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ADAIR COUNTY NEWS WELL DRILLER I will drill wells in Adair an adjoining counties. See me be fore contracting. Latest im proved machinery of all kinds. Pump Repairing Done. Give me a Gall. .1. C. YATES HENRY W. DEPP, DENTIST Am permanently located in Co Iumbia. All Classes of Den fa I work done. Crow die and Inlay work a Specialty. AH Work Guaranteed Office: Over Sullivan's Barber Shop L. H. Jones Veterinary Surgeon and D .ltisl Special attention given Diseases of all Domestic Animals Office at Residence, 1 mile ofytown, on Jamestown road. Phone 114 G. Columbia, Ky. IS Years Practice Consultation Free Dr. James Menzies osieopftTff Butler BM'd'S on Public Square. COLUMBIA ICY., Residence Phone 13 B Business Pboe IS A DR. J. N. MURRELL DENTIST Officr. Front rooms 'in Jeffries BTd'g up Stairs. Columbia, - Kentucky Go to Church Times. The pastors of Columbia and vicin ity extend a cordial welcome to all. Presbyterian churoh, Rev. B. T. Watson Pastor. Sunday-School 9:45 a. m. Congregational Woaship 11 a. m. Evening Service at p. m. on every second and fourth Sundays. Prayer service Wednesday evening at 6:30 Sunday-school topic discuss ed. Preaching at Union 1st and 3rd Sabbaths 3IETJ10DIST CIHJIIC1I. L F. Piercey, Pastor. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sunday ia each month. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Epworth Leage G:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 6:30. Everybody cordially invited to these services. HAITIST CHUIICII. Preaching on each first and third Sunday. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7 o'clock Sunday School 9:30 B. Y. P. U. avening 6:10 Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing 6:30 Business meeting Wednesday even ing before the 3rd Sunday in each month. , Missionary Society, the last Thurs day in each month, 3:00 o'clock. F. II. Durham, Supt, S. S. O. P. Bush, Pastor, cnnisTiAN cnuEcn. Bible School every Sunday at 9.30 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. aud 6:30 p. m on Second and Fourth Sun dajs. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 6:30. Officers meeting monihly. Woman's Missionary Society, the first Sunday in each month at 2:45 p m. Mission Band the first Sunday in each month at 2 p. m. Ladies' Aid Society Thursday after second Sunday at 2:45 p. m. Z. T. Williams, Pastor. Horace Jeffries, Bible School, Sup erintendent. G. R'Reed, Sect. . Ray Conover, Tres. Russian Socialists in conven tion in New York sent a tele gram to President Wilson de manding the immediate release of Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman and two other Russian citizens and permission for them to return to Russia. SKETCHE5 0F ADAIR COUNTY. Historical and Biographical Will be of Interest to all Readers of the News. that BY JUDGE H. C. BAKER. No. 4 Col. Daniel Trabue.who was one of the first Justices of the Courts and one of the founders of the town of Columbia, was born in Chesterfield county, Virginia, March 31, 1760, and was a revo lutionary soldier. His declara tion for a pension appeals upon the records of the county court on the record book for the year 1832, in which is a short narra tive of his services. In addition he left a journal of his life as a soldier and as a pioneer to Ken tucky, the original manuscript, now in the possession of the Wisconsin State Historical So ciety. This Journal comprising about one hundred and fifty pages of printed matter is given in full in "'Colonial Men and Times" edited by Lillie DuPuy Vanculin Harper, of Philadel phia, Penn., one of his descend ants. In it can also be found the genealogy with brief sketches of the early Trabue and 'Haskins' families. Some of whose de scendants are in this, Green and Taylor counties. In March 1778, he with his brother James, and six others came through the wilderness to Kentucky, stopping about a week at Boonsborugh, and then going on to Logan's Fort. It was about this time when Boone and others were captured by the Indians at Blue Lick. After arriving at Logan's Fort, he and his brother cleared about one acre of land and planted it in corn "to see how it would grow and it made a fine crop." He frequently went to the woods with hunters and killed bears, and soon got so he could eat meat without salt. His broth er.James.having been appointed commissioner for the four forts, viz: Boonsbourgh, Logan's Fort, Harrodsfork, and the Falls of Ghio. He undertook to be De puty Commissioner at Logans Fort, and took possession of the public store and public houses He says "my brother James had deputies at the different garrisons and we would go from one of them to the other when Col. Clark went on Campaigns." During the summer the Indians were very troublesome, watch ing the roads, killing men and stealing horses. He tells of a visit to the Falls of the Ohio: "Col. Clark had got back and fetched up with him a keel boat with some rum and sugar, which he got from Kaskaskian. He had a large new roorn just built hewed logs inside, a good plank, or puncheon floor. That same evening he made a ball, a num ber of ladies and gentlemen at tending it, and when those Fort ladies came to be dressed up, they did not look like the same. Every thing looked new, we en joyed ourselves very much. Col. Harrod and his lady epened the ball by dancing the first jig. We had plenty of rum toddy to drink." We give from his journal an incident in the life of Daniel Boone which we had never read before. He says 'Col. Richard Calloway brought up a