OCR Interpretation

Mount Vernon signal. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 18??-current, May 17, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069561/1912-05-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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.i-vr-rvy, g?.c-
Friday, May 17, 19 12
Published every Friday by
nifr'iflifrr TJf?i-- -
new firitt and moved his diy goods
to Kowletts, Ky., taking a part
nership with a Mr-. Watlrins. Mr.
In yesterday's Courier-Journal FOR Sale: I have decided to
your M arse Henri Wattersor, on go to fartnmj ajd will sell mv saw
the editorial page, pays his respects mill with band saw complete. 16 It.
I Lewis leaves many friends among to tnose whom he seems pleased to good line shaft with Dulleys; 2 Re-
the railroad boys here and we denominate the Ishinaelues and saws with mandrels and will sell
wi.-h-him successat his new place ( illiterates of the country press, and 300,000 ft. of timber about 100, oo
of busintiis. The graded school . on another page of the s-ame issue tt7cut innhe woods and on th
at this place came to a close last 0 ujs paper prints a collection of
Advertising rates made known on
A large cement plant is to be
built in Rockcastle countv which
when completed, will employ 600 ( pupil
Friday and on Sunday nijht
Rev. Rowe, of Shepherdsville,
pastor of the Methodist chun-h
hero preached thecom mencement
sermon from the text: '"But seek
ye first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness and all these
thing shall be added unto you."
Matthew 0: 34. Owing to being
a larger building the Baptist
church was used. The audience
was large and the sermon a deep
remarks emanating from the rural
roosters whose tenor aud general
tone isanything but complimentary
to him. Looking disinterestedly
and casually at yesterday's Courier
Journal, we could not help being
reminded of a flock of martins
darting viciously at a hawk, w.th
juht about the same effect. Dan
ville Advocate.xYes but it appears
those same birds have about strip-
tisi church where for a time ri
ligious differences were forgott n
and Presbyterians, Methodists,
Deciples, Baptists, Catholics and
Lutherans met and worshipped
together. On Monday night the
rave an entertainmeut in
to 700 men in making cemem anci U)e "New Masonic" which was
mining coal. I the finest thing of the kind ever
Tne president of the corpora- h(lld in Lebanon Junction. The
tion which is behind the enteiprie - hf)USe Was more than crowded aud
says his company has built five members could not even find
cement plants in the United States standing room. Each pupil did
and he is more enthusiastic over his or her best and but few, if any
the prospect in Rockcastle county 1 ,lotiCeable mistakes were made,
than he has been in anv former 0n Tuesday night, the exercises
proposition. Nature, he says has . closed whh a driU participated in
provided in Rockcastle countv all 1 by tne sixteen graduates. A
the materials, including the fuel, I tabeau by the ten female gradu
for the manufacture of the high-jates representing the "Ten Vir-
ped most of the feathers from the
one, the minister dwelling at 0id hawk but his hide is too tough
length upon character building, to be easily pie: ced by the well di
There were no other services held rected thrusts fro n the beaks of
in town, but all met at theBap-! the martins, of th country press.
mill yard. W ill also sell a large
yolk of work oxeti weigh 3.000 lbs.
and two log wa ons. Will sell
for a bargain to the ri ht man L
sold at once. The timber is on
what was part of the George
Livesay farm 3 miles from
Maretsburg and five miles from
Mt. Vernon.
Call on or write me at Wabd. Ky
Wm. Price.
est grade ot Portland cement, a
condition which does not exist at
any other plant in th? United
States. On the strength of these
advantages the company is in
vesting a million dollars in the
Kentucky is a State of varied
gins," also some other selections.
Prof. Kenneraan, of Bowling
Green. Ky.., Dean cf the Western
Normal School, of that place,' de
livered the graduating address
and Rev. Rowe presented the
diplomas with a fitting speech.
G. V. Campbell, professor of the
mineral resources aud with its two schooi then announced that more
great coai field should present than the required number of the
strong inducement for the invest-, graded schooi graduates had been
ment of capital. Cheap fuel is a f urni,n2d lo comply with the law
factor of great importance in the J aud that the vote cast and carried
that Lebanon Junction would s'e-
success ot industrial projects and
in Kentucky it may be had in
quanities practically inexhaustible
The county of Rockcastle is but
one of many counties where there
is a big field for mineral develop
ment. Material for the making of
first-class cement is buudant in
many localities in the State and in
frequent cases the fuel supply is
right at band as in the case in
Rockcastle, where u'mountain of
coal is ranged alongside a mouu
tain of cement material, thus
making possible the development
of two important industries at one
time and by one organization.
