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t A THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS Gradyvilje. V y "Our farmers put m a day or so ' plowing last week. Wheat harvest is on this week." Mr. and Mrs. William Breed ing, of Memphis, Tex., are visit ing W. L. Grady and wife this week. Miss Mollie Flowers is visiting Miss Ethel Moss at Campbells ville this week. . Several from our town attend ed Children's Day at Pickett Chapel last Sunday. Rev. W. C. Christie filled his regular appointment here last Sunday to a good audience. The new' carding machine in our town is about ready for busi ness. Strong Hill spent several days last week on Leatherwood creek, looking after his grist mill. Messrs. Dickerson 'and Left wich, of Milltown, were in this section last week looking after wheat threshing. G. T. Flowers, daughter and son, James, spent a day or so visiting, friends at Portland last week. issPedigo, of Summersh'ade, jis-visiting, her sister, MrsrChris jfcie,, Jhis week, t- ; - nAustin Wilmore spent Ta few days of last week at Lexington. Mrs. Rena Gist visited Mrs. W. C. Yates at Portland, a day or so of last week. Strong Hill, of Glasgow; J. McNat, of Bowling Green, and Cardwell, of Louisville, were calling on our merchants last week, Our farmers report their to bacco that has been transplant ed is starting off nicely and bids fair to make a good crop. W. B. Dulin, one of our best citizens will leave in a few days for, the good old state of Texas, where he will spend several months visiting his daughter. We have a fine prospect for a good corn crop in this section. Notwithstanding the large amount of rainfall we have had for the past three weeks, scarce ly 4. day during the time that the ground was dry enough to work, .however our people have their crops in fine shape and bid fair at the present to make a good yield. WAR SITUATION. The campaign against the Rus sians, on which the Germans are now concentrating their offensive efforts, is developing another phase, in a violent attack in Rus? sian Poland. At the same time the Germans are pushing back the Russians in the Baltic prov inces and, with the help of the Austrians, in Galicia. It was announced semi-official-ly in Berlin, that the Austrd German forces along a 682-mile front in Poland, Galicia and Bu kowina had begun a general at tack in a battle expected to be decisive. On the Franco Belgian front, where the British and French luye undertaken, new move- ments said to have resulted in the capture of German -positions at several points, no further changes are reported with the exception of French gains in the Vosges. The official announce ment from Paris says heights dominating portions of the val ley of the Fecht are now under French control. The German admiralty an nounced the loss of the subma rine TJ-14, whose crew was capt ured by the British. Announce ment of the sinking of a German submarine with the capture of twenty-seven men was made last week in the House of Commons. An official communication from Petrograd contains the admission that the Germans have occupied additional villages near Shavli, in the Baltic region, but states that the Russians regained lost ground near Przasnysz. It is in the vicinity of Przasnysz, which lies to the North of Warsaw, that the Germans apparently are making their most determined effort on the Polish front,,, al though the fortress of Ossowetz i j -is again being attacked.. The .Galician campaign has reached a .critical stage, in view! - lit ) of .the continued .success ,of Jthd Austrian?,. and,- Germans- Tfye Petrograd. .communication 'ays little of the battle along theJSanj due states tne Russians nave won some advantages, in the fighting further South, in the Dniester re gion. Official advices from the Italian army headquarters represent the Italians as gaining advantages all along the front, particularly in the Adige Valley, which leads to Trent. On the Isonzo front, where centers the battle for poss ession of Triest, Italian success es also are claimed. The Turkish forces on Gallipo li peninsula have taken the offensive. An official statement from Constantinople says heavy losses were inflicted on the French and British, but . an an nouncement from London is to the effect that the Turks were repulsed in an. attempt to re capture lost trenches, According to a Constantinople report, a Turkish aviator has seen a British warship of the type of the Agamemnon aground near the entrance of the Darda nelles, her decs- almost sub merged. Official denials were made at London yesterday that the Agamemnon had been sunk. Rugby. West Sparks was in Columbia last Wednesday. Miss Alta Thompson is visit ing on Price's creek, Your scribe is still laid up with malaria. Roy Garmon lost Ja mare mule colt last week. This is the sec ond one this spring. Jackson Bragg and wife visit ed T. J. Tompson last Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Delia Shives is suffering with a rising on herhand. Bob Simpson, who has been sick