Newspaper Page Text
T$E AJ)AJ& COUNTY NEWS tr'I?' irMJ' whu fWV Ptrswials. Cauii vx.&flKu. - Ut In.i .m-X J'- i-t -t . . ... . OT "" .4 Mr. G. R. Reed returned last week from a ten days stay in Casey county. Mr. Jo Hurt, Campbellsville, was here a day or two of last week. Mr. F. M. Barnes, of Russell coun ty, was in Columbia last Thursday. Miss Mae Stults has been quite sick for several days, but is improving. Mr. A. C. Hill, Glasgow, was in Co lumbia Thursday. Mr. W. M. Minor, of Glasgow, was here last Friday. Eld. Luther Young left Friday morning for Lexington. Mr. S. G. Banks, Cane. Valley, re mains in a critical condition. Mr. G. R. Miller, Louisville, was here last Thursday, to See our gro cerymen. Mr. C B. Rine, Campbellsville, was here Friday, en route to Russell Springs Mr. C. C. Jones, who travels out of Chicago, was here last week, visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J, T. Jones. Hon. Lilburn Phelps, Jamestown, was here on legal business last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bates, James town, visited here a day or "two last week. 'Mrs. E. P. Harris, after a delight ful visit to her old home, returned to Catlettsburg last Thursday. 'Mrs? Ellen Wheat;! who has been confined to her room for several weeks, is much better. . ,., & , .. . s April &j3 fl m 'Style SnowV IP- April 8, 9 and 10th, will be "Style" days in our store. We will have spread for your inspection the most comprehen sive stock of Spring Merchandise ever shown in Columbia. 5 i i i . ; L .' fii i SaiagjMMAiJi . - - bs" 'slowly. ' Mr. Foster Ingram, who lives near ane Valley, and." who is a" victim of pneumonia, is reported better. v &" Mr. Paul Hughes and Miss Leonora "Sjowe, who are in College at Danville, came home for Easter, returning Monday. Mr. J. K. Humphress, who lives at Knifley, but who has been at Balboo, Canal Zone, for several years, is at the home of his parents, on a visit. Mrs. R. Y. Hindman, whose condi tion was critical last week, has great ly Improved. Indicat ions now point to her ultimate recovery. Mrs. L. F. Arnett (nee Miss Ruby "Davis,) of Nicholasville, and her little son, James Edward, are visiting Mrs W. T. Price and Miss Julia Eubank. " Mrs. N. B. Miller, whose visit to jsrelatives and friends in Columbia was very pleasant, left for home, Buffalo, N. Y., last Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Myers, Misses Julia Eubank, Mary Myers and Grace Conover toured to Louisville last Sun day and will return the middle of the week. Mrs. Foree Hood, Cane Valley, was conveyed to St. Anthony Hospital, Louisville, for an operation for ap pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson and Mr. L. E. Darnell, Russell Springs, were here Monday, en route for Louisville. Mr. Clem Jones, East Fork, was here county court day. Mr. James Cole, a very substantial friend of The News, was here at the opening of Court. Misses Ora and Mallie Moss, of Gradyville, and Miss Mae Hughes, of Edmonton, visited Misses Jennye and Alma McFarland Monday. t Mr. Melvin ,Grissom left Saturday morning, to accept a position, Elk hart, 111. Drs. B. F. and Jas. Taylor, East Fork, were here county court. Dr. J. J. Booker, Greensburg, was in town Monday. Mr. D. E. Hatcher, Democratic! candidate for the State Senate, ac companied by his son, D. E. Hatcher, Jr., was here Monday. Mrs. J. A. Young, who has been quite sick for several weeks, is im proving. Mr. R. B. Trigg, Democratic candi date to represent Adair, Barren and Metcalfe in the next Senate, was in town Monday. Misses Mary Chandler and Katie Murrell went to Louisville last Thurs day, returning Friday afternoon in company with Mr. R. F. Rowe and Mr. Fred Hill, who went to the city after Mr. Rowe's new Case car? The return trip was made in a few hours. Ready-to-wear Garments. In this department "on the balcony" we are show ing beautiful Dresses, Silks, Crepe Meteor, Crepe de . chine; 'Embroidiered Voiles, and ready to wear skirts, al so the cheaper Dresses in Percales, Ginghams and cot ton suitings. A large assortment of Muslin Underwear, Knit Underwear, Phoenix Silk Hosiery, Buster Brown, Black Cat and Bursori cotton Hosiery 'for Ladies, Misses and children. , AH the new models in G. D. and American Beauty and Madame Grace corsets. -. . ' v ...Fashionable. Ppotwear,.., .. . ' We are showing