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- w v' Wy .r - -- w Vk ni Sfc. i If "i. wwvwwywyyyrtViW iJfL .A1P Sizes ATS- Dtferson's Drug Stone. VUir Eta :. ;,"'Fhone 129. No. 10 Court St. MMAAAWAAWAMMM ' ! V M M M W V PER80NAL. J 2(Mr. T. P. Triplett is in nia oa a business trip. Vir- Mr. Asa Bean is attending tho A, trots at Lexington this week. Air. Harry Stephenson spent i Monday in Louisville at tho races, Mr" Rnntrtr MpHjiiiIav. nf Vnr. sailles, visited friends here Sun day. ' ., , . . Mrs. W, T. Colvin is the guest of her sister, Miss Minnie Heil- man., . js-Mkl Dora Gnnn.ofjfediasabolis. is visiting the family of R. J. nunt. r . ivar. nurnson ocom, or vexing' too, spent Saturday and Sunday- v' vip, -Miss-Anna Caswell Prewitt wasJ the giijes't of fien'ds in Lexington the first of the week. N, Dr. J. W. Renfrew and wife, andiMiss Qllia Triplett are attend ing the trots at Lexington. Miss Mary Crawford Lloyd has returned to 'Cincinnati" to resume her study of-voice culture. MrsR-d?. Thomas, ud 31rs. Emileo H. Reid were in Lexing ton for a few days last week. Wv tv- rij Tkf:li- , : n::.. nati several dfi.lftst week attend ing the Printed Cost Congress. Miss Catherino Greene was the guest of Miss Florence Ray Evans in Winchester Saturday and Sun day. . , Mr. Claude Hazelrigg, of Frank' fort, spent several days in -this city with friends and relatives-last week. Messrs. J. C. Gaitskill, Riggs Sullivan ana .Koger Jtiedden were guests of friends in "Winchester Sunday. Mrs. L. D. Gatewood left last week for a visit to friends in Chicago, Decatur, Ala., and In dianapolis, Ind. Mn. W. AT. Williams, nf Mnro -jr 1 t fP York City, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. S. A. Hamline, has returned homo. Mrs. G. E. and Mrs. G. L several days week. Coleman and Mr. Kirkpatrick spent in Louisville last Hi TT ERFECTI0N m y 1 ( ERR'S I I I ill FLOUR J - 13 Has Obtained Its M IF 3B Popularity by the g vP j Contents of Each Sack jj IMrtflfetWyAt and John JL Sbwp ipwit Sumfay in Lgchucioi. Miss LouIm Lloyd apatit moral days in Cincinnati the past week. Mr. Clarence Stephens motored to Lexington'Monday evening and spent the night. Mr. C T. Evans, of Winches tor, ..was a visitor in this city the first of the week. Messrs. Richard French and Rico Wyatt motored to Lexington Mondny lor tho day. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stephens, of Covington, are visiting Mr, and -Mrs. Bruce Wilson this week. Miss Clay Henry, of Clark county, was tho guest of tho Misses Setters tho first of the week. Miss Gladys Pieratt has return ed homo after an extended visit to Prestonburg, Ashland and other points. Mr. George Kearns and wife, of Cincinnati, visited tho family of Mr.- W. 0. Chenault Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Jas. R. Magowan, Nat Young, Jr., and Howard Brown are attending tho trots at Lexing ton this week. Judge Lewis Apperson, Messrs. W. B. White and Jno. A. Judy are attending Circuit Court at Owingsville.this week. Miss Elizabeth Brown and Miss Elizabeth C. Brown, of Sharps burg, wero the guests of T. F. Triplett and family this week. Judge H. Clay McKee, W. R. McKee and wife andWm. Car rington have returned from-a mo tor trip to Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Sarah Cohen, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Foster Rogers, for several days, has returned to her home in Lex ington. Mrs. S. A. Roby, of Neptone, Ky., who has been visitipg her sister, Mrs. 0. S. Million, for the past two weeks, has returned to her home. Mr. J. Will Clay and wife, son, Caldwell, and Richard French re turned Thursday from a delightful motor trip to Niagara Falls and other points. Mrs. Georgia Deitsh, of Cleve land, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wil son, for the past two weeks, re turned homo Saturday. Hon. E. D. Stephenson, of Prestonburg, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Con gress in the lenth listnct, oppo nent of John W. Langley, this city last week. was in '- Hon. W. J. Fields, Congress man from this district, was in this city Thursday in the interest of his candidacy for re-election, and is'cbnfident of victory by a hand some