Newspaper Page Text
; _THK CITIZEN. THURSDAY, NOVKMBKR 24. KKW ADVERTISEMENTS. .tOTfe-All iulTerti»er» intendicr to m*L.- :h»nr«n In tbelr .hou.d notify us ol / their Intention t«dc»n. not !at«r ibau M. n _ ' J»J morning Zimmerman 9 Xmiu opening i Sheriff's Sale for Dec !* Executors notice. «*tate of John Cn>wr Pianos W R. Newton / Miller s Rubber and Leather Shoea. •• Shanl & Naat i Suits and Overcoats C. 6c T's Furniture Agente Wanted Siereoptioon Lantern for sale * 4- Room house for sale. Doutbett <& Urahain s Overcdate 'Adniaiatrston and Executors of tstufs £ , cab—car* their receipt books at the CITI W * ZKr oil re. and penon* making uabllc *»!■-* • Ifeelr not* books. >4 I > LOCAL AND OENERAL, - Fuhioas have been changing lately: Innovations still increase, \ And tbe gobbles, large and stately. Now supplants the dove of peace When Thanksgiving times are hasting One and all. m spite of fate. Join and give the bird a basting ' Thankful be and celebrate , —Give thanks. { * —Christmas getting neai. —Snow has held off well so * —Frosty mornings and bracing air —Christmas buying has begun. Ad vertise. —hunters are putting in full time these days. —Four weeks from next Sunday will . be Gfaristma* —Teachers Institute in Kittanning. this week. —Seven new locomotives and many new cars are being built for the Besae Mr. —Mrs. Cain, lately of Indiana, is now the mistress of the Bowman House on Centre Ave ' —Local institute at Galbraith's School, No. 2. Adams twp , next Satur day week, Dec 3 —Both hotels in Zelienople were en tered and robbed Tuesday night. and money and liquor taken. —The Purviance store-room in Con noqueneesing was lately robbed of some watches, chains and rings —Game birds are very scarce in onr -woods. It wonld not be a bal idea to prohibit the hunting of birds with dogs. —A Dayton cash register was stolen from Kerr's grocery store at Man. a turn sights ago. broken open and robbed •ad then thrown into Parka s dam —All the store room* in John Htein * bo ild lug on S. Main it are now occupi es, and then is not a vacant store-room aloag the sttreet, which indicates that boainess in Batler is picking op. —W R Newton, representing the Chicken ng-Chvte Bro'sC*, has open ed a piano wararoom on H. Main St., ■ad invites the public to call and ex amine his Chase Bra*, and Hackley pianos See card. —£liczard weatherr prevailed over the West, Monday, and cattle perished OB tbe ranges. At Kansas City the taarcery dropped <SO degrees In But ler, Tuesday, from noon till midnight there was a drop of 30 degrees, and two aw by morning. —-Everybody should read Mrs. Zim meraian's special announcement in this week's paper of her Fine Art Good* and Christmas Noveitlea, and then "take time by the forelock" and go to the •tore and make their selections. No Meh special effort In Holiday good* ba« tvtr before Wn made In Bntler. —The large barn on the farm near Undor Cliff Allegheny Co., owned by Will and John Campbell of Batler, and occupied by A E Edmonds for a dairy Wat destroyed by fire last Sunday even tag. Thirty three cows, foar horses, six HITM and one mnle were burned Th e lo« la put at fh.UOO, and the insurance with L 8. MrJnnkin of Bntler In f4'*V) —The P Sc W R- R Co took off the I*3 p in train lut Sunday and in ita (toad baa put on an expresi leaving Bailer at 10:4 > a m. and connecting at Callery with the Washington and New York expre**, which reaches the depot 4b Pittsbarg at abitu 14:20 p rn. Some Other changtM have been made See OqrrecUri Time Table on this p ige -Barly laU Hatnrday rn >rmng bnrg Olan attempted to enter the house of fcalah Donaldson on Lincoln street, through a window. Mr. Donaldson was at work in the glass work* at tbe time, bat his wife w-ts equal to the oc oasion and opened fire on the rascal* with a revolver, cansing their hasty ratrsat No cine to their identity has been discovered. Ho many cases of petty robbery indicate that an organfz ad gang ia at work here New, four-room house for sale, (n quire at this office. —Fcyt a Xinm Stereo pticon lantern latest improved, everything (MVlti*. with Hi good standard views Op account jJ ether ba*fa%M the owner has no use (or It and it will he sold MWp Inquire at this office. WANT&DI WA.NTKD - Residents Agta. for Batler City, to rej«re*cn» the Grand, t'nlon Tea Co..selling Teas, Coffees, Baking Fowler to pnvate families Oaad opening for party rv«t afraid to spark. Small trmil raquutd. Address D. A. H*eTao<), t>mi Agt., 159CroU>n Ave., New Castle, Pa. What Next. About five weeks ago C. E Miller eorprieed tba people by placing on sale •boat five thousand pairs of shoes at half price. It has been a great sale.draw teg trade for him from2ft miles In every bisection, and now jnst when yon need them be annonnces a Big Rubber Sale. It, ia connection with his Leather HJU*. will make thing* lively a (wind them this winter. public NalfM. t!be aale on the II H Gold place near North Hope on tbe 2d amounted to over -#I,OOO. Mr. Gold intends remaining on the the place and has purchased a hea vy draft team. Nov 38—At J. W Monks' in Middle ■ex twp., near Flick P. O , stock, farm lag implements, etc. See bills po«t»d Markets. OUT KTOcirn nre paying 17*: for bitt*r. . Wfor <*KK*' 40 for potato***. 50 for par* Sips. V> for turnip* V) to 80 tor apple*. W for nnacb, »to 5 a hf<ul for cab wMP. 40 a l»i for drexwl chicken and 111 for tnrkejr. ~ Notice to WooUQrowers. Meaar*. TfouJmv»'» Sons requiting ®" «*»•« they have f'>r iheir own bini- MM, I hare changed my location to Onbtm Bro#.' grocery *t»re, ju»t acro»« UM street from my ol<) location with Twrinywi'», where I will be vlad to v r •B «»jr former wool frienfli, a<mnriiig them of Mr treatment, and the market price la ca»h for ttirtr wool. Tront-nam with to lUle they have K<ID« oi tbt wool-{wring hufc.bon* aMg/ctHri: -VfiL V. Kl>M9!