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THE ADAIRJCOUNTYfNEWS h LWw iW lH xi' You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. x,n tfl time cnies to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. Youcan't make a mistake in taking CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped m Mfl) M iB Special Notice ! Woodson Lewis Greensburg, Ky. Economy Woven Wire Fence is a light durable Fence A long felt want for farmers who want a cheap, quick and satisfactory fence. NOTE THE PRICE. Economy Wire Fence 7 Wires 9 in. Stays 26 in. high Price 15c it Square Deal Fence in all sizes at fair prices. Buy "now before the advance. We have ' 30,000 rods subject to your orders. Satisfaction guaranteed as to Quality and Price. A full, Complete stock of the Celebrated ThornhiH Wagons. 'Satisfaction, or your money back." Don'tforget our immense stock of Shoes and Cloth ing, both at old prices. We have not taken the War in Europe as an Excuse to asR Advance on Anything Salt. Big Barrels $1.75. Salt Pure and Barrels Full. Lime for this month, only 90c. Surveying Land Owners Attention. T. C. Faulkner, is prepared to do your Surveying correctly. He has thirty-three years experience. Charges rea sonable. Phone 74 or write T. C Faulkner,! Columbia, Ky. Thousands. 161 iB " 7 " 6 " " 26 " " " 18c " 8 " 6 " " 32 " " " 20c " 8 " 9 " " 32 "" " " 18c " 9 " 6 " " 39 " " " 22c " 9 " 9 " " 39 " " " 20c C. D. Crenshaw VETERINARY SURGEON Special Attnetin to Eyes fistulo, Poll-evil, Spavin or any inr gical work done at xairpricea. 1 aaa well fixed to take care of stock. Moo due when work is done or stock removed from stables. LICATIIH-NEAIEI IDGIES' IESIIERCE N IDtlSYILLE STIEET. PaB .JEtjm. A Splendid Offer. For the next thirty days we will furnish The Adair County News one year, the Cincinnati Weekly Enquir er, one year, Boy's Magazine, monthly, one year, Farm and Fireside, semi monthly, one year; To-day's Maga zine, monthly, one year; and Poultry Pointers, monthly, one year, all for $1.65. This is the best offer ever made by this office, and all who want read ing matter should send their subscrip tions to this office at once. Kentucky Fair Dates. The following are the dates fixed for holding the Kentucky Fairs for 1915, as far as reported. Officers of fairs are requested to- report to us any omissions or corrections of dates: Danville, July 213 days. Mt. Sterling, July 214 days. Harrodsburg, July 27 i days Winchester, July 284 days Blue Grass Fair, Lexington, Aug. 26 days Taylorsville, Aug. 34 days. Burkesville, Aug. 104 days. Yanceburg, Aug. 114 days. Broadhead, Aug. 113 days Perryville, Aug. 113 days Fern Creek, Aug. 114 days Sanders, Tri-County Fair, Aug. 11 4 days Shepherdsyille, Aug. 17 4 days Lawrenceburg, Aug. 174 days Columbia, Aug. 174 days Stanford, Aug. 183 days Eminence, Aug. 193 days Ewing, Aug. 193 days London, Aug 24 4 days Nicholasville, Aug. 243 days Elizabethtown, Aug. 243 days Shelbyville, Aug. 244 days Germantown, Aug. 254 days Florence, Aug. 263 days Alexandria, Aug. 315 days Somerset, Aug. 31 1 days Grayson, Sept. 1--4 days Barbourvilie, Sept. 13 days Hodgenville, Sept. 73 days Henderson, Sept 75 days Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, Sept. 136 days Owensboro, Sept. 215 daya Horse Cave, Sept. 22 i days Pennyroyal-Hopkinsville, Sept. 27 6 days. Glasgow, Sept. 294 days Adairville, Sept. 303 days ' Cave City, Oct. 4-6 days Murray, Oct. 6 i days. Constipation Cured Overnight A small dose of Po-Do-Lax tonight and you enjoy a full, free, easy bowel movement in rhe morning. No grip ing, for Po-Do-Lax is Podophyllin (May Apple) without the gripe. Po-Do-Lax corrects the cause of Consti pation by arousing the Liver, increas ing the flow of bile, Bile is Nature's antiseptic in the bowels. With prop er amount of, digestion in bowels is perfect. No gas, no fermentation, no Constipation. Don't be sick nervous, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do-Lax from your Druggist now and cure your Constspation overnight. Ad Warning By State Health Board. To Peace Officers, Health Officers and the People of Kentucky: A recent examination of dogs' heads from widely separated sections of the State shows an alarming prevalence of hydrophobia. Under the authority conferred upon it by law, the State Board of Health hereby requests and directs all persons owning valuable dogs to keep them on their own prem ises or to have them carefully muz zled, and sheriffs, chiefs of police, con stables, and the people generally are hereby requested, and directed to de stroy, as painless as possible, all un muzzled dogs running, at large with a view to the prevention of hydropho bia. Failure to observe this request is punishable by fine of from $10.00 to $100.00 for each day he fails to obey the regulations. John G. South, Pres. A. T. McCormick, Sec. ' ' Bilious Attacks. When you have a bilious attack your liver falls to perform its func tions. You become constipated. The food you eat ferments in your stom ach Instead of digesting. This in flames the stomach .causing nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and yon will soon be as well as ever' They only cost a quarter. Obtainable