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THE ADAIR1C0UNXY NEWS SHERIFFS SETTLEMENT 1914 At the regular Oct. t'm of the Adair fiscal Court 1914 I, A. H. Ballard, was appointed by said Court as its Commissioner to settle with S. H. Mitchell, Sheriff of Adair County, Ky. His accounts .of the collections and disbursements of thirty-five (35c) cents ad valorem and one ($1.00) dollar poll tax levied by said Court at its April term 1914. In compliance with said order the Commissioner begs to submit the fol lowing report. DEBITS. To 3509 polls listed by the Assessor To 65 polls listed by the County Clerk To ad valorem tax on $2--806, 668 listed by the Assessor and supervised by the State "Ee ad valorem tax on $38 642 listed by the County Clerk 'To Franchise tax on Cit izen's Bank To Franchise tax on Co lumbia Telephone Co. To Franchise tax on Bank of Columbia To Franchise tax on First National Bank To Franchise tax on Gra dyville State Bank To Franchise tax on Farm er's Bank To Franchise tax on Cum berland Telephone Co., To 6 per cent., penalty on $3,228 14 uncollected taxes Dec, 1st 1914, 7-10 -to County Fund $3 509 65 4 9 823 135 17 9 175 132 38 41 1 135 14 083 8580 1 293 1 484 6 000 2 015 318 291 227 58 2 25 S63 206 25 CREDITS. Sy receipt dated Sept. 3, 1914, J. R. Garnett, Tr., 3y receipt dated Oct., 2, 1914, J. R. Garnett Tr. Sy receipt dated Nov. 3, 1914, J. R. Garnett Tr. Sy receipt dated Dec. 22, 1614, J. R. Garnett Tr. By receipt dated Dec. 26, A914, J. R. Garnett Tr., 2By receipt dated Jan. 2, il915, J. R. Garnett, Tr. By receipt dated Feb. 1, 1915, J. R. Garnett Tr. Ey receipt dated Mar. 1, 1915, J. R. Garnett, Tr. J3y 35c ad valorem tax on :216,608.50 released By 6 per cent., back on $65.58 released since Dec. 1, 1914 7-10to.Coun-ty Fund Sy 25 polls released at one dollur each J3y commission for collect tax; 10 per cent, on first S5,O00 and 4 per cent., on balance By 4 per cent., commission for collecting school tax JBy $23.00 paid Commis sioner for slttlement 13 391 S14 0S3 13 391 Total Debits Total Credits Balance due by Sheriff 092 The Commissioner finds and so reports thatS. H. Mitchell, Sheriff of Adair rCounty, Ky , is indebted to said County on the General Fund in the . sum of 692.56 subject, however, to the delin . quent taxes and re leases allowed by the Fiscal Court. AH of which is most !respectf ully reported, A. H. Ballard Commissioner, Adair Fiscal Court tMarch 15, 1915. SHERIFF'S SETTLEMENT, SCHOOL TAXES, 1014 At the regular October term of the Adair Fiscal Court, 1914, I, A. H. Ballard, was appointed by said court as Its Commissioner to settle with S. H. Mitchell, Sheriff of Adair County, Ky., his accounts of the collections and disbursements of fifteen (15c) cents ad valorem and fifty (50c) cents poll tax levied by said court at its April term 1914 on all taxable proper ty and persons In Adair County, Ky., , not in the Graded School District of ; the town of Columbia, Ky. In compliance with said order the Commissioner begs to submit the fol lowing report. DEBITS. To ad valorem tax on .$2,- 284,317 To 3261 polls To Franchise tax on Farm ers Bank To Franchise tax on Gra dy ville State Bank To Franchise tax on Cum berland Telephone Co. To 6 per cent., penalty on 33,228.14 uncollected tax $3 426 1 630 17 16 es Dec. 1,1914, 3-10 to School Fund 53 5 149 209 471 5S6 3 185 110 100 87 10 14 1 CREDITS. By receipt dated Sept. 4, 1914, Tobias Huffaker, Supt., By receipt dated Oct. . 