Newspaper Page Text
wr St r rer & ,iS.t !tf &y v - u H F i w Mr Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of Sip, Ky., writes: "I was so sick for 3 or 4 years, I had to hire my work done, most of the time. I had given up hope. When I began to take Cardui, I knew, right away, it was helping me. Now, I am better than ever before in my life, and Cardui did it" 64 Take CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Cardui has helped thous ands of weak, tired, worn out women, back to health. It has a gentle, tonic ac tion on the womanly sys tem. It goes to the cause of the trouble. It helps, it helps quickly, surely, safe ly. It has helped others. Why not you? It will. Try it Get a bottle todav! Over ffty Per Cent. Increase. The report of the Federal Bu reau of Labor, after an investica- tion of the prices for the last ten .years on Gfteen of the most impor tant articles of food shows that ten of them have advanced over fifty per cent, in ten years, while all have nearly so. That is to say it costs more than half as much more to live now than if did a decade ago. That the increase is due to the tariff which in maDy cases, goes to enrich the favored interests of the Republican party without in many cases helping to pay the expenses of the govern ment, hardly admits of a question. A vote for the Republican or the .third party tickets is a vote to continue this unbearable state of affairs. The election of Wilson and of a Democratic Congress means an immediate downward re vision of the'tariff on the necessi ties of life and consequent high cost or living, in other words a full bucket and a great deal less money to till it. m i I. Get your lunch goods for Pic nics and Outings at Vanarsdell's. Lata mi the Trusts. Without industrial liberty th American idekls of -social and in dustrial justice are unattainable. Wo fear that the now party plan Of legalizing industrial monopolies would unwittingly become the in strument of industrial servitude America seeks for its workingmen shorter hours, higher wages, and better working conditions as tho fruits of industrial Democracy; but tho new party offers them as a substitute for industrial Democracy. It asks us to abandon tho American ideal of industrial liberty and to. establish the German practicopf benevolent industrial despotism to enthrone monopoly mado good by law. The country was horrified re cently by tho discovery that the Steel Trust, which had paid fabu lous sums to promoters and stock holders, worked many of its em ployees twelve hours a day seven days in tho week worked them, too, at such low wages that, oven if a man toiled his twelve hours each of tho 365 days in tho year, he could not earn enough to pro vide n decent living for a small family. Tho doctrine of legalized monopoly threatens to perpetuale tho cause which made such condi tions possible and which must breed similar evils in the future That cause is tho huge, ovorweeing power of tho great trusts, the in exhaustible resources of organized capital, which enable it to prevent the organization of labor and to make the term ironmaster a real ity. America must breed only X i ee men. It must derclop citizens. It cannot develop citizens unless the workingman possesses industrial liberty; and industrial liberty for the workingman is impossible if the right to organize be denied. Without the right to organize, short hours, high wages, and the best of working conditions, wheth er introduced by legislation or by the welfare departments of great .corporations, can do no more than make slavery luxurious. Collier's. ! ftWIMHHHH, OR. C. W. GOMPT0N, tHmtlst Mt Sterling, Kantueky All Work Guaranteed ami Price Right Offlco In Mm tin UulMlutf. rhone Bit H. R. PREWITT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , M t . Sterling, Kentucky. d Office: Court St., opposite Court House, Samuels Building, front room upstairs. on. g. m. HORTON Veterinarian Office at Peed & Horton's Livery Stable. Office Fhone 498 Residence, 34. Calls answered Protnptly. 