Newspaper Page Text
r 'M n ILtL IT 1 t . T I V, ". r r K fM m a vyt- : r: If V ss iliffp"lfr vjrT1"i",,iwB rntTrMsittk LcxlditM Meet, , ' Sf) 'The 2:06 trot for $1,00 tlie sec- ona any, jluo j.rHiw.yiVKiiiiurz;w , trotters June 1 for $5,000 the third .day, the $8,000 Free-for-Al! Trot the seventh day; The October Prize, t jkriother $5,O0O race, for 2:08 trot- Jane 1, tho eighth day, will ming to the Lexington. Meeting every trotter of extreme speed now racing. Thoso will includo Dudie Archdalc, 2:04i; Billy Burke, 2:033: Anvil, 2:0Ci; Baden, 2:05 J; Brace Girdle, 2:05$: Cheeny, 2:07i$ Zarrino. 2:07; Annie Kohl, 2:07i; Oakdalo, 2:07i; tho Califor nia marc Helen Stiles, 2:0Gi, J. Malcolm Forbes, 2:08: .Shawbay, 2:07, and mnny others,. Tho Lex ington Meeting is always full of surprises from tho fact thtt at that season many hors03 reach their best form and previous winners frequently loso form, making the result a matter of doubt. The Transylvania is tho championship t race of tho year. It is the best Iff .. liiiown. classic on tho trotting turf w.-rmf.. ' - . . "nd needs no comment, lho ucto ber Prize is a newly opened event on the same plan, and the Free- for-All trot is the second of its kind at Lexington. It is hard to tell which of the above will eclipse the others. So go to Lexington early and stay there until 'the meeting is over. Transfer Wagon. I am prepared to do all kinds of hauling. . For prompt delivery to and from trains, 'phone 321. 9 tf Geo. W. Anderson. The. BEST is always the cheap est. If in need of furniture, car- ets or rugs, see W. A. Sutton & Son. Best home killed steaks and roasts at Vanarsdell's. . This Space Belongs to The Man Who Sells The Earth 11 OF ORNAMENTAL Wood 4 Mantels' Tiling and Grates ALU KINDS OF Building Material I can Save You Money G. H. ST0THER Bank Street Mt. iterllnn. - Kentusky II COAL, HAY and FEED t 111 llnttmnvi llnnr la in hiii nun muni H ""1 I 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If i lJ.UiilliU.lI If UUl Ban Li McDona Bros Ji' .A30 HEAVY HAULING fcfpi'1 uiWi. Wnnipmii Nelp'ffeeM M the flemtt. Th Democrat of the Eleyenth District earnettly belier that they can; elet Ylnn. "Ben V. Smith to "Congress. They know they can if they' can get enough money to pay the legitimate expenses of the campaign. This they are in sore need of and an urgent appeal is made to all Democrats who want to sco Caleb Powers beaten and tho district redeemed, to send at least one dollar to Colonel Yood son May, member of the State Democratic Committeo and mana ger for Mr. Smith, at Somerset. "Power is in nature tho essen tial measure of vright." This tremendous- truth was uttered by one of tho greatest thinkers and mild est mannered men of all time, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Nature allows nothing to live that is not self-reliant; she sweeps into her graveyard tho thing that cannot support itself. Tho hurricanes blow through tho forests and level to tho ground tho trees that can not withstand the blast. The hur ricanes of chance blow forever against the human being and they who are not fortified with inner resources, who are not self-relant and unafraid, aro leveled liko tho trees in the forest. , There is no nobler sight than to see a sap ling bend before a strong wind and then proudly right itself. Every time we allow some one to do something that wo could have done ourselves we undermine to just that extent tho foundations of Self-Reliance. All luxury tends to degrade tho human Jjeing by making him more and more de pendent upon the external world. The more a man depends on what he has got, the less he will depend on what he is. Every useless pos session is only another brick around the neck of Self-Reliance. The human soutyis an inexhausti ble battery, a storehouse of in finite forces. It never fails the self-reliant mind. Only extrane ous opposing forces can destroy those internal forces. How few discover themselves 1 How few dare believe in themselves I There is nothing harder than the achieve ment of a constant Self-Reliance. But it is supremely great just be cause the few achieve it. Ex change. H.Clay McKee&Sons Buy, Sell and Rent Real Estate, Loan Money, to or For You. Write the Best Insurance Execute Bonds for you, put vou Next tc best investments. Sell The Best Autos Te White Motok Cak. Don't fai to see them. 44-tf. Farm for Sale. I offer for sale privately my farm of 144 acres, all good tobacco land, located on Donaldson creek, in Clark county, 4 miles from North Middletown and 10 miles from Mt. Sterling. Fine drinking and everlasting stock water; well fenced; near church and school. Has dwelling of 9 rooms, 2 halls, 2 verandas, and all outbuildings, 2 large tobacco barns, stock barn, etc. H. C. Giixasme, R. F. D. No. 1, Winchester, Ky. East Tennessee phono No. 28, Wades Mill Exchange. 