wrap- p tpw ' iMiafiiwT iiihi ii ii -1 ii i ri in i I, v i in i i i i I WAIT FOR THE REAL I BIG LAND SALE' ii . g rtt r H The W. A. Sutton Farm 218 Acres Fine Blue Grass Land mmm PUBLIC .A. XT OT JOIN" Saturday, November 22nd Located on the Maysville pike, 1 1-4 miles Irom the city limits of Mt. Sterling in as good neigh borhood as found anywhere in Keritucky. The farm will first be offered in Six Tracts ranging from 20 to 50 acres, and then as Two Tracts, 88 arid a fraction acres and 130 acres, and then the entire boun dary. It is seldom that a farm like the Sutton land is knowa to be, located on the main highway of the county, within a five-minutes' drive of the city, is ever offered to buyers under the auctioneer's hammer, and the announcement that this farm will be sold at public outcry is sufficient to bring hundreds of buyers to the sale,, who will bid and buy this attractive piece of property. TRACT NO. 1 Will contain about twenty acres adjoining the Prewitt Young lands, and having a nice frontage on the Maysville pike, with a beautiful building site. This tract of land lays well, is in high state of cultivation and is a strong character of soil, which will produce any kind of crop. This tract is watered by spring and branch. TRACT NO. 2 Adjoins Tract No. 1, and has a good frontage on the Maysville pike and will contain about 25 acres, with fine pool, barn and silo, and handsome building site. TRACT NO. 3 Adjoins Tract No. 2, and will contain about 43 acres of excellent land, with the prettiest building site in the county. This tract is watered by spring near the Paris pike. Tracts Qne, Two and Three are on the West side of the Maysville pike TRACT No. 4 Adjoins the land of H. R. Prewitt, and will contain ' about 40 acres, with fine pair of stock scales, plenty of water and hand some site for a home. , ' TRACT NO. 5 Adjoins Tract No. 4 and will contain about 40 to 50 acres with the residence, tobacco barn, crib and all outbuildings, or chard and well watered. TRACT NO. 6 Adjoins Tract No. 5, and contains about 40 acres of land, with good tenant house, spring, well watered and plenty of Blue Grass. Tracts Four, Five and Six are on the East side of the Maysville pike Watch advertisements and bills next week for map and exact size of the tracts to be sold. Go and look the en tire farm over at this time. It is well worth seeing, and if you are in the market for a good piece of land, located in the best section of the county, close in, where nutural gas and electricity and city water can be had on your property for a nominal cost, you cannot overlook this opportunity. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TO BUY LAND LIKE THIS IN SMALL TRACTS NEAR MT. STERLING. See me for further particulars. The sale will be held on the premises, rain or shine, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, November 22. Keep your mind on the day and date. TERMS 10 per cent, day of sale; 23 V2 per cent March 1, 1,920; 33 1-3 per cent March 1, 1921; 33 1-3 per cent. March 1, 1922. Deferred payments to bear 6 per cent, interest and secured by lien on land. mLOW,FL.lT 'WOOD WM. CRAVENS, Auctioneer. "The Man Who Sells The Earth," Mt. Sterling, Ky. . Agents for Mrs. W. A. Sutton and Sons. . WE PRACTICE NO DECEPTION WE ADVERTISE WHAT WE HAVE; NO MORE AND NO LESS. riH3&3Kf2fiy RED CROSS SEALS gales of fled Cross Christmas seals finance in .the main the work of the Kentucky Tuberculosis! Association, Campaign Director Thweatt, in charge of the Christmas seals cam paign in Kentucky said last week. Mr. Thweatt gavo some facts in re gard to the prevalence of tubercu losis in Kentucky and in the cities of the Stato that give an idea of how widespread the whito plague is. "Statistics show," said Mr. Thwoatfc, "that Kentucky has the highest death rate from tuberculo sis f any of the states and experi ence has shown that tuberculosis is both preventable and curable. Con mis figures tell us that ono out of every seventy persons in the United Bktes dies every year and that ten per cent, of these deaths are caused by tuberculosis. In Kentucky one out of every soven persons who died last year died from this plague. "Up to 1912 tuberculosis caused more deaths