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v f m$i EH 4 4 - y V - t VOLUME XIX COLUMBIA, ADAIR COUNTY, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1916. NUMBER 18 Surprised en Her Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J a. Willis, the neigh bors and a few close friends entertain ed with a surprise birthday dinner at the Willis home, on Wednesday, Feb ruary 23, WW, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Willis' daughter, Blanche, who is now Mrs. Willie Sutton, it being her twenty-fourth birthday. A most de licious dinner of several courses con sisting of the substantial, good things, followed by dainties spread upon the tables and served. The occasion was highly enjoyed by all present. After partaking of the many nice things to eat, the afternoon hours were all too quickly whiled away in the enjoyment of many beautiful selections of music and social conversation. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs Charles Sut ton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elrod, Mr. and Mrs. Nolen Montgomery, Mrs. Charles Sandusky, Mrs. John Sandus ky, Mrs. Joe Sandusky, Mrs. P. J. Willis, Miss Virginia McLean, Little Misses Estefle, Effle, and Ruth San dusky, and Mr. Norman Morrison. By one present. There is a,dlsease with young cat tle in this county, that, so far, has not been arrested and a number have iiedlrom its effects. It appears to be a bowel trouble and locally called black scours, The-calves begin to de cline in flesh, show weakness in their general movements before any symp tom of bowel trouble is noticed and most of them prior to active trouble swell under the jaws. Our local vet ernarian and the veternarian sent to thistiounty by the Experiment Sta tion at Lexington have not, so far. .been of material good. Its ravages if not soon overcome, will prove disas "trious to many small herds as quite a number of our farmers have lost some and one man has, up to date, lost nine good ones with several more affected. The Experiment Station established and maintained by the State should go deeper into this trouble by the analysis method. Notice. All persons holding claims against the road f und-of Adair county payable out of the 1915 levy or the levy for any year previous to 1915, are hereby re quested to present same to me for pay ment at once. The claims herein call ed in for payment will not draw inter est after February 29, 1916. J. R. Garnett, Treasurer of Adair County, Ky. 18-2t Mr. J. Frank Reynolds, who lives four miles out of town, was in Colum bia a few days ago wearing a coat and vest of a suit that he purchased from Mr. J. O. Russell thirty-four years ago. They were somewhat faded, otherwise they were in a good state of preservation. Meeting Mr. Russell, f Mr. Reynolds said, "If jou have an other suit in stock as good as this coat and vest have proven to be, I am ready to buy it." During the thirty four years Mr. Reynolds has worn the coat and vest- on Sundays and to all special occasions. At Cost. I have six new binders (Deering) which I will sell at actual cost. 18-3m J. H. Phelps, Jamestown, Ky. Charles Winfrey, deputy United States Marshal, of Somerset, was shot in the thigh, last week, by Perry Hays Meece. He had gone to the home of Meece to arrest him upon a charge of using the mail to defraud. We take it that the officer is the same Charley Winfrey, wha left Russell Spriegs several years ago, locating in Somerset. He is well-known in Co lumbia. Eufus Campbell, who is the Jailer of Russell county, has been in a low state of health for several months. He is a fine citizen, one who has many friends who are very anxious concern ing his condition. Before he was elected Jailer he was deputy Sheriff and was a very efficient officer. Fa vorable information concerning his condition would be gladly received throughout Russell county. School census for 1916 are at the of fice of the Superintendent. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS OF $ ;ADA1R. IBYH. To be c. bakeb) continued. Isaaq Staples gives his age 70 years. He enlisted from the county of Buck ingham, Yirginia, under Oapt. John Chambers in January, 1780. He was marched first to Prince Edward Court House, where he remained a short time, then to Hillsboro, North Caroli na, where he joined the regiment commanded by Col. Holcomb, and in a few days marched to Guilford, where he joined Gen. Green. He was in the battle at that place. From there he was marcnea to woriorcrs iron Works, and then into Virginia, where he remained for some time, and thence back to Hillsborough. He afterwards re-enlisted as a vol unteer in the militia