the newest and best in Spring ' and Summer footwear for Men, Women and Children Pumps, Colonials, Oxfords, Etc, made in all the latest t lasts and leathers. ".;' ; Men's Furnishing. A nice assortment Men's Silk Shirts, Pongees, Percales, Etc, Cases are full of latest style neckwear. Dress Goods and Trimmings. You must-see - the display of .Dress Goods and Trimmings. '" All the new shades in Woolens, Silk Pop lins, Chiffon Taffetas, Snowflake, Seed and Embroider-, ied Voiles.'Crepe, Plain and Embroidened' Flaxons, Organdies, Paris Muslins,. Sijk and Cotton Lace cloths 1 All prices arid colors in- Linens and Cotton Suitings. ., . , ., . , .Clothing ; ' Mens, Boys and Childrneri 'Suits, in Worsteds, Cassimeres and Palm Beach, correct styles' and pricesl V 1 . ''I 'i I'll -'k DON'T FAIL. To see this display, come and see, sit down, rest and hear the music. We feel very grateful to our customers for the liberal patronage given us last month. Our sales in March were double what they were a year ago. There is a reason, we have the goods and the correct prices. Russell & & w i SB& Misses Mary Williams, Ruth Stapp and Ada Epperson .left for Bowling, Greeh, to enter the. Western Normal,, Saturday morning. Mr. Herbert Barger, of Jamestown, was in Columbia Thursday. He was on his return from a Louisville san itarium. Mr. Tom Patteson, who has been traveling for the White Crown Fruit Jar Company, with headquarters at Louisville and Owensbore, returned home last week. Mr. Walter Sullivan, of this place, who had the misfortune to get crip pled in Louisville, returned home last week, accjmpanied by his wife, who went to the city after the acci dent occurred. .Dr. Woodruff Flowers, who has been located at Winchester for the past eighteen months, has returned and has permanently located in his old home town. His wife and little son, who are now visiting at Hopkinsville, will arrive in a very short time. - After March 2p, 1915, 1 will stahd at the Fair Grounds, my fine Jack Mur phy, the same Jack I hafl last year, at $8.00 to insure a'living colt, I will also- stand ' Judas, the" Purcheron Stal lion at $10.00 to1 insure a living colt. All care .will be taken to prevent accident, but will not be responsible shoule any occur. Geo. Coffey. For Sale. Baled Hay and Baled Straw. 22-3t Goff Bros. Additional Locals. Nat Brown. Nat Brown will make the present season at my barn three miles South of Columbia. Fee $10 to insure a liv ing colt. I will stand my Jack,' Mil ler, at the same place, at $7 to insure a living colt. J. Press Miller.- 2l-tf Notice. Big auction Saturday, April 10, 1915, at Roy, Ky., on Columbia and Russell Springs road, consisting of clothing, hats, caps, shoes, slippers, dress goods, notions and cloaks. Any one want ing a good stand to sell goods, come and look. I can suit you. Also a small farm close by for sale G. R. Redmon, .-22-2t Roy, Ky. Boards; 50,000 Boards for sale at Casey Jones' store. ' 22-3t Sec oBr.Iiie.ef, dtthing before oa boy. Stits frtn $4.75 to $13$). ,'ee or $9.96 arts. They are kitties. : 22-2t f&te&&mfammtf: I keep on hands a full stock of coffins, caskets, andT robes. I also keep Metallic Caskets, and Steel Boxes and two hearses. Prompt service night or day. Residence Phone 29, office phone 98. 45-1 yr J. F. Triptett, Ad , Columbia, Ky. This office has a lot of garden seed, sent by SnatWt-Janes. They will be given out as bog as they last. Its the bird that catohetlw'worra;. . THE PROVEN PAINT Just dipping a brush into a can of Hanna's Green Seal Paint proves its quality. The very feel of it tells you its good paint. Hanna's GrcenScatPaint gives a beautiful, durable finish that shuts out decay and ugliness, and it WEARS. Specified by Master-Painters . for twenty-five years. Forty-nine tints and shades. f I V 1 HannaS For Sale by Jeffries Hardware Store Columbia Ky A large audience greetjed,Rev IF. 'A. i A son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Ken- Hamilton, at the Methodist churoh) fdriedson, near Cane Valley, diedlaaS Wednesday night. He was about ten f-last Sunday forenoon' He delivered an faster discourse, arid- the'sermon years old and was a victim of rheuaaa- was complimented by rnariy) friends tism. 'fruneralseivicaawej condtact- whtfwereln attendant. - &i "mj sek by WP&T- Williams. i. ..' :; j.i!y JXodf&M ja fcjiitf v V ''!!