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The Clay City times. [volume] (Clay City, Ky.) 1901-current, February 02, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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J. E. Burgher, Publisher.
We are Here to Help Clay City, the Surrouiding Country and Ourselves.
This subject if creating quite
a stir in Kentucky just now.
With the defenders of the bible
nit mie side nd the subjects of
evolution on the other sine. There
seenm tn he (piite ;i variation he
I a'hcii the two.
The hihle teaches that (im
cren'd man in his own im ai:e
evolution tenches man to havt
originated from brutes, a n d
guesses at winch specie. It is
lin h "-ilde to believe the teach
ins of that part of evolution
and t lie hihle too.
It is unlawful to teach th hi
hle in the schools supported hy
the State.
A hill has heen introduced to
place the same restrictions on
that part of evolution that con
tradicts the hihle.
A man who will sanction
a law to prohihit the teat hinz of
the hihle in state schools, and
favor anfi hihle teachings as to
the creation of man in these
same schools has already demon
strated one thing, he is really
sincere in his heliefthat he has
liru'e parentmre.
Nothing is so harmful to the
hihle, nothing is so degenerating
to the human mind, and its con
ception of self. This doctrine is
the fore runner of atheism, and
infidelity. It should he curded
hy law.
Jail Breakers Caught In Clay City
Wednesday niydit of last week
live men escaped from the Irvine
jail. Two of t he men, Amhrose
Lynch, charged with forgery and
Puzz Henry, charged with whis
key operations, made their way
to ('lay City w here they have rel
atives, (ireen Covey, U. 8. Dep
uty Marshal and .John Rowland,
special deputy, followed them
here. D. H. Hurt arrested the
men on a hack street. He had
A. (i. ShinifessH qualified as his
deputy who assisted him in his
arrest. They took the men hack
to Irvine that night. The jail de
livery was ell'ected hy sawing
seven-eights steel liars in two.
Blaze in Shimfessel's Store
Early Tuesday morning a blaze
was discovered in O. Shimfessel's
store which caused considerable
damage before it could be extin
guished. The bucket brigade put
in effective work in u very short
time. Many of the goods were
carried to safety, taking no
chances on the fire gaining head
way. This fire is a reminder of
how badly we may need a lire
department and more especially
water works.
Stops Up Road
liev. (ieo. W. Mcintosh has put
a fence across the new road on
the Powell side of the Irvine
road. The liev. Mcintosh agreed
for the change in this road under
cerain provisions for change of
fence and new fencing, all of
which was started in good faith,
it is claimed, hy the good road
people, but evidently has chanir-
ed his mind. His fencing this
road greatly damages those per-
sons who have put up their cash
to put the road through.
Bus Line to Winchester
Mr. C. K. Mize, who for the
past year has carried passengers
to all sections radiating from
Clay City in his trusty Kurd, will
shortly put on a motor bus line
between this city ami Wim'hes
ter. The bus will leave Clay
City some time after the down
train runs and go direct to Win
chester. It will return in the af
ternoon hefore sun down. This
will he of great convenience tojtucky at as low price as any sold
every body who wishes to go that
way. It will at. least enahle them
to go and come in daylight.
Mr. Mize together with doe
Mount, the Foul agent, left tn.
day for Cincinnati to get a new
Ford Chassis. They will go from
there to Greenlield, Ohio, ami
get a new hus body for the ma
chine. When the new hack .'ine is put
into operation an effort will he
made to connect Stanton with
jitney service.
Little Child Dies
Mildred, the bright littl
months (-Id daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Chaney died Tues lay
at liev. Sherman linhbins in this
city. liiiriitl at Stanton Wednes
day. Funeral services at Stanton
Presbyterian church hy the liev.
Ii. A. McConagha. Mr. Chaney
lives at Hazard but lie ami Mrs.
