Newspaper Page Text
ADaJR county new? BIG AUCTION SALE COLUMBIA, KENTUCKY, 4; Jan., 5th, 7th. f Saturday and On these dates every thing in my Store will be sold to the Highest Bidder. I will offer all Lines Kept in a General Store. Come Prepared to get the Best Bargains Ever Offered in this town. The Sale Will Be Strictly FOR CASH. 1 will also sell a lot of Store Fixtures, Show Cases, Etc. Sale Saturday, Begins at 1 p. m. Sale Monday, Begins at 10 a. m. T. E. WAGGENER LOCALS. Printing InX Industry Faces De moralization. New York, Dec. 22 -Demoralization of the printing ink industry of the SJnited States is threatened by the -srnbargo on the shipment of carbon 'black, a principal ingredient, ordered some time ago by the Federal Priority j Board, and publishers of newspapers, t magazines and all other users of print- inar ink soon will be vitally affected, i.-miip nuxiou, prebiueuu ui , ional Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers, declared in a stat1 ?ment issued here today. A Bargain. Tiie Farmers Home Journal isrecog ataedasthe leading farm papar of ' the State Every farmer should sub- scribe for it- We have made a special j arrangement with the publisher of the Farmers' Home Journal by which that paper and the Adair County .lS' are put in reach of all. Here it :i- Farmer- Journal, per year $1.00 I Adair C . ,r.v Nes per jear 81.00. J per j Both o;.-- war for . $1.05 This pro. siuon will be good for js veral weeks. Subscribe now. In and Out. W. S Sinclair, County Judge elect; "W. A. Coffey, County Attorney, elect: Carte. Sanders, the newly elected sherii.: S. C. Xeat, who succeeds Wal ter Bryant as County Court clerk; Dr I. 3. Jones, the new Assessor; A. WT 'Tarter, Jailer elect, and Noah Loy, who succeeds Mr. Huffaker as school j Supe .ntendent will soon be in f nil j charpt of their otuces. and it is beliv- ed. that they will be deligent and officials. The retairing officials, G T. Heiri lord, Gordon Montgomery, S H.. Mit chell, Walker Bryant, Ralph Wag gerner, C. G. Jeffries and Tobias Iluf laker feel that they 'have given the couni . good services and are perfectly wiUin.' to stand upon their records, sthankng the people for past favors Dr. C M. Russull is the efficient Ooron-rof the county, and has been .for a number of years. Masonic Election. Last Thursday evening Columbia XiOdge, No. 90, F. and A. M., elected and appointed the following officers lor the ensuing year: Hor ce Jeffries, Master. M. L Grissom, S. W. Geo- McMaham, J. W. J. N. Murrell, Treas". Geo. E Wilson, Secy. .J. A. Willis, Tiler. JT. II. Du'ham, S. D. "W. II. Sandusky, J. D ;VP Stewards. A. Or. Todd, 1 BREEDING LODGE, XO. 516. Finis A. Strange, Master. Henry F. Gaston, Sr Evin D. Roberts, Jr. W. WT. George W. Curry, Treasurer. Had is Harvey, Sect X, W. Scott, Sr. D. L. Akin, Jr. D. A. W. Rowe, Chaplain. C. W. Roberts. Tyler. A Soldier's Funeral. Tiie citizens of Columbia and ad joining neighborhoods assembled themselves to getheratthe Methodist church in Columbia Thursday after noon, Dec. 27. The occasion was the funeral and burial of Ejtelle Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Blair, of the Gariiu neighborhood. Estelle Blair enlisted in the U S. army from the state of Iowa Sept , 1 1917,and died in Camp Cody.ewMexi- co,Dec.20 His remains were returned to Adair his native country for burial We came to do him honor and syni pathize with the bereaved father, mother, brothers and sisters We feel that their loss was our loss He was e Qf Ubati and Freedom to dear tQ eV(jry American heart IIe wilUng and B,ad,y answered hIs countrys caii. He was a worthly chrlstai, young man an( wag prepared t0 meet his God T, ,.., . t.0lldllR,ed hv Revs. I Peircy and Shelley after which the re mains were carried to the city ceme tery. A patriotic service was con ducted at the grave by Dr Watson, Rev Bush and Eid. Williams The Casket was then draped in the stars and st.rin. and rhp. remains werv. laid rest wlie those eut f ..M Country 'tis of Thee " Russell County Loses a Good Cit izen Saturday forenoon, December 1917' the Rowe"a community of R 22, us- sell county, lost one of its most useful and influential citizens John McFar laud, who was about seventy-five years old. He was an extensive farmer and stock raiser, and was a man who had great iulluence in that part of Russell county When the war of the States hroke out he espoused the cause of the Uuiou, enlisted in the army and served faithfully until hostilities ceased. He owned a large farm