«*aHt LELIAL ih\Vß. TRIAL LIST Robt Hogg vs Wm Bailey >-t al. tres ' pas»- Monday the jnry pare a verdict for the defts This case had !>een de | cided before in favor of the deft and ; sent back for new trial by th* Superior | Court It waii a suit for done I by water of Slipperyrork creek bem* I backed over the land of tae plf through • the defts placing a log on top of their j mill-dam at New Hope ! David Wilson vs W B Bird, issue j award by the c»nrt w»-nt to trial Wed j nesday last and Taarsday the jarv gave ! a veriict for the deft. Mr Wils-.a is I dead and the -nit was carried on by his , execnt jr.-. In hil Bard bono wed * 14»»> ! from Wilson en a note Judgment was ; given on this The defts claim the I judgment was paid. but it was never i marked satisfied and th» p'.fs -&y they did not get the money Butler Water Co. for use vs F S Clark assumpsit, judgment giv»-n for! plaintiff. Executors of David Crowe vs Alf Wick and J H Sutton, assumpsit suit for a veara s rental nn oil and gas lease ; in Penn twp, verdict by direction of i conrt for the deft and a motion for a J new trial was placed on argument list. • John vs Jos Ziegler trespass, for trial Nov 30. Lotz vs A M Ziegler, trespa-- for trial Dec I♦> and Ramsey vs R izmsy. , sci fa snr judgment. Dec 15. I Weihe for u«e of Evans City vs Car ner A .Johnston, assumpsit, settled ' Tuesday, tne defts paying plfs #IOO and the pifs paying record costs Cal Kennedy vs Butler county, suit for damages for opening new road over . defts farm in Adams twp. settled for ♦2OO. Kfiymin vs Norri-. trespass, continu ed to Dec 15. because the plfs' son a material witnes-i u sic* with paea monia The case of Statiffer vs Well u FarßO Ex. Co. wm con tinned The tresp-»s cis- of W C Jamnon vs J L UcXaDiee and wife w i-> continued antii .Innnary on account of aieknen* of Mrs. MrNamee. J H H;tdlanl vs N* B Din -m. hi sutnpsit was tried Tuesdiy The plf U tenant on the Dnnl f irui in Cranberry twp on wrnich def bal oil leases. and had conn-vied t<» pay plf for daini_f«s done his crops This whs njt fulfilled and th- jury gave a verdict in favor of plf for $1 Hi The trespass cases of R >v- B Copley vs P & ft' R R and Thos Robinson vs Pa K k Co were eontinued until January. H B :k'*r v- Butler Co. darnt:?e askel i new road over plf farm in Adara-. tw;> was tried ruesday. and the jury gave * verdict for the plf for $3.70 Cannon vs Walker in 1 Lew.s tr«s pas- was discontinued by the plf. Martin Bowers vs Geo C R<-abel, (re pa®* tried Wednesday and vertictgiven for the plf for sls iri full. E Kirchler vs Lewis <iantz et al tres pass appealed from J P was tried Wed nesday and verdict given for the plf for The case of D G and W J Kelly vs Geo Flinner was non united Tbe assumpsit case of Nancy J Douthett vs fi S Gibson is on trial. Nkw SI?ITS. Richard Campbell v* F. Hood and C. F Noruwi. execution attachment in satisfaction of judgment. J P Jorden vs .Jas McGilghrist, ca- J#ias in tresis* Plaintiffs claim of lamages %><) 000 Bail required 11,000 Gran 1 Rapid 1 Fnrniture Co. of Mich igan v-t S• i» 1 Di I- ct of Parker twp , T H Allen -4 R Walker. R L Tur ner J .is M Vlnhan G. F. Daabenspeja and J. W. Everett, directors assuni|>si'.. Plaintiffs ;lairn i r >o7 10. for fnrnitnie for the new brick school house. George Howenstein and Cyrus Boyce, BOW for use of Ellen Ff/iys. adrn'nx of Jos Hays, deed, assumpsit Plaintiffs claim, $33 > OH ftough Run Mfg Co Lid y« Jas N Moore and J A Rarnnri. terre tenant, summons in ejectment for house and land in Winfieid twp. Mfgrs and Merchants Warehouse Co vs E E Davis, appeal by deft from judg ment rendered by C E Anderson J. P. S. Graham for use of Butler Havings Bank vs D A Renfrew, sci fa sir Judgment. VOTFH. The will of John Kiester, late of Slip peryrook twp hat been gr in ted and let ters granted to John B Kiester and J G. Rernck also will of John Crowe late of Forward two and letters to Rev S J Crowe and J vf Do itbett En'is M' 1 Donald, surveyor, ''hristv Robb and FJeriry Bright wer.- appoint<id viewers ,n the petition •>( citizens of Forward Jacks »r» and Conn ><| i-ne<-f ing twjM for a 1 »r I<>! over the »m > quenessing creek in Forwirl twp. on the road 'et ling fro n tae City road to tbe Butler (arinony r>>td. _ Mrn S irah J »r 1 -i wts o it, in j til 1 tst Fndav on a charge of adultery and has tardy an lis yet t.her>- JaflM* K«GHI ghrist was put in Saturday on a capias for damage*, but gave fsmd Tnenday and got on' and on the f&bcase against hin he is out on bul The prosecutor in the < t- .* | H |<'iank Jordan of Clariun CA> ; wnil" vl ''iilgnris' is i widower of about ii'i y.-trs and is said to h«v« three >langhlers who live in Pittsburg or Allegheny, and are respectablo pe«# pie ftie Jord-ms were married in Clarion county, but ha'l resided at the Hherwin mines, in ''lay township,where. Frank Jordan was a fmiler fin-man for ' s»-veral years. Ttiey had four children threo sons and one daughter, the latter now 10 years old. and the eldest son 1!) Mr< Jordan is about 10 years of age. The Superior ' 'ourt, sit ting In Phil a Monday nominally reversed the case of Carner et a) v» Peteri taken up from this county and entered Judgment for plaintiffs and again it tin- defendant for '« cents damag.