Chaney were visiting here when
the child took sick. Mrs. Cha
ney is a daughter of Kev. liub
bins. Miss Eubank Sings in Lexington
Miss Vera Eubank, of this city,
sang Monday night at the Lex-
ingion College of Music by spe
cial request of her teacher. Miss
Anna Chandler Golf. Miss Eu-
bunk has a rare coloratura sopra
no voice, beautiful smd promis
ing. The audience who heard
Miss Eubank and others, was en
thufciastic in praise for the mu
sicians. Light Plant Here
Tiie new light plant is here and
installed now ready for the wir
ing, lirilhant lights can be had
; .. ........ 1........ ... . I. . i. . r .. I
in jum ....nil- dt me ujucn oi a.
uu.ion. y,my one-nan cent an
nour lor-'o watt lamps; jU watt
bulbs one cent an hour. Uontin-
uous current, night and day. No
hetter service in any citv or;
Stock Sales
Don't forget the pubic live
stock sales in this city Saturday,
February 20th. Let every body
who has stock to sell bring them
in and everybody who wants to
buy live stock be on the ground,
and in this way help to build up
for Powell county something of
value, lieinember free lottage
and free weights.
Ground Hog Day
Today is Ground Hog day and
a ininy day from beginning
to en,, N Io"k out for t,,e w
ter he foietells. Hut surely the
day was more enjoyable than one
cloudy he could not see his
A Kentucky Proposition
The Great Southern Infilling
Company, of Lexington, has en
tered the Powell county field for
the delivery of their products
ttluegras Gasoline, Movoline
Motor Oil ami kerosene. The
simple fact that their oil is pro
duced in Kentucky, is refined in
Kentucky, is owned hy people of
Kentucky und their products are
as good as any delivered in Ken-
in Kentucky, is just reason that
their gas and oils should he used
hy all the people of Kentucky.
The McKinney Sale
The sale of Moses McKinney
was largely attended Tuesday
and articles sold well.
Kitlit rows sold brought from
?iT to .f;S;nne yearlinir Here
ford bull, HG; 8 Hereford heifer
calve S'5.") 00 each ; D erade calves
from 2" to $1(5 (10; one aL'ed
horse, ?'1 00; nne4yerir.nldhorse.
$112 oO; : sheep, $S (10 each;
one sow and pigs .f ll f.0; 2 IdOlh
shotes .flOOO each; one sow
fl.") 2."). Household goods brought
good prices.
Card of Thanks
Through these columns we de.
sire to express our thanks to those
persons who rendered assistance
in the sickness and death of our
dear little daughter, Georgia
Mav. We also desire to thank
Uro. Nelson fur the words of
comfort spoken in his remarks at
our home before laying away the
precious one.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Powell.
Vote on Bond Issue Abandoned
The proposition to vote ten
millions in bonds for the Ken
tucky I'niversity has been aban
doned. We failed to see why
this school should be given any
thing, if they continue to tearh
that man originated from a mon
key or some such other beasts.
One-half t h e Christian people
would not think of sending t heir
children to this school where they
receive such obnoxious and silly
Road Bonds Not Popular
There is considerable senti-
nient aj:amsr the lifty million
I dollars road bonds becauee of t he
(defection of those in charge of
their buihling in the past. The
cost has ben too hiirh. P.etter
wait until we learn how to build
roads economically before we put
thirty years tax into them.
There has been a great slump
in price in Kordson tractors as
will fie seen in the Ford man's-ad.
today. The Fordsou is a remark
able machine at a remarkable
A Day Late
The Times is a day late, hut
this could not be avoided this
time. Several items are crowd
ed out also.
Grant Witt and assistant was
here yesterday doing some tin
spouting for the Clay City Hour
LISTEN Remember our bulk
roast white mule coffee, lSe lb.
J. J. Curry.
The Mothers' Club gave a social
meeting Tuesday afternoon. The
topic of general discussion wa
education .nd how best to im
prove our school. Stndwiches
coke, eollee and hot chocolate
were served. The members and
guests present were:
Mrs. W. J. Mountz, President
Mrs. W. T. McGuire, Vice Pres.
Mrs. K. Wilson, 2nd Vice Pres.
Mrs. James Illoom, Treas. ; Mrs.
II. II. PheriL-o, Sec; Mrs. W. E
Armour, Mrs. O. L. Knight, Mrs
W. li. Eubank, Mrs. A. P. John
son, Mrs. Ida Carr, Mrs. Carrie
Groves, Mrs. Caroline Derickson
Mrs. S. T. Carr, Mrs. J. li Nel
son, Miss Mary Nelson, Airs. Win.
