Newspaper Page Text
fn ' WJJ l r " 'f',n v " ' v, .;." U' w ,.. vn , f, w -y v j,w' v-" STERLING ADVOCATE. i . ITEMS, NEW AND TRUE; TIIOUBHTS, GENEROUS AND GENTLEMANLY VOLUME XXII MT. STERLING, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1912. NUMBER 16 i0 3t .1 4' Oram! Master Wlllarfl U. Carr. At the Grand Lod6 of Odd lTeHoWfe, which met at Somerset, Kjr'., lust week, Capt. WillardTu. Curr, of Ashland, but a member of Watson Lodge, No. 32, of this city, was elected grand master for the emuing .year. Capt. Carr is one of the most popular conductors oil the'C. & O, II. R. and has the run on-tho local passenger train from Lexington to Ashland. On account of his being here every Monday night, the regular meeting night of 1 Watson Lodge, ho moved jus mem- -nrership here several years ago. v Capt. Carr and Fred W. Bassett represented Watson Lodge at the Grand Lodge. The next Grand ISodge will meet in Paducah Ky. , s For Sale. ,,My surrey and horse. An extra goou iamuy norse. " 14e2t Mrs.' J. M. Biggstaff. - 1 Ney Picture Show. Messrs. Otto and Fred Dietz . ; . have rented the Sutton & Cockrell T"SuilHing, formorly ar.cupied by -"-thc Advocate. Publishing Co., and will make extensive improvements '" and start a moving picture show. i. They have contracted for the fam Vpus Florence Anderson pictures. 'The new company will bo ready for business soon. Watch for an nouncement of apening. ' Do you want a fine pony for your little b6y or girl? Be sure and read the advertisement of the sale on. another page of this paper. Appointed Deputy i ire Marshal. TVjf.. T? T Ttinmnc'nf yk..jw ,llW " - "', -" ... - . M. C. Glay, State Insurance Com missioner, has been appointed )jU Deputy State Fire Marshal under State Fire Marshal Bos worth. t Mr. Thomas' hew duties will call him to various parts of the state to inspect buildings and also to report $, on liftesot incendiary origin. His many friends hero will be glad to learn of his landing this good posi tion. , Home-made sausage, pure pork, at Vanarsdell's,. Two Promotions. K. C. Beeves, who has been stenograper and clprk at the old McBrayer distillery for several years, has resigned his position and has accepted a position with the Adams Express Company as messenger on the short line from Ashland to Lexington. He takes the-place of Barlett Paxton, who has" been advanced in the railroad business, and becomes messenger on a through tiuin. Buy a house and lot at Coyle's Sale, October 2fst, 1912. 14-2t Local-Horses Do Well. In the 2:12 class trotting at Lexington Saturday, Peter Mc Cormick, formerly owned by Ricketts & McCormick, of this city, finished 4, 4 and 3, best time 2:08i. The same day, Lucilfo Brooks, owned by J. H. Ma- 2 fiowan, offhis city, finished 4, 2 Ri.'nnd 9 in thn Q:lfi dims nadnir. best time 2:10i. Sfryan d Whitehead , annourice the opening, o f thoir.Jewelry store on Wednesday, October the-sixteenth one thousand and OiMKiJM f OR SAFE . KEEPING Prisoners Brought Here from Bath County. Other Arrests Likely to' follow Before Trial, October 21st. Sheriff Seth Botts and Deputy Cole Barnes, accompanied by sev eral guards, brought to this city nnd lodged in jail last Friday eight prisoners from Owinesvillc, Bath county. The men are charged with shooting at from ambush and band ing together to injure persons"and private property. The men ar rested and broughthere aro Sam Trayler, John Goodpaster, Roe Purvis, Tom Purvis, Len Collins, Tom Collins, Tom White and Owen Withrow, all striking union min ers from the Rose Run Iron Works and their arrest was due to disturb ances which have been occurring in Bath counly for months. There is considerable feeling at the mines over the affair. The ar rested men were sent here fon-safe keeping by Judge Young. TJie men are held under 52,000 bond. ' The cases will be called for trial October 21st, to which time- court adjourned to give the officers an opportunity to arrest a number of otnq(-s indicted for the same crime. Large basket Concord grapes at Vanarsdell's Small farm for Sale. A country home'of about 15 acres and good improvements three rajles from Mt. Sterling. Apply at this office. l5-3t Local Men to Open Poultry House in Owingsville. Messrs. G. D. Sullivan and Thomas Heinrich, of this city, have formed a partnership and will open a poultry house and produce plant in Owingsville, the erection of which, will be commenced im mediately. These gentlemen cdn templato establishing a number of plants throughout Eastern Ken tucky, and with their popularity and extensive experience are sure to be successful. Mothers. We are showing the strongest line of boys' suits ever brought to Mt. Sterling. Call arid give us a look and we will convinco you that what wo say is true. Punch, Graves & Co. Don't fail to see tho Houn Dawg. i lltf J. H. Brunner, The Shoe Man. n -t r Larger Quarters. Mr. Paul Wcckesser, proprietor, of tho Pantoriura, one of the "most modern dry