Newspaper Page Text
as&f. ... .' ff. IfP STERLING ADVOCATE. i UUIT-THK TRKT , mWs-KB&ORIALS-ADVERTItKMKpTS' uun innij -ftniji ERLING, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1920. NUMBER 30' v j'-i" WW nJ 4MM &$ I' jiiMr to i I t'lh 4 1 , . . h P h m i v,l t,ur- li flat., i . .il BKj . -! i.iii. i . . ,, i fth.1,1., ur mff - jTa 1" i ii.i A, '.' .? Xu . i t v.narr HaKD 'y 1 !f "W PRETTY.. I ' '?TVLBG f Z rt- jr Cpno; mile ,'y ' y Jfsoia at pujiiio I ' k IIouso door here V x II naJtwSl yS Jpiown Paris roaTesta'te j jr -A reiN I'lrLjP1 s nn( Spcakcs, thtf liighn ' i I 'Mi r" m W jlg male by w H- Ramsey '- if I WHW d Ir Vd- The, price-paid, wns,$351 h, LvVV I'J -Bre, and possession will le given Irs X J J d H -i i. - lv p . twJGahf'4 V i L jf 'H ". L TO CAN'T GO INT i , GEORGETTE AND I STYLE NEW, EVER GO WRONG WITH A J' A H '. , PRICES ARE CUT Ti J V A V TDtnTJfnTTNITTV AM" 5 s, I ' 1 p if H TirA xnr pvrro a ot'7'ci t' t K m' WILIrFILL THE Bm l h m m B I a..' i i i n jtb. i I A K II - i'M bm ,.; r ""f-1 ' i m tm- B- '-1 y ' liwn tobacco. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . W . . .r A properly appreciative man meefc I ' , . U a new reason every nour ior Deing i grateful that he is riot a -woman. .B. ' - mmUMlLrr -'. Jw ra5 i. VI ster- $351 V 4 gi? A. CAMPAIBN oring-wek thw wW all the women's or- 1 t ! every town in tne 3 States on the subject of the C. A., its aims and purposes, campaign is being conducted the Nationnl Headquarters at York through the various state s. Jfrs. Ben R. Turner has been nted chairman, for ihe work in Sterling and much interest has manifested already. Sevyal. .inta U'ill.liA.ntif unUiv-tb h?l fol Y. WiJa.I. wli6ni also $n3 T.J' ,- ,V liiQiG the drive for funds for the Na LEBRATE PORHIBITION , meeting arranged forhy tlia W, U., m celebration of Nationnl mtion, was hejdin the Christian u i'iiua' uLiuruun irom xuuc 10 clojk. Mrs. C. K.' Oldham pre- ajid addresses were madefljy. a' of those presentr-Miss Mattie- otts rendered! as beautiful -s'dlo,i panied on the, organ byIiss vans. i - k ? BUYS.WAREHOUSE sS as Wt Fitzpatrick'has'''pur- from the Burley Tobacco' Co.' iff warehouse, situated injtho the warehouse for tlid'curing tionnl Headquarters. This drive will be tho last week in February. It is earnestly hoped that sufficient uifer- 3 .j ', . . - not- .i1l 1m numianA in "Aft- Cfnvliniv ti 1 A fit -l k ' l1. t lt ' eiiect an organization iiero wiin a club room for girls. I-'-" HISTORY. CLfUB ' The Women's nistorw Clu.bjicij regular weekly meeting Friday af terj noon, undertho capable leadership oMrgj;:MMpNcal. Assplendid pro gram was given as follows : k "American Painting," Mrs. Stewart McCormick. " , H' " ''fluHfe nml f1 nnltla li n .linn f c '".. r . . or ' bur grandmothers day Mrs. jpo'waf dBr Turner; vuurrent. ivenis. Mii Irdny evening spoeial; Dqn't tlio truth. It is liable to fly d sting you. " 'i the honej;mo9n he imaine itimfnt. tlint mnktj lierTVfifin Vtl " f ' ItttA 1 nr-r nrf TJ 11 r 1 rx lAn w r Ma? TPtI lunuta. uui uu ivtuua Hit ter on. NEW DEPUTY SHERIFF i Sheriff John G. Roberts has ap- nolnfc3,WilI"Ed.' Jones as dcnutV slieriff ' nf7tl Mr. Jonesf qualified on Thursday bv taking thfe oathof-of- , .. i . t, r.r 'iZtsr. nco nnu execuimg upriu. Mr. jones isjonejEJniostpopuhir young mon Vithew;ounty and has inany "friends ivlio 'will be pleased toj learn of his appointment. !W VILL MOVE HERE J Squiro-G-L-Dean, ol the county, has; purchased of Lee .Trimble his res idenqe on Holt, avenue andwillon' Marcii 1st move to thisj city with Lis family to make his home. . Tjie, sirapleepellersjwnnt "kiss" spent ki3," Up, men and nTT'eml If anv man dares to shorten a kHs shoot liim on the spot. ' EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENT Ragan-6ay Motor Co. to Make Ad ditien to