-s and also reversed the case of Martin Ac Co. vs the End Oil r*o an l ordered a n»w trial The court, also grants Swallow a new trial in the liUd ease. An unusual cas-i of mistaken identity developed .ii criminal court, in Pitts, bnrg, I ant Friday. Addison Fullertoa * Butler couatv youn-< man. was taken down frijtu the work-housf and tnodon a charge of stealing a *lO i) diamond from the Htore of K M C. Blank o£ Varfi Perm avenue It was alleged that Ful leTton was sh <wn the H.tone by lilank, and when the latter's bank was turned he returned an imitation, and the change w is not noticed by the proprie tor until next <l;iy The larcenv t/»ok on viay ao last. A des':riptiori wa« given U, Di-te- tive Thomas Mc Onaide three days later and on July 7 Blank identified Fullerton as the young man who ha/1 entered his establishment Fnllerton having been arrest,«*l shortly before for lare«-ny in Allegheny Fui lerVni showed that, in April taut he was sent to the jail in Butler county, where he remained 57 days he having been there on the day Blank I ist iiis din mond Fnllerton was acquittcl The will of Peter N* eley of Worth twp was proltated and letters granted to Surah <Nx-ley. At Orphan's ('onrl Sal<' FViday last, the house and lot of (ianter, deed, on Mifllin and Wsn sold to his son, Alvio Hale of the re mailider < «f the estate wi i ,id |ourn»*d t/) Monday, Decetnjier 5 On petition J H McLure, gdn. of Jos I T Forrester, minor child of H H For rester. deed, whk given leave to sell ward's half interest in real estate in Prospect On petition of Mi < Margt G Htiuam. of Butler. Harry L Oraiiam Ivmj was i appointed commissioner to ouiuire in l hi the mental condition <>f lt»!fjeena i Slater who has been confined iri I)ix mont for s.,me ttiuo (•'isi and whiwi condition will lacijt i»rnut her Ix-iug brought to butler for inquiry The I (Kvuroi>Mi(«ner appointed the following i tutors to meet Dec <1: J B Greer A I! C j(cKar(and. G E Kobiuaou.tJ A A brains, -Jktiu H.irtiii and i'ticssl'^roKook. * > ROPKKTY TKANSFEBS Isaac M *Vci-». to Casper H Knauf lot in Zolienople for ?4i6. Isaac Key to P B A' L E R R lot in Mercer for John A Walker to same lot in Clay [ for *IOO Martin Wahl to W C McClure lot in , Evans City for $75. Alex Dmnbar to Sol Dunbar 80 acres in Forward for #3ou T A Bartley to W S Sefton "1 acres in Clinton for $312.75. ('has O Huber to E A Reitz lot in Bntler for ?■»*> Elizabeth R Brown to A J Brown 38 acres in Fairview twp for #l. J C Kelly to Rainmakers A Sports men s Assn 7 acres in Slipperyrock twp for s2o"' D. A Renfrew to G. A. Spang lot in : Renfrew for #l5O. . / Marriage Licenses. Josiah C Christy Clay twp ! H. C. Rickenbrod Parker twp | James F Easley Chicora . Catharine G. Jones " : D H. Black Bruin ; Ella S. Fletcher !' 1 W. J Brown West Sunbnry J Mamie Fleeger Concord twp Albert C Cashdollar Callery flacna M Gerwig Beaver Co A J Croup Sistersville. W Va Tillie B M irtin West Sunbary , Sheridan Armstrong Bntlc-r .Mary Triel Win field twp 1 John Wilson Allegheny twp j Mary Ferguson Middlesex twp At Pittsburg—H S Davis of Arm strong Co. an'l Anni M Fenn of Bntler Co ; Geo A Mars, and Jen 1 me R McDonald uf Valencia. At Pittsbarg. Lawrence Weaver of Bntler county ami Lula C'urran of Fay f ette county At Indiana, Pa J E Lydic of Mars arid Mmto DeArmeof Indiana county, i At Pittsburg- W B Hmalley of ■ Shari.sburg and Annie Isenberg of But- i ler Co. Clfl'ftCll NOTES Sunday nearly all the Bntler 1 cnurches and th>- V M. C. A. unani mously endorsed petition t > the Senate ! an 1 . loase ot R-j»r»-'entatives askintr for the passage of tne Ellis bill, which is to prohibit the sale of liqnor in the ■ ■c 11, teens iad p ibli • bail lings, and the dany i-ine ot if og or to U. S -uiiliirr Every gof>d citizea should j wish this bill to become a la.v , Rev. Geo. H Viobert the teuiperence evangelist prei ;aed in ttte .Second Pres bytenan md L* P churcnes and the Y. M. C A Sunday to audiences. He spoke in the Ora -e Lntheran Mon day even in t:, in St Johns Reformed Tuesday and th<- M. E. Wednesday. Kev. Vibbert is a jioltshed and cnl tured speaker an 1 earnest in his work Rev S P. Long. Pres. of the Lima. Ohio. College lectnred in the German Lutheran church Sunday evening for the benefit of his school The subject was "MY Mother's Monument." The M'-Dowell Recital Co appears in the M E church Trnlay evening, the proceed- to be used for church pur poses. Mr McDowell, tenor singer, is not a stranger to Butler andience C. N. iioyd, pianist, is a nephew of C. N. Boyd. the druggist. W. B. Morris, violin, is the otner member of the company. Bt. Peter s Episcopal church is to be gin fbe Advent season with a mission The inissioner in to be the Rev. Father Wattson, whose success as a Priest- Evangelist has led him to resign all other forms of church work and devote his whole time to the preaching of mis sion- The mission will begin next Sunday and continue two weeks. There will be evangelistic meetings every night during the week at K oclock, on Sunday night the hour of service will be 7:30 Next Snndav morning there will be two celebrations of the Holy Commnnion, the first at H o'clock, the second at 11 o'clock A question box will be placed at the door to receive such written (jneations as anyone attending the services may wish the miseioner to answer. OIL VOTED, Tiif: Makkri That Russian Bear" oil well in the Baku field 'doing 50,000 bbls a (lay according to report) is still bearing the market The Standard vas paying $1.15 yesterday and the Producers $1 <SO. !li>cb Br<s A: Fleeger tnbed their well on the McCrea yesterday. It filled np with oil and is supposed to be good for 20 barrels I'AKK THE;\TRK. The Brosriahan-Jackson" Company played to large and appreciatiye audi ences Monday and Tue»lay nights. Triey will give a matinee Phanksgiving afien.fxin and Satnrd ty afternoon, and entertainment. ten evening this week Nkxt '.Vkkk in Prrr.Hiirjßrj. A, / /^K