for some time, is some bet- ter. Lightning struck a tree near Ruel Shives' ,. house knocking a a piece through his house and tore up a trunk, Mrs. Luther England died at her home near Sparksville, last Tuesday, with heart trouble. She only lived 15 minutes. She was buried at Antioch Wednes day. Bro. Payne conducted the services. Mrs. Louella England, of Ok lahoma, is visiting her parents at this place and will remain sev eral weeks. Dud Sparks, who has been at work in Hart county, has re turned home. Wheat harvesting ana ;corn plowing is the order of the day. Tarter. We are having an abundance of rain at this writing. Wheat harvest is in full sway in this part and the yield seems to be less than an average crop. The outlook tor a peach crop in this part js very slim. Several young folks of this community 'spentlast Sunday on Green river; '" r (r "' ' ' --'J. 6. Wolford lost a valuable Vmare'lameek-0J r" - 4 f W:,G'.1Shepfierd"has begun 'the' construction of anew'sto'ck barn. W. A'. Wheat' sold a 'milch cow last week for $60. Miss Rosy Tarter, who has been in Taylor county for the past few months, -has returned home. Harry Martin, the young man who got his leg fractured so that amputation had to be performed is improving nicely and in a fair way to recovery. W, A. Wheat has installed a telephone in his residence. Miss Ada Neat spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. T. W. Wheat. , J. F. Robertson and Miss Ada Shepherd were united in marri age at Bearwallow on the 30th. The writer unites with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous future. McGaha. Jack Morgan, wife and chil dren spent two weeks with their old neighbors and friends at this place. Rev. Breeding filled his reg ular appointment at Pleasant View, last Sunday, and a good crowd was out to hear him. Sunday School is progressing nicely at this place. ' Miss Minnie Giles was visiting Bertha McGahalastr Sunday. Sidney Burton, the merchant j of this Iplace is doing a good business. The farmers in this section are behind with their work on ac count of rain. Miss Ida Burton, who has been sick for some time, is improv ing. Dr. Flowers has been treating her for about two months. Miss Effiie Burton was visit ing Effie Burton last Sunday. Ali'the children are glad school time is near at hand. Mr. Rob- I 4 i. i 1, i)'Sti 'iJ t U executors Sale, Nfe m - On Saturday, June 26, 1915, in James town, Ky., we will offer for sale at the highest and best bid, the following prop erty belonging to the estate of the late Simco Dockery, viz: Nine town lots in Jamestown, Ky. 88 acres of land adjoining M. McFarland, lying near Jamestown, known as the Simmons land. 37 acres, near same place, adjpining F. W. Leach, known as the Spencer land. 13 acres, near same place, adjoining H. T. Bernard, kn6wn as the Wooten land. 10 acres, near same place, adjoining Jack Skaggs, known as the Bunch land. Also about 500 barrels of last year crop of corn, now in cribs on Cumberland river in the Herriford Bottom, on said Dockery farm. One Stock Scale. Also 25 shares of $100 each of the Capital Stock in the Bank of Jameston. Terms of sale; Cash or note with good security, due in six months . , . ' JAMES QRNETT ). c v .: .i xv 4, .j, j , . l Executors and W. y. JONES j i - . u ) of CLEARANCE SALE OF Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums Is now going on and Big, Towering Values are offered in every section of our Live Store. 20 and 25 per cent, reductions are not unusual on high-class merchande, ClearancePrices on Best Quality Axmin- ster Rugs are -$17.50 for. size 9 x 12 ft - $21.50 for ll x 12 ft.- $29.50? for sixe 12 x 15 ft ROYAL WILTON RUGS Good Selection of Discontinued Patterns, $40.00 Values : are Marked ac $30.00. WOOL and FIBER RUGS Combination of Greenland Oak, Blue and Tan, Two Shades of Brown in a Good Quality. Clearance Price 9x12 ft $6.00. 10h x 12 ft $8.50. 12 x 12 ft $10.50. Hubbuch Bros. & Wellendorff, INCORPORATED 522 & 524 W. Market St. Louisville's Most Progressive Carpet Store. ert Bailey will teach the Grassy Spring school this time and ev ery one of this place is glad that he is to teach them for he is a good teacher. Pyrus. We are having lots of rain and farmers can't get to work their crops. Some gardens are nearly ruined by the wet weather. The wheat crop has come out wonderfully since the recent rams. Walter Parnell sold to W. G. Pickett a-hog at 6cts. Virgil Hubbard was in this community last week looking af ter his school. ' Clem Hamilton bought a milch Simco Dockery, deceased. cow from Silas Cain. Price paid was ?60. . W. S Pickett, wife and daugh ter, were visiting aunt Lizzie Kemp last Tuesday. She is still on the sick list. There has been a very good crop of tobacco set in this com munity. Mary Stone, of color, is very sick at this writing. Saltsman, a fertilizer man of New Hope, was in this neighbor hood last week on business. W. T. Kemp, wife and two daughters were visiting at Allen and Squire Kemps last Saturday night and Sunday,',, s