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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Newspaper Page Text
THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS &H $'ta t: I m Dirigo. yyr- -, -JT'wnjQjf-r g The little snows that have been visiting our section for the past few days have impressed our farmers with the fact that win ter is not yet over. And many of the people who have planted out their gardens are now wish ing they had waited a few days longer. G. A. Murphey & Son are re c eiving their new spring goods. They are filling their storeroom so full that it looks like an alto, gether different store. J. C. Royse did business at Ed. monton several days last week. Fini3 Stotts and family, Aman daville, are visiting relatives at this place this week. J. M. Campbell has been on the sick list for the past few days. Matthew Wooten, who has been under taeatment of a speci . alist for the past few weeks, is improving. His cancer has been entirely removed and he has hopes of being entirely well be fore long. Rollih Bean and Willie Bennett who went to Indiana and Illinois a few weeks ago in search of work have returned. The boys say that if a man really wants to work he can find just as good employment in Kentucky as he can anywhere else. G. A. Murphy & Son are build ing a stone dam here with a view of putting in a water mill. They have purchased the mill which Was run by C. B. Breeding at Breeding for several years. Mrs. Laura Willcut is on the sick list at this writing. Our section has been infested with black birds for the past weeks. They are here by the thousand and old folks say that it reminds them of the days be fore the Civil War when pigeons were so thick here. Sunday School was organized at this place last Sunday. Last Thursday night the peo ple at this place began to think the Germans had invaded this country and that a large battle was being fought somewhere in the western part of this county. But next day it was learned that Mr. G. W. Fudge of Breeding and a Mrs. Garman had been married that day and that the shooting heard here was the young folks of the Breeding sec tion giving an old fashion shiv aree. Should not Peel Discouraged. So many people troubled with indi gestion and constipation have been benefitted by taking Chamberlain's Tablets that no one should feel dis couraged who has not given them a trial. They contain no pepsin or oth er digestive ferments buc strengthen tha stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Ad. ters visited Mrs. T. J. Bryant andfamilydasttSunday. week. ,' Messrs. Frank and Buford Montgomery visited their broth er, Eld. Wyatt Montgomery, at Campbellsville, last week. Mrs. W. J. Montgomery spent last week with her mother and other relatives near Cane Valley. Miss Maud Bryant will return to Columbia to spend the sum mer with her aunt, Mrs. M. L Mitchell. Mr. Charlie Parson and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meldrom Scholl last Sunday. Mrs. Martha E. Bryant, who has been in poor health for sev eral years, is quite feeble at present. Mr. Calvin Maupin and1 fam ily visited Mr. R. B. Reeves and family a few days ago. Mr. N. A. McKinley, wife and children left for their home near Campbellsville to-day. The com munity in general regretted to give them up. They were good neighbors, but our loss is Taylor county's gain. May you be blest with good luck and enjoyment in your new home is the sincere wish of the writer. Miss Lelia Conover, a highly respected young lady of this community, accompanied Mrs. Mollie McKinley to Campbellsville. Man Takes His OWn Medicine is an Optimist. He has absolute faith in his medi cine he knows when he tabes it for certain ailments he gets relief. Peo ple who take Dr. King's New Discov ery for an irritating Colds are opti miststhey know this cough remedy will penetrate the linings of the throat kill the germs, and open the way for Nature to act. You can't destroy a Cold by superficial treatment you must go to the cause of the trouble. Be an optimist. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery to-day. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Ad Joppa. Ozark. An infant girl of Mrs. Nannie Lee White died last Saturday. Born, to the wife of E. A. McKinley, a son. Little Clifford Conover is bet ter at this writing. Mrs. Rube Reams and daugh- After our spring weather it seems that winter is coming again. ' Mrs. W. E. Holladay and son, William E., spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Murrell. Mrs. Ores Young, Bosworth, Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, who has typhoid fever, is some better. Prof. R. 0. Cabbeli is conduct ing a series of singings at Zioh. He has the 1915 song books and invites everybody to come and help sing. AJarge crowd greeted Bro. 0. P. Bush last Sunday, and were delighted' with the sermon. We always welcome Bro. Bush. Miss Helen Upto:: visited in this community last week. Miss Fannie Cabbeli, L.'W. T. S., visited Miss Antha Cabbeli Saturday. Miss Mae Upton, accompanied by Miss Mae Brockman. spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mr. George Smith and family from Cumberland Co., were with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Barger, Sunday. Mr. Bascom Garnettand daugli ter, Stella, were at C. W. Young's Sunday. iBr BSSSFBSbW- -BlM JBBSSBa iSSSSj lBSSm luSSSv a tUm BSm 4vo?i $695 IT JhxrFeatures The biggest automobile value ever offered for less than $1000. A powerful, fast, silent and sweet running full-grown 5-passenger, really beautiful and fully equipped family automobile. High tension magneto, sliding gear transmission, left hand center control, anti-skid tires on rear, full stream-line body. The car that has practically every high priced car feature. The car that is the sensation of the whole automobile world. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. With electric $ starter and electric lights $55 extra. m Buchanan Lyon Company Esrcortport.Ai.vEjD Campbellsville, Kentucky. Distributors for Taylor, Grcon and Adair Counties. IfeaaStem 1 SSSaSSff Mr3. Fannie Willis, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Smith, Louisville, has' returned home. Mrs. Smith is improving. Whole Family dependent Mr. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio, writes: "Our whole family depend nn Pine-Tar-Honey." Maybe someone in your family has a severe Cold per haps it is the baby. The original Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is an ever ready household remedy ifc gives immediate relief. Pine-Tar Honey penetrates the linings of the Throat and Lungs, destroys the Germs, and allows Na ture to act. At Paull Drug Co. 25c. Ad. Men and women who have at tended such performances agree that the poorest entertainment is other people's children. M,;T ' .,, , We can not help having a scorn- IJNothing so quickly fires a worn- m . , . , , . ,. . . .. KPQ n ful opinin of the 7 lght riders of an's indignation as the abuse ot H , . , i .. ., mi,fll.0 Kentucky, but the nightwalkers animals, except in cases wnere J m ,, , , , . 0 in this community are nothing to the animal happens to be a man. , oast or. White Man With Black Liver The liver is a blood purifier. It wss thought at one time ifc was the seat of the passions The trouble with most people is that their Liver becomes black because of impurities in the blood due to bad physical states, caus ing Biliousness, Headache, Dizziness and Constipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills will clean up the Liver, and give you new life. 25c. at Paull Drug Co. v Ad. China always will be imposed upon until she becomes civilized and keeps a bulldog. Wftsn Fesro Ac!: Us vrhat is cpclic? c-vc-aa J lost weight, vt iLr.:i- r2Co: -...! , :$s -.$ r-v-.. i -:c-,. n focd icr" cr ' " ' " l"r. Paull Drug Co. Anyhow, the war has reduced the, number of divorces in Europe. Watch Your Children rf Often children do not let parents know they are constipated. They fear some thing distasteful. They willlike Eexall Orderlies a mild laxative that tastes .like sugar. Sold oaly by us, 10 cents. Paull Drug C.