The city of Pittsburg is to have the greatest, grandest, and best romantic Historical scenic drama ever yet pro duced For several weeks a small tinny of car[>enters, scene painters, cos turners and artists have been actively employed for the grand production of the drama "Cyrano de Berge rac". The play is now having a phe noiutaally suci-essful run in Paris, Ix>n don. New York and Boston, and will be presented at the Grand next week jin all its stupendous magnitude | Nover in the history of Pittsburg has j *wb a gigantic production been placed upon the stage. The presentation of the gnat play brings into action over three hnodred people There are sixty eight s|M4»king parts in the cast, and in some of the scenes over two hundred jieople on the stage at. one time The amount of scenery is astonishingly I largo. Iri fact the magnitude of the great production will astonish the old est,re goers For instance, a stage and thoatre inside of a theatre is a scene never before witnessed. The play of 'Cyrano de Bergerac" requires not only a complete stage with scenery on the stage, but tiers of private boxes arranged one above the other. The I audience expresses its approval or rather its disapproval, so forcibly that the actors are told they are "no goo<l . and driven off at the jioint fir the sword This scene alone in the Mansfield pro | duction, it is said i*>st $12.000. The to I tal cost of the magnificent production i lias been placed at over $'.20,000 Not • withstanding the enormous expense of i giving this stupendous plav at the Grand the prices will not be advanced The "l*illsluirg Limited." Beginning Tuesday, November 15, •the Pennsylvania Railroad Coinyany i will place in service the Pittsburg 1 Limited,' 1 a new fast express train from Pittsburg to New York. Baltimore and Washington leaves Pittsburg daily at to.oo P. M , arrives in New York M 00A. M and Washington 74 j A M 1 The train will carry through Pnll tnnn sleeping cars to Baltimore arid Washington, and sleeping cars and Pennsylv trr i ulroad stan I trd coach es to New York It will l»e the fattest train in servi'-e between the alsive points and will ap I>eal to those who dewire to spend the evening in t'ltt-bnrg and reach New York, Baltimore or Washington early the next morning. dusic ir.jinn wanted, at uH W | Wifync St. PERSONAL Henben Mcfilvain. is on the sick list Porter Wilson, of Sonora. was in town. Monday. James Blake, of Prospect, was in town. Thursday. AI. Heck was seriously ill last week, but in on the-mend. Jauies Robertson of Oakland twp. was in town, Tuesday. J I. Gallagher of Muddycreek twp.. was in town .Saturday. Mrs. Robert Maizland and son John, were in town. Saturday. Charley Leise of Cranberry twp. is attending court this week. J. P. Robb and E. \V Hepler of Mars have dissolved partnership. Thomas Cooper of Denny. Jefferson twp was in town yesterday. Miss Haas of Philadelphia is the guest of Mi-e Elsie Beighley. Hon. John Dindmger. of Zelienople, visited mends in linUer. Monaav Samuel Hilliard. of Washington twp., was in Butler last fnursday. Frank McCrea went to Venango County, on a nuuung trip Monday. J. E. Brown and O. L. Sutton, of Evans City, were in town. Thursday George Rider and Orin Hutchison, oi Centre townsnip.was in town. Tuesday. R. H. Gold and Chas. Morris ot twp.. were la town yester day. ~,em Smith of North Hope has moved to liutier, and is living on New Castle street. An infant child of George Wiest of S Wasnington street is sick with dip th'-ria. Harry Godwin will draw pictures for the New York World, in the near tuture. C. J. Hawk of Franklin twp. and U S. Rider of Centre twp. were in town Tuesday. L. H. Pfeifer, and wife of Evans Cit\ were in Butler, Thursday last and cai led on the CITIZEN. J. T. Mechling of E. Pittsburg came up to Batler .Sunday, to see his brotnei Burke, wno is yet seriously ill. Thomas E Smith, of Butler town ship. was in town, yesterday, feeling good over large crops and tat stock. Jos Kiskaddon of the Commissioner's office visited with his aunt. Mrs. Isabel la Gaibraith of Wmtieid twp. over .Sun dav. Mat Hinchberger has moved to Car boil Centre where he is taking out ties for tne new R. R He rented the Kir» p lace. C harles Reed has removed his faimil> to New Castle where he has secured work He will rent his house on Shore etreet Rev S. J. Crowe, of Warren 0.. was in town, Saturday. He and Jas M Douthett are the executers of John Crowe, deed Rawlins L)odds second son of Sheriff Dodds, is down with typhoid fever. His brother James though safely re covered is not yet out of the house aftei his sickness. Prof. W, T. McCandless, of Evans City, son of Alonzo McCandless, ct Franklin township, is the Instructor in Penmanship at the Teachers' Institute at Kittanmng. this week. Wes Roessmg is very proud of hi» orange-tree, and has it in his show window It is l>eanng this year for the second time. He pnrchased it from Mrs. Rev. Borland, three years ago. William Watson, of Mt. Chestnut, is not down with typhoid fever as stated last week, and his son E A has re covered. His other sou, E. M is in fair way to recovery. Mr. W. himself in enjoying excellent health and is thank ful for it. Frank Pierce of Co. E. left Saturday evening to join his comrades again ai Camp Haskell, Athens Ga after a su weeks stay at home, half of which time he was confined to the house by mala ria. Frank took back with him 395 copies of 30 kodak photos of scenes in and about Fort Washington. They were taken by Tom Watson of Co. K and developed by Abel Fisher, the tai lor. Women Find It Advantageous to liave their money in the Pittsburg Hank lor savings, 210 Fourth Ave., Pitts burg, Fa., because it earns them 4 per cent, interest compounded semi -annua - ly. Write for Booklet explaining h-<w to bink l>y mail Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial .Haz ing to call at the store of W. H. O'Brien & Son. u " Hast Jefferson .