3-lrr ' X Will You Spend ONE DOLLAR to Elect Wilson President? r How deep is your conviction that this government ought to be in new hands, in clean hands ? ' H6w much are you in favor of a clean slate from Wilson and Marshall clear down the line to the very smallest offices in your locality? The Democratic National Committee has every reason to believe that every pro gressive votef is willing to spend a dollar to elect Wilson and Marshall and their ticket. , And that thousands are anxious to contribute to' the Wilson Campaign Fund in amounts of $2, $5, $10 and $20. ' To such we make our appeal. To such we must look for victory. DR. W. B. ROBINSON Votcrinarian OBIce and Hospital on High Street Office Phono 551-3 llculdonco Irhono 651-2 Culls answered promptly Examinations free Assistant State Veterinarian. -THE- Home-killed meats at Greenwade's. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspepsia and constipation weak ens the whole system. Doan's Kegulets (25 cents per box) correct the liver, tone the stomach, cure -constipation. lm Drinking Cups. Are you violating the law by not using sanitary drinking cups in your plnco of business? Better get in a supply before an Inspec tor comes around. We have them for sale. Advocate Pub. Co. Phone 74. tf wwvvwwvmwvvwvvw Patronize Home Industry All Work Guaranteed MT. STERLING Laundry Co. WHT How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. T. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. TVe, tho undcrsisned. havo known P. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe htm perfectly honorablo In all business transactions and financially able to carry uuv uiiy uuuKiiuons znaao Dy nis urm. NATIONAL BANK OP COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Curn Is tnVin tntornnllv acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Company TIME OF TRAINS AT MT. STERLING In Effect June 2. 1912 (Subjeot to change without notloe) LEAVE z 6:54 a. m, x 3-47 p. m, t 5:50 a, m X 2:03 p. m, t 9:30 a. m, 112:39 p. x 9:37 p. m 8:59 a. m. For and From Louisville Louisville Lexington Lexington Rothwell New YorK l.Wasb.'gton t Norfolk j Richmond Hiuton ARRIVE xi2:39 a m- x 9:37 p. m. t 8:59 a. tn, t 7S P. t i:5S p. m. x 6:54 a. m. .3:47 P. m. Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cara on Express Trains. Consult agents for particulars, x Daily. ' t Weekdays. Lexington Eastern liy TIME TABLE. Effective May 23, 1911 " STATIONS The fast Pacers at Lexington. In the 2:00, 2:01 and 2:03 pacing classes and The Tennesse, for 2:05 pacers, included in the program of Kentucky's Great Trots, there will be seen the fastest performers of the year of that gait in tho keenest competition for first place. These fields will be made up of such stars as Joe Patchen 2nd, 2:03i, the champion of the season; Braden Direct, 2:03f; Knight .Onwardo, 2:05i; Jones Gentry, 2:05$; Evelyn W., 2:00i; Independ ence Boy, 2:03i; Don Dens more. 2:04i; Peter the Second; 2:04i; Branham Baughman, 2:05i; Sir R., 2:03i; Ess H. Kay, 2:00f, and others. The Tennessee comes tho first day, the 2:01 pace the third day, tho 2:00 pace the seventh day and tho 2:03 class the last day. See them all. If you havo any.job printingyou want done in a hurry, let the Advocate do it. HERE'STHETOG BOURBON REMEDY CO., Lexington, Ky. Enclosed find photo of hojr that was cured ot cholera with your Bourbon Hog- Cholera Rem. ydy. This bog-wai almost dead before Uilce the medicine, and then was entirely cured, ex. Jf'ojy o'ers. tail. etc. Thohog:U owned by USt Ule,,.F.wk?' ' "owllnjr Green. Ky. Hi wU, b gU4 to 8-1 vo yon a testimonial, and we can eet several more if you want them.. - JENKINSSUBLETT DRUG CO.,1' Bowling Qreu, Ky. Ask Your Druggist lor It Lv. Quicksand . ... Lv. Jackson " O. & K. Junction. . " Athol " Beattyville Junction. " Torrent " Campton Junction . " Clay City " L. &E. Junction. . " Winchester Ar. Lexington No. l Dally A.M. 505 5:10 5:35 6:03 635 6:43 7:19 7:51 8:05 8:50 No. 3 Dully P. M Time An Important Factor This is another case where time is money. The enemv have their funds -suntilled Inntantlv hv the Interests. We have only a few days and contributions to be effec tive must be received at once. There is no question of the money of the People being able to defeat the money of the Trusts, Because it is greater even in volume and will be used in straightforward telling ways. But td be effective it must be received and used within the next few days. Quick action is absolutely necessary. Let us have your contribution or the list you make up from your friends and co-workeis today If possible, tomorrow sure. " How Your Money Will 3e Spent Woodrow Wilson, our standard bearer, has never bad the time or disposition to talk about himself. He has never used spectacular methods to place himself in the spotlight. His greatest work has been done withont ostentation, in tho most expeditious, dignified manner. The great' mass of voters do not know what a really great man Wilson is. They do not know all he has done. They do not understand all the features of his platform. We must tell them. To educate this great nation of voters, especially the clear thinking Independent Democrats, Republicans and Progressives who choose their leader on his merits, means the expenditure of.a vast amount of money. We propose to use your dollars in Just this way judiciously, and without a penny frittered away for an un scccsssry item. We know yon have confidence we will do this thing and successfully. Why the Dollar Counts In this campaign the issues lie between the forces of Representative Government and Popular Government. In Representative Government only a part of the people have Influence those with no political faith, who spend fortunes in any direction where their own ends are fur thered for money. In Popular Government all the people have influence, because their executives and legislators do not dare to thwart the expressed will of the people. Representative Government, aa ever, this year is being supported by the money of the Interests. It is being spent lavishly to give the voters a wrong Impression of Wilson. Popular Government, this year, to win, must depend on the truth being told about Wilson. We must publish his record and platform broadcast so that no ono can controvert it. Your $1, your $2, your $5, your 110 or $20 will count and ount to win if spent in this work. Head a List For the Fund If you know several Wilson voters, or work in a place ' where there are Wilson voters, take up a subscription from all of them. Place your name and the amount of your subscription at the top of the list and get the others to join you. Mention the name of this paper on your list.' Then mail the list and contributions to C R. Crane, Vice , Chairman Finance Committee, Democratic National Com mittee, 900 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, III. , This is-the most helpful work you, as an individual, can do for clean government next to casting your ballot for Wilson and Marshall on November 5th. How to Contribute to the Wilson ( Campaign Fund Sign the .Coupon in this corner and fill in the amount you give. Then attach your Money to this Coupon and mail today to-the address given on the Coupon. Issue all checks, money orders and address all con tributions to C. R. Crane, Vice Chairman Finance Committee Democratic National Committee, 900 Mich igan Avenue, Chicago, III. Then write a letter to this newspaper giving your name as a contributor and stating your reasons why you believe Woodrow Wilson should be elected President of the United States. In, this way you will be listed as a Wilson con tributor. A Souvenir Receipt, handsomely lithographed, well worth framing, will be sent to you. Your letter will help the fight by encouraging your friends. Do everything vou can to hold nrj Wilson's hands in his cleancampaign for the people who do the work and fight I Snt or tnp rrtnntrv. T Woodrow' Wilton Campaign Fund , LOYALTY COUPON ToCR. CRANE, Vie Cbabmaa Flnone Committee, Tho Democratic National CommttUo. 900 Michigan Arcana, CMcaio, lllinoU. A a believer In the progressive Ideals ot government repre sented In tho candidacy of Woodrow Wilson for President of the United States, and to the end that he may take the offlco free handed, antrammeled. and obligated to none bat the people ol the. country, I wish to contribute through you the earn of $....... toward the expenses of Gov. Wilton's campaign. Name., Address. . R f. P.... ,........ OtatB. ................ a. H. Endorsed by 1:25 1:50 1:57 2:22 2:51 3:12 3:30 4:05 4:37 4:50 5:3S STATIONS Lv. Lexington " Winchester . . . , " L. & E. Junction . " Clay City " Campion Junction . " Torrent Beattyville Junction ' Atho " O. & K. Junction " Jackson Ar. Quicksand . . . No. 2 Dally P.M. i:3S 2U7 2:35 35 3:47 4:04 4:25 4:52 5:19 535 No. Dally A.M. 7:20 8:03 8:18 8:50 92f 944 10:04 io:30 10:57 npS 1135 C03iTaiTBCa?ZOiTS. LEXINGTON Train No. 1 will make connection at Lexington with the L. & N. for Louisville, Ky. No. 3 will make connection with the L. & N. at Winches ter for Cincinnati, O. CAMPTON JUNCTION Trains Nos. I, 2, 3 and 4 will make connection with Mountain Central Ry. to and from Camp ton, Ky. BEATTYVILLE JUNCTION Trains Nos. 1, 2 and 3 'vill make connection with the L. & A. Railway for Beattyville. O. & K. JUNCTION-Trains Nos. a, ,, and 4 will make connection with Ohio & Kentucky Ry. for Cannel City, Ky. and O. &'K. stations. CHAS. SCOTT Gen, Passenger Agent ouit line or fresh and "Cured Meats STAPLE and FANCY Grrocexles' Cannot be Improved Upon Courteous Treatment Prompt Deliver; Robinson & Moore Phone 251 Mt. Sterling, Ky, i . H t I E5i rf IHr If M send your Laundry away I tK from home when you, can f fA - getitdone just as.gqqd.and w w$ Jus ceaP rht here - France is getting so very re spectable, despite all the stories a e a. . 1 1 told about it, that kissing" is even now barred on the railroad trains. A couple of lovers on the line between Paris and Pantin, having secured an empty compart ment, were making tho best use of the short time of solitude be fore them, when a sour-visaged ticket collector requested them, not top courteously, to try to be hajef themselves decently. The young man defended himself warmly. "I am behaving with perfect propriety," he protested, in kissinjj my tiance. It is not only ' my privilege and pleasure, but my duty as well. I'll begin again tomorrow if I please." The worthy collector, too, had his own and a less pleasant conception of duty, so the exhuberant couple were soon in the presence of the station master at Pantin. "But, sir," sobbed the girl, we did. noth ing wrong at all; wo were only kissing each other. There's no law against that." "There's tho company's regulations," solemnly averred the station master, and that was the end of it. Our equipment is the latest im proved, thereby enabling us to do your job printing cheaper than the other fellow. Advocate Publishing Co. FOR SALE. Spring wagon in good condition. Apply to Htf. M. It. Hainline. Some folks are always talking about rest for the weary, but tho trouble is they get weary six days in the week, and they havo got to rest up all day Sunday, About 50 head of fine Montgom ery county registered saddle horses will bo sol'd at tho Fair Grounds in this city at public outcry, Thurs day, October 17th. 12-3t Now fresh, clean line ot staple and fancy groceries at S. E.' Kelly & Co. . . 12tf I jCoans I I insurance ' S?ea Sstate I I GREENE, STROSSMAN & HAZELRIGG I m h I') OUTOUTHISADJ MOLES and WARTS I for the removal of MOLES and WARTS without pain and leaving neither scar nor mark is the same remedy that we sold yoiy grandmother, and has, since its first appearance upon the market, carried.iwith it the UNANIMOUS INDORSE MENT of MAN and WOMAN. MOLESOFF was the best in pioneer days, is still the best today. Our long experience protects you. We guarantee. .Letters from personages we all know, together with much valuable in formation, are contained in an attractive booklet, which will be sent free upon request. ' If you have any trouble getting MpLESOFF, send one dollar direct to the undersigned. Onelhundred dollars in gold will be paid to the party mailing to 'us a picture of themselves before and after using MOLESOFF; these pictures to be accepted, and used by us, for ndvertisingJilOLESOFF. One million peo ple will see yourjpicture with and without an ugly growth on your person. y fLORIDA DISTRIBUTING CO., Dept. A 255 2-26t PENSACOLA, FLORIDA. EASILY i REACHED .-J I CHICAGO, ILL, CINCINNATI, 0., COLUMBUS, 0., CLEVELAND, 0., DETROIT, MICH., TOLEDO, 0., AND ALL POINTS NORTH. ATLANTA, GA., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., CHATTANOOGA, TENN ' DALLAS, TEX., GALVESTON, TEX., JACKSONVILLE FLA., NEW ORLEANS, LA., KNOXVILLE, TENN., SHREVEPORT, LA AND ALL POINTS SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. "' all points North, East, South and West VIA THE THROUGH CAR SERVICE OF THE QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. KM FARES AW ALL 0TH6R MfMMATMN, CALL M M WK li. C KINO, PaMosgtr aad Ttefcat As, let 8. Mots a., . . , vxiNmtitt ifv W. A. BSCKLER. CUaml Parage Agnrf cmSS5S?HJSi? . fj IF 1 f - 4J I V I ni jv I V m 8 4v ! 1 m , ' I ' lot jus Era?1 J ' V Br w HflflateaBoakaaSBaCXr Y 'M X-MbJialsUadlllSlI 3HMKKSk4i' M