Newspaper Page Text
..- X Sfettt n VOLUME XXI COLUMBIA, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2, 1918. NUMBER 10 A&atr w. LSr, iV K Personals. Mr Y. Sullivan, Campbellsville, was here last Thursday. '(l-. Mr. Paul Waggener returned to Louisville last Wednesday. Mr. Nat Terry, of Cave City, was here the latter part of last week. Miss Katie Murrell spent the holi days with friends at Earlington. Miss Edna Lewis is visiting her sis ter. Mrs. Leo Baldauf Louisville. Mr. W. R. Littrell, of Eussell Springs, was here one day last week. Mr. Smith Gill, who is in College at Lexington, was here Christmas week. ' Miss Elrie Willis, of Glensfoik,spent last week with her cousin, Mrs J. W. Coj. Guy Stevenson, who is in College at Georgetown, was at home for the holidays. Miss Minnie Kemp, who teaches at Shelbyvillle, came home for the Christmas week. Messrs. T. B. and F. B. Phelps have gone to Cumberland county on busi ness this week. Mrs. R. A. Myers and sou, Robert Page, arrived last Wednesday night from Monticello. Miss Virginia Cotley, who teaches in Davis county, was at home for the Christmas festivities. Misses Rachel and Jessie Faulkner, Cimpbellsville, visited Misses Lizzie and Mary Harris last week. Mr. Jacob Myers, of Canton, Ohio, spent a few days of the holidays at the home of Mr. D. E. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Stults, of Louisville, are visiting at the home of Mr. Stult's father, Mr. T. R. Stults. Ed Wooldridge, of this place, who is making a good soldier, was here, from Camp Zachary Taylor, the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Collins Bridgewater.of Louisville, fpent the holidays with Mre. Bridgewater's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Breeding. Mr. J. A. Wilmore, of the Lexing ton bar, visited his parents, at Grady ville, last week. He was here Thurs day, en route home. Mr. W. L. Wilson, wife and child ren, of near Campbellsville, visited Mrs Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Feese, last week. Eld. R. T. Hickerson, pastor of the Christi?.n Church, Burkesville, was here last week, en route to Spring field, to visit relatives. Miss Mary Williams, Montpelier, Miss Dexter English and Miss Mary Grissom, all teachers reached home last week for the hollidays. Mr. W. D. Jones, who is a Demur- iage luspeuior lor iiauroaus, came v jiome ana nas wicn nis iamuy nere during the holidays. Margaret, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barksdale Hamlett, was quite sick several days of last week, but is better at this writing. Dr. aud Mrs. P. II. Conoveraud their little son, Elizabethtown, visit ed Mrs, Couover's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Smith, last week. Mrs. Nina Denver, who is a trained nurse in the Deaconess hospital, Louisville, came home and spent two days with her sister, Mrs. LenaPaull. Mr. J. A. Caldwell and wife, of Ma son county, and Mr. W. C. Yates and wife, of Campbellsville, visited at the home of Miss Mollie Caldwell last week. 1 Dunbar, Garland Dunbar, B H. Dunbar, R. L. Dunbar and M. 1. Cravens, all soldiers of Russell county, passed through here, en route home, to spend Christmas. Mr. Horace E. Humble, of Ruasell Springs, who is a soldier located at Camp Shelby, Miss., was here last Thursday, on his return to Camp after a visit to his home folks. Richard and Bryan Royse, soldiers at Lamp Zachary Taylor, were here a rfew days of last week. They are pic- Wiires of good health and apparently are enjoying the army. Miss Ruth Hines, who is a student in Randolph Macon College, Va., and her brother, Strother, who is a civil engineer, were here to spend Christ mas with their mother and sisters. Misses Kate Gill, Mary Miller, Su san Miller, Dora Eubank, Gbkla Eng lish, Mary Lucy Lowe, all teachers, rt turned the latter part of last week in their respective schools, after the de lightf ul holidays, spent at home. Robert. Summers, Rollin