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Ft 1 f - it. rfJl. '' 7jrii " 3J t .; , tf h- r it nk. ' V $fi i; f ft TutfsPills TMf pefwlar remedy never fall te effectually cure ysnepsia, Constipation. Sick Headache, Biliousness ,Ami ALL DISEASES arising from a Torpid Liver and Dad Digestion v The natural remit Is Rood appetite and tolld flesh. Dose small: etecont. Iyengar coated and easy to swallow. Take No Substitute. PREVENTION Of DIPHTHERIA. To the Health Officials, Physicians and People of Kentucky; The unusual prevalence of diph theria iri many sections of the State makes it the duty of this Board to again call attention to the best known methods of pre venting the occurrence and spread of this disease. vj x jJipiunoria is ootn conta tTgious and infectious, and is dis tinctly a preventable disease, being ?, easily limited to tho first case or v cases. When it gets aways from the primary cases and makes its jgOv escape upon the community some. im! ooay is to blame. The sooner we ". accept this as a sanitary maxim 1C V - 'no sooncr w0 shn.ll begin to do f?f our duties as individuals and com- nlunities. 3JV f 2 On account of its frequency eaL and fatality this disease is of far Kr "Tnbre importance to the people of &; Kentucky than smallpox, yellow ITJ" . "" '" frurnr nr nVinlprn. 3 When a child has sore throat, and especially if diphtheria is in the neighborhood, it should be separated from other children until a competent physician has 'seen it and' decided whether or not it is affected with a contagious disease. 4 If diphtheria, strictly isolate the case at once, in an up stairs room if possible, and as discon nected as practicable from the liv ing and sleeping apartments of other children. No one except - the--physician and nurse should enter the room, and they should take every precaution not to carry the infection to others. 5 Tho Board urges the hypo dermatic use of a standard anti toxin, such as Alexander's, in at least 5,000-unit doses, as soon as tho disease is recognized or seri ously suspected, and that this dose should bo repeated or doubled within twelve hours unless marked improvement has taken place. If case is seen after the first twenty four hours use from 7 to 2500 units the first dose, depending upon severity. It recommends that ' immunizing doses of 1000 units be used for all children, and especially for all inexperienced relatives act ing as nurses who have been seri ously exposed. 6 Placard the house, and keep all other children, all having the ,caro of children, and all 'who go where children are, away from it. Notify the health officer of tho town or county within twenty-four hours, as the law requires, and ho w'll co-.operato with the physician and family to keep the disease from.spreading. 7 The discharges from the mouth and nose, which especially contain tho germs of the disease, should bo recoived on soft cloths and burned, and other discharges should be disinfected, and all re fuse from tho sick room burned. AH utensils used in feeding the sick should bo washed separately from other dishes, and should re main some time in boiling water. 8 Disinfect all bed and body J holographs Nothing nicer or nothing that will be more appreci ated than a picture of 2our jCitiio One We make any size and kind and our prices are reasonable - Chandler - Bryan StixMo Stwrt "tl clothing, sntf other like things, as sodn rs removed, by immersion for at least six hours in a solution of chlorido of lime, four ounces to tho gallon of water. They may then rung out and put in the wash. Remember, however, that no disinfectant in the occupied sick room can do away with the necessity for abundant fresh air and' sunlight. 9 Tho isolation of tho patient should continuo for ten days after all traco of tho diseasohas disap peared, and until ho has had a dis infecting bath and been clad in garments which have not been in tho sick room. No person from a house whoro thoro is diphtheria should be permitted to go into public assemblies, and no child from a house whoro this disease has prevailed should bo allowed to attend school without a certificate from tho health officer that it is safe to do so. 10 After complete recovery, or death, always thoroughly disin fect the room and its contents, preferably with nascent formalde hyde, or where this is not availa ble, by burning , three pounds of sulphur, moistened with alcohol, for each' 1,000 cubic feet of space, previously stopping all openings, and dampening tho floor, bedding and clothing and leaving the room tightly closed for twelve hours. Tho room should then be thor oughly ventilated, and all leges, woodwork, etc,, washed with strong boap and rinsed with a dis infecting solution. 