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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
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THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS -3V The Booster and the Killer Nearly every town has two classes of citizens the boosters and the killers. All the world loves the former, but even the devil shuns the latter. Be a booster! The town booster is known by everybody, for he is always do ing and saying something to push his town and its people along. He is the man who makes the town. The killer is the one who destroys it. Be a booster! The booster never loses any thing by his boosting. He boosts other people and other people boost him, and through this com bination of boosting great things are accomplished. It is only the killer who falls of his own weight, of his own sword, of his own deeds. Be a booster! The booster is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. He brightens everything and every body around him. His geniality, his cheerfulness, his energy and his good deeds breed hope in the bosom of despair. His words and his acts aid others and enno ble himself. But the killer only kills just kills, kills, kills! Be a booster! This town has many boosters, and you all know them, you ad mirejthem, you respect them. And your respect is more pre cious to the genuine booster than is your gold. It is only the kill er who stands alone, without friends, without hope for the future. Be a booster! There may be a killer or two in this town, but we hope not. But if there any we hope they will cease killing and go to boost ing. There is no honor or profit in killing, but there is much to be gained through boosting. Be a booster! We need the booster we need more boosters. But we can ex ist handsomely without the kill er, for the killer's principal di version in life is to take a knock at the town, at its people, at their ways, and at everything and everybody connected there with except the killer. Be a booster! If there are any killers in this town let's convert them, so we can all be boosters. The booster is of value to every legitimate thing with which he comes in contact, while the killer is not even of value to himself. Heav loves a booster and hell is full of killers. Everybody boost! It is easier to tell your age to thoie older than yourself than to those younger. After Those Higher Up. The Scott county grand jury, in its report, took a whack at the society women, "leaders in the churches," for the example they set in their various games and amusements. The report says in part: "It seems rather inconsistent to us to investigate misconduct in negroes and white men and boys, while mature women in our community who are leaders in church and social circles, set the example by their games of chance for prizes and other val uable consideration. Why should ignorant negroes be prosecuted for the offense of gaming while the social and religious leaders of the town" and county go un molested when guilty of the same offense? "The grand jury are unani mous in their opinion that the good women of the community should set the example for the walks of society, and should not set a bad example for those who have neither the safeguards of character nor culture to enable f them to resist the temptation of the dangerous spirit of gambling. "As long as these good women are permitted to continue their gaming, it will be extremely dif ficult to enforce the law among other classes, who must wonder why they also cannot enjoy im munity from its penalties. "The grand jury have not sum moned any of the women citizens of Scott county who engage in different forms of gambling con trary to law, but would suggest to the court that the next grand jury be charged by the court to look into the matter and see if something cannot be done to have the evil suppressed." Rank Foolishness. You occasionally see it stated that colds do cot result from cold weather That is rank foolishness. We it true colds would be- as prevalent in mid summer as in midwinter. The mi crobe that causes colds flourishes in damp, cold weather. To get rid of a cold take Chamberlain's Cough .Rem edy. It is effectual and is highly rec ommended by people who have used it for many years as occasion required, and know its real value. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Adv However ugly a gentleman is and gents are usually ugly he will be so respected if polite and of a money-making indus try. When a political convention meets the delegates always look for a reel artist 'to paint the scenery; they call it writing the platform. Did you ever repeat a compli ment paid to yourself without exaggerating it &, little com pound the interest, so to say? Wild Geese doing North. Either we are going to have an early spring, or a lot of wild geese are very foolish. For sev eral bunches have honked across the heavens making their way to the northland. It is two or three weeks earlier than they have usually passed over this commu nity. But while we may or may not have an early spring, it ia cer tain that the 'birds know noth ing about the kind of weather we are going to encounter. They are early in migration this year for the reason that the weather in the south has been unusually mild. But they may yet be driven south again, and are cer tain to be driven if there should be a blizzard of several days du ration to the north of us. The geese must depend upon foodstuff found in the fields and about the edges of the lakes and rivers. They do not fish or shell fish to any extent, and dive little for their sustenance. So if the rivers and lakes are frozen about the edges, the geese are driven to the fields and if the fields are covered with snow, as they are likely to i)e, they are without food and must wing their way further south. It is not unusual to find migratory birds driven south after the first venture to the northland, but they do not return as far south au the start ed, drifting down into Kentucky or Tennessee, and living in the fields until the weather moder ates and they can