Their Garage The Rngnn-Gny Motor Co. hns just purehascd of T. F. Rogers h'is lot in the rear of tho present gnrago prop erty and as soon as weather per mits they will begin tho erection of a two-story addition to tho present bftilding. The lower part of the garago or first floorjs to bo used for stor nirn nnrl disnlav rnntnR, .F.hpIi una. tomor rill be given individual space for their car, which will bo occupied only by thnt customer". Tiro upper floor wlf bo given over to their shop 'nWd will contain about as" much spneo ns their present garago building. "When completed tlAs will bo one of tho most modern, best equipped and up-to-date gorpgo buildings in the whole country , M 1 ' COMMISSIONER'S SALES Master Commissioner Will Ed. T .' - irtJilVii . . Jones sold yesterday at tho Court House dooVtno'ti. M. Wade farm of 77 acrcsft3. Clifton Gillispio at $180 Per ao,ro.This-Iand Ue near Bunker Master Commissioner Jones also sold yesterday the Edmonson prop erty on Winnstrdet to Arch Mason In? , ,1 . i , , . , ..,-.., - - --.. -Z " c n0Pe tnnt league members who get LEAGUE OF CITIZENS ORGANIZE .Miss Ednti Annette Beveridgc met with representatives of the five fed crated clubs from Mt. Sterling at the Woman's History Club rooms Monday afternoon. Steps were taken to in augurate a "League of Women Cit izens" for tho purpose of studying state, and nationnl government, and to prepafo tho women of our country JVr fljpir nW jnli'" ! vijHin fifi- zens. This league will bo non-partisan and non-scctarinn. While women uviOiigiii iO .tit) oiiuo mu ds jrcaiiy interested in it it will be as necessary and vital to women who aro not mem bers' of any society, liut shortly will have the opportunity to add the weight of their convictions to tho op eration of the government. Mrs. Hat tie F. Howell is temporary chairman of this league. The "meetings will be held afternoon Tuesdays in tho His tory 'Club rooms. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, January 2Gth, at 2:30 P. M. It is hoped that some of our townsmen will address them oc casionally and there will bo ffnstruc tipn provided. Men and women aro all welcome. The Sunday Lexington Her ald contains copies of Miss Mary Scrugham's lessons on politics and cftizensMp for tho guidance and in formation of the women of Kentucky i WESTERN; PETROLEUM j , 0PENS-UP HERE Tho Wqstern Petroleum Co. has Jjoponed.up-for-liusiness hore,-with J. 'Rico' Wyatt as manager. iThe com pany has -cre'eted -tanks on tho rail jrqad at, tho fopt of Bank street. The big truck,,rs. ,now in operation and iho. Western-has .cntcrctLthcficld-as (pompetltpiuof, the, Sfandardf OiUCom- pany fbitircisaldd151ifs products in this .section. , '.&. ?.PIE SUPFER jThoro.will boa pie supper t in ho auditorium of the Camargp Cousoli dafed School, from fi:30 until' 0:30 P. M. onJanunry 24th. There will bornQsrc "and "a'generar g"6od"tinie. Evcrj-onXs invited to come and bring their f lfiends and a pie. these will bring them to tho meetings and preserve them for reference. No dujs will be attached to membership. The History Club extends a hearty jnitation to the league to use their club rooms. Wo hope they enn have a large number of ivnnen and men, who trill meet for mutual improve ment, i DORIS FARM SOLD Ir i. , iThc John T. Doris farm of 55 3-4 mjjres,' near Camargo, was old ye's-W tqrday by W. II. Wood, the real estate jjgent, to Richmond Turlcy and C. M. Biowti, whose farms adjoin the Doris land. The price paid was $200 per acre. Economy makes happy homes and sound nations. Instill it deep. Gjjorgo Washington. THRIFT WEEK AT HIGHSSHOOL Prizes Offered for Best Essays and Pupils Arc Showing Much In terest In the Movement The Ili-Y Club at tho City High u aC.iCci is prGiuOfrinsr xarii. ur....t- Mt. Sterling, In addition to the Es say Contest, which