11-tf October is here in purple and gold and glory and the smile of tender heavens brings memories of tho summer's blush and bloom just fled, while her magic wand leads over pasture and field, "whore reapers sing 'mid the garnered grain," or dream of days to bo when tho friendly, wino is in the tankard and tho corn is in tho barn; if there should bo another Eden more beautiful than tho last, God could not place it in a fairer spot than the Blue Grass Land, where bursting granaries tell of prophecy fulfilled and trailing yino and flame lit sky give promise still of bettor days beyond old winter's wicked rulo.(Country papers ploase copy.) Alright. Have you tried the B. & O. ..!.. m 1K onrlQAnanfiil ff.Ja the beet on the market for the money. Try it. S8tf S. E. Kelly & Co. yinr I Cn WVvfi HvINMi If there were not scores of other reasons these ten would bo suffi cicnt for tho election of Wilson and Marshall: The Wool Trust, tho Cotton Mill Trust, tho Harvester Trust, tho Sugar Trust, tho Steel Trust, the Aldrich Rubber Trust, tho Gug genheim Smelter Trust, George W. Perkins, Political Agent of tho Morgan Interests and Associated Trusts; Frank Munsey,Press Agent of tho Steel Trust and Theodoro Roosevelt, tho sido show by which tho interests hope to divert the at tention from tho real issues of tho campaign. Every trust is against Wilson, knowing that if elected he will carry out every promise of tho platform, including that to reduce import duties on the necessities of life and break up the criminal con spiracies to keep up their high prices. '. Itch I Itch! Itch I Scratch ! Scratch! Scratch I The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. It cures piles, eczema, any skin itching. All druggists sell it. lm Currency Reform Urgent. In one of his speeches on his re cent western rtour, Governor Wil son, seeing that the American peo ple aro beginning to suffer because of tho prosperity produced by rec ord breaking crops, said that the currency question is a most press ing one; that its obstacles to our prosperity and business must bo removed, and that "the stubborn, stiff, antequated system, which cannot stand the strain must be made elastic or else we can not stand our own prosperity." One of the supreme necessities of the country is a reform in our cur rency system, and Governor Wil son, recognizing it, does not hesi tate to boldly demand it. Wanted. Have a party that wishes to buy residence property worth from be tween 2850 and $3500. If your property is for sale list it with me. 7 tf W. Hoffman Wood. Houn, Dawg'will be hear in a few days. lltf J. H. Brunner, The Shoe Man. Drinking Cups. Are you violating the law by not using sanitary drinking cups in your place of business? Better get in a supply before an Inspec tor comes around. We have them for sale. Advocate Pub. Co. Phono 74. tf for Sale. Seven nice meat hogs for No vember delivery. B. F. Mark, 11-t.f. ' Bring us your country produce. We w'H treat you right. S. E. Kelly & Co. 12tf High-class printing quickly done at reasonable prices. Advocate Publishing Co. Tho days are getting as short as a man that owes $10 and has only ten cents in stock. Let Sutton & Son furnish your homo, then you will have, tho BEST. It will cost more else where. Tho best that's made in carpets, furniture and rugs. W. A. Sutton & Son. mmwiwrtiWHWimwmiWWimi The Man who Cuts Prices to "Down" Somebody, will be the Somebody. Let the DO YOUR Drv Cleanina. Pressina and Renairinn No need to send your work out of town. We clean all kinds of Ladles1 atirl finfe rrnrttipnts M All Work nrjr- ttr A inc fiiuKtim Ik Paul Weckesser. Prop. IbaMwawmaa 1 Made N Mistake. Reoscvclt is the only spectacular noniineo for Presidont in this race and he is a marvel as a campaigner. Thdmas R. Marshall's is tho most cpigramatic of all tho public speakers in this campaign. He is coiner of new phrases as well as an originator of new ideas. The plain