In a S ate so favorably located and
endowed for manufacturing pur
poses there should be rapid in-
cure- a high school and
would begin at ohce to
their already very commodious
buildings also that he had been
unanimous!;' elected principal or
president of the school. Much
praise is due Prof. Campbell for
the untiring paths he has taken
with the graded school here for
the pat three years .His good
work i& felt and its efforts seen
on every hand. Startiug in he
met with much opposition but
now every patron and student of
the school is only too glad to lend
him a helping hand and eager to
receive his instructions. Prof,
Campbell is also a minister, pastor
of the Christian church here, and
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chexnky & Co.
T6ledo. Ohio.
We, the undersigned, have
known P. J. C .eney for the last 15
years, aud believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transact
ions, and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin.
holesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system., Testimonials sent free.
Price, 7;c. per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family pills for
I will on Monday, May 27th,
1922 at the front door of the
court house in Mt. Vernon sell at
public auction to the highest and
best bidder the following tracts of
land for taxes due the county and
W. B. Dillingham 165 acres near
B Owens tax and cost $45.05.
Elmer Houlc 154 near B. Owens tax
and cost $25 69,
T. J. Niceley, S. R. C
is hearty, vigorous life, according
to Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio.
"We find,' he writes, "that Dr.
King's New Life Pills "surely put
new lite and energy into a person
Wife I believe they are the best
made." Excellent for stomach,
liver or kidney troubles, 25 cts
Chas. C. Davis'.
House Cleaning Made Easy:
We have a big selection of straw
mattings. carpets, rugs, lace
curtains, scrim, curtain net, all
from which you can easily select,
your spring house furnishings.
Sutton & McBre.
J. M. Hewell. a popular drug
gist of Greensburg, Ky., says,
"We use Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in our own ho sehold
and know it is excellent. " Eor
ale by Chas. C. Davis.
For Infants, and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
We are showing a splendid
line of Mattings,
Carpets & Rugs
Bears the
Signature of
We guarantee the quality and the
Drice shows for itself. Inspect our line
Delore you buy what you want in fur
niture. Come and see our line If
we do not have what you want, we
will get it
We are next door to Fish.
Lame Shoulders is nearly always
due to rheumatism of the muscles,
and quickly yield to the free ap
plication of Chamberlain's Lini
ment. For sale by Chas C. Davis
Children Cry
cSf When you feel Zazv, E
sfl Stretchy. KaJr SIcS. E
?sj Blue and Out of Sorts, U
ii look to the Liver; it 13 R
dustrial progress now that newjis knowntoa8reafc many in Ro(jk.
castle county, he having held sev
eral revivals there also, preached
the dedication sermon of the new
Buckeye Christian church and
was pastor of Brodhaad church
for some time-
railroads are beinp constructed and
are offering new opportunities
for the investment of money by
men "of means and enterprise.
John D. Miller paid Mt V-ernpn
. a Hying trip Tuesday. Engineer
Ghering, who is one of the help
ing engineers between Livingston
and Cozatts has moved his family
to Livingston. L. G. Falin, of
lhe dispatchers oflice of the L. &
N. at I ivingston, was in our town
Tuesday a.m.. Mr. Falin, we
are informed is learning the road
to bocome a train dispatcher
Here's to you Geter. The old
passenger depot which the peo
pie of Stanford looked upon as
I being an eye-sore to that city for
so long, after being torn down
and replaced by an up-to-date
one, was moved to this place, re
built and will be use,d for a sup
ply house for Main Line and Leba
non Branch. Mr. Noah Smith,
who lived in this place for a long
The Commencement program of
the Brown Memorial School will
be as follows:
Thursday evening, May, 23rd.
Piano Recital
Friday evening, May 24 Under
graduate Entertainment.
Sunday Morning, May 26, Bac
calaureate Sermon.
Monday. May, 27, Eighth Grade
Graduating Exercises.
Tuesday May 28, High School
The annual address at the High
school Commencement will be given
-y President John C Acheson of
Caldwell College. Music will be
furnished by Miss Dodson, of
Browu Memorial School;' Mrs.
Smith, and Mis Shatter, of Cald
well College.
The piano recital will be at thf
time and whoowns sfivfiral hnnspa I d. t... :.. -1 . ....