get along in the north. It is getting so well along to ward spring that it is certain we shall not have a great deal more intensely cold weather. That we shall have "spells" there is little question. But we are within sight of higher tem peratures and the sun is getting so high in the heavens that it drives a good deal of heat into the earth. So the geese have probably not made any great mistake. They can get along on little food for several days, and it isn't likely we shall have two or three weeks of continuously severe weather. Dayton (Ohio) Daily News. Watch Child's Cough. Colds, running of nose, continued ir ritation of the mucous membrane if neglected may mean Catarrh later. Don't take the chances do some thing for your child! Children will not take every medicine, but they will take Dr. King's New Discovery and without bribing or teasing. Its a sweet pleasant Tar Syrup and so ef fective. Just laxative enough to elim inate the waste poisons. Almost the first dose helps. Always "prepared, no mixing fussing. Just ask Paull Drug Co., for Dr. King's New Discovery. It will safeguard your child against sej rious ailments resulting from colds. Adv. Flooding and Cramping! STELLA-VITAE STOPPED ITS This has a world of meaning to every woman who suffers as Mrs. J. S. Blair, of Enter prise, Okla., suffered and there are many thousands such Mrs. Blair tells the story of ber suf fering and cure much better than we can tell it. We Quote ber own words: I had been nooding, crampinz and vomiting for Are .months and taking medicine from as eood a doctor as the country affords, bat be did me no good. I got tired of doctor's medicine and sent to the drug store for a woman's medi cine and tie druggist sent me STEIXA VITAB. "One bottle stopped everything and I felt like a different woman. I bare used six bottles already and will continue to use and praise STELLA VITAE whenever I meed a woman's medicine." What STELLA-VITAE did for Mrs. Blair it will do for you. We guar antee the first bottle to benefit you. Your money back if it don't. You cannot afford to not try it when you have all to gain and not a penny to lose. Go to your dealer todag and begin trying STELLA-VITAE, trying to become welL We lose the price if you are not benefited. In many years of guaranteeing STELLA VITAE less than one bottle out of every thousandths failed to benefit. Torn- chances ofbstntsbcnefstftd .ore a thousand to enai Thacher Medicine Co. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. For Sale By Page & Hamilton. Pyrus. Burning plant beds and sow ing oats is the order of the day in this neighborhood. We are having a lot of sickness and deaths in our community. Uncle Joe Chastine is very low with a cancer on his face. It has already eaten off his ear and a part of one side of his face. He suffers a great deal. Born, to the wife of Cassius Coffey, Feb., 20th, twins. A boy and girl. Babies doing nice ly and mother not so well. W. S. Pickett has sold several bushels of seed oats, at fifty cents per bushel in the last few days. A few of the neighbers met at Porter Sexton's last Tuesday night and had an old fashioned singing. Born, to the wife of Amos Coomer, a girl. Mother and child doing nicely. How to Prevent Croup. When the child is subject to attacks of croup, see to it that he eats a light evening meal, as an overloaded stom ach may bring on an attack, also watch for the first symptom hoarse ness, and give Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Adv If a man's opinion is not asked with. in a few minutes, he .-will yv give it, any way. A man who does you a favor never gives as good measure as the man who is getting even with you. When X want to do a .thing, 1 find it difficult to persuade my self to the contrary. A common failing? Pointed Paragraph. If you stand up for yourself others can't sit down on you. Brotherly love as practiced by most men isn't even platonic. Why is it that so few married women have the gum habit? By the time the first baby is year old it has a toy bank full of money. As a money-getter the self made man may not class with the machine-made politician. Job was a patient man, who never had occasion to telephone when the line was busy. Tact is what a woman uses who can propose to a man in such a way that he believes he did it himself. Nowadays the honeymoon be gins to bump the bumps about the time the bride begins to do the cooking. A woman may be lucky to have no sen3e of humor if she is compelled by fate to associate, with egotists of the male spe ies. Chicago News. The Aches of House Cleaning. The pain and soreness caused by bruises, over-exertion and straiding during house cleaning time are sooth ed away by Sloan's Liniment. No need to suffer this agony. Just; apply Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots, rub only a little. In a short time the pain leaves, you rest comfortably and enjoj a refreshing sleep. One grate ful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment is worth its weight in gold." Keep a bottle on hand, use it against all Sore ness, Neuralgia and Bruises Kills pain. 25c at Paull Drug Co. Ad, Taylor Bill Passes Senate Dr. B. M. Taylor's bill which provides that no person residing in local option territory may re? ceive more than one half gallon of whiskey or five gallons of beer in any one calendar month, and that no concern can ship more than this quantity to any persons in local option territory in one month and that all shipments must be in one package or recep tacle, passed the Kentucky Sen ate last week after a sharp skir mish between the "drys" and "wets." This is the first bill of importance introduced by a He publican which has passed the Senate so far in the present ses sion of the Assembly. When to TaXe Chanter's Tablets. When you feel dull and stupid after eating. When constipatedlor bilious. When you have sick headache. When yon have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you have no relish for your meals. When your liver Isjtorpid. For sale by Paull Drug Co. Adv. A-modest man is usually ad mired, if people ever bear of him ?j?