on Cumberland river and died in fine cir cumstances lie was an ardent mem ber of the v.ethodist Church and had been for many ears Lie was also a zealous Mason, a mem ber of Lairsville Lodge, Columbia Chapter, No. 7, and the Marion Com rnaudan, Lebanon. His funeral and burial were largely attended After religious exercises the local Lodge took charge of the bodv and it was interred in the family burying ground with the usual formalities of the order. The deceosed was an uncle of Messrs W. T., John and Solomon McFarland, of this county. He was also the father of Mrs. J. T Goodman, who some years ago resided in Columbia and who is very kindly remembered. May God comfort her and all other rela tives is the wish of Columbia and Adair county friends Get Ready for War Income tax Many persons in this county will soon feet the effects of the income tax law. All single persons will have to pay 2 per cent, on incomes of over $1,000, and married persons 2 per cent. i on incomes ot over $2,uuu. un in comes of S3,000 for single persons, and $1,000 for married persons the tax is 4 per cent. A Federal Income Tax officer will be in Columbia, Jan 17th to 28Ui inclusive to give assistance and information to those who may not understand how to report to the Government their incomes and just how this tax is to be paid. An officer will also be at Casey Creek Jan 14th and 15th, and at Grady ville Jan. 29th and 30th. The Collector of Internal Revenue estimates that there will be 250 tax payers in this county. Returns of income for the year 1917 must be made on forms provided for tiie purpose before March 1, 191S. Re cause a good many people don't un derstand the law and won't know how to make out their returns the Govern ment is sending in this expert to do it for them. But the duty is on the taxpaer to make himself known to the Government If he doesn't make return as required before March 1 he may have to pay a penalty ranging from S20 to ?1,000, pay a fine or go to jail So if you don't want to take chances on going to jail you better call on the income tax man If jou are not sure about being subject to the tax, better ask him and make sure Whether you see the income tax man or not you must make return if subject to tax, Go to Church Times. The pastors of Columbia and vicin ity extend a cordial welcome to all Presbyterian church, Rev. B. T. Watson Pastor Sunday-School 9:45 a. m Congregational Woaship 11 a. m. Evening Service at 7 p. m. on every second and fourth Sundays Prayer service Wednesday evening at 6:30 Sunday-school topic discuss ed Preaching at Union 1st and 3rd Sabbaths METHODIST CHUKCH. L F. Piercey, Pastor. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sunday in each month. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Epworth Leage 6:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 6:30. Everybody cordially invited to these services BAPTIST CIIUHCII Preaching at 11 a m. and 6:45 p. m on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month Sunday school at 9:30 O. P Bush, Pastor, Loren Bradley, Supt. of S. S CIIKISTIAX CHURCH. Bible School every Sunday at 9.30 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 0:30 p. nvon Second and Fourth Sun da s Prayer meeting eacli Wednesday eveuiug at 6:30. Officers meeting monthly. Woman's Missionary Society, the first Sunday in each month at 2:45 p m. Mission Band the first Sunday in each month at 2 p. m Ladies' Aid Society Thursday after second Sunday at 2:45 p m. Z T. Williams, Pastor Horace Jeffries, Bible School, Sup erintendent. G. R-Reed, Sect Ray Conover. Tres 4 Glensfork. Mrs. L. C. Blair who has been very sick for sometime is im proving. Mrs. Ada Kelsey has been on the sick list for several weeks. Lewis Wilkinson has moved to his property at this place.recent Iy purchased of Dr. Jones. His brother Stephen moved to -the place vacated by him which he has purchased. Rollin Webb bought of Frank Strange last week one hog for $16.75. Otis Lewis was shopping at Crocus last week. Frank Strange bought of Lu cian Blair a hog for $77.50 Miss Cora Kelsay and Miss Artie Bunch, were shopping in Columbia last week. Jo Morgan and wife, made a business trip to Columbia last week. Mr. T. L. Upton and family, of near this place have moved to Bowling Green. Jim Jones delivered his crop of dark tobacco one day last week to the Campbellsville mar ket. Dr. Bolin and wife were shop ping in Columbia last week. Ruel Rose and Horace Morgan, were visiting Joe Morgan and wife last week. Zack