Cundiff, Lucien Hunu, were here a few days from Camp Zachary Taylor, as was also Albia Eubank of Fort Leven worth, Kan. The boys were looking in splendid health. Every body was glad to see them. Mrs. Judge Williams, of Jamestown, passed through here a few days ago, en route to Lexington. She stated that she would take up French when.; she reached the Blue Grass citj, and would also do some knitting for the boys in Khaki, and would later go to France. Miss Ellen Burton returned from a visit to Troy, South Carolina, a short time before Christmas. She states that she left hei brother, Capt. H. O. Burton, in fairly good health. For awhile he was almost blind, but his eyesight has greatly, improved, and that he can now see to read the news papers. Rev. Watson will fill his appoint ment at Union next Sunday. Wanted A white girl to live in a very small family. Apply at this office. Born, to the wife of Jas Burton, near town, on the 24th of December.a son Edgar W Reed's Hospital Unit is located at Fort McPherson, Ga., near Atlanta The names of subscribers that are omitted from the paid list this week, will appear- next week. From now until the third Monday, the day circuit court opens, the sheriff and his deputities will be kept busy. We appreciate the handsome Christ mas greeting received from Story & Story, attorneys at law, Nashville, Ga The number of white marriage li censes issued from the Adair county clerk's office during the year 1917, 109 white: colored, 7 fe'ou Sale. Registered duroc Jer sey pigs ready to take away. J A. Williams, Columbia, Ky. 10-tf. An infant child of Mr and Mrs. Alex Taylor, was dangerouely ill with double pneumonia last week, but is some better at this writing. The week of prayer opens next Sun day night. The services will go from church to church Everybody is in vited to attend Next Monday will be the first coun ty court for the year 1918. The Jan uary court invariably brings a large crowd. It is settling time. Mr Tilden Wilcoxsin having remov ed from Gresham, Green county, to Adair, requests that his friends ad dress him at Columbia, Ky. Judge W. S. Sinclair has removed from the E. L. Sinclair property to Mr. John N. Couover's dwelling, close to the Graded School building. Mr. Barksdale Hamlett and family are now housekeeping, having secured apartments from Mr. L M. Young. They have four rooms and are nicely situated. There will be an eclipse of the sun on June 8, at which time 85 per cent, of the sun's surface will be covered. The ec ipse will start about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Lost. -Some where on the road be tween Russell Creek ford on Greens burg road and Glenville, a heavy win ter lap robe. ' W. H. Jones, Glenville, Ky. During the extreme cold weather a great many quails were found in the woods frozen. It is also said that a great many starved, the snow prevent ing them from finding subsistance Mr. J. O McClistef, Krum, Texas, in writing to the News says. "En closed find check for 62 00. Please apply same to my subscription ac count, and keep the Adair County News coming The County Road Engineer's Con vention will be held at Newport, Ky., February ., M ami l., 1918. All the road Engineers, the County Judges and the members of the Fiscal Courts are urged to attend For Sale. Six Big Typo Polan China Pigs, 4 maieand two le-nale, are entitled to register. Alsj one good brood mare in foal to good Jack. 10 2c . T. B Dohoney. THE . AQAiR -COUNTY NEWS $1 50 f for RcnL My resident on Greensburg street in the town of Columbia. I will also sell my household goods at public ouc tion next Monday county court at 1 o'clock. Elizabeth Collins. For Sale. Mammouth Bronze tur keys. Pure bred, large bone, beauti ful plummage. Price reasonable. Mrs. Josh Butler, 8-tf Columbia, Ky. The teachers of the Lindsey-Wilson and those of the Graded school who spent the holidays away from the school rooms, returned Saturday and Monday and are now at