, irjcauyieriau cuurcu ana Will la
here now, has moved with his, elude the pupils of the music de
iamny to Juouisvnie. engineer
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v Magruder bought the property
Mr. -Smith vacated. Mr. Smith
goes to his new home with our
best wishes. He will be missed
from among us, especially in
church and Sunday-school circles.
Mr. and Mrs. Casper Adams, of
Illinois, were here first of week
the guests of Mr and Mrs. Fred
Bishop. Mrs. Adams was form
erly Miss Monta Martin, daughter
of our old school teacher, S. H.
Martin of Mt. Vernou. Mrs
Bishop was formerly Miss. Myrtle
Lee Adams, of Mt. Vernon. G.
W. Lewis, who for several years
was in the dry goods and grocery
business here sold his stock of
groceres to Duvall & Lasley, a
Part of the undergraduates en
tertainment will be a cantata, by
the grammar grade, pupils and
part two a play by the High
school girls.
The dormitory family picniced
on the hills Friday-evening.
For soreness of the raucsles
whether induced by violent exer
cise or anjifry, Chamberlain's
Liniment is excellent. This 'lint
ment is also highly esteemed for
the relief it affords in cases of
r leumatism. Sold by Chas. C.
UiXVlii. - v.
la the Remedy Yon Need.
It Is an Invlsoratlnff tonic for
a torpid liver. Tne lirst dose
brings improvement, a few days
use puts tne liver in fine vigor
ous conUIt.on. Ilerbine also ex
tends Us restorative Influence
to the stomach and bowels. It
helps dirrcstlon ar.J food assimi
lation, purifies the bowels and
brlnjrs baclt the habit cf retru-
lar daily bowel movements.
When the stomach, liver and
bowels are active, bilious 1m-1
purities no longer obstruct i
functional processes, the result
of which Is renewed enercy.
mental activity and cheerful
Price 50c per Dottle.
JameF.Bal!ard,Prop. St.Loula.Mo.
Use Stephens Eye Salve for
Sore Eyes, it Cures.
SoloAno RcconncNoco Bv
Realty Co.
;Ve do a general Real Estate
lilbuai ie; nan lie town and farm
, property, do abstracting ami
" pass on titles.
If you wantto sell list your prop
witli us; if you want to buy we
can save you money.
One Way to
Save $J,000
ff Give yourself a note
M for $1,000, due in
four years. Plan to
pay it off in monthly
installments of $20.
Deposit your payments
in this bank, on sav
ings account.
fi The deposits you
ir make and the inter
est they earn will give
you a nucleus of a
larger fortune; your
next thousand will
come more quickly and
more easily.
$Save 1.000 at this
bank. Begin to do
it NOW.
Tie People's Bank
U.G. BAKER, President.
F.L.THOMPSON.Jr., Cashier.
CLAUDE C. COX.Ass't. Cash.
Dont Deny Yourself The Pleasure of Having
Goob Piano Music in Your Own Home
The piano is the greatest of all pleasure instruments for the home
and it is no longer necessary to be 'an accomplished musician in order
to play it.
Human Ingenuity has made it possible for anyone to play a piano
by means of perforated music rolls thus eliminating years of tedious
practiceand placing the responsibility of correct playing on the piano
rather than on the pianist.
Has every device necessary to make the piano "human," but vou will
realize this ouly when you hear it played. That is why we want you to
let us demonstrate The Autnpiano. It's just like going to hear some
great pianist play only there is no admission charge.
F. B. ENDICOTT, Dealer
& x&ya$x$& araSacgDxeSgacaE
Brodhead Ky
Heck.-You should never borrow-
Pinkr.-I didn't. I acquired mine
at the altar.
Coffins, Caskets and Eobes.
All Mail, Telegraph or Tele
phone ordeVs Promptly
k JniH
v7 .t iir rm itt mil 1 r irriir v
Cn I-'njuJB kjw "
j&3c$s3; yc308yap3K&c$&x&
S lift,
?w B'T
jfc Bo '
EACH WEEK, where you wi
always find listed the beit of goods, which
are sold for a fair margain of profit Goods
bought right and soldjright are the kind of
goods that it always pays to buy.
Our Motro has always been to give
to our customers ithc very best goods
possible for the money.
Thanking my customers for the pat
ronage in the past and .asking a continu
ance in the future I am
Yours very truly
. Mt Vernon, Ky
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