than any other disease, but after that time, because of the work dono by organizations formed to teach sanitation and prevention, and the use of modern methods of fighting tho plague and its spread it dropped to third place in tho list of fatal diseases. But hoart disease and pneumonia, tho 'leaders in tho list, lead tuberculosis by only eight tenths and five-tenths of pno por cent, respectively. "There are about twenty-nine thousand nino hundred living cases of tuberculosis in Kentucky. Unless these patients are properly cared for or taught to caro for themselves evory active caso may become thq focus for five .other cases. Wo are trying to stop the needless saorifice FARM 71 acres, 2 miles of town;, main pike; ono-half in old bluo grasa sod- modern 2-story brick residence, 8 rooms, bath, furnace, 15 Rcre tobacco barn, 2 tenant kouses, fino orchard,- double corncrib, hydrant water, good well, well fenced and only priced at $30,000. FRAZER& JACKSON 14 Wtt Short Street LEXINGTON, KY. of human lives by teaching tho vic tims of this disease to practice the simple laws of sanitation in their homos, in publio places and among their friends. i "In Louisville alone there aro about thrco thousand cases of tu berlosis and last year there were flvo hundred deaths from tho disease. We are trying to step tho ravages of tho whito plague in Kentucky and with the help of tho generous citizens of the State this end ultimately will bo achioved. "Kentucky has never failed to re spond to tho calls for help through tko Red Cross Christmas seals. We havo no thought it will do so this year, but rather that it will give generously the willing gift of a gen erous and prosperous people to aid tho unfortunaio suffering a living death from a disease that can bo cured if proper methods aro followed." And raaybo some of tho meu you meet would smell fresher if they wouldn't make theSr union suits work overtime at night and acts as pu jamas. h 'After wading through a woman's lengthy latter you are expected to ko read ba,tweti the lines. PAPER SHORTAGE TO BE ELIMINATED In view of tho present paper short age, I regard it as entirely possible that soon every largo city will have its own paper recovering plant. In that way more than half tho wood pulp used every day may bo saved." Tins was tho assertion of Dr. Oliver Kamm, of the department of organic chemistry at tho University of Illi nois, who until recently had chargo of the research work conducted at tho 20 mills of tho American Writing Paper Co. "The shortage has been and is still an item of great concern to nowspa pcr uicn all over the country, and as a Jnesulfc numerous olkempts havo been mado to fund new processus for tho manufacture of paper," ho con tinued. "Straw, grass and ovom dry leaves hu'o been used with some success, but the processes necessary to inako usablo. paper from theso materials havo proved moro expensivo than wood pulp. Looking into tho future, wo havo concluded that probably in 30 years when our forests aro somo what completed, straw, cornstalks, leaves and various other substitutes for wood pulp which aro continually being brought up and found to be inferior, may bo used In the mak ing of print paper. "The most important process now used for reducing the price of paper is the re-inking and restoring tho paper that has already been used. This has been found profitnblo for book paper and other higher grades, but St docs not pay so well for use on newsprint, becauso tho materials that go into that paper aro cheaper than tho cost of re-inking." The only reason why mother doesn't bawl daughter out for getting blisters on her heels by wearing No. 3 shoes when her feet aro No. Cs, is because mother knows this is tho reason why she has blisters on her own heels. Something to worry about : Speech is about tho only thing that's loft that is free, and it's of mighty poor quality. Baby Gifts A present which tho recipient will treasure when- grown to manhood and womanhood. Porridge Bowls and Spoons. Bib Holders and Rings. Beauty Pins and Cups, aad numerous other articles from which to make your selection. -U Victor Bogaert Co. LEADING JEWELERS AND IMPORTERS Lexington, Ky. Est. 1883 "Tho Hallmark Store" ri ' & feg--'