will end next Fri uuy, u cuiiiiiriiteo from the Ciub nas posted in conspicuous places in tha city large posters which portray most vividly some of the lessons of Thrift which it is hoped, will bo practiced an this city and county more than ever before on account of National 'Thriffi Week having been observed. Next Friday afternoon at half past one o'clock all tho students will be as sembled in the auditorium and na each winner is announced he will come forward and read his paper and receive tho prize." There will bo a first and second prjze in each class f of the high school and no winners will bo n,own until called upon to, read their papers. The contributors to the fund, which made possible this observance of Thrift Week are: Mt. Sterling Nationnl Bank. Montgomery National Bank. Traders National Bank. H.'G. Hoffman, Insurance. H. D. King, Insurance and Real Es tate. The Walsh Co., Clothiers. Land & Priest, Druggists. 'it is hoped that many of the par- Lents and f rionds of the school will at tend the meeting Friday afternoon and thus encourage the students as well as hoing benefited by the papers read. No admission will bo charged. i .- n LECTURE Prof. J. T. C. Noe, head of ther Department of Education, University of Kentucky, gave a very delightful lecture under the auspices of tho Women's, History Club1 at the club rooms Saturday. V $r two OK, WUE. y- and it jwil not bemateriallyjKpf Jhe- 1 lArfA4Sl 4A AaI-IAA f VV4 A A .M A i IVOIH tit I t icaatntu iui air;u liuiu iu,ir;ui';, ierican ., n V change. J 200 HEW CASES OF'FUU" reisch-1 ARE REPORTED IN-OHICAG0 CHICAGO; Jan. .-Twe hun dred new enscs of"inSuem5 were (reported (o thajnltu 'diriment durimf the H& 9-J? nvg l Health Coromiir6neriangT)illLp icitson annoluiced t onHHtriJ5sa thW roiu in fluenMihiuid .,pieuiuonia duriu that period rttifitlca'91? 'i aOrMi!tiyi"frr)Trf"fhB",'pihf:'TliininiJ4' paljjubeeulosis dispens4ries, an ar mv of G25 volunteer nursCs w5U usit every caso 'ofinfluCna' reported. lowest (o last 14. The it tone foreign Math- 1920, istrinl b for irail- j&9K a t all '. - kSkBK. L Mii B aK SB JHT aHMpM he .. ?A JBr rchaos.B RBBJi jKP iHilk sa Bt JBe 'wee?, QP Sr JBmW ' mgr m Br r VBBB& . Jk . B Before K This j :M , ), T .na-lLoxingldh'ndraUV'Jnn. 19, 1920. . - M-. Eeonom confrou Piofess. $-1.87, is wOio di must b eily.hc bVe" F5u7 tionnl ji ' cost riir nilsb Mil . k. nh tort XJt in- -Y j- nm ,si Q'iWh l'!l)Hv I 7 3HH X, as . i ailuiKii ni -" .( ilf 3JA8 DUfl'J - Last year during-Jaimary and February we paid any u--- "number of claims under our PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE OTMHJIMi fh W) J'iOff' .'" Multiple Protection policies lor "Flu" claims EVERY- - - v, m m c. mbtew M -w ,0NE,0F,WHICH WAS PAID BY A DRAFT GIVEN AT ;. , , - ,- . THIS OFFICE THE DAY CLAIM WAS PRESENTED. OSSt ,8 '16ITMf 9 i fytttit fi i - A r A OTThis is the contract that "Pays 5Ways Death'Perraa-y3 ; 9 A $ O Yl A 51 U Ciand Total Disability, Accfdent, Sickness and Old Age W YM-UUQWa &tvri&0 JOY r vmmmmcmmmmmMixi jj.i mnnm i tu pakwdii dui-yt -'-t't- jjj 1 -x i-h'tut -it ...i l. L!li. aWBI"! JUJ i SUA 'ttStt I 104M 1 VUiUil Mi?. m5 a.t) -nh fjtir-r -.rf-s fj. Iira i- ' l nynliod Ho -ti't , itlXlltltud. r t Hi o li teiftoiftbbA siii JioiloS tW mMsm-rmm. WW BE?. snoriT I ' ' m - -t - ' ;i. i In XifiinK ,whvHi "M fiibliuH aiiH jKr & ,. nt f OnAsider Vk $&; r "" 'H' 'i & tt . i m 'h i'i in .- nl ST. I Tear Off and Mail 'H'.'G". HOFFMAN, Gen. Agt., 'Mt' Sterling,' K.' ' 1' Without pommjtting myself to any 'actidn tf duld bo glad to havo rato qQoted foi S . Life Insurance, policy, to also pay S a weea!' acci- dqnt an,d S for sickness. Klillt ( ff, ( Address ifii t 'JTff.YT -. -.K , . -J l 4k . T slsatg y.sI'ieiO 'i iii,ij."' 'A lll-'i'l,. nyji. nrrw?pf" ,l,i tli !He L&'lfeJ V A.. I I A.