their posts of duty. Henry Hardin, of color, this place, has been married ave times and he has lost wives, two by devorce proceedings and three by death. His last wife died last week. Henry is yet game and there is no telling when he will again start on the matrimonial sea. Miss Verua Bryant, who is a very competent young lady, daughter of Mr. Walker Bryant, has been appoint ed Chief Clerk of tne local Registra tion the Government at a salary of one hundred dollars per month Hei numerous friends are glad that she has been thus favored. She is now at her desk. It was very gratifying to the people 'of Adair county, generally, to see their soldier boys coming in on fur loughs, and to greet them and to see them looking so well. Adair has a splendid lot of young men at Camps Zachary Taylor, Shelby and Ogle thorpe and at other points,-and it is truly hoped that they will pass througli the war and be returned home safely. The remains of Esr.elle Blair, who was a soldier, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blair, who died at Fort Menning, New Mexico, reached here last Thurs day about noon. The funeral was held in the Methodist Church, con ducted by Rev. Piercy, assisted by others, many sympathizing friends being present. The interment was in the city cemetery. There were quite a number of sold ier boys, who live out in the country, who came home for the holidays, and. whose names we failed to get. They evidently brought happiness to paren tal homes. From the clothing of all the boys who have come home and from their appearance no soldiers now in the field are better fed and better clothed. Rollin Cundiff, who was a bookkeep er in the Bank of Columbia before he was called to the colors, visited his home and his friends in Columbia last week. He has gained twenty pounds since he has been at Camp Zachary Taylor. He has no way of knowing whether or not his command will be called to France, but said he "as for myself, I am ready and anxious to go." A dispatch from Campbellsville states that on the 26th ult., John Hash 50 years old, who lived two miles from said town, was shot and mortally wounded by his twelve year old son, John. Hash was flourishing a knife threatening to kill the hoy's 23 year old sister, the boy shot to save her. The wounded man has a bad re cord and has done time in the peniten tiary. Evidently there will be a large num ber of people in Columbia next Mon day, January county court day. There are several hundred persons in Adair county who are indebted to the News for the paper, and we need every dol lar that is coming to us. Therefore, we want every person who comes to town next Monday, and who know chat they are indebted to the call and make payment. We have been very indulgeut, but the time has come when it is necessary for us to demand our just dues Jo F. Patteson has purchased Rev. C. R. Dean's farm, lying on the Burkesville pike, one-half mile from the corporate limits of Columbia. It contains, so we are informed, about 90 acres, dwelling and other buildings. It is reported that Mr. Dean will re-, move to Indiana, where he lived be fore coming to this place. He is a first-class citizen, ;i man for whom the people of Adiiir county has the ut most respect, and his departure, with his family from this locality, will be generally regretted. When he and his family leave they will carry the best wishes of all their Adair couuty acquaintances Mr. H. C. Hudson, writing from Jacksonville, 111 , s'ijs: "Find enclos ed check for two dollars for the News. It is a welcome visitor to our home. I wish the News and force a prosper ous and happy New Year." A stray, Red Heifer calf, one year old is at my home. The owner can have her by paying expenses. v June Spoon, Fairplay Mrs. R F. Rowe and Miss Jennie Garnett, who are the most enthusias tic Red Cross workers of the town se cured quite a number of new names during the holidays Since the Red Cross move was started