->t. and get price* on the extensive line Uuy have <m exnibition. 1 hey ure »!»•< agents tor the celebrated Welsbach Light, of which more than 1200 were ol'l in Butler, last year Take Advantage of Prosperity Uy saving some ol your earnings in the I'ilt.iOuig llank for havings, 210 Four h Avt., rutsburg. Fa. It will pay you 4 per cent, inleiest tompc unded setni-an ■ iiiritly. Vol. can bank by mull. Notice. The Jain CM Criswell farm in Adams twp . near Mars, was not aold on tbe 22nd ot Oct., nor on the sth of Nov., and persona wishing to know about it belore next Court will please inquire of KoiiKKT Kll»l» Mars, I'a. best cash price paid for Buck wheat. Wheat and Rye. GEG WALTER. A HONK I flf- PURR SPKING WATKR ICR II delivered to all parts f the '"R™ to n, every doy. I/eave or ders a. RICHES'S HAKF.RY 142 Main St. FOR KENT A g<*xl. Hnlmtantial stable near Court House; fonr large stalls, carriage room and mow Inquire at ClTl/.K.N office, Highest cash price paid for Buck wheat, Wheat and Rye GEO. WALTER & SONS Suiiihiy KxeiiraloiiM to Allegheny. Commencing Snndsy May 22nd and until further notice the Pittsbnrif and Western It II will H<-l| excursion tick ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train leaving Butler Mlft A. M city time good to return on afternoon trains date of sale. Fair for round trip 7ft cents TIMBER. For blank applies ions and instructions how to apply for reduction of 80 jarr cent, of taxes on timber lauds send 25 cents to J. A. HKVOHICK KI Civil Kngmeers, Butler, I'a. Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage iu the livery business, call on Walker & Wick for location and outfit Consider its Reliability when you place your monrv in a bank The Pittsburg Hank for Savings, second old -sl trunk 111 I'iltsbnrg, Pa , ha* assets of over f ""' always pays 4 I*" r rent, rntrrest. The new lx.ok explains how to batik by mail. For bargains 111 valuable and desir able residence* inquire of «valker Kt Mc« Rlvain. ! II you want a Bicycle or yonr old one • repaired go to White Walter Ac Co. largest stock in County. Bicycles for hire ' FDK SALE A graduating tuition contract for Butler Business College, eo*i ♦■VI. either shorthand or commer I cn»l o/up#» I ofpun* »t ttoia 'XB's* Remarkable Drowning. Chailes Baker, aged about 15 years. son of Baker, of Jefferson twp . near Hannah-town met with his death bv drowning last Wedn«->day in a most remarkable manner. He went to the well of the old Dougherty prop erty and drew a bucket of water to the top and took hold of the iron-handle of the " old oaken bucketlost hi- bal ance and fell headfirst into the well, holding onto the backet Toe rope broke and he sank to the bottom. People gathered around a pair of grappling ho>ks -.vere let down, they caught his pauts. and Cans, was puilel up feet first bnt h- was dead He wis yet holding onto the b i -Set. and he hid sank tiirough feet of water .tad nis head had suns into the mud at the bot tom of the well. Mr. Biker pur chased the Dougherty property lately and and moved there from Pittsburg. Marklet on Sanatorium. Mr. James M Swank, the widely known writer and authority on iron and steel statistics, gives an interesting de scription in the John-town Tribune of Markleton and the sanatorium there, from which we make tne following ex tracts: I ha%*e just spent a week at this place, cn the Pittsburg division of the Balti more & Ohio railroad. ninety-four miles east of Pittsburgh, seeking and finding absolute rest at the Markleton Sanato rium. 1 write this letter partly to call the attention of the readers of tne Trib aue to the pure and dry air. abundant sunshine pure mountain water, ami oeautiful scenery of Markleton, and to the comfortable, homelike, and every way satisfactory features of the Sana torium. The Markleton Sanatorium was es tablished in 1892 and furnished with all the appliances for the treatment of nervous and tired-out patients rheu matic sufferers. convalescents from attacks of tever, etc.. but not for the treatment ot contagious or infectious diseases. As a matter of tact there are never very many really sick persons at tne Sanatorium, anil these .ire of course i ton fined to their rooms and are never seen by the other guests in a whole week I have not heard the hollow of one consumptive, although • here are nearly one hundred uere at the close of the summer season The Sanatorium is open the whole year, .nd this is one of its good features, •lauy, perhaps the laruest number, of the guests who come to Markleton come simply for rest and recreation. Markleton is situated in the extreme southwestern part of Somerset county, on the beautiful Casselman river, and 11(H) feet above tidewater Its hiifh elevation and its southern situ ation, combined with its complete pro tectipn by surrounding mountain ran *tes from northwestern and other cut ting winds, give to it a particularly salubrious and pleasant climate There is no malaria at Markleton, and the fog which sometimes rises at is speedily dissipated in the morning. rJyen when rain falls the sun makes its appearance the same day. This is iny second visit to Markleton, and I am impressed with the conviction that there is not a more healthful location in Pennsylvania. *fhe management of the Sanatorium is liberal and, as I have said, home like. The utmost freedom of action is accorded to guests except that late uours and alcoholic drinks are both prohibited. The