complaint against Captain Daniel Boone, who ia now called Colonel D. Boone, so there was a court mar tial called to try him. He was tried at this time at Logan's Fort, and I was present at his trial. Col. Calloway's charges, that he, Daniel Boone had taken out 27 men to the Blue Licks to make salt; that the Indians caught Col. Boone 10 miles below the men on Licking, where he was catch ing Beaver. They were not go ing towards the men, and Boone told them of the men, and took the Indians to the men and told our men, "you are surrounded with Indians, and I have agreed with the Indians that you are to be used well, and you are to be prisoners of war, and will be given up to British officers at Detroit where you will be treat ed well." The men against their consent had to go with the Indians to Detroit, and at De troit, Col. Boone bargain ed with the British com mander, and said he would give up all the people at Boonsborough and that they should b? protect ed at Detroit, and live under British jurisdiction; Col. Callo way said Boone was in favor with the British government, and that all his conduct proved it. Capt. Daniel Boone said the reason he gave up the men at the Blue Licks was that the In dians told him that they were going to Boonsborough to take the Fort, and Boone said he thought he would use some strat egem, he thought the Fort was in bad order, and that the In dians would take it easily. He, Boone, said he lold the Indians the Fort was very strong, and had too many men for them, and wnen they came to take Boons borough, they must have more warriors than they then had. Boone said he told them all these tales to fool them, he also said he told the British officers, he would be friendly to them and try to give up Boonsborough, but he was trying to fool them. The court martial decided in Boone's favor, and they at that time advanced Boone to be a Major. He tells of hunting on Green river during the cold winter of 1779 80. The winter began about the 1st of November, and broke up the last of February. "The turkeys were almost all dead, many of them fell from the trees, the buffalos had gotten poor, people's cattle mostly died; there was no corn or but little in the country. The people were in great distress, and many in the wilderness were frost bitten." Some people actually died for want of solid food, Most of the people had to go to the Falls' of the Ohio for corn to plant, which was brought down the Ohio. "They made socks of buffalo skins to go over their shins, put ting the wool inside." The snow was three feet deep. In the fall of 1780 he returned to Virginia, and was in the bat tle of Petersburg, and was at the surrender of Cornwallis at York town in October 1781. Prior to this time he had been the bearer of dispatches from Col. Goode, of the Virginia Militia to Gen. LaFayette. He says "I de livered the dispatches to Gen. LaFayette, and he read the con tents, and asked me many ques tions. I applied to him for a permit to be a suttler to the ar my. He had one written for me ! immediately, and signed it and gave it to me." I infer from the narrative that chief traffic of a suttler at that time was in the sale of brandy and rum, for he says he went immediately and made a trade with a Dutchman who had just come into camp with a fine team and a good load of brandy and j whisky, also two large sacks of sweet bread, and who had not been able to get a perrriit to sell it, by which they would go halves They "had a great run of cus tom, and were soon sold out, and made a handsome profit. ' ' They made a bargain to get another load, and started to the country, but when they got out of camp the Dutchman said he was afraid to take his team in again, so the partnership was dissolved. He, Trabue, then went home, bought a good team and wagon, and procured plenty of brandy and rum. He says "General LaFayette marched our army through the town, (Williamsburg), and en camped in the old field below Williamsburg. The French In fantry joined us, and, I was glad as they brought silver and French crowns, and I got many of them. They also brought gold and we got a good share of th t too. We would sell out our spirits in a few days. We could not get any nearer than Petersburg, which was fifty miles away, but it ws a good level road, and we had the empty wagon we could jro up wards of 50 mile3 a day. We had good horses, and took good care of them, and a negro driver who was a good hostler. Gen eral LaFayette allowed me a guard of a sergeant and twelve men, and I got the adjutant that ordered them out to let me choose them. The adjutant was my particular friend, and I had good rum to treat him with: the men too, were all very glad to come to guard us, as they all got something to drink free of cost, and they were of assistance to us many times in selling and fix ing our camp." From this time until after the surrender his time seems to have been occupied in keeping up the spirits of the army in the way indicated. He give a very graphic discription' of the cannonading before the surrender, and of the scene at the time of the surrend er, and says, "It was the most tremendous and admirable sight that I ever saw: A little lurther down he adds; "We sold our spirits very fast, the British and French had plenty of hard mon ey. When he reached home he found that he had gained that summer and part of the fall $1000 in specie, 163,000 pounds in paper money, one wagon, one cart, several watches and seven valuable horses. He valued the paper money at $560; the horses wagon and cart, at about $600. He says: We would have made more, had not ths paper money depre ceated so fast that summer and fall. In June it was 600 for one but in October, 1000 for one." The seige of Yorktown lasted from Sept. 28th, to Oct. 19th, 1781. He was married to Mary Has kins, daughter of Col. Robert Haskins, of Chesterfield county Virginia, July 4th, 1782, and in the year 1785, he removed with his family to Woodford, (then ! Fayette) county, Kentucky. I subscribes, ehe Rr-d Crops wori About 1797 he removed from ers are awake in old Kei-tucky,.... Woodford to Green county, Adair ! as well as here and many othezr then being a part of same ' places Its a great work inde ee? He gave a very interesting ac-. and of course the Deople wuulS- count of his conversion and con nection with the Baptist church, which occurred a short time be fore his removal to Kentucky, and of the, early persecutions in Virginia of the Baptist preach ers. The records in the Green County Clerk's office show that on the 24th of March, 1804, Stephen Trabue deeded to Danial Trabue and Robert Haskins as trustees for the Baptist church of MtGilead meeting house, one ' and one quarter acres of land, it being the ground on which the church now stands. He was also one of the organ- izers of the Baptist church in Columbia as the minutes show and was commissioned by the Governor of the State and served as Sheriff of the county. He died in Green county Sept., 10th 1840. To be continued. Prom Louisianna Shreveport, Feb. 1st, '18. It has been something like 2h years since I wrote my first and last letter to the Adair County News, and I remember I men tioned therein that some day ere long, I meant to return to Ken tucky and see how many of the pretty girls that were there 9 years ago, when I made my last visit, were yet remaining, but since that time both the honor and pleasure has been mine of claiming for my wife one of Bry an County, Oklahoma's best looking teachers. So when an opportunity presents itself for me to come, she may accompany me. We also have a baby boy in our home, one month old and whose name is Hiram. I'm sure at least part of the readers of the News will know for whom he is named. For a period of a little more than 3 years, I've oeen employed by the M. K. & T. R. R. Co. For the first 10 months, I worked as foreman fencing right of way for the Katy. From this I was promot ed to road master, my run being from Sulphur Springs, Texas, to Shreveport, La., giving me 149 miles track And while there is no physical labor attached, there is more or les3 mental strain. Notwithstanding I'm furnished with a clerk and am only in my office a short time each day. but I'm forced to be away from home lots of my time. Moreover the disagreeableness of the unavoid able wreck with which we must come in contact. Especially if we are wired to come -to the scene of one of them to direct the work in clearing the track and on arrival at the scene, find some of our brother R. R. men or some friend pinned beneath its wreckage or perhaps scalded to death. This experience has been mine of late. I also have strict orders to accompany all troop trains over my Division, in order to be present at any emer gency. My salary is $120 per month and my expenses paid such as hotel bills, any auto llaaid he Prayed that the Allieea. see fit to call, to go from town to town, in answer to emergency calls, free access to any Pullman sleepers, and many other ex penses too numerous to mention. Well, note in the Adair county paper, for which my mother is fc j natural!; be awake in a good o1eS- patriotic State like Kentucky There is a great deal of the work being done through T.. xas--atid Oklahoma. My mnM.. r is?--quite enthusiastic over it, iing chairman of the knitting com mittee of her chapter. SHe :IIs, me the little town in whirh she lives of about 800 inhah. cants, .. donated a little over $1.4 JO to Red Cross funds. Well, I Hnn- wlsn t0 worrv che Editor or thsr - readers, so I'll stop by thanking you. Mr. Editor, in advance, if you can find space in your inter- esting paper for this. With bear , wishes t0 a" Adair county Pec pie, I am yours. Ed Shirley;. - Airs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: "From the time 1 en tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread from one month to the next. I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. I would lhink I could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help,, me until, one day, ... I decided to TAKE li teixLm Hie Woman's Tonic . " I took four bottles," Mrs. Jones goes on to say, "and was net enly greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . " It has new been two years since I look Card"! and I am still in g-ol health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feel the need of a I ' ?s good strengthening tonic Ml! to build up your run-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help yea. All Braggists Frank R. Wilson, assistan ' secretary of the Federal Faros 4 Loan Board has been chosen publicity director for the Third 3 Liberty Loan campaign, succeed ing Oscar A. Price, now privates Secretary to McAdoD. Former President Taft, in aa-.jt address to National Army mezis, at Camp Gordon, Georgia, re iter ated hi3 belief that there coula be no lasting peace until Ger- man militarism is crushed, andij could hold out until Am erices. "gets there." Remainder of the white men, drafted in Kentucky have b eeita ordered to report Feb. 15 to 28.. I life p I Was a 1 1 m Misery 3B SB IS?- r H rX, k, 9U mer 1 wit 3i m2 St (lyl 8 v? -.