OCR Interpretation

The Adair County news. [volume] (Columbia, Ky.) 1897-1987, January 02, 1918, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069496/1918-01-02/ed-1/seq-7/

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the marines, who have been a -signed
to other duty.
The national gathering of the
council of Jewish women in
eighth triennial session in Chica
go declared for one tongue, one
speech, and that English.
The Colorado State Federation
of Women's Clubs maintains a
scholarship fund,- from which
$35,000 has been loaned to girls
that they might obtain an edcu
cation. Who can-estimate the saving
; the home drink
Besides its popularity at ?rug stores, fountains and
restaurants, Bevo has found a welcome place in the
home. A family beverage a guest offering a table
drink that goes perfectly with all food.
j4s a suggestion for Sunday supper Siveer red or
green peppers stuffed with cream cheese and
chopped nuts or olives, served on lettuce leaves.
French dressing. Cold meet. Toasted crackers.
Bevo for everyone. A bever-e that tastes like no
other soft drink. Pure, wholesome ciid nutritious.
Bevo the all-year-'round soft drink.
Sold in bottles on'y and bottfad crr-Twtvely by
rrifcrJ? r j tii i iin1r rr tti yTTirWiWii fi n7i lln ili,ff i ' " ' 'Ti-'ri. ''" 1-":TrTrlTr''',''r"" ' T1:
fSfw :
w?ilSiiili--K :J I: II fir :
wmm mm? g m - .
I Sift fWCK''f$iiitTi iSS&T 2& v
V ' ., ' . Iiii II
X' EWt"RAdS?'-' M X' V. Ii'iW-'v " v -vwsy . w .tJ:7 ft?H ' ' " - . a " v -. . - . a
urawn by C. D. Batchelor of The New York Evening Journal.
Somewhere in France or in a cantonment her dear one is serving for her and for you and me,
She is making a sacrifice and she's serving, too. She lu enrolled in the Red Cross Christmas
Membership Drive and is proud of the service flag that shows it.
You Will you, can you, do less than serve with her?
Display the Red Cross service flag I i . , ,.r . ir-ir-nt
Says 65 year Old Kentucky Lady,
After a Few Doses
Meadorsville, Kj-. Jlrs. Cynthia
Higginbotbam, of this town, says: "At
niy age, which is G5, the liver does
not act so well as when young. A few
years ago, my stomach was all out of
fix. I was cons' ipated, my liver
didn't act My digestion was bad, and
it took so little to upset me. Itfy ap-'
petite was gone.
I decided I
I was very weak...
would give Black-
Draught a thorough trial as I knew it
was highly recommended for this
Bse E vJ; raw
trouble. I began talcng it I felt '
-- better after a few doses. My appetite
improved and I became stronger. ?Iy
bowels acted naturally and the lecst
trouble was seen righted wfth a fcr
TViq emonri'-kv la of-il! liqmnflr
in this place J
Mrs. Finis Bault and wife who1
have been in Illinois for the past
year, returned home one day
last week.
The schools all closed in this
section on account of the small
pox. Mr. Rufus Feese who has been
home on a furlough, returned to
Camp Shelby, one day last week
Dr. J. C. Gose of this place, ! d fell, braking one of the
spent one night last week with bones in his arm between hig e,
his daughter, Mrs. Mont Wil- bow and hig wrist
Hams, of Casey Greek. j Mn JegS8 phipps who was fa
Mr. David Harden happened the training Camp in New Jer
to a painful accident one day ! sev died one dav last week and
last week, he was gettinjr a
back log and let it fall on his
foot, smashing it so badly he is
not able to walk.
Married on the 8th, of Dec.
John Beard to Miss Cora Chelf.
Mr. Edd Baldwin and Dr. Z.
T. .Gabbert made a flying trip to
Columbia last Monday.
Mrs. Rosa Christie of Green
county, visited at her mothers,
IMJ lE'jIUWill JIlllHI II III 11 !! I l1j U I Il Ii lHlts
1 J-"
k vT j a
V.Le Tells HcT,y She Was Relieved
of Black-Draught
doses of Black-Draught"
Seventy years of successful use has
made Thedford's Black-Draught a
1 standard, household remedy. Every
, member, of every family, at times,
need the help that Black-Draught can
give in cleansing the system and re-
lieving the troubles that come from
constipation, indigestion, lazy liver.
ctc. You cannot keep well unless your
stomach, liver and bowels are in good
working order. Keep them that way.
Try Elack-Draught. It acts promptly,
2ea1?' an(l 'm a natural way. If you
feel sluggish, take a dose tonight
You will feel fresh tomorrow. Price
2'z. a package One cent a desa
' " '''ugrists. J. 69
Mrs. G. R. Fese's several days
iOc last week.
Miss Mary Riggins spent last
Saturday night and Sunday with
Miss Mary Beard.
Mr. Charlie Walker has bought
himself a new seven passenger
Mrs. Ethel Russell has the
Mr. Virtus Monday happened
to a serious accident one day t
week. He aimed to iump on his
pony and jumped over the pony
! was brought home and buried.
Mr. Rob Stapleton bought of
Mr. Edgar Beaad a farm, Con
sideration $1000.
Mr. Ben Wheeler was in Camp
bellsville last week on business.
Mrs. A. F. Morse, of Catletts
burg, aged 90 and almost blind,
has knitted ten sweaters and
done much other work for the
boys "over there" since the war
England is Doing her Share
The presistent attacks of the
Germans and anti-English Irish
among U3 on Great Britain since
the beginning of the war have
also been directed toward mak
ing France, Canada, the United
States, and every one else possi
ble dissatisfied with Great Brit
ain's share in the war.
The facts do not substantite
this charge.