here between eight hundred and one thousand names have been secured. There are a few who have signed and have not paid. These, of course, are not count ed members. All who have signed and have not paid are urged to do so at once No person could enlist in a better cause. The best of people take a delight in handing in the one dol lar, which is to be expended for the benefit of our boys in the trenches. For Sale. One pair of coming 3 year old mare mules Sound and well broke. C. G Jeffries, Columbia, Ky. From Van Lear, Ky. The Adair County News, Columbia, Ky , Gentlemen;- Ilave not received statement of my indebtedness to you, but note that wrapper on my paper bears date 4 2 '16 Therefore. Dresume r.hnt. frhA attached check pays me to' April, 1919. Yours trulv. Herbert Smith. From New Mexico. Elida, Dec 27th '17 Editor News. Please find enclosed S2 00 to pay my indebtedness on the News and to ex tend my subscription. Hope you will excuse me for not sending money sooner. Did not mean to be so long, and would hate to not receive each a copy of your excellent paper. Mrs. M. E. Dohoney. Where the Blame Lies, The report of the Board of Inquiry of the Louisville & Nashville railroad placed the blame for the Shepherds-,ville- wreck upon three men, only one of whom is living. The other two lost their lives for the negligence attribut ed to them. They are William Wol fienberger, eugineerer of the Cincinnati-Nashville fast train, No. 7, and Conductor Campbell and Flagman Greenwell, of the ill fated SpringHeld Bardstown accommodation, No. 41 Eighty-two Years Old. Mr Abraham Brown, whose home was at Pellyton, this county, died on the 20th ult. He served in the Fed eral army during the war of the re bellion and was eighty-two years old when the summons came. He was the father of Mrs. J C. Blair, who lives near Columbia. He had-the re spect of the community in which he lived, and died at peace with man kind. Many attended the funeral and burial. Tobacco Seed for Sale. There has been placed in this office some improved White Burley Tobacco Seed for sale The seed will yield under proper cultivation from 1500 to 1700 pounds of tobacco per acre. Tobacco from these seed took first premium at Columbia Fair and also Glasgow Fair. It also brought 81.00 per pound on Campbellsville Loose Leaf Market The seed are sold at 50 cents per pack age and one package will sow a large bed. The seed will be here in a few days. If you want a package call or write early. Died in Louisville. Mrs. Elizabeth Toomey, who was the widow of John Toomey, for many years a hotel keeper in Greensburg, died in Louisville last Thursday. She had been a remarkable woman, en joying fine health and maintaining her mental facilities during a long life of ninety-odd years. She was the grandmother of J. C. and Elmo Strange, and Mrs. II. W. Depp, this place, who who revered her and will ever hold her name in veneration. The remains were conveyed from Louisville to Greensburg, and there interred by the side of her husband. Many relatives and friends-attended the religious and burial services. She was a devout Christian, having been a member of the Christian church for many -years. For Sale. Six good .mules, five coming three years old, oue ten. H miles east Cane Valley. Si L. Banks 8-tf 1- ,? Jill l It J 111? f f-i il -.i Utt Paid List. The following persons have sent in remittances and subscriptions since our issue of last week: Virginia Sal. mon, E N. Salmon, Porter Brockman, Mrs. A. L Mell, J. F. Gilpin,' J A. Dulworth, Lawrence Wilkerson, J. P. Couover, T. A. Judd, R D. Judd, F. L. Montgomery, R O. Bernard. Jesse L Murrell, E. V. Hill, Dr. C. M. Murrell, M V. Garr, Zella East, A. B. Cox, Mrs. Sophia Hurt, Jesse Brjant, C. M. Pollard, J. T Rogers, F. H. Winfrey, Claud Callison, John A. Wheeler, Geo. A. Smith, Jr., L Y. Gabbert, Therson C. Taylor, Hadis Harvey, A. C. Wilcoxsin, M. M. Tray lor, Col. E Butler, W. N. Smith, D. H Harrison, J. N. Petty, S. F. Mc Kinley, Mrs. Pearl Blair, Sarah A. Milier, R. B. Reeves, Hudson Con over, Mrs. Sarah J. Bird, R. Y. Simp son, Albert Bright, G. A. Bault, Mrs. Robert J. Pentecost, Mary E. Jones. T. L. Walker, J. F, Chelf, Mathew Aaron, T. B. Lasley, Matthew Akin, Lee Flowers, O D. Parsons, O. B. Collins, Mont Cravens, W. G. Holla day, II. B. Garnett, J. T, Brockman, Athen Fletcher, Mrs. Herbert Cun diff, W. E. McCandless, J. B. Cave, R A. Stone, Olen Rosenbaum, Tilden Wilcoxsin, J. F. Vigles, L. M Goode, Charles Redford J C. Reece, A. D. Morris, L. A. Humphress, J. A. Rich ards, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. W. E Keltuer, Guy Nell, W. J. Biggs, Har mon White, F. R. Cox, S. H. Rex roat, F. T. Williams, R. W. Shirley. Mrs. Minnie Johnson, L n. Chelf, S. G Banks, Mrs. H. D. Cundiff, C. w! Cundiff, H. W. Cundiff, Bonnie Wcl ford, J. W. McClfster, Zach T. Ben nett, Cris Burton, J. A Breeding, J. F. Reynolds, Matthew Robertson, W. W Spillman, Willis Loy, J. E. Bailey, J. W. Nelson, J. H. Reynolds, G. W. W. Redford, S. McFarland, James Suddarth, J. B. Hadley, O L. McKin ley, W. W. Dickerson, J. C. Dohoney, L G. Dohoney, E V. Thompson, J II Hearon, Jacob Wright, R. C. Hat field, Herbert Smith, Mrs. O. B Finn, U L Hawkins, Mrs. Belle Tucker, s! L. Sandusky, Mont Conover, Creed Hood, C. n. Sandusky, E F. Mulli nix, n J. Shearer, W. F. Squires, R. H Kinnaird, F. p. Dohonty, Roy Stotts, J. D. Weatherford, Ben F. Thomas, H. Q Montgomery, H. C. Humphsess, J. W. Blair, C. Powell, Ray Caldwell, C H. Yates, J. C. Blair, H. W. Wooldridge, S. K. Bur ton, Geo. n. Burton, J. A. Webb, L. P. Murray, Geo. Cheatham, Jr., n. G Chilson, Dr. P. H Conover, Paul H. Waggener, Robt. Reynolds, Perry L. Wolf, T. L. Dunbar, Paul W. Moss, Mrs John Butler, Geo. Hudson, W. T England, Edgar W. Reed, Geo. Smith, T. W Wheat, Hon. M. M Lo gan, Chester Curry, Mrs M. E. Do honey, R II Grissom, J O McClis ter, C. E. Antle, J. S. Royse, E T. McCaffree, Mrs Elizabeth Murrll. Tf. S. Todd, Laura Montgomery, Mrs. S. E Hale, LouF. Loy, Jacob C. Reece, W. W. Brockman, S T. Hughes, J. R Herriford, Jo Williams, Mrs. C. Col lins, W N. McCubbins, W. S. Chap man, V. O. Wheat, W. S Sinclair, J. A. Wilmore, 11. G. Willis, Mrs. Em ma P. Vest, Ira Branham, norace E. Humble, J. P. Dohoney, Guy East, O. M. Willis, A. W. Paxton, J. V. Willis, J P Todd, S E. Bridgewater, G. F. Flowers. Finis Baker, R B Willis, J. A McKinley., J. S. Naylor, W. Rey nolds, Jo M. Reed, H. C. Hindman, W. T. Irvine, N. B. Breeding, W. A. Cook, W. R. Luttrell, John M. Fudge, C. R Hutchison, O. C. Hamilton, I. T. Farris, Sam Bailey. Jas O. Gris som, L. R Bryant, W. I. Ingram, W. O. Rcbinson, A. J. Potts, H. K. Pick ett, John H. English, J. E. Garrard, G. R. Hindman, W. H. Wheat, R. C. Hatfield, Rev. W. A. Grant, Ada B. Snow, C. H. Campbell, B. W. Pierce, Alma E. Grider, Mrs. C. S. Mooney, J. A Willis, L. B. Cain, H. B. In gram, A. O Taylor, Mrs. Ada Tay- ior, w k. Dohoney, J. A. Whited, R R. Conover, Mrs. E. R. Murrah, Mrs Bettie Penick, Miss Susie Johnston. Stella Conover, Geo. Currv. L P. Fletcher, A. R Jeter. T. B. Cravens, S J. Cabbell, Mrs M. G Sale, Tine Shepherd, T." S. Ellis, Dolphus Bur bridge, B F. Flowers, A. S. Chewn iug, Garlin Weatherford, Josephine Brockman, J. D. Lowe, Mary Lucy Lowe, Mrs. G. L Blair, J P. Beard, U. T. Murray, W. B. Rowe, Porter A. Strange, J. II. Young, P. V. Cundiff, R G Price. Mr. J. C Blair and family have re turned from Iowa It was a sad com ing to them Since they left less than a year ago, one sou died in the array, and while en route here Mrs Blair's father, Mr. Abe Brown died at Pellyton, and when they reached their farm there was no dwelling, it having been burned about two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Blair have many friends in Adair county, and every thing possible will be done to cheer their sad hearts. 