under Capt. John Clark, by whom he was marched to Staunton, where he joined the ar my commanded by Gen. Green, and remained there until he was honorably discharged. William McKinney, aged 74 years, enlisted from Charlotte county, Virginia, in the year 1775, under Capt. Thomas Collier. He was marched to Petersburg, Virginia, and then joined the Hallifaxand Meckelberg troops. They were then marched down to Jamestown, then to Williamsburg, then to York, then to Gwinn's Island, and were stationed there until the battle .was over, and then marched to Cherry Point on the Potomac. The Indians having broken out on the HoJston, he marched there under Gen. Lewis to route them, and was station ed there until the return of a part of the army which went in pursuit of the Indians. He then returned home, and went to Georgia, where he enlist ed under Capt. Austin "for three months, duriDg which time he was ranging and guarding the country from the outrages and barbarity of the Indians. Some time after this he enlisted in Georgia under Gen. Williamson, Capt. Logan and Lieutenant Charles Herd to go to Florida They went on to St. Mary's river, and there met Gen. Howe, a continental officer. "Gen. Howe wanted Gen. Williamson to give up the flour and bacon to his officers, and us to draw beef and rice In their stead,, and the soldiers re fused," and Gen. Williamson also. Gen Howe and his officers got mad, and went off, -and left the army at St. Mary's river. After some-days, Gen. Williamson sent men to ascertain how far the Tories had gone, he (McKin ney) going with them. After march ing tpTrout's creek, a distance of twenty-five miles, they came across the Tories and British in a half faced fort; had a scrimmage, and Clark, the commander was wounded, and they had to retreat back to St. Mary's'river. Gen. Williamson then sent Maj Pick ens, afterwards. Gen. Pickens, back to Trout Creek, he (McKinney) in the company, but before they reached there, the Tories and British had fled across St. John's river Pickens fol lowed them as far as the river, and camped on one side, and the British and Tories on the other. They then rejoined Gen. Williamson and marched ipto South Carolina. In the spring following he was at Augusta under Gen. Williamson, when ihe British took Augusta at the time of Oakes' defeat at Bryar Creek. He then received a discharge from Gen. Williamson, and returned to Virginia. A few months later he went to Au gusta and was taken prisoner by the British, and held four months. He made his escape and joined Gen. Clarke upon Little river. He then went under Gen. Clarke to Augusta, where fight occurred which contin ued four days. "He was in the battle from beginning to end," The army then went to King's Mountain, and in that battle he was engaged all the time, and assisted in defeating Gen. Ferguson. They took a great many prisoners, carried them up to Bickerstaff, and hanged nine of them, and after crossing the river Ca tawba, hung three more, and took the others on to Moravian town. He was under the command of Campbell and Shelby at Kings' Moun tain. A short time after this, be with others, joined Sumpter, and went in 'pursuit of TarletoDj but when they came up with him, he was in compa ny with Cornwallis and his army. They fired at them across the river. They tnen marched up to -Black Stocks on Tiger river. Tarleton fol lowed, and was whipped back, and in a fight Gen. Sumpter was -wounded in the shoulder. ,' After reading this declaration we turned again to the historian Rfdpath in order to ascertain how this old vet eran was corroborated, or to what ex tent he corroborated the account of the battle of Kings' Mountain as it is given in the books. Ridpath says in his History of the ynited States: "On the 7th of October, white Fer guson and his men were encampedion the top of Kings' Mountain, they were suddenly attacked by a thousand rifle men led by Col. Campbell: the camp was surrounded: a desperate battle of an hour and a half ensued. Ferguson was slain, and three hundred of his men were killed or wounded: the re maining eight hundred threw down their arms, and begged for quarters. On the morning after the battle, ten of the leading Tory prisoners were condemned by a court martial, and hanged." Charles Jones, aged 74, made a decla ration in the circuit court. n He enlisted in 1775, from Bedford county. Virginia, under Capt Capt. Campbell, 1st Virginia regiment com manded by Col. Patrick Henry. He was in no general engagement during this enlistment, but was 'in many common en- scrimmages against the emy. He again enlisted' under Capt. George Lambert, Col. Beaufqrd's reg iment. Soon after this enlistment he was marched to Wilmington, where he was transferred to the wagon de partment, in which he served until he was honorably discharged at Wilming ton. This old soldier has many de scendants in this and adjoining coun ties, embracing Jones, Taylors, Whites, Staples, Hughes etc. He was the grand father of Judge W. W. Jones, of Columbia, and great grand father of Mr E. H. ' Hughes of the 1st National Bank. Public Sale, March 9. Household goods, cattle, mules, hogs, corn, hay, etc., one mile south of Plum point. John Ed Burton. 