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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
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THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS HANNA'S LUSTRO -FINISH workt like magic in renewing, worn stair treads, soiled window-sills, etc. No experience is needed. Just get a can of Hannas bu5tlbFini$h and set to work. The results will delight you. It's the unmatched finish for floors, etc. Will not fade. Watch Your Wife. Keep your eye on your wife. Not to keep some other man from stealing her for wives worth having are not stealable. But to keep her contented, for that will help you to keep cheer ful. And to keep her cheerful for that will keep her pretty. To keep her pretty is to help yourself keep your eyes off oth er women, a very necessary thine: for a married man if he would be happy. Keep in mind the girl you led to the altar for your wife is that girl, just as lovable, just as sincere, just as honest. Keep in mind also that you were ready to do almost any thing to get her and so you are reminded that it's up to you to make some little sacrifice in or der to keep her. Just keep your eye on your wife and do your share toward making a success of your great est business, undertaking- the business of being a happy mar ried man. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a remedy that every family should be provided with, and especial ly during the spring and summer months. Think of the pain and suffering that must be endured when medicine must be sent for or before relief can be obtained. This remedy is thoroughly reliable. Ask anyone who has used it. Obtainable at Paull Drug Co. Ad Ono. We are having lots of rain at present and all farmers are grow ing corn and weeds in the same field. Wheat is short in this section. Haying is just in sight so soon as the weather will permit. The health of this community is very good at present. The Dixie Highway is the gen eral topic of the day. The schools of this division are all taken up and teachers hired, contracts drawn. Mr. Claude Harmon and Elmer Wil son will teach at Maple Spring X Roads. The Sunday School at Square Oak church is progressing nicely there being about 80 members. There was a fishing party went from Ono to Cumberland river and caught a nice lot of fish. Mrs. Jerry Holder is very sick at present. Not likely to recov er. J. A. Meece purchased a pi ano from Geo. Kimble, He can soothe himself with melodious songs. The saw mill of' C. McKinley has never arrived yet. There are quite a number of logs on the yard. The rise in the River recently did no serious damage. v Rev. H. W. Johnson delivered his first sermon at Cave Spring church last Sunday. Text, If a man die shall he live again. W. M. Fox purchased a pair of Jeffries Hardware cattle scales and has them in weighing condition. Mesdames Lois Pearl Hughes and Lizzie J. Hughes were call ers at J. P. Dunbars last Sunday, Chas. H. Fair, of Casey Co., was in thi3 neighborhood last Saturday, soliciting vote for the primary in August. The Sheriff means to collect taxes for the pa3t year on or be fore circuit court. We learn that Thomas Popple well will leave for the beautiful West soon. He says he never expects to return to Russell any more. Good-bye Mr. Popple well. Ruel Hughes, who has been on the sick list for quite awhile, is improving 'at present. We hope he will soon be able to be out. There are plenty of peaches in this part of the world and a very good crop of apples. Sil Smith purchased a fine sow and eight pigs from Elizabeth Flanagan for $20. Thirty-six for 25 cents Dr. King's Kew Life Pills are now supplied in well-corked glass bottles containining 3G sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pills with a glass of water before retiring is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Ef fective and positive in results. Cheap and economical to use. Get a bottle today, take a dose tonight your Con sripation will be relieved in the morn in the morning. 36 for 25c. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Ad, Few men appreciate their free dom until they find themselves in jail or married. Those are the most honorable who are the most lawful. Neuralga Pains Stopped. You don't need to suffer those ag nizingnerve pains in the face, head, arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment; lie quietly a few minutes. You will get such reliefjand comfort! Life and the world brighter. Get a bottle to-day. 3 ounces for 25 cents at Paull Drug Co. Penetrates with out rubbing. Ad. Store ColumbiaKy. New 19 IS Model $695 17 New Features Wo have on display the handsomest car we have ever seen, and the best part of it is that it is mechanically as close to. perfection as we ever expect to see any automobile. It holds the road at 50 miles an hour The ignition system is a Sims high tension magneto, and the trensmission is three speed selective sliding gears. It has 34 elliptic rear springs, which assures its riding as easy as any car made and has a famous make of anti skid tires on the rear 'wheels. This "Wonder Car" with Self-Starter and Electric Lights only 555 extra. When money talks nobody in terrupts. ' If You aretroubled with heartburn; gases and a distressed feeling after eating take a GKoML Dyspepsia USSSSSm Tablet before and after each meal and'you will obtainprompt relief. Sold us,25o Paull Drug Co. The bes: illustrated paper out the bank note. "I Don't Feel Good" That is what a lot of people tell us. Usually their bowels only need cleansing. will do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. - Take on tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cents. " Paull Drufl Co. ' BUCHANAN, LYON CO., I II INOOrcI-ORATED j31 III CAJtninLLI.VILt.I.U, ICY. Ill ill DW'hntnis for Taylor, Green and Adair Iff ll Counties Jf This is the "Thornhill'? Wagon the Wagon that Must Make Good The best known materials the labor of master workmen the aid of the most ingenious modern machinery have been employed to make the Thornhill wagon. The wheels are made with excessive care. For the spokes the manufacturers use the finest hickory machine driven to insure the right dish. The hubs are of oak" thoroughly seasoned and banded with double refined sable iron. The bolsters are of the best white oak. They have an iron plate at top and bot tom, riveted through and through mul tiplying their strength. The "Thornhill" has a malleable front hound plate that is braced to the hounds 'at all points. This is an exclusive "Thornhill" feature. It prevents the sou By WOODSON LEWIS GREENSBURG, KENTUCKY. The Thornhill Wagon is not the lowest pricea a EVERYTHING IN EtOOFING Asphalt, Gravel, Rubber, Galvanized and Printed. Also Elwood'and American Fence." Steel Fence Posts DEHLER BROS. CO- Incorporated 1 1 2-1 1 6 Eaal Matfcel Street Between First andJBrook Louisville, Ky. J Birdseve view! of our Plant i "Largest in Dixie" V. J. Hughes & Sons Co. Incorporated Louisville, Kentucky. WHOLESALE Windows, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings. Columns, Stair Work, Brackets, Etc. Write for our Catalog lasSES Read Our Liberal Paper Offers gears from ever getting out of line and causing hard pulling. "Thornhill" wagons are equipped witfcj long sleeve malleable non-breakabler skeins that insure light running, and out last any other skein. Each skein is fitted to its axle with a Defiance ma chineinfallibly accurate. This machind: insures the right pitch and tuck, makes1 light draft a certainty. The axles are of toughest hickory the steel axles of the best refined steel. The sides of "Thornhill" beds arcr made of poplar. It costs the maker? more but it holds paint better and gives better service. Come in and see this wagon soI3 under a binding guarantee. hut the b-t, aril 1:1 tie end the cheeps IT 11 ii 1 1 1 TzaKBacg uxanrft HI