Great Britain has 45,000,000
population, in contrast with 39,
000,000 for France, 36,000,000
for Italy, 175.000,000 for Russia
and somewhat more than 100,
000,000 for us.
This 44.000,000 has furnished
a far larger proportion of the
naval strength and shipping than
any other nation, and has done
! this from' the beginning of the
war. This has also necessitated
bearing most of the odium at
tached to the blockade which
was for the general benefit of all
the Allies as well as England.
From the beginning, also they
have furnished more money than
any other nation.
In the first two years of the
war they did not furnish as
many men as either France or
Russia, but at present the Brit
ish army in France is about as
large as the French. The Brit
ish have, besides an army in
Egypt, another as Saloniki (as
have also the French) and anoth
er in Mesopotamia. Moreover,
the British Isles have furnished
as many men in proportion and
suffered is great losses as any of
their colonies, besides putting
forth an extraordinary industrial
effort. The World's Work.
About WomenOnly.
The uniform of the women in
the navy will be skirt of dark
navy blue material, full at the
bottom and belted, accordion
pleated front and back.
The telephone switchboard at
rhp hoston navy yary is now od-
erated by girls in the place of
pwer of this suggestion of some
"best girls" in New York.should
it be generally adopted? "No
candy and no ice cream accept
ed." When they run out of yarn,
North Dakota women did not
stop knitting but sheared the
wool from their own sheep which
they carded and spun, kept on
with their knitting for the soldiers.
The first women to be employ
ed as letter carrier by the gover
nment have appeared on the
streets of the capital as an ex
periment by the Washington
postoffice to meet the shortage of
Six Hoboken, N. J., society
women have been sw.orn in as
police officers, after volunteering
to serve without pay, for the
purpose of keeping girls off the
streets at night in companion
ship with soldiers and sailors.
Bravm of a Soldier Boy
"Private Peat" a veteran of
the European war, in an address
at Lexington, told how he woke,
wounded in a Red Cross camp.
Cries were heard, he said, and
he thought he was in Germany.
He did find, he declared, that
the man screaming, was a "fat
German with a wounded arm."
"Across the room," he pictur
ed, a little Cockney boy, a drum
mer not nore than 16 years old,
seated on a chair. H is leg was cut
off, his face gashed, his arm fal
len at- hi3 side. In his mouth
was a cigarette and he was
cracking a joke. That shows the
difference between the Ally and
the Hun. The doctor came in.
He went first to the German.
That shows the way our Rad
Cross treats our enemy. The
German, crying, received atten
tion. When the doctor finished
the drummer boy had fallen in
his chair and was dead."
Open Shops Upheld.
Washington, Dec. 10. Deci
sions defining in general terms
the rights of both organized la
bor and the employer were ren
dered today by the Supreme
Court. While the right of work
men to organize for lawful pur
poses was reaffirmed, the court
held that employers legally may
operate their plants as "open
shops" and prevent conspiracies
to bring their non-union employes
into labor organizations.
Or. James Triplett
Columbia, Ky.
tetldencc Phone 13 B
Business Phoe 18 P
Office, Front rooms 'in Jeffries BTd'g
up Stairs.
' Columbia, - Kentucky
jTZcZ''z via v '-.r-i9
VvCy.:';.' J- ir . J!"s2-
The Regular Line from Columbia to CampbeUsviUe I
owned and operated by W. E. Noe. He has in It
employe safe and reliable drivers.
Transportation can be had at any hour at reasonable rate -
W. E. NOE, Columbia, Ky.
"The Service Agency.
Columbia, Kentucky.
V. . Mushes & Sons Co
Louisville, Kentucky
Windows, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Columns
Stair Work, Brackets, Etc. Write for our Catalog
Bettter Than Ever Are Our Gigantic Stocks Of
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Wall
Paper and Draperies.
We Specialize in these Lines and Cater Especially tte
the People that Want Reliable Goods
at a Alinimum Price.
Every inquiry is answered intelligently and we count our satisfied-"
customers in Adair county and vicinity by the score. To know b!
about Floor Coverings, a visit tn our spacious floors is instruct!":
and convincing.
Hubbuch Bros. & Weilendorff, Inc.,
522-524 W. Market St.,
Louisville, Kentucky.
fl H e
Eimo:PEA.:sr plan
" $1.00 and Up Rooms Without Bath.
$1.50 and Up Rooms With "
Equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinklers the best
fire Protection Known to Insurance Engineers.
6th & Main Streets.
Hogwallow News.
Nearly every country town has
a merchant that uses a goose
quill toothpick and does not ad
vertise. Slim Pickens climbed up into
the loft a4: (he Hog Ford church
last Sunday and peeped through
a knot hole at the preacher.
Shakespeare is coming back
The literary society of
isC 'S
f tej'fe -
Kentuckv .
the Wild Onion school house has
dramatized one of his plays aaiT
will present it next Friday night"
A wedding took place on low
er Gander Creek Wednesday
night of last week. It wass
simple affair, as several were"
here to say that the brfdelwa
foolish to marry him.
Foxes 82 50 to S5.00 each. Sez5?
them to W. T. Hodcen. Camn)lk
Ville, Ky.

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