cleaning establishments to bo found anywhere, has, in order to take better care of his growing business, rented two rooms in the Jordan building. nine hundred ' twelve H Cutting Scrape Sunday Evening. Sweet Howard was probably mor'tally ,'wotftided by Henry Wheatly Sunday evening, who stabbed him seven times. The trouble was said to be-over a crap game and took place just outside of tho city limits the other side of the Coal Road trestle. Wheatly was also dangerously cut, but was placed under arrest and lodged in jail by Policeman Tipton. Howard is not expected to live. Both are colored. Underwear. Special price for two days Sat urday, Oct! 19, and Monday. Court day Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Pants, all sizes, 36c each. LadieV Vests and Pants, bleached and unbleached, 20c each. The Fair. COMMITS SUICIDE I iiu iiuii vi Gun fiuuu , Alcohol and Died Monday Night P.oor Health is Thought to be the Cause for the Rash Act. "Pete" Hall, a well-known ma chinist, of this city, committed suicide at an-early hour Monday evening by drinkirjg a quantity of wood alcohol. He was found inn dying condition at 8 o'clock and only lived a few minutes. Passers by heard his moans and broke in the door. Ill health is thought to have been the cause for him taking his life. He was employed at the Sterling Bottling Works Co., and "was a machinist of considerable ability. Tho body was taken in charge and prepared for burial by Coronor G. C. Eastin. Miss Holliday's Famous candy icceived daily at A1 F.'G. Morris', 15-2t Buying in latye quantities for all our stores enables us to get and give low prices. Try Us next time. United Clothing Stores. Arbor Day. Governor McCreary has issued a proclamation fixing Wednesday, Nov. 13, as Arbor Day and urging all the peoplo to plant trees on thai; day, and calling attention to the great good accomplished by other states along this line. This Will bo the day upon which tho different trees from all the counties will bo" planted on the Cauitol grounds at Frankfort. Do you want a fine pony for your little ooy or giw uo sure and read tho advertisement of tho sale on another page of this paper. New Picture Machine. The mangement pf the Tabb Theatre have just received and in stalled one of tho latest improved moving picture- machines on the market. This will make two mod ern machine in operation and tho pictures will bo shown without in terruption between films. The Tabb management is always adding now conveniences for its patrons. See the extra good Pants at $2.50. Unitod Clothing Stores. Buys Beautiful Residence. Mrs. L. ' E. Griggs has bought of B. F. Chenault his beautiful residence on Holt avenue. This is one of tho most desirable pieces of property in this city and the price paid is said to have been a good one. ROOSEVELT WOUNDED Attempt Made to' Kill Him at Milwaukee Monday. Shot by Crank Who is Caught and Lodged In Jail. While on his way to the Audi torium to make a political speech Monday Col. Roosevelt, the Bull Mooso candidate for President, was shot by John 'Shrank, thought to be' of jJew York. The wound was only very slight, however, and the Colonel continued on his way to the Auditorium and made his speech. Tho man who did tho shooting was caught and rush ed to jail, and from his talk and notes found in his pockets there is no doubt that he is iiibuue. Renry S. Cochem seized the man and. held him until policemen came up. A mob surged around the pris oner, who is apparently mentally upset on the subject of Roosevelt running for another term ns Presi dent. Tho man, who is small of suture, admitted firing the shot and said that ' any man looking for a third term ought to be shot." in notes found in ttic man's pocket at the police station, were statements that tho man had been visited in a dream by the spirit of William McKinley, who had said indicating Colonel Roosevelt, "this is my murderer, avenue my death." A written proclamation found in tho clothing of the man who did the shooting reads: "September 15, 1912. "September 15, 1901, at 3 a m., in a dream, I saw Ptesident McKinley sit up in a monk's attire in whom I recognized Theodore Roosevelt. The President said; 'This is my muidcrer, avenge m.v death.' "September 12, 1912, 3 a. in. While writing a poem some one tapped me on tho shoulder and said: 'Let not a murderer take the Presidential chair. Avenge my death.' "Could plainly see Mr. McKin- ley's features. "Before Almighty God I swear this above writing is nothing but the truth." Another note found in the man's pocket reads: "So long as Japan could rise to tho greatest power in the world, despite her surviving a tradition more than 2,000 years old, as Gen. Nogi so nobly demonstrated, it is the duty of tho United States of America to uphold tho thiid term tradition. Let every third-termer be regarded as a traitor to the American cause. Let it be the right and duty of every citizen to forcibly remove a third-termer. Never lot a third term party em blem appear on tho official ballot. "I am willing to die for my country. God has called me to be his instrument, so help mo God. "Innocent Guiltt." (Written in German). 