rowdy element, which takes possession of so many summer resorts, is never found at the Sanatori um, or at Markleton. There are no naloons here. The rooms and halls of the Sanatorium are and well lighted. The building is heated with not water, but there are also grates in /he halls and 111 many of the rooms Artificial light is supplied by au elec trie plant. The Sanatorium was established by a comnauy of enterprising gentlemen, residents of Mount Pleasant. Councils ville, McKeesport, and Pittsburg, r'rom the beginning the Kev. Dr John >1 Harnett, of the Redstone Presbj tery . has lieeti the Company's Resi •lent Secretary and the Chaplain of the Sanatorium, while his accomplished daughter is the Resident Manager of the institution. Dr. lv <) Grossman is the Medical Director He has an assist ant Dr. Miller—and also a female assistant —Dr Potter Religious service in a neat little chapel with beautiful stained-glass windows, which forms a part of the Sanitoriuni building, are held every morning after breakfast, ittendance upon which is, of course, optional, and on Sunday Dr Harnett preaches in the morning and evening, there being no other regular preaching at Markleton The railroad facilities for reaching Markleton are excellent Several pas sender trains from both the east and the west stop at Markleton every day The distance from Johnstown by the B &O to Rock wood, and thence by the Somerset Branch, is in all fifty three miles The Sanatorium is con venient to the Railroad station, and there is at the station an express office, telegraph office, and postoflice Two mail* are received daily from the east and two from the west Notice in Partition. rutlkr County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to William B. Doddn, fftgh Sheriff of Kutler county, Pennsylvania, Greeting: WIII'KKAS, on the sth -'ay of April, in the year of our Lord one thonsanc eight hundred and before the Honorable Judge thereof, the Petition of Marv fetnple, daughter of Mrs. R. J Dunlap. dee'd., was feed, stfting forth, that j".Mrs K. J. winlap left surviving her two sons, Tho«. Dunlap, New Martins ville, W. Va., and Perry Dunlap. of Cal lery, Pa., and four daughters, Margaret Dunlap, of West Sunbury, PP.; Adella now Criig, of Mars; Jemima I'liipps, of West Sunbury, Pa.; and Mary intct tnimefl with c. Temple, the petitioner and the widow and children ol Wiulield Dunlap, dee'd., son viz Klleti Die lap widow and Jennie Dunlap aged twenty two, Wm., Leonard, Cerlrudc and Sophia minors, of Wtlkinsburg, Pa , oi wuoin Isaac Meals is guardian, and also the children and husband of Sarah Temple, a deceased daughter vu C. Temple, hnaband, Kdw*rd and ottie of full age, Scott, Muble, t'Vank, liltner, John ano Mary minors of whom Isa.ic iVtcals is guardian; als«i the children of John Dunlap, a deceased son, viz Marry, Oscar, l'loyd, Lee, of Kedkey, Ind , up on which petition was issued a writol Par tition returned, anil Sept. 7111 Painter He Murrin. Alt'ys., move the court for rule on the heirs to accept or refuse the premises a' the valuation, tkc, uj>on which motion the court made the foil' wing order,and now, Sept 7111, 189H, the above motion piesenteil 111 open court and s riile is granted c,n the heirs and parties in interest as prayed for, re turnable to December Term next. Bv mi' Corner. The property consists of a house and lot in West Sunbury boro These are therefore to command yo , the said heirs of Mrs lv J Dunlap to be and apjwar lx-fore the -aid |udge at a Couit to l«- helil at Butler, for the said Uountv of Butler, '.ll the ift Monilay of DecemlM-r, 1 H'jH, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to show cause why preiniaes of Mrs K J. Dunlap, dee'd , should not be Hold nnd to nithinit to such other orders and deoieen hi the wild i:omt nhall make touching the premise*. WitneM the Hotioraihlr John M Greer, President of our mid Court, the '>Ui dtiy ol December A. I> IH9B. ISAAC MBA LB, Clerk O. C When in Butler stop at Mitchell's Restaurant For MEALS and LUNCHES. Everything M-VV and HKSr-CLASS. Room formerly occupied \>/ Hd. 116 Went J jffernon street, Butler. numMiJu Wl OtTUifi, ACCIDENTS. At Hackensack. two miles west of Jersey City, N J., during a heavy fog last Friday, a passenger train on the Ptnn'a railroad dashed into i crowd of laborers, killing thirteen of them They were nearly all Slavs and Italians. For two hundred feet around where the ac cident occurred the ground was covered with (juivenug mangled l>odies The unhappy engineer in his cab was drenched with blood John McCollough, a brakeman on the narrow guage division of the P & W. was killed S.itunlav morning between Karns City and Millerstown by falling between th** moving cars while getting a drink on the tender He was a mar ried man and had been at work but a few davs. Milton Thomas of West I) street was badly injured Tuesday by a tree falling on him wnile cutting on his fathers farm. Ni:i<;iutoitifom> NOTES. Six thousand people attended the funeral of Edward Beil-teui 'n Alle gheny. one "fay last The great crowd stopped all traffic on Spring Garden Aye G. W. Schmidt, the wholesale liquor dea er of Pittsburg, filed a petition in vol intary bamcrnptcy in the 1". S Dis tri-t Court last Thursday. He places his total liabilities at $-lf\Oß). The bitcst Sensational French I'lay Cyrano De Bergerac, by Edmond Rostand, which is ln-ing played in this country by Richard Mansfield and in England by Henry Irving, is just brought out in a dainty handy cloth bound volume at the price of 35c.. and a cheap paper edition at 15c . by Hurst & Co.. New Yo r k, the well known cheap book pub rs. They will send it post paid, or it may