18-2t - ' Died ' On the 21st, Mrs. Matilda Grider, wife of Mr. Martin Grider, of the Fairplay country, died of paralysis of several months' duration. She was a good woman, a good mother and is survived by a husband and five chil dren One remarkable incident in her long lingering before death is be yondany report of this nature we have ever heard and that is that dur ing her sickness no-bowel action oc curred for fifty-seven days. This statement is made and corroberated by undisputable evidence. Mr. J. T. Barbee, Jr., who was rear ed in Columbia, but who has been living in Louisville for several years, is a victim of a cancer and has been in a critical condition for several weeks. News reaches Columbia that it is only a matter of a very short time for him. His father, Mr. John T. Barbee, who is now eighty-six years old, has been with his son since the family re moved to Louisville. He, too, is quite feeble. He is deaf and almost blind. The daily Evening Ppst one year, Home and Farrn one.year, And a beauiif ul.1916 Calendar, And The Adair County News, All for only . . .- $3.00. Prof. M. H. Bernard, who is the principal of theraded School, James town, is a teacher who bears an envi able reputation. He is ably assisted by two lady instructors. The school has been full this year and the patrons generally are perfectly delighted with the manner the school has been man aged. From the information received at Jamestown, the same teachers will be in charge next year. Mr. Dan Bryant, who lives on Sul phur, four miles from Columbia, lost his wife last Thursday night. She be came a mother a short time before she died. The child also died. A Sudden Death. -Miss Mattie Moran, daughter of Mr. J. W. Moran, died very suddenly at her late home, five miles west of Co lumbia last Tuesday afternoon. She was apparently twenty-two or twenty three years old, and was well-known in this place, having been a saleslady in Casey Jones' Store for a number of months. She spent Monday night with her sister, Mrs Will Young, in this town. When she arose Tuesday morning she complained of feeling badly, and decided to go to her home. She came over in town, and to the residence of Mr, W. H. Wilson, and from that home her people were not ified, and Dallas Stotts, a young son of Mr. W. L Stotts, came after her. It is reported that she told the boy, while en route to her home, that she would not live an hour. She reached her father's residence about the noon hour, dying a short time after her ar rival. A physician was called as soon as she reached home, but death came before he arrived; in fact, he was not ified of the death while en route. The cause of her demise is not known, and her death brought sor row to' many friends, besides her near relatives Religious services and burial took pl?.ce Wednesday afternoon, a large circle of friends being present Eld. F. .1. Barger was the minister. Mr. L. W. Staples and Mr. Nat Walk er, who are deputy sheriffs, met with an accident a few days ago. which resulted in the former getting considerably hurt. They were in a buggy and near the residence of Mr. S. H. Mitchell the horses got scared at some goats, ran off, upsetting the buggy, throwing the ocsupants vio lently to the ground. Mr. Walker es caped injury, but Mr. Staples got one of his legs badly hurt, and as a result, was laid up several days. Take Notice. My thoroughbred Aberdeen Bull will be at my barn, near the Fair Grounds, this season. $1.50 at the gate with privilege of returning. 