2, 1914, Tobias Huffaker Supt., By receipt dated "Nov. 3, 1914, Tobias Huffaker Supt., By receipt dated Dec, 17, 1914, Tobias Huffaker Supt., By receipt dated Jan., 2, 1915, Tobias Huffaker Supt., By receipt dated Feb. 1, 1915, Tobias Huffaker Supt., By receipt dated Mar 1, 1915, Tobias Huffaker Supt., By 15c ad valorem tax on $6,993 released By 28 polls released at 50c each By 6 per cent., back on $65.53 released since Dec 1, 1914 3-10 to School Fund. 00 00 34 25 50 52 00 34 85 16 37 58 4 777 5 149 4 777 91 62 12 02 00 21 34 53 57 83 75 00 36 00 00 Total Debits Total Credits Balance due by Sheriff 372 The Commissioner finds and so reports that S. H. Mitchell, Sheriff of Adair County, Ky., is indebted to said county on the School Fund in the sum of 3372.17 subject, how ever, to the delinquent taxes and releases allow ed by the Fiscal Court. All of which is most re spectfully reported, A. H. Ballard, Commissioner Adair Fiscal Court. March 15, 1915. CLAIMS ALLOWED. List of claims allowed at April term, Adair county Fiscal Court. Dr. S. P. Miller, Vital Sta tistics 8 7 75 Same 6 mo., salary Jail physi cian 25 00 Same Medical attention Pau per 50 00 Rachel E. Grissom, Vital Sta tistics 6 25 Xell & McCandless, furnish ing Pauper 45 00 Kelsey, Nell & Mc Candles, furnishing pauper 106 50 N. R. Roach, furnighing pauper 52 00 Ermine Leach, keeping poor house 6 mo. 395 19 A. Hovious, vital statistics 19 50 J. C. Gose, vital statistics 14 25 W. H. Burris, furnishing pauper 19 50 T. J. Bryant & Son, furnish ing pauper io65 James Riall, furnishing pau Per 39 00 Sallie Bryant, vital statis tics '' 6 50 Nora Smith, vital statis tics . 75 C. Dulworth, furnishing pauper 26 00 J. A. Goodin, furnishing pauper 73 00 Lucy A. Farris, vital sta tistics 9 50 J. M. Burton, furnishing pauper 58 50 Thos. O. Patteson, vital sta tistics 16 00 Hayse Sneed. furnishing pau per 19 50 Sidney Burton, furnishing pauper 26 00 L. W. Tabor, vital statis tics 11 00 D. M. Moore, for furnishing pauper 89 W. O. Burton, furnishing pauper . 13 si G, A. Spiers, furnishing pau per 39 00 35 91 35 56 Nora Smith, vital statistics Flowers & Keene, furnish ing pauper R. G. Redmon, furnishing pauper W. G. McKinley, work on road R. T. Kearnes, furnishing timber on road W. W. Kirtley, furnishing pauper Roy Walker, furnishing pau per G. T. Herriford, telephone message to asylum 19 50 13 00 7 00 5 00 13 00 1 00 4 20 45 00 2 18 70 40 6 00 8 50 18 00 14 22 52 00 25 4 00 7 77 77 00 39 00 15 00 12 25 26 00 56 00 57 00 48 50 64 65 59 J. N. Petty, land for road J. F. Pike, bridge lumber W. H. Hammond, furnish ing paupers H. Firkins, vital statistics J. E. Beard, work on road Mrs. W. L. Walker, furnish ing pauper Warren Moore, furnishing pauper J. P. & H. F. Coffey, furnish ing pauper F. A. Rosenbaum, vital sta tistics L. F. Hammond, vital sta tistics V. M. Gowdy & Co., taxes refunded Coomer & Gowen, furnish ing pauper T. A, Firkin, furnishing pauper J. F. Triplett, pauper coffin W. E. Sanders, medical at tention pauper Rose & Willis, furnishing paupers D. O. Pelley, furnishing paupers Eubank & Son, furnishing paupers Jeffries Hardware Store stoves, etc., for jail and courthouse Gordon Montgomery, 6 mo. salary J. B. Jones, pauper coffin Adair County News, print ing ballots, etc E. B. Atkinson, medical at tention to paupers Same, vital statistics R. Y. Hindman, medical at tention to paupers Sandusky & Bros, bridge lumber A. J. Combest vital statis tics Russell & Co., bedding, etc for jail Dr. S. A. Taylor, vital sta tistics Wheat & Williams, furnish ing pauper W. S. Hindman, vital sta tistics Mercer & Hindman, furnish ing pauper E. McAllister, vital statis tics Sophronia Wilson, vital