be had at all dealers. It is generally pronoun red the play of the year, and some critics r ink it close af ter Shakespeare's masterpieces. | Furniture j > Event. \ J We told you about it last week; j V will tell y->u more this week Out-C r shining and overstepping all other € , '-sai«-s" and events of ,he day— ( V should bring us a rush of trade— ) r offering the people the grandestC j Furniture bargains it has e\er been « C our g<x>d fortune to be able to of- J i fer. Look at tilt piices marked C on ihe green tickets, anil you will J J be convinced we are offering genu- / C ine bargains. Only goods marked y * with green tickets arc rtduced in J f price, l ul there is plenty of them C S nid you will find thelil on the € / first floor I c And Save You\ Vj 25 and 50 Per Ct. \ > Parlor Suit s , 7 1 f See t?i«-m iii show window that ( « were SSOOO Look at the price J i marked on the green ticket; in / I ( place of sjiso ■<*> you can liny it now f ■ $25.00. / ) / Parlor Tables, C I ( They wen- SIO.OO, hut we offer "k ! C then l now f< r less money too / J many high-priced ones, so we re- x \ 'luce th- price of the filler ones f I and nfle' them for $6.00. \ ? Parlor Chairs. / / Most people prefer odd pieces, / / so liere is your opportunity to save V I ) inone , as e have marked the J \ #15.00 ones $8.50. > J Side Boards. \ I A large assortment ftom fl6 00 C \ up; hut we consid'-i the ones re- / 1 / uced from sso 10 he |{est value V S Decorated Dinner Sets. / We always show a nire line of / - price is re-/ f duceil on »mie of tile $1.2.00 and / \ sls 00 sets The goods are per-X / feet, hut the price is only SIO.OO. ( CAMPBELL L ) < TEMPLETON/ j BUTLER. PA. A Pianos. The Chickcring-Chasc Bros. Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Manufacturer)) of Grand and Upright Pianos Have placed on "xhihltion at No. 317 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. a sample lot of then fine Upright Pianos. Tin si I'iauos, comii'g direct from the ! faciorv and sold to you hy the inanu ' facturer. iie ani a large saving in the purchase of a piano. The celebrated Chase I'rothers and llaekley I'lani s are end irsed liy all lead 1 ng artists. These pianos can lie lioiight on easy terms to suit the purchaser, i'ianos and Oigaus taken as part payment tu ex change. I Conic and see them and make a | selection for Christmas We Can Save You Money. W R NhWTON, Hcprrifiitltivr, A Short Time Only. A CAMERA FOR $1 00. Just to introduce tlieui A practical Camera. Small and Compact. This offer never equaled. W will prepay charges, fct mil | -m> more. THt dollar company, \i.\ sth Ave., I'itts'iurg, Pa L. 5. McJUINKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 K. J KIM' f KSON. jhUTLEK, - PA. For Baby's Sake You ought t'i yuard against ailments that improper foods induce. Everything depends on what baby cats. We keep oily the reli able makes ol Baby Food and warrant them Fresh. Pomelia, Eskay's Food. Malted Milk, Laetated Food, Melliu's Food, Ridge's Food. Just's Food, Condensed Milk. Bady's Mother Ought to take some n and YVine, i so 'lourishing to nur-i >g mothers— oura contains Beef We sell it for 75 cents per pint. C. N. BOYD. Druggist. Diamond Block, Butle , Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. : Notice in Divorce. } In the Common W. H. Kracuney. Pleas Court of vs J-- Butler Co., at A 1 Buuna E. Brackney. I I)., No 10, June I J T., IS9S. Book 19, Pg. 215. To Ei'ima E Bracknev:— Two subptenis having been returned N. E. I. You, the said Emma E. brack ney, above named defendant are hereby required to appear in said Coint of Com mon Plea, of Butler Co., Pa . to be held at Butler. *>a., on Monday, the sth day ot December, 1898, b.iug the first day of next term of Court to answer the said complaint and show ciuse, if any you have why a Divorce Absolute from the bonds of Mat imony should not be grant ed to the said W. K. Brackney. You are also hereby notified that testi mony in above case will be taken before the said Court on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1898, at which time and place you are notified to atund. WIL IAM B. DODDS, Sheriff. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Crowe, deed, late of Forward 'wp . Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know mn themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having c aims against said estate will present ti.em, properly authenticat ed lor settlement to REV. S. J. CKOWK, Warren, 0., JAS. M. DOUTIIKTT, lSrownsdale, Ex'rs. W. D. Brandon, Att'y. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters testamentary 011 tile estate of David K. Pearce, deo'd., late of Butler twp., Butlel Co., Pa , having been grant ed to the undersign d, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the saijic will present them duly authenticated'{or payment to CURTIS S. Pkarck, or Makv J. STKII'EL, Ex'rs.. Butler, l a. Coui.TKK & Bakkr, Att ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letteisof administration ot the estate of Lizzie Baker, dee'd., late of Middle sex twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to Hie undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said < state will please make unuud'ate pay ment, and any having claims agamsi said estate will present them duly au thenticated lor settlement to Samiiht, a. L*si,ik, Adm'r., liakerstown, Pa. VVILI.IAMS& MiTCIIKM., Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs Valeria S'dlivan, dee'd., late of Buffalo twp.. Bntler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to Jon si y. A. Sulmvan, Adm'r., Sarversville, I'a. II 11. GouctfKß, and Joiin C. CfkAilAM, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters' f