C. Martin, Mrs. Whittinghill.
Mrs. Derickson put in her
membership, which was very
much appreciated, and we hope as
the weather gets better that a
mothers that are interested in
t heir child's education and future
will come out and join this band
of workers. Workers is what it
takes, not flackers, to put this
great problem through which our
town and children must have.
If you are interested and want
to know what we are doing, meet
wiin us every last lhursJay in
each month at 2 o'clock.
lothers' Club.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mr. T. E. E istin, of Winches
ter, was here Monday.
II. I). Curry, of Winchester,
was here yesterday looking after
his property holdings.
V. C. Martin, Veteran news
paper ( rreFpondent, of (ienet,
spent the week end with rela
tives in Clay City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kye, of
liarboursville, spent the week
end with VIr. and Mrs. A. P.
Johnson. Mr. Iiye returned Mon
day but Mrs. Hye remained over
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Puell Abney, of
Patsey, were here several days
the past week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. O. F. lingers, who is a broth-
er-in-law to Mr. liogers. Mr. Ab-
ney is thinking of moving to
Clay City within a week or two.
Tanlac has made life worth
living for millions of people who
had almost, given up hope. It
will do the same for jou. C.
In loving memory of dear sis.
ter, Lizzie Martin, who died De
cetnber Pith, FJ1.
Dear sister, since from earth
you passed away, it makes our
hearts ache, as we think of your
sun shine and shadows fall sweet
remembrance. Oh! how we miss
you, dear sister, each day more
and more, and we hope to be with
you some day, on that bright and
happy shore.
A preciouii one from u ha gone,
A voice we love in still,
A place U vacant in our home,
Which never van he filled.
(iod, in Hi wisdom, ha called her,
we trust the soul ii Hufe in Heaven.
Hy Hiitte r and brother.
Mrs. Evans Dies at Beattyville
Mrs. Julia Kvans, wife of Dr.
J. II. Evan?, died at Heattyviiie,
January 22 after an illness of one
year. Mrs. Evans will Le re
membered as Miss Julia McGuire
who was a stenographer at the
Clay City National Hank twenty
years ago. Mrs. J. C. Patrick,
of Stanton, and Mrs. Lijlie Tip
ton, of Spout Spring, are half
sisters of Mrs. Evans.
Dr. Martin reports the follow,
ing births :
To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Keg
ley, January i8, a girl.
To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hall,
January '-iS, i rl .
"Tanlac made me feel young
er." "It put me back on the pay.
roll." ' lean eat whatever I want
now." "1 no longer sutler from
indigestion." "I gained weight
ratidly." These and many more
expressions are now heard daily
as people tell of their experience
with Tanlac. C. Shmifessel.
Porn, to the wife of Joe Creech
January -Sth, a boy.
Horn, to Shelby Yearv and
wile January the 'JOth, a boy.
Emmit Knox, of liichrnm d, is
visiting relatives i n Powell
Mrs. Kelly Fulks
wus in Lex-
a physician
ington consulting
John Combs bought the old
boarding house and lot at Nada.
Price paid t-'.VJ.
Mrs. Ketta Kinser, of North
Fork, attended the I), of A. Coun
sel here Saturday.
Ernest A. Faulkner is visiting
friends and relatives at Whites
burg mid Hazard.
Mrs. Henry Daniel, of Stantoi,,
spent week end with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ernie Fulks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fulks,
Misses Maggie and liosa Ford
were iu Lexington shopping
Misses liosa und Maggie Ford
and Mattie McKuabb, Ueckhaiu
Catro , and Emmit Knox attend
ed church at Nada Sunday.
Clay Centers has moved his
family from Nada to Campton
Junction. He is engineer for the
Mouutain Central li. H. Co.
liev. L. F. Martin will preach
here uext Saturday night and
Sunday the 4th and 6th daya of
February. Every body come.
It Went to The Spot
Henry E. Campbell, I). F. D.
No. 4, Adrian, Mich., writes:
had a bad cough for three years.
Tried several cough remedies.
(Jot little relief. 1 tried Foley's
Honey and Tr. It went to the
spot. There ii oo better remedy
on the market." Good for coughs
cold, croup and whooping cough.
Clnldreu like it. Sherman Kob
bins & Sons local detlers.

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