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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
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1 - a ADAIR COUNTY NEWS Creensbur Creensburg Loose Leaf Tobacco Warehouse Co., 7To ihe People of Russell County. You have been a very liberal sup pocfcec of the Adair Counfcy News ' since the first issue, more than twenty -.years ago, and for your generous pat racufre we are truly thankful We Itixve made an effort to publish the .''happenings of your county, and have -endeavored to give you full value for ver dollar paid in. In fact, the News ns read iv more people in Russell -souaty thii.i .my other county outside 'al Adai- oiid is recognized as the siedium Jo.- 1 great deal of news that icinspires 211 said county. A local pa '4.r is an educator Tor the reason the - j .st majority of names mentioned in -sc are familiar, which makes the pub lication popular, not only with the kheads of families, but with the young er p pie. Children who take an in iere' in the local paper soon become ..gcod readers for reason they are ac- iuai;' - ed with the persons the publi-,-2tioi. .is discussing, making them . 2Jixi( .is to get it. We are now endeavoring to make KutiQ. p.iper better than ever before. We -are cvoting more time to it, and we - wouUi be glad to have a short letter rotn All the various sections of Rus---seU -county weekly. Tell the people ---what jou have done and what jou in tend doing for the betterment of your sounty. The letters would be publish--sdand your friends in Missouri, Kan T33S, I ilinois, Texas and other States "would hear ffom you. We are now publishing an eight page paper, filled with local and edi- - -oria'. matter, and the information we select for publication is good, whole some reading. A representative of the News will b in Jamestown the two first days of - ireuiG court, beginning next Monday, .2nd he would be glad to meet alt -friends of the japer and make many .'aew ones. XOMMISSIONER'S SALE. itOAIR CIRCUIT COURT OF KENTUCKY Sosa L.Bryanb &c Plaintiff, vs Mary Humphieys &c Deft. Bv virture of a Judgment and order at sale of Adair Circuit Court, render ed at the January term, thereof, 1918, in the above cause, I shall proceed to . oSer for sale at the Court-house door J in. Columbia Ky., to the highest bid- der, at Public Auction, on Monday, 1 the 4th day of -March, 1918, at one o'clock p. m., or thereabout (being .. County Court,) upon a credit of six 1 :nonths the following describe! prop erty to-wit: A certain traut of land .- situated in Adair county Ky., on the waters of Green river and Snake , .creek, containing 1021 acres more or leas, -it being the same land which was - 3oaveyed to S. H. Jones by W. B. Bur- taa. and wife by deed of date January 5, 1917 . and of record in Deed book 33, .,gtgeJB88ot the Adair County Court cClerk's office. For more complete de- r scription reference is made to tne judgment, pleadings and order of sale. For the purchase price, the purchaser, with approved surety or securities, must execute Bond, bearing legal in terest from the day of sale until paid, and having the force and effect of a Judgment. Bidders will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms W. A. Coffey, Master Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. ADAIR CIRCUIT COTRT OF KENTUCKY. J.P Allen) Petition in Equity Exparte and others ) By virture of a Judgment and or der of Sale of Adair Circuit Court, rendered at the January term thereof, 1918, in the above cause, I shall pro ceed to offer for sale at the Court house door in Columbia, Ky., to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, on Monday, the 4th day of Mch. 1918, at one o'clock p.m., or thereabout (being County Court,) upon a credit of six month, the following described prop erty to-wit: A certain lot of land in cluding house, garden and outbuild ings, in Coburg, Adair county, Ky , adjoining Ed Eubank, Mrs. Mag Hes kamp and the Columbia and Camp bellsville turnpike, containing 3 acres and 5 poles more or less. For more complete description reference is made to to the judgment pleadings and order of sale. For the purchase price, the purchaser, with approved surety or securities, must execute Bond, bearing legal interest from the day of sale until paid, and having the force and effect of judgment. Bidders will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms. W. A. Coffey, Master Commissioner. Markets Louisville, Feb. 4 Cattle Prime export steers 81212;50 heavy shipping 81012;lightS810: heifers $6;5010; 25 fat cows $8.509 75; medium $7 8 50; cutters ?6 7; canners $5;256; bulls S610.25; feeders $79.50; stockers S69; choice milch ccws 88095; medium $6080; common $4060. Calves Receipts 101 head. The mar ket ruled 50c lower; best veals $1H 12c; Hogs Receipts 3.401 head, Up to the time of going to press buyers and sellers could agree on a market. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 63 head no changes were noted in prices; beat sheep S910, bucks 38 down; best lanbs S1616.50; seconds $1212 50; culls $89. Butter Country 3235c lb. Eggs Fresh, case count 4678c doz; candied 5759c Poultry Hens 23c lb.; spring chickens 2327c; ducks 1920c; roos ters 13c; geese 1617c;. turkeys 23 25c guineas 3Cc each Loose Leaf INCORPORATED & " We were the pioneers, we blazed the trail for you and brought to the door of the Farmers their First Real Tobacco Market. Read our reports and Bulletins and see what we are doing for you as your friend and medium with the Buyer. Last Friday, in spite of unfavorable weather, we sold 80,000 pounds at prices, for Burley from 12c to 34c, Dark from 10c to 17c. The weather is opening beautifully now and prices are rising. Now is the time to get it on the market. Let it be moving to our Loose Leaf Warehouse while it is in good condition for handling and while the buyers are optimistic and anxious to buy at better prices. All grades and types are looking up, and prices are going to be what they were at the opening of the season, if you will bring it to us in Good condition and at the Right Time. It looks like this is the time. Get it moving out of your way so you can get busy for the new crop. We note a big improvement in bidding. From now on we predict a most satisfactory Market Here. Sales on Wednesdays and Fridays Best accommodations afforded the Farmers for handling Tobacco for most Advantageous Sales. From Frankfort. Feb. 4. 1918. For the Adair County News: The legislative grind is now going on in earnest, Many pre dicted that but few bills would be introduced this session, but these have proved false prohpets. Some new members could have distinguished him3elf by refus ing to introdvce a single bill, or an old member, either, for that matter. Many members of the House will work hard to get his bills through the Committee?, and bring them on for passage and then passed in the House, only to see them die in the Sen ate near the close of the session. The present House of Repre sentatives is well' divided as to the occupations of its members. Farmers and lawyers predomi nate. There are, I believe, thirty-eight farmers and nineteen lawyers in the House. Then there are five editors, four insur. ance men, four merchants, four physicians, three real estate men, two dentists, three army men, including a captain, one of whom however, has not been in attend ance on the sessions so far. Then we have a banker or two, a barber, a drummer, a preach er, a strawberry grower, and a nurseryman. Several other oc cupations are represented. Last week two notable address es were heard by members of both Houses. One was by Mr. Sackett, Food Administrator .for Kentucky; the other by Dr. Bur ns Jenkins, who gave a graphic and eloquent description of the European battle fronts. He paid high tribute to the soldiers of our allies, particularly the Ital ians. -His portrayal of trench life, battle scenes and of a bomb ing raids which he witnessed, brought these things vividly home to us and made a profound impression on the audience. Gov. Stanley, most of jthe other state officials, including several mem Tobacco Warehouse CO. bers of the Court of Appeals were interested listeners. The Senate last Thursday pass ed a bill re-apportioning the sen atorial districts of the state. There was little opposition to it in the Senate. It seems probable that it will pass the House. State Inspector Sewell handed the Legislature a little surprise last week. A resolution had been passed by the House ask ing the Inspector for informa tion about salaries and expenses, and calling on him for sugges tions along the lines of retrench ment and reform. The way the Legislature got the hot end of the poker was this, Mr. Sewell made no very positive recom mendations as to how any money could be saved, except by taking off a part of the salaries of then members of the Legislature. Harry Myers smilingly suggest ed that the Clerk very carefully file away the Inspector's report and not bring it out again until this session, at least, is over. Considering the high cost of liv ing in Frankfort and also the high cost of getting elected, most of the members are not in clined to give up a part of their pay, unless convinced that a portion of the sum that has been paid to members for years has been illegally paid, in which event they will not insist on re ceiving it. The new tax law, it is said, will bring to the tax rolls, some thing near two billions dollars. This would mean eight millions in state taxes. At this rate the state ought to get out of debt some time. Observer. mm WHITE & GQ. P55-V MSrU ILibsrsi assortment ral assoi full valui FURS end full valuo ptid for raw Hides and Coat Shins THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS. $1.50 &338WJ mr& Greensburg, Kentucky. Campbellsviile Hotel Main and Depot Streets V. H. WILSON, Prop. We cater especially to Columbia and Adair County Folks. Electric Lights, Baths, and Free Sample Rooms. CENTRALLY LOCATD RATES S2.00 PER DAY. Campbellsviile, : : Kentucky. Fred G. Jones & Co. INCOR.PURATED Brook U A. Streets LOUISVTXJIE, KY. Want to Buy Poplar Boards Let Us Know What You Have. Fred G. Jones & Co. EVERYTHING IN EtOOFING Asphalt, Gravel, Rubber, Galvanized and Painted. Also Ellwood and American Fence. Steel Fence Posts DEHLEP BROS. CO- jlncorporate'd 1 16 Eaat Maket Street Delween first and Brook Louisville, Ky. ADVERTISE EST. TBDE HSTEWS. rSflfe. 1