peoplo understand Marshall. He is a remarkablo campaigner and it is avident to nil thinking men that tho Baltimore convention made no mistake when it named him for second placo on tlip ticket. In 1008 there were 1,500,000 more Repub licans than Democrats in tho United States. Tho revolution wns nec essary to drivo tho Republican party from power and the bolt of Theodoro Roosevelt was the begin ning of the revolution. Direct from the national headquarters is the conviction that Woodrow Wil son is certain to bo elected Presi dent of the United States, that Roosevelt is tho man the Demo crats must defeat nii'd that if an election could be held today Will iam Howard Taft would emerge from the debris of defeat a poor third. Arkansaw Thomas Cat. Montgomery County (,'ourt, Sep tember Term, October 1st, 1912. Pres. Jon. G, A. McCormick. On October 1st, 1912, D. W. Jackson and more than 20 other citizens and legal voters of tho Spencer voting precinct of this county filed in the County Court of Montgomery county a petition asking tho submission of the ques tion whether cattle or any species thereof shall be permitted to run at large in said voting precinct, and tho court being advised, it is now ordered that the officers of election in said Spencer votingpre cinct open a poll at tho next regu lar election held in said precinct for tho purposo'of ascertaining the will of the voters in said precinct upon tho question: "Aro you in favor of making it unlawful for cattle or any species thereof to run at large on tho public highways and uninclosed lands of Spencer precinct?" A Copy Attest: ' " v Keller Greene, Clerk Montgomery County Court. 13-lt To Consumers of Natural' Gas. In answer to many inquiries, the management of this company is pleased to state that the plans which vere made public last fall, for extending its main lines across the mountains of Kentucky to the West Virginia gas fields, have been put into execution; the work of constructing the line has been vigorously prosecuted although from tho nature of the country it has been a difficult and costly un dertaking -and we aro absolutely suro of its completion in ample time to furnish all consumers with a full supply. Wo deem it proper and fair to give our consumers this information so that they may know how definitely our company is faithfully performing its prom ise to use every effort to furnish them with a full and dependable supply of natural gas for many years to come; and also to notify them that after the regular read ing of meters in tho month of De cember, 1912, tho rates will bo ad vanced five (5) cents per thousand cubic feet. Central Kentucky Natural Gas Company (Incorporated). 13-tf Iloinz Pickling" Vinegar is used in all their goods at Greenwado's. Guaranteed ivTT'rxrfcll T JlI - 'Phone 343 u5l IEXINGTON OCTO. 8 TO 19 THE WORLD'S GREATEST CONTESTS KENTUCKY T. H. RflS35,OOoKfl $21,000 TIIE JCENTUCKY. FUTURITY $ y.000 TUB AVALNUT IIALL CUT $ 5,000 THE TRANSYLVANIA - -9 3,000 THE CASTM3TON CUP - $ o.coo ciiAMrioNsinr stallion . $ 5,000 TIIE OCTOBER PRIZE - A BIG STAKE k Weber's Prize Sand of America One Fare-RAILROAD RATES-One Fare WRITE FOR TROGRAM i IF YOUR PRINTING IS WORTH DOING AT ALL IT IS WORTH DOING RIGHT. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT JOB. Advocate Publishing Company INCORPORATBD 'Phone 74 Mt. Sterling, Ky. FOR AN ENGINE THAT CAN BE DEPENDED UPON ALL THE YEAR ROUND TRY THE IA. G TIME SAVERS SAVERS, FROM PRE WITT COINTY COURT DAYS. Following is a list of dnys Comi ty Courts aro hold in counties near Mt. Sterling. Bath, Owingsvillo,. 2d Monday. Bourbon Pans. 1st Monday. Clark. Winchester, 4th Monday. Fayette, Lexington, 2d Monday. Fleming, Flommgsburg 4th Monday. Harrison, Cynthiana 4th Mon day. Madison, Richmond, 1st Mon day. Montgomery, Mt. Sterling, 3rd Monday. Nicholas, Carlisle. 2nd Monday. Courteous treatment, prompt delivery and your trade appreci ted. S. E, Kelly & Co. 12tf M THE WORLD'S) BEST TRACK B. ASSOCIATION - TUESDAY, OCT. 8 WEDNESDAY, OCT. O THURSDAY, OOT. 10 - MONDAY, OCT. 14 - MONDAY, OCT. 14 "IVEDNESDAY, OCT. 10 EVERY DAY GAS AND GASOLINE I H H Engines AND LABOR 1 to 50 H. P. & HOWELL Exceptionally Low Colonist Rates VIA Southern Railway TO THE- WEST Oil Sale Daily September 25th to October 10th, 1912 Call on Local Agent for Rates, or write J. C. BEAM, A. G. P. A. St. Ioui3, Mo, SJBRV- PHONE NO. I, 4Mrj