at Paull Drug Co's. Ad Works Wonders for Sick Women STELLA-VITAE cured this woman, who had suffered for 25 years. Give it a chance to cure YOU! WHAT STELLA-VITAE HAS DONB for one woman it well told by Mr. 8. J. Hendrix, of Posey. Texaa, who gratefully writes ut: Tar twtaty-fiT jtut I hd from oat to thrM Dottara trattlng my wlfa tor famdU troublea, and trltd Trioai punt madl lnai and ah oalr netirtd temporary TalUf. WstrUd 8IELLA-VITAB and to oar aorprli It raitortd bar to btttay kialtli than the Ttr bad. Ik did a woa dufal work in bar eat." STELLA-VITAE acts directly upoa the female organs and functions, it tones and strenghtem the muscles and tissues, builds up and restores the whole system when run down and wasted by disease, soothes and adjusts the delicate nervous organ ization to that harmonious balance so necessary to perfect womanly health. STELLA-VITAE regulates thefunc tions peculiar to women, stops wast ing and relieves dangerous suppres sion, banishes the terrors of those periods so dreaded by weak, nerv ous, run-down women. STELLA-VITAE does not force nature, and is of remarkable benefit at all times and under all conditions. Its ut during pregnancy benefits both mother and child. We guarantee theflrtt bottle of STELLA VITAE to benefit you. If It don't you get frour money back. If it does, your dealer s authorized, to sell you six bottles for IS, Try STELLA-VITAE on this a!l to gala and nothing to lose" basis. Try it TODAY. If you are sick there is no time like NOW for trying STELLA-VITAE. Thacher Medicine Co.' CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 1 Sold by Page & Taylor. Rugby. There was a large crowd at the show at Columbia from here. James Rosson visited at Pic nic last Saturday and Sunday. Bob Simpson is in a critical condition from liver trouble; The doctor says his liver is as large as a man's hat. Your scribe is laid up this week with malaria and dumb chills. T. J, Rosson is able to ride around on the p'ace and over see his work. Rev. Titus Akin and mother, Mrs. Kate Akin left for former's home, Westminister Texas. While here he preached a num ber of sermons and made a host of friends. He reports the Mo ran boys, sons of John Moran, of Columbia, doing well. Also Bob Rudd. Mrs. Akin will be gone a year. F. A. Strange and Buel Shives went to Louisville last week, the latter to consult a nerve spec ialist. Rollin Bean left for Illinois last Tuesday. A boy at Sel Royse's. Mother and child doing well. J. E. Rosson and wife transac ted business in your city last Wednesday. A Doctor's Prescription for COugh an Effective COugh Treatment. One-fourth to one te'aspoonful of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken as need ed, will soothe and check Coughs, Colds and the more dangerous Bron chial and Ludg Ailments. You can't afford to take the risk of serious ill ness, when so cheap and simple a rem edy as Dr. King's New Discovery is obtainable. Goto your druggist to day, get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, start the treatment at once. You will be gratified for the relief and cure obtained. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Ad. Owensby. Since the few dry, sunny days the gee whoa haw is heard in all directions. Corn is looking fine, while wheat and oats are fairly good. JDEINT.AJO OFEICTJ Dr. James Triplett DENTIST OVER. PAXJIJXJ DRUG CO- Columbia, Ky. RE8 PHONE 29. OFFICE PHON1 . HENRY W. DEPP, DENTISTi Am permanently located in Co? Iumbia. Ali Classes of Dental work done. Crov Bridge and Inlay work a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed Office over G. W. Lowe's Shoe Store J. B. Stone J. H. Stone Stone & Stone, Attoney-At-Law TM Will practiced this and adjoinmg'countiet. Jamstown, : Kentucky li. H. JOJiES Vctefinavy Surgeon and Dentist ears experience. Special attention given to Surgical and Dental work. Office at residence near Graded School building. PHONE NO. 7N Residence Phone-13 B Business Pho el3!A DR. J. N. MURRELL IDENTIST Office, Front rooms -m Jeffries B'lVTg up Stairs. Columbia, - Kentucky Notice to the Public Genera! BlacKsmithlng Buggy. Carriage and Wagon Repairing neatly done. All kinds of Rubber Tires put on. Specia attention to Horse Shoeing. Price3 right and satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop on Depot St. near L. & X. Depot' PHONE NO.J75 JEFF PARSON, Campbclisville, Ky. Wheat will be ready for harvest- , ing soon. We are glad to state that Mrs. S. B. Collins has greatly im proved, and by being helped in to a buggy, is able to visit her neighbors and friends. Mrs. Ezra Moore and sister-in-law, Miss Laura, of Jamestown, visited in this community last week. Good roads is the general dis cussed topic of the day. We be lieve the majority of the people have come to the conclusion and realize that good roads are nec essary to promote the growth of prosperity and enlightment in a community. Miss'Mallie McCIure.of Albany spent last week visiting at James town, and also in this community. Notwithstanding the inclement weather there was a large crowd in attendance at Mt. Pleasant, Children's Day. Born, to the wife of Will Aaron a girl. To the wife of Arnold Holt, a girl.