majority. - .Large numbers from here are attending the trots at Lexington each day. An immense crowd went down Tuesday to see the trotting of the Kentucky Futurity and another largecrowd ia ex pected to go Thursday, Transyva nia Day. 80.CIAL, EVENTS. Mrs. Thos. Scott entertained her sister, Mrs, Geo. F. Burns, and little daughter, Agnes, of Decatur, 111., and Mrs. James Der'ckson,of tho county, and her mother, Mrs. J. 0. Allen, of Ewing, from Wed nesday until Thursday of last week. In compliment to Miss Bogie,' Mrs. Richard P. Thomas and Mrs. Eimlee Reid have issued invita tions to meet Miss Bogio at the homo of Mrs. Tljomas this after noon, to which many aVo looking forward with a great deal of pleasure. ritETTT 11E0IPE flHOWEIt. ' Mrs. Frank Duerson gave a pretty "Reqipo Shower" last Sat urday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Arabella Bogie, one of October's charming bride's elect. The guests were met in tho hall by Mrs. Duorson, who was lovely in a green embroidered chitton gown. J. hose receiving stood in the living room. Miss Bogie gowned in gray charmeuse over gold lace, and was assisted by Mrs. Emilee Reid, Mrs. It, P. Thomas, Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick, Misses Lucy Clay Woodford, Louise Lloyd and Nell Tipton. Mrs. Chas. Duerson presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Amanda Thompson Howell at the desk in the spacious hall, where each guest recorded her "favorite recipe for the bride-to-be. In the dining room Mrs. Anderson Bogio and Mrs. Grover Anderson seated the guests. Tho circular mahogany table looked especially artistic. In the center was a gilt basket filled with huge white asters and foliage, encircled with candlesticks holding white tapers and bon bon dishes with whito mints. An appetizing lunch was served, after which each guest was given a pretty souvenir with the date of the wedding. The party colors were green and white, and about the attractive rooms of the home were numerous house plants and quanti ties of white dahjias,',and .asters. The shower was one of the many numerous lovely affairs to be given for Miss Bogie,- and much enjoyed by those present. W. P. Guthrie has charge of United Clothing Stores' business at Mt. Sterling and will be glad to have his old friends and customers come to see him. THE SIGK.:r4 Mrs. L. L. Brideforth, who has been quite sick for the past ten days, is considerably betterl Miss Mary Catherine Laughlin, who was operated on at Lexington for appendicitis last week, is get ting along nicely. Mrs. 0. S. Million, who has been confined to her' home for some time, is able to resume her duties at her dressmaking estab lishment. Brooms. Special sale this week. Regu lar price 30c each, now 20c each. This is your opportunity to lay in a fresh supply at a low price. Tho Fair. Death of Infant. Tho little son born to Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hoskins, of the county, on September 27th, lived but a few days, dying September 30th. The little child had been christened John Marvin. Mrs. Hoskins was formerly Miss May Thomson, of Clark county. The young couple have the symoathy of many friends in their sad loss. Rocker Sale. $3.50 and $4, for Saturday only $1.98. J, W. Baber; Cor. Main and Bank Sts. President Taft and ex-President Roosevilt can find sufficient conso lation in the fact that they will defeat each 'other aad 'revenge is r kk . ?. o -. j !AfRRfQEQM $ ..'. 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS. STOFElt-klNGO. Tho date of the Stofer-Ringo wedding has been set for Wednes day, October 30th. Tho wedding will take nlaco at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Stofor and will be one of tho pret tiest affairs of tho season. MOIUUS-OATE8. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson H. Trimble have announced tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Julia Tum ble Morris, to Mr. Alfred -Gerald Gates, of Indianapolis, Ind. Tho wedding will take place in the late fall. Miss Morris is one of tho most charming girls in our city and a social favorite, and tho an nouncement of her engagement will t be of great interest to her mapy friends and admirers. nOOIE-HUNTINOTON.. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bogio have announced Hie engagement of their daughter, Miss Arabella, to Mr. Webster Perit Huntington, of Cleveland, Ohio, the wedding to take place in the late fall. Miss Bogie is a member of one of the most aristocratic families in the State and is a typical Southern girl, possessing beauty, many graces of heart and an enviable disposition which have endeared to her countless frjends through out tho entire Bluegrass where she 'has long been known as a leader in social circles. Mr. Hun tington is a member of one of the foremost families in Cleveland and-is prominently connected with State and city affairs. He has made many friends here during his visits to this city by his courte ous gunner and gentlpmanly quali ties. -;; RELIGIOUS J 9 There will be a union meeting ofaffTToung People's Societies of our,,jcity , in . the Presbyterian Church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clopk. There will bo-an address by Mr. C. F. Evans, of Lexington All are cordially invited. United Clothing Stores, corner Main and Maysville streets, Mt. Sterling, hare a new line of Cloth- ing,wHats and Furnishings at low prices. 5 BIRTHS. - To' the wife of A. L. Skidmore, October 8th, twins both girls. Best Furnishings Clothing Stores. at United Wins Endurance Stake. Solemia won tho four-mile En durance Stake at Louisville Mon day, defeating Star Charter, the favorite, who was not in the money. Colonel Holloway was second and Azo third. Tho time was 7:10 4-5, a world's record, and tho purse was worth $10,000 to the winner beside a $1,000 cup. Tho winner paid $16.20 for $2. I j Insurance? I DO YOU UILD? WE- WILL FURNISH THE MONEY For particulars see any W. A. Sutton J. L. McCormick J. F. Reynolds W. R. Thompson MT. STERLING Building and Sayings Association ; ITTTJITTTVTTVYYTTTVTTYTTYYyTVyvyVVTTTYTTVTTVyVTl MftMnninnnruvuTLruvinrirwjinnrinrMj Sutton-Eastin Co. JFunora Directors and Smbalmors Ambulance Sorvco Corner 77fain 7ay 'SPnono 48 Horses Sold. A. B. Setters and J. R. Peed, who have been campaigning in the south, have returned home. They won several races with John Bowan 2:15, pacer, and sold him to Shack elford & Miller, of Tennessee, and also sold their running horse, Mal low Dixon, to Mr. Barnett, of Knoxville. These gentlemen had a very successful season. John Rowan will be further campaigned by his new owner on the southern circuit. Had you heard that W. P. Guthrie was selling goods at his old stand oh tho corner? Addresses Missionary Society. Mrs. Ben R. Turner, of this city, will address the missionary societies of the M. E. Church South Wednesday morning in Win chester. Her subject will bo "Op portunities and Duties of Press Superintendent." Mrs. Hoffman Wood will have charge of the de votional exercises Wednesday af ternoon. The meeting will hold a two days' session. All the latest music at The Fair at 10c a copy. Public Sale. The Vice residence and stable on tho Public School lot, on Mays ville street, will be sold at auction, on the premises, on October 16th, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., same to be dismantled and removed from the premises by purchaspr without injuYy to the property. Terms cash. Charles D. Grubbs, President Board of Trustees. Hit hkMBMa WANT TO of the fdllowing: W. T. Tyler G,H. Strother 'C. D; Grubbs R. P. Walsh and Zftank Siroets 9hAt 'Phonos 295 ard 23 former Mt. Sterling Boy Blows Out Brains. Mr. Max C. Napier, formerly of this county, aged twenty-three, first sergeant in the Thirty-fifth Heavy Coast Artillery, committed suicide Monday morning in his quarters at Fortress Monroe by blowing out his brains with a re volver. Napier formerly lived in this county near the Menifee county line, where had many friends who will be grieved'to learn of his sad fate. 11 health and despondency are said to bo the cause for his rash act. Home killed meats at Vanars dell's. Spring lamb and country ham at Greenwade's. The nice Oval, Round and Square" iPciure frames IN OUR WINDOW This 5s the proper time to get the Fram ing done for the Holidays before the regular rush. Bottom Prices for all Framing Call and see them at '-- x. said to be sweet, -The Commoner.