18-4t. Grover Grissom. Mr. J. P. Hamilton, representative of the'Paramount Pictures Corpora tion paid a visit to Mr. Edgar Reed of the Parlor Circle Theatre last week, and expressed himself as being well pleased with the attendance the Par lor Circle lias been having during the exhibition of Paramount Pictures. and assures Mr. Reed's patrons of a continuous good program. Paramount producers have added many well known stars to theiralready large num ber and are working them in the best photo plays'obtainable. Some of the late additions being Blanch Ring, Harold Loockwood, Lou Tellegen and Geraldine Farrar, the well known Prima Dona. Miss Farrar's initial re lease being "Carmen" which gives her a wide range to bring into action all her wonderful powers as an actress. Mr. Reed has arranged to book some of the Advance Paramount produc tions and invites his patrons to pass judgment on them as ne wishes to keep in touch with the wants of his patrons and secure pictures in keep ing with their taste. For Sale Automobile. J. I. Case Mode of 1915 4-Cylin-der--&-Passenger, good condition. Run only one seafcouucost $1,350 CO. If not sold previously, will Tell. at Greensburg,' Ky.,' March 20, 1916, at public outcry. Reason for selling want to get a lighter machine. 18.3t J. L. Anderson, Greensbunj, Ky. The proceedings of the Republican convention, held here last Saturday, can be found in The News Mr. Abe Garner, who was a soldier in the Federal army, died near Creels boro, Russell county, last Friday, He was nearly 79 years old. There is a stray hog at my place been there about 4 or 5 weeks. Black sow unmarked, will weigh about 90 or 100 pounds. Owner can get her by paying for feed and this notice. W. A. Garnett Died far From Home. The News desires to extend condo lence to Col. E H Gaither and fami ly, Harrodsburg, who were bereft of a son and brother in Mexico City, Mexi co, a few days ago Morton Gaither, the deceased, was a grandson of Capt. Ed Gaither, who raised a company in Adair county in 1847, the company go ing to Mexico where it took part in the war of 1846-8 Hfs great grand father, Dr. Nathan Gaither, was a very prominent physician here in his life time. He was also a noted politician. He was a member of the first Ken tucky Constitutional Convention, served in the State Senate, and was also a member of Congress. The de ceased grandfather' was a brilliant man and also his great uncle, Col. Nat Gaither, both lawyers. Another great uncle, Dr. Nicholas Gaither, was a prom'nent physician. His father, Col. Ed Gaither, distinguished himself in the Spanish-American war. Public Sale, March 10, 1916. I will sell my household and kitch en furniture, farming tools, two good mules, one good mare and one good, milch cow at Neatsville. William Jones. 18 2t A Happy Occasion Mrs. C. M. Russell delightfully en tertained the Lindsey-Wilson Music Club Saturday afternoon. An inter esting program was rendered after which the hostess introduced an unique contest in which Miss May Feese won the prize, a dainty hand kerchief. An appetizing salad course was served. Those present were: Misses Ruby Pedigo, Thomasine Garnett, CallieMc Farland, Esther Dodson, Elizabeth Jackson, Lucy HcFarland, May Feese, May Brockman, Katie Murrell, Gwen dolyn Baylessand Madge Rosenfield A Rook Parly. Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 Miss Mary Lucy Lowe entertained a num- -be r of ladies to "Rook." The after noon was delightfully spent and Miss Madge Rosenfield making the highest score won a pretty little piece of pot tery. A salad course was served. Those receiving Cavitations were: Misses Vic Hughes,' May,Stults, Ella Walker, Kate GuT, Mollie Caldwell, Mary Breeding, Mary Triplett, Ella Todd, Mary- Miller'Sue F.King, Edna Akers, Mabel Ewen, Evelyn J. Clark,' Gwendolyn Bayless, Madge Rosenfield;',,. Mesdames W. M. Wilson, ErasBargerj and Herman Barnett. White Oak Spokes Wanted. The Adair Spoke Co. is paying the following prices for spokes: 3i on heart, 3J in. depth, 30 in. long, a. and B., 350.00 per 1,000 21 on heart, 3 in. depth, 30 in. long, a. and b., S25.00 per 1,000 This timber must show a good wide growth. Spokes must be delivered on our yard at Columbia, Ky. For further information call on 18-2t. E. G Wethington. The Paramount pictures get better and better. The show last Thursday night was exceptionably good, .as well as the one Saturday night Mr. Reed is encouraged by good audiences, and as long as the people continue to come in droves, good entertainments may be expected. Come out Thursday and Saturday nights of this week. Frank. My well-known Red Bird Stallion will make the season at- my sta61ea? $8 Care will be- taken to prevent accidents, but not responsible should they occur. O. C Kimbler, Sewellton, Ky. 18-lt The Ladles Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will hold an open session at the church, Tuesdhy even ing at 7 o'clock. An interesting pro gram on "Brazil" together with mu sic, will be rendered, after which will be a social. Everyone cordially invit ed. The Story Telling Committee of the Self Culture Club will entertain : the children at the Christian church, Saturday afternoon, March 4, at 2:30 s : ' ?h a R , J Ml fe