11 In case of death, the body should be wrapped in a sheet satu rated in a disinfecting solution and buried without public service. In giving notice of death newspa pers should state that it was from diphtheria, and that children, and those having the care of children, should not attend the funeral. 12 To be effective tho precau tions herein suggested should be rigidly observed. Imperfect iso lation and disinfection are worse than useless, giving riso only to a false and misleading sense of security. '13 County and municipal boards of health have full authority un der our laws to enforce these rules, and will.fall short of their duty if they fail to do so. 14 Arrangements have been perfected under which county or city boards of health may procure Alexander's antitoxin at wholesale prices through this Board. A constant supply of fresh antitoxin is always on hand at Bowling Green. Details furnished on ap plication. Copies of this circular, and of similar ones in regard to scarlet and typhoid fever and consump tion, for free distribution, may be ha' upor opp'icat'on to tho Board at Bowling Green. By order of tho Board. "William Bailkv, M. D. President. J. N. McCokmick. M. D. Secretary. The best that's mado in furni ture, carpets and rugs. W. A. Sutton & Son. Cures baby's croup. Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mamma's sore throat, grandma's lameness br. Thomas's Electric Oil the great household remedy. lin in i Drinking Cups. Aro vou violating tho law by not using sanitary drinking cups in your place of business Better get in a supply before an Inspec tor comes around. Wo have them for sale. Advocato Pub. Co. Phono 74. tf fM& MWCHMOND.KY. V A TralHlng School for Teachers UXulM. Vtlll la all rabtfc IlLkMll of KtsMotT, BpaeUI Coojm. ftBl R . f I v InUruwlUUMd Lit kuu Gr CuufM. Tslllvll Km. lo lp- ultortM.s, nri.l Mhud, mv uuU UtlnlBz UIIUuj prioliMMttool, 4.pMufUrt'''V"!. UjIbp trsUll. Sow Terra Normbtr . Tklr-l TMM Jwmyr 17. fe.iihT.ria April ?, Siumo' wtyol P ' . (Wr"r"" J. . ORASMS, 1W4M. , UOU1U4B. iwo.iuMaiaaor ( jbmUTImHJB J HER, GREETINGS FROM TAFT Small Girl Gets tho Mentge, With a ' Ducking by Imajjlnatlvs Brother. When President Taft spoko in Eidgewood, N. J., ono of the inter ested listeners was Foster Sanford, Jr., tho tcn-ycar-old son of tho Yale football coach Foster's smaller sis ter, Mnndy, wanted to go, but she was told she was too young. She forgot her disappointment, however, when her brother returned and told her that the president had sent hqr his love. Taking advantage of his importance, the boy has been Bteadily adding to tho message- from the pres ident ever since. A few days ago, shortly after Mandy had been carefully dressed for tho evening, Bhc went down, into tho yard where her brother was sprinkling the lawn with tho garden hose. "Handy," said tho boy, "tho pres ident told mo to tell your fortune." "Did he?" was Mandy'B quick re ply, with her eyes as big as saucers. "Yes, he told mo that before very long you were going to get wet" She did not havo long to wait Running into the house with her new hair ribbon and what had been fluffy skirts dripping water, aho screamed: i "And ho said tho president told him to do it" New York Evening Post FINDS A CURE FOR CHOLERA? French Physicians In Tunis Ara Now Using Injections of Bacilli to 8top tho Plague. The Paris Matin says that the physicians at the Pasteur institute at Tunis have achieved success with the new prophylactic method of treating Asiatic cholera. Briefly it consists of injection of tho commas bacilli found in tho intertines of cholera patients. It is said that the blood thereby becomes extremely rich and renders ' persons immune from the contagion. Three physi cians, Nicolle, Conor and Conseil, ex perimented on themselves and also swallowed the bacilli. Dr. Beux,in reporting the matter to the academy of sciences said that even if the effi' cacy of the experiments were not proved they were interesting and de served to be followed up. THE DIFFERENCE. Senator Dixon, during the squab ble about convention scats for Colonel Roosevelt's friends, told a reporter that there was a startling difference in the way the committee treated one side and the other. "It is as startling, as ludicrously staring," he said, "as the difference between a farmer and an agricultur ist "A farmer, you know, chews plug tobacco and whittles a stick, while an agriculturist " He paused, then said impres sively : "An agriculturist smokes Egyp tian cigarettes and plays the piano." GOOD WORK OF WOMEN. Although women havo only been admitted to tho school boards of Wurttemberg for the last two year?, and tho women teachers have only exercised tho school suffrago for the same length of time, they have al ready improved tho school conditions of that kingdom very considerably. It was through their efforts that spe cial housekeeping schools were opened for girls, while tho raising