Collins, of Texas, who has been visiting relatives here has returned. John Jones and wife, were in Columbia last week. Miss Katherine Kelsey and brother Chariey, Wm. Samuels and son Howard, Ray Strange, j Levi Andrew and wife, Miss Carrie Wilkinson, John Burgess, Clyde Marshal, Robert Marshall, Thomas Taylor, Joe Morgan, wife and little son, Otis Lewis, Bryan Dudley, and Rollin Webb and wife of this place were shopping in Columbia last week. Rev. Gwinn fill his regular ap pointment here the fourth Sun day in this month, at the close of the sermon an invitation was given, Frank Strange, Etheridge Bennett, Alice Dudley and Claud Willis united with the church and were baptized. Mr. Bryce Walker of Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg.Miss., spent a few days at home last week. Bryce is looking well and seems to be enjoying the life of a sold ier fine. Brice certainly makes his mark wherever he goes and whatever business he undertakes is a success with him. He is typwriter and clerk of his com pany at present. No finer young man than Bryce is wearing the "Khaki" nowhere. And where ever he goes he never forgets his grandparents at home who are old and in feeble health Mrs. Jim Shirley and wife, were visitint relatives at this ! place during the holidays. Roy. Your scribe has been confined to her room with throat trouble for the part week. Little Edna Simmons had the misfortune of getting her hand caught under across cut saw several days ago and was cut very badly, it will take some time for her to recover. Columbia, Ky. I 5l-lnrffhyll1ll-T-ll trri n - v dL-!-i c;r srt i j. A iy J. ..- i These are economical days and so ll comes a more intense necessity to yoi cause by reason of the universal service tl every day it has become a larger part in living." Ii is a daily necessity because economy. You have the choice of a v from the snappy runabout to the de luxe about $345; Touring Car, $360; Coupe! Car. $645; Sedan, $695: One-Ton True These Drices f. o. b. Detroit. Yourord( t l THE BUCHANAN. LYON CO., Incorporated. Columbia, Kentucky. 1 ih 1 jr X,ji Z-Jr i Mr. Luther Redmon of Camp Taylor, is visiting his parents at his place. Mrs. Emily Conover, lost an extra good milk cow a few days age from eating to much corn. About two weeks ago she had a black calf to go astray that has never been heard of. She esti mates her loss at $125. On last Sunday Mr. Henry Royse discovered a large eagle near his spring where they had been slaughtering hog3, and fired on it breaking one wing and capturing it. It measured 7i feet from tips of wings. Mr. Royse is still in possession of the bird and it is still alive. Many people are going to see it. The wedding bells are ringing in this section this Xmas. Born to the wife of Omer Roy a daughter, on December, the 24th. f There is a revival in Progress at Freedom church by Rev. Joel Bolin, of Russell county. Little Edna Simmons has been in a serious condition for several days, part of the time disable to walk. There was a singingat Mr. G. R. Redmons, on Xmas night in honor of his son Luther, of Camp, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gray, of Dayton Ohio, have been visiting the latters parents at this place, rd in .T-MMi-irraLlIll . I la MWIHIII IE 5g ill 1 tit "- tt ill 3I52- .. . Jw III - .: CAB : Ford Car be- II every day, be- 11 j Ford supplies 11 le "business of III proves a daily j II riety of bodies, jlll sedan. Run- 1 II t $560; Town I III Chassis, $600. 11 solicited. ill i'l 1 ! i 111 I I iiumnwy &? -;. " i Sill i! i ' ' """' "S Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bailey. Mr. Mont Wilson who has been in Illinois for some time has re turned home. Neatsburg. The rongh wintry weather has found a number of people not prepared. Lots of little folks in this com munity were filled with Joy on the 25th when they awoke and found old Santa had visited hem. Mr. E. F. Winfrey has return ed from Illinois, where he has been husking corn. He looks well and says the west is the place to live if you have plenty of money. It takes that to live there. Miss Mary Willis, RDmine, is visiting her brother, Mr. Guy Willis. Mr. N. G. White this place, is clerking for W. L. Reynolds Ozark. Lots of the farmers haven't; gathered all of their corn yet The boys who were examined for soldiers are expecting their call any time. We are pleased with the new Editor and are always glad to re ceive the News. Wanted. Foxes 32 50 to $5 00 each. Sena them to W. T. Ilodgen. Campbells vilIe,Ky.