sta tistics Wilmore & Moss, furnishing paupers Strange & Corbin & Co., furnishing pauper Nell & Simmons, medical attention to pauper S. J. Simmons, vital static tics W. F. Cartwright-, vital sta tistics H. F. Coffey, vital statis tics Dr. u. L. Taylor, Health Officer L. C. Blair, vital statistics Same, furnishing pauper Dr. L. C. Nell, vital statis tistics Dr. B. J. Bolin, medical at tention to pauper Same, vital statistics W. I. Ingram, furnishing books to indigent children Pickett & Howard, furnish ing pauper W. I. Ingram, bed clothing, etc., for Jailer 0. G. Jeffries, disinfectant for jail C. R. Hutchison, furnishing pauper Gill& Waggener, mattresses for jali, etc The Bradley & Gilbert Co., election supplies J. M. Moore, furnishing pau per S. H..Mltchell, services as Sheriff Dr. C. M. Russell, vital sta tistics Walker Bryant, for having book-case made James N. Murrell & Co., furnishing pauper Eugene Nell, vital statistics Olie Conover, work on cul vert Tobias Huffaker, 6 mo salary 11 97 39 45 87 50 60 57 74 50 00 18 6 63 80 97 80 250 00 5 00 80 54 8 00 6 00 5 05 6 83 19 25 17 60 5 00 26 00 9 50 23 50 25 2 00 163 75 45 50 42 00 13 25 4 25 11 00 206 25 13 75 97 50 10 50 5 00 5 50 18' 75 73 00 40 -85 15 85 47 00 9 00 25 05 7 00 167 35 6 25 22 91 24 00 18 50 200 350 00 17 25 A Remedy No Family Should Do Without No matter how healthy a human being may be it Is safe to say that not many months are passed without :-jme obstruction of the bowels, in other v.ords, constipation, even if only tem porary. The bloating, the dull feeling: may start after the evening meal. If a Uxative is not taken that night it is certain that sleep will not be sound, and you will awaken unrefreshed. Hence, it is important for you and for all the members of your family that a good, reliable laxative be always kept In the house for just such emergency. It Is sure to be needed, and when needed ou want it at hand. No family that is .ireful of its health can do without such a remedy. But the question of which remedy to have on hand is also of vast Importance. The laxative most highly recom mended by the majority of intelligent Americans as being best for babies and grownups is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep- Dr. C. M. Russell, medical attention topauper J. P. Miller & Sons, furnish ing pauper J. T. Mercer, furnishing pauper W. G. Pickett, vital sratis tics Walker Bryant, services as County Clerk J. W. Sublett & Bros, fur nishing paupers Robert Sublett, vital statis tics Walker Bryant. 157 road or ders, 314 copies TJ. L. Taylor, medical atten tion to pauper Dr. N. M. Hancock, vital statistics Same, medical attention to pauper Mary E. Hutchison, vital statistics Murray Ball, winding clock 6 mo E. A. Raborn, furnishing pauper A. B. Cox, services as con stable W. C. Barrett, vital statis tics C. G. Jeffries, dieting pris oners, etc., C. G. Jeffries, service wait ing on court N. M. Tutt, voting house H. G Chiison, voting house U. L. Taylor, voting house Jim Tutt, voting house Strong Hill, voting house Cool Spring school house, same J. M. Shives, voting house Mark Wilson, voting house N. T. Jones, voting house John Young, voting house R. A. Cooley, voting house J. W. Sublett, voting house J. R. Garnett, 6 mo. salary as Treasurer Walker Bryant, 6 mo. salary W. G. Shepherd, services as J. P. W. G. Ellis, services as J. P. W. G. Pickett, same W. E. Hancock, same Melvin Conover, same F. H. Bryant, same C. G. Jeffries, balance on wood and light for Court H. and jail C. G. Jeffries, dieting prison ers S. H. Mitchell, conveying children to Children's Home Gordon Montgomery, ex pense to Frankfort W. E. Sanders, vital statis tics S. H. Mitchell, taxes wrong fully charged 1 60 17 11 75 57 14 117 2 6 18 3 11 29 79 3 665 92 3 3 3 3 3 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 3 37 50 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 23 14 OS (LucindaKeltner, vital sta tistics T. C. Faulkner, service as Surveyor A. H. Ballard, for assisting T. C. Faulkner J. H. Judd, for old claim of C. B. Mays State of Kentucky ) Set. County of Adair ) ' I, Walker Bryant, Clerk 4 00 Of Adair County Court, certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of the Claims allowed at theAdair Coun ty Fiscal Court at its April Term, 1915. Witness my hand this Juno 14, 1915. Walker Bryant, Clerk. Restored to Good Health. "I was sick for four years with stomach trouble," writes Mrs. Otto Gans, Zanesville, Ohio. "I lost weight and felt so weak that I almost gave up hope of. being cured. A friend told me about Chamberlain's Tablets, and since using two bottles of them I have been a well woman." Sold by Paull Drug Co. - Ad. Bin. It Is a liquid laxative-tonic, mild, and never gripes, is effective on robust an infant Children like it because of inese fa-en ue qualities ana Decause it is pleasant to the taste. It Is the best all-around remedy you can have in the house for any disorder many people like R. H. Morgan, Price, Tenn., and Mrs. H. C. Davidson. Wart race, Tenn., say they would as soon be without the necessities as without Dr. uaidweirs syrup fepsin. Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying it in the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 405 Washington St.. Montlcello. 111. Tour name and addresa on a postal card will do. WELL DRILLER I will drill wells in Adair and adjoining counties. See me "be fore contracting. Latest im proved machinery of all kinds. Pump Repairing Done. Give me a Call. J. C. YATES 50 07 00 25 75 00 00 50 00 75 00 00 70 52 25 50 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 A Splendid Clubbing Bargain We QfTer he Adair County News and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer; i Both One Year Pop Only $1.35 Subscription may be new or renewal What the Weekly Enquirer is It 13 issued every Thursday, subscrip tion price ?1.00 per year, and it Is One of the best home metropolitan weeklieTof to day. It has all the facilities of the great DAILY ENQUIRER for obtatnlne the world's events, and for that reason can giue yon all the leading news. It- Carries a carries a great omonnt of raloable farm matter, crisp editorirl3 and reliable up-to-date market reports: Its numerous de partments make it a necessity 'Jo every ome, form or business man. This grand offer is limited and we advise you to take advantagelby subs crib' ng for the above combination Iright now. Call or mail orders to 300 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 The AdairCounty News, Columbia,? Ky. i 10 3 00 ki Too a Woman? 50 2 00 3 90 2 25 The Woman's Tonlo 6 00 . FOR SALE AT ALL DRUS8STS 6 00 the OVER 65, YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c Anrone sending a sketch and description may qnlcklr ascertain, our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing: patents. Patents .taken through Munn & Co. receive ipteial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weeklr. Largest cir culation of. any a&entUc Journal. Terms. 3 a year; four months, $U Sold brail newsdealers. MUNN t Co.3MBNew York Brazen Offlee. IK T St, Washington, D. C. 2 l dul 3 jtt tr jjyf jH kW - dJr -- -