of the 6chool ago and tho compulsory attendance at tho evening schools till tho ago of eighteen years was reached may also bo accredited to then pres ence on tho board. FAULTY EDUCATION. "I liavo just been talking to a youth who claims to havo dono ev ery tiling." v "Has ho ever wrapped a motor car around a telegraph polo afc three o'clock in tho morning P" ' "I think not." "Then ho has a great deal to learn." SAME THING. Miss Goodley Miss Bloomer seems to keep her youth still. Miss Chellus Well sho keeps her ago quiet Catholio Standard and Times. GOOD ADVICE. "This 6ort of Juno weather is very unseasonable." "Weil, don't get hot about it." DECIDE YOURSELF. The Opportunity Is Here Backed by Mt. Sterling Testimony. Don't tnke our word fcr it, Don't depend on n atranger's statement. Read Mt. Sterling endorsement. Read the statements of Mt. Sterling citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it: Charles Ncal, 12 Hamilton Ave., Mt. Sterling, 'Ky.x says: "All I havo previously said in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills still holds good. They have brought mo so much good that I can recommend them strongly. Another member of my family has a severe pain across the back. Different medi cines were tried, but nothing did any good until I read of Doan's Kidney Pillsi and got a box at Duerson's Drug Store. They proved to bo an excellent remedy and gave me entire relief." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tho United States. Remember tho name Doan's and tako no other 13-3t Don't Be Over Confident. From all parts of tho country como reports of the overwhelming sentiment of Wilson and Marshall and supremo confidence of their election. That' there are solid grounds for this confidence cannot be denied, but it is hoped that it will not relapse' into apathy. Elec tions cannot bo won unless every man does his duty and tho sacred fight is usually the winning fight. Confidence is a good thing, but do not let it cause you to relax any effort to make Democratic success doubly sure. - For descriptive catalogs of reg istered saddle horses to be sold at public auction, address or see John T. Woodford or R. B. Young The sale will bo Thursday, Oct. 17 12 3t 'Phone S. E. Kelly & Co. for Fresh and Cured Meats. 12tf Transfer and Carriage. I have carriage and transfer wagon to meet all trains. 'Phone 21 or 337. 37tf. WILL BEAN. Highest Market Price PAID FOR Eggs, Poultry, Hides Etc. G.D. Sullivan & Co. W. Locust Street Mt. Sterling, Ky, Phono: Office. 471. Kesldcnoe. 132. 13-iyr Hadden & Son Office No. 9 Court St. Residence, Antwerp Ave. Phone 546 MT. STERLING. KY. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH Summer In the Western North Carolina Mountains - Most Beautiful Mountains in all Amer ica. Loftiest Peaks East of the Rockies. Including, "The Land of the Sky," "The Sapphire Country,,,"The Balsams." Qreatly Reduced Round'Trip Tickets Principal Resorts: Ashville, Waynes- ville, Balsam, Hot Springs, Black Moun tain. Ridtrecrest, Ileudersouville, Lake Toxaway and Fairfield, Brevard, Tyrou, Saluda. Flat Rock, and many other De lightful Places. Beautifully illustrated booklets de scriptive of this country aud giving full information relative to hotels, toardiiig houses, etc., now ready for distribution. For detailed itiformaiioti as to rates, schedules, etc., see auyageut of SOUTH ERN RAILWAY. ' 48-tf Real Estate! K. D. Strattou, D. P. A., Evausvllle, Ind. B. II. Todd, D. P. A., Louisville, Ky. T, J, Counell, D. P. A., St, Louis, Mo, J. C. Beam, A. O. P, A., St. Louis, Mo. Capital Stock - - v Surplus and Profits -Stockholders Liability Surplus to Depositors Clean, Strong, Progressive Your Business Wanted 3 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Gxchango ffianc of Jtontucky MT. STERLING, KY, lrr EHKKIBIKUIKEKKnKKKEKHKKHnKKKEKUKKUKKti Special Sale For the benefit of the young ladies As this is Leap Year we will make Special prices on Diamonds W. The MT. STERLING, tS7 w i ui isiassy viowiny 1 OF Fall Models in Men's, Women's and Children's Footwear ALL THE NEW STYLES AND LASTS Stock now complete. Your inspection and pat ronage appreciated W. H. BERRY & CO, MT. STERLING, KY. FOR Country Homes Modern Lighting Heating and Plumbing It cost you nothing to have us make you an"estimate Chenault POPULAR EXCURSION HIGH BRIDGE KENTUCKY SUNDAY, October 13th 50. Round Trip Sea tho Pmout High OrUje DAND CQVCERT. Ilfch Bridge Prk, (PopuUr Airs.) TlcktU oM at LEX I NGTON Eooil on trln No. S leaving it 9,45 m, and OO SpecUl Train leaving at 11.15 am. For Full Information Call On Any Tlokat Aoant, Or Addraaa . . .H c KING, Pautngerand Tletcat Agant, 101 E. Main St. fhon49 LEXINGTON, KY. - 50,000.00 25,000.00 - 50,000.00 - $125,000.00 JOhES Jeweler KENTUCKY i J & Oiw 50 Round Trip MHHHHMHHBMLi 61 Autr. 1913 .; i &-