Cum berland In the next Legislature, subject to the action of theHepublican voters of the district. as expressed at the August primary. '&' vm -RATT.RnATj nonnssiONER. For Sale. 6 year old Jack, a number one breed er and good performer. Black witli mealy points. Will sell cheap. H. B. Mattingly, Lebanon, Marion County, Ky. County court drew a fair crowd to Columbia Monday, and business, all classes, very good during the day. Some fine horses were on exhibition. WiLLIAMT. KL41RFAYETTE COUNTY. Candidate for Re-elect as-Railroad Commission er Second District .of Kentucky, Subject to the action of the Democratic arty in the August Primary. Russell County Announcement. TOR CIRCUIT COURT CLERK. We are authorized to announce J, It. McFar land a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Russell county, eubject to the action of the Re publican voters of said county, as expressed at the August primary. TOR CIRCUIT COURT CLERK. We are authorized to announce Lee A. Law Jess a candidate fof're-eiection to the office of Circuit Court Clerk of the County of Russell, subject to the action of the Republican -voters of said county, as expressed at the August primary. In our announcement column this week it will be seen that Wm. F. Klair, of Fayette county, is a candidate for re-election to the office of Railroad Commis sioner,"second district, subject to the action ,of the Democratic voters in said district, as ex pressed at the August primary. There are but few better known politicians in Kentucky than Mr. Klair. He has been active in ev erv State contest since he. - V reached his majority, rendering valuable service to his party.' He is seeking an endorsement df his work as Ra&.Cjnmi. aioner, bavins filled the position Notice. 3l3IBBBBHEgBBBH , ' ""? Jnst from market with a splendid line of Cthe latest things in dress goods, etc., and cordially invite the public to visit us be fore buying elsewhere. Have a nice- line fof Carpets, mattings and furniture. A good stock of Suit Cases and Trunks at special prices. Be sure to get my prices on Shoes and Slippers. Have a Targe stock to select from. As a special inducement, 1 will offer from April 12th, to April 24th, for CASH ONLY, the following bargains, and many others too numerous to mention: i t ?f .? : Hope Bleach Brown Domestic Calico Apron Checks ' 10c Dress Ginghams 9-4 Brown Sheeting' 10-4 Bleach Sheeting $1.00 Shirts i 50c shirts " $2.00 Hats $1.50 Hats 7cts. $1.00 Hats 75c & 90c. 4c&uP. $14.00 suits " ( ' $12.00. 4c. $12,00 Suits " $10.00. 4c&up. $10.00 Suits . ' $9.00. oc. Sugar - . , 7c. 18c. 20c Coffee ...'. . 15c 22c. 7 Bars Clean Easy Soap ' 25c. 90c. 2 lbs. Keg Soda 5c. 45c. 8 qt. Tin Bnckets 15c. $1.75. 6 qt. Tin Buckets 12c. $1.25. 2, 3, 4. qt. Buckets 8c. W. I. INGKRAM 44 Joe," Cleveland Bay. This celebrated Stallion will make the season of 1915 at my barn, 4h miles south of Columbia and 1 miles west of Gadberry on Pettits Fork creek, and will serve mares at $7.00 to insure a Hying colt. He has broven to be a good breeder. Joe is a dark bay, 16 hands high, heavy built, good style, has the best of eyes, feet and legs and in fact a perfect model in every respect. He is the best and quietest work horse I ever saw, and a fine driver for worn en with perfect safety, so he needs no further introduction. Money due when colt is'fo'ald ed. All care will be taken to prevent accidents but notrespon- sible-should they occur. 1 i Joe- was, sired by, Cleveland Bay, and his 1st dam was a Lex ington. . Call and .see my home f if interested or phoneme. . Rev. E. Y. Chapin, wife and chil dren, a boy and a girl, twins, and Mrs. Chapin's mother, Mrs. A. Craig, arrived from Danville Junction last Wednesday. Eev. Chapin has been called to the pastorate of the Presby terian Churches, this place and "Un ion. He preached at Union last Sun day and next Sunday will be here. He will preach twice a month here, the second and fourth Sundays. A cordial invitation is extended to the ooramunity to attend the services nexf. Sunday. Owing to continued dry weather we will not close April 9th, as advertised, but will hold open until after -a season arrives. So many farmers have re quested this action, we feel impressed to accomodate them and have the co operation of our buyers. Please rush it in as soon as possible after the season. Market better than last week. Greensburg L L. Tob. W. H. Co. Andrew Jones, who was a well known colored man of this plaoe, died Saturday morning. He was on,e(of the .most reliable workers about Co lumbia, and whitejfamilies whom he assisted with his laber will raise. him.. HiSiWifeateOr is in a very crit- WILL JOHNSON. 1 condition. MACHINE SUPPLIES. I Sewing Machine; Needles for any make or Style of Machine. The Best Nickle Plated, and Guaranteed Perfect Point. Price 2 for 5 c. .5 for 10c Be sure to bring sample and name of Machine. Machine Belts, 1 Oc. Machine Bobbins 5 c. ' Machine Oil, best, 1 0c , ', Rubbers for Bobbin Winbers 1 0c. Machine Shuttles, to order, only 75 c. TALKING MACHINE Clix Talking Machine $10.00. Hornless Style. Clix Double Face Records 65 c each. Clix Talking Machine Needles 5c per 1 00. . 40c per 1,000. Murray Ball,- Columbia, Ky. : $ 4X