'A strong power is our God." Tho Colonel asked to have tho man brought to him and when the would-bo assassin was asked why ho fired tho shot lo reply was of fered. Col. Roosevelt left on his special train for Chicago after his speech at Milwaukee, and said ho expected to fulfill tho rest of his speaking dates. You will Ond W. P. Guthrie at his old stand on the corner with a full line of Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. Eye Removed. Mr. James Wallj of Morehead? met with a serious .accident hero which caused him the losfe of his right eye. Mr. Wall was work ing around some machinery when a piece of steel flow off, striking iiim in tho pupil of tho eye, and causing intense pain. The wound was hastily dressed and Mr. Wall hurried to this city, where ho was examined by Dr. J. F. Reynolds, who found tho eye destroyed. It was in such a condition that to leaye it in its place would ondan- j gor the sight of the other eye, and tho injured one was removed. Mr. Wall suffered intense pain but is now getting along all right and it is not believed that the other eye will bo affected. Mr. Wall is a prominent businoss man of More head, and has many friends who deeply regret tho unfortunate ac cident. CHAS. 0. PA A1FH ULVVLK Commits Suicide by Ta king Carbolic Acid in Oklahoma City. Was formerly a Well Known Man of Mt. Sterling. News reached this city Tuesday morning to tho effect that Charles G. Glover, a prominent business man of Oklahoma City, Okla., and formerly of this city, had committed suicide by taking car bolic acid. Mr. Glover is sur vived by his wife and several daughters, all of whom are well known here, and have many friends who will join us in extend ing deepest sympathy. Tho cause of Mr. Glover's rash net is un known here and is deeply regret ted by his many old friends, who thought he was prospering in bis new home. The arrangements for tho funeral had not been made at tho time of going to press. Somo of the finest ponies in the State to be sold soon. See large ad. in this paper. Make tier Happy With a box of Miss Holliday's candy. Received daily at F. G. Morris'. 15-2t Buy a Star Oak coal heating stove at J. W. Baber's, coiner Main and Bank streets. Had you heard that W. P. Guth rie was selling goods at his old stand on tho corner? OUR 1912 HANDKERCHIEFS have just arrived, and it is the most beautiful we have ever had. What is more appropriate for the fall bride-than a box of Handkerchiefs ? If it is a COAT you want, see ours before you buy. Blankets! Blankets! Both Cotton and Wool "Marsh" Comforts and Bats, Best Vet If new and GOOD, you will find it at mi. .. . p. mm m. -. i in . . . i . i - ........ ...a .... .. .im J. D. hazelrigg & Son's Lace Curtains Carpets S3-6m New York Wins Seventh Game. Now York defeated Boston Tues day inahc gevcotii game of tho, world's series by ascoroof 11 to 4 This makes the two teams tied in the series, each team having won threo games, there being one tie. Both teams have played brilliant, ball. The heavy hitting of tho Giants being a feature. Wood pitched two wonderful games for Boston, but was knocked out of tho box in the first inning Tuesday. Marqunrd's pitching has won two games for New York. Tesreau pitched Tuesday's game. The de cidinc game will be played at Bos ton today rind on paper the Giants seem to have the better of the ar gument. Good Goods and low prices at United Clothing Stores. Home-killed pork and beef at Vanarsdell's. Mrs. J. D. liazelrigg Tails, Breaking Hip. At her home on Maysville street Monday morning, Mr:, J, D. Hazelrigg, lost her balance and fell, breaking her hip. She is 75 years old, and owing to her ad vanced age the injury is a serious one. Extra Good Clothes for Boys. Punch, Graves & Co. See the extra good Underwear at United Clothing Stores and get their prices. billiaroparUor an bowling alley io He Opened at Trimble's Hall By Prominent Lexington Gen tlemen. Everything New and Up-lo-Oatc. Messrs. Schnfer & Adams, two popular and influential Lexington gentltMiieu, have leased the two huge liist floor rooms in Trimble's la 11 for a period of years, and to night, Wednesday, Ocober 10, at 7 o'clock, will open a lirst-class, strictly up-to-date billiard parlor and bowling alley and later will install a cigar and tobacco stand. Four alleys and five billiard and pocket billiard tables will bo used. Mr. Adams will have charge of tho alleys and Mr. bchafcr will conduct the billiaid hall. Every thing is brand new and of the very latest pattem made. Give them a call and ho convinced. Advert Isement Best steaks nnd roasts at Van arsdell's. Mr, II. P. Heid invites his friends to come and see him at United Clothing Stoics. l LINE OF Linoleums 1 . ' ki T "