4---, W 'r fHv J t' tmnUW vtuj SAD DEATH. Mr. Claud Montgomery, of this Place Dies in Wardsworth, Ohio. Interment Here. Mr. Claud Montgomery, a son of Mr. and Mrs Scott Montgomery, left here some months ago for Wards worth, Ohio, where he was employed in a match factory, and where he was a valuable assistant until ten days ago when he became a victim of typhoid fever. He and his friends were hope ful at start, but on Wednesday morn ing of last week he was much worse and his parents, wife and son, this place, were notified that he was in a serious condition. His father, wife and little son left immediately for his bedside, but he lived only a few hours after their ar rival, a dispatch reaching here Friday night that he was dead. The remains arrived Monday, and many friends went to the Montgomery home to view the body and to express sympa thy for those who had been bereft of a husband, father, son and brother. Claud Montgomery, had he lived until March would have been thirty four years old. He was a man of correct habits and very attentive to business entrusted to him. He had been a salesman for various merchants in Columbia, all speak of him in the highest terms. 3trictly honorable and at all times at his po3t of duty. He leaves a wife and one son, father and mother and one sister. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. O P. Bush, Tueseay morning at 10 a. m , the deceased be ing a member of that religious body, many relatives and friends being present, all in the profoundest sym pathy for those who had been so sore ly grieved. After religious exercises the remains were conveyed to the city cemetery there to remain until the resurrection morn. May God comfort the widow and little son, father, mother and sister, is the wish of this entire community. Church Loyally. When a person connects himself or herself to a religous body, it is be cause the organization adhers to the principels to which he or she subscri bes In all Churches the applicant for membership obligates himself not only to attend the regular services, morning and evening, but all other. In order for ajChurch to prosper its members must be loyal, and if they fail in this the organization will go to pieces. It is noticeable in some or ganizations in Columbia, especially at the evening services, from twenty to thirty-five members, living in town, are not in their places.This is not en. couraging to the pastor and causes cold chills creep over the backs of the faithful. It takes a live church to ac complish good. Everytning is on the drag when an organization is largely composed of dead members. Every member knows his duty, and we ad monish them to wake up and attend services at their respective Churches, morning, evening and the the mid week prayer meetings. Will Remove to Cave City. Adair county is soon to lose one of its most excellent families, Mr. Luth er Williams, wife and children, who will remove from Montpelier to Cave City. Our people will regret this separation, as Mr. Williams has been a prosperous merchant, druggist and farmer of this county fdr more than twenty j ears, and Mrs Williams is a most excellent lady with a number of bright and interesting children. They will all be missed from Adair county, and Cave City is to be congratulated. Mr. Williams will engage in the drug business at his new home, having for med a fartnership with Mr. E. T.Wil lis, who many years ago resided in Co lumbia. From Texas. Dallas, Dec. 27th '17. Editor News:- Please find enclosed two dollars for News. I do not kuow what my bill is. I only know that I was paid to some time in 1916 I have not re ceived paper for a few months. I cannot get along longer without it, as it is news from dear old home folks. Please settle up and put on label so I can know when' my time is up, and please if I am ever careless again as to let it run so long, just call my at tention to the fact. With best wishes for a prosperous New Year, Truly, Mrs. C. Collins. rw r sn'jt vjijff isr vJ. .&