administra'ion on the est it e of John M Crooks, lati- of Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd., having been «ranted to tile unileisigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against sa id estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Wm K. Thompson, Ailtn'r., Mclomn P. () . Butler Co., Pa. J D. Mamsiiai.i., Att'y. NOTICE. The limited imrtnerahip asaociation heretofore existing and known a.s the limin Company, Limited wh» by a uiiaiiiuiouift oi i(h mt'tiibera, passed on the lirnt day of Novcmlief, 1 SijH, dissolved, and notice ot its din solution dirt cltfl to Ik* jcivcii according to law. All parties indebted to thin company or having claims it will I ideate present the ut a f the offiie of the company in I'ruiti, i'a., by order ot the inuiiagern. S. IV HOOVKK, Secretary. Braun's Pharmacy, Cor. 6th St and Duquesne Way. Pittsburg, Pa,. L, D. Telephone 2J42, Wholesale and Retail. Imjuir cr ami Jobber »»l Drills, In urn als, Perfumes, Soaps, Hi uslie.s, I'.tc. The "tily house west of New Vork carrying a full line of Meyers' Grease, Paints ami t In atrit al {joods. Physicians' Prescriptions (!otn|>outi(led l).iy 01 by "Keoi-leted I'liar'tnaeisis" only. Wholesale and retail dealer in I.ubrii itinij and 111 iimniat inj; < its, < apital Cylinder, Dynamo, Water White and Standard <«as Purine Oils, (j.isolein, Hen zinc, Parafline Wax and Petrolatum. Aildrcss all mail orders to W. F. Braun. 14 OVERCOAT TALK.£&> W f M This is the season for Overcoats, and we • j 91 are prepared f>r i . Our stock is unsur- M rfl passed. Everybody wants an overcoat m and the time to get it is w hen the stock Wm is tresh ami complete. pi THE PRICE? fi We have W 4 WA and qua'ities to suit all pocket books Our customers know W WJ that, and others are invited to come and investigate \*<>u may be thinking of your W wl holiday purcha>es. If you do not want an j L v ever coat r r nice suit of clothes, our Fur- V nishiug Goods d partment may interest you. M Let us help you make selections. That's A tj DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. [j kl HUTLKR, PA, TilK CLOTHIERS, There'll be a Snow Storm Soon! We make this statement not because we have any private "tip" from the weather man. But snow storms are due usually at this time of the year. We Are Prepared For It. No. 1. Boys' 2 piece Suits SIOO sizes 6to 15 No 2. Boys' Chinchilla Reefers $l5O sizes 3to 8 No. 3. Boys' Chinchilla Reefers $2.00 sizes 9to 15 No. 4 Men's Beaver Overcoats $5.00 sizes 34 to 42 No. 5 Men's Chinchilla Overcoats $4.00 sizes 36 to 44 No. 6 Men's All Wool Suits $5.00 sizes 34 to 42 No. 7 Men's Fine Worsted Suits. $7.00 sizes 35 to 44 No. 8. Men's Blue Ulsters $4.00 sizes 34 to 42 No. 9. Men's Frieze Ulsters $7.00 rizes 35 to 44 No. 10. Boys' Knee pants (all wool) 50c sizes 3to 15 Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS, 137 South Main St., Butler, Pa. TTILLER, I Has Made Another Big Haul.;; This Time a Car Load of Rubbers. The Great Rubber and Leather Shoe Sale Will go < > Hand in Hand and Make Our Trade Victory \ > A Complete Success. < > We have justly gained a reputation for selling leather shoes cheaper than any other house in Butler county, and ' now we intend to make the same reputation on rubber * ' goods We have the and we will sell them to you < ► cheaper than you can buy them for elsewhere. < > Hear Us About Rubbers. X Men's Light and Heavy Rubber Hoots $2 oo ( > Men's High-cut Storm Rubber Boots 3 00 . ' < Beys' Litfht ami Heavy Kutitx r Roots 1 50 | Hoys' and Youths' High Storm Moots, $1 75 a 00 { > Men's Pelt Hoots and Overs, best 2 00 > ' k Men's Knit Stockings anil Overs 2 00 | Floys' Felt Boots ana Overs, first quality 1 50 < ► Youths' Fell Boots anil Oven, first quality I 00 i , Ladies Felt Boots and Overs, first quality 1 00 We Defy Competition. We Under-Buy--We Under-Sell. Youths', Misses' and Children's Rubt>er Boots $1 00 a Men's Buckle Arctics, first quality I 00 Men's Wool-l'Ded Alaskas $0 \ Men's Fine Storm Rubbers 50 4 l Men's Fine Rubl>ers low-cut 4° Ladies' Warm lined Alaskas 5° ' ' Ladies' Buckle Arctics 75 4 > Ladies' Rubbers, fine or heavy *5 i\\ One Lot of Men's Felt Boots, 25 Cents. J | These arc Boots carried over from last year. We do < > not want to sell them with our new goods, hence we will < > clear them out at 25 cents. Vou can cover a pair of them < > with a heavy 50-ccnt ovctshoc and you will have the entire > outfit for 75 cents. 4 > We Are Strong at All Points. ( } If you want leather goods come to us; we will take good care of you, For the last five weeks we have sold .I. more SHOES than any two stores in Butler combined, and I we intend keeping it up, too, and it will not take much cf- | fort 011 our part as long as we can sell you Shoes at half | price | Come to Butler--We Pay Your Railroad Fare { ( One way with a purchase of $10.00; both ways with a < > $20.00 purchase. There is only one great sale at Butler, < > and that is at < > Butler's Progressive Shoe House;; C. E. MILLER, 215 South Main St., Butler, Pa. X |»I I'TSBUKG & WKSTEKN ' Railway Schedule of I'as *'•ll Trains in cflcct Nov. 20, iK<>tf. Butler Timk. I 1 Arrlva. ,A«'«<»|lHlMHli»l|n||, •» 'i» * 1 W 17 AM Alli'KlM'■!.» > «!»•« ■ " 15 " J-S Sfw • Ac«oiumodatloit | w 11 Akron Mail * ,r » * " 7 VJ 1 * MI. nj v (Mnm • i•»i ■" " 1 v :i. . • ii\ » *n«• i • I' I ■ ' 4 " I'kli, nml n*h Y«»rk I" 4'» am I'hi« < ■ I I .l/» I'ln II No Mm MI.. K li. id MHII f » M 7 !»••» |||< . t) MM I I 111 m.l A< • •i|iim > »latl"fi i » I.' | 7 Ifcl " • i.i . i lultdl • I •1» All Kuii* »iml Hia4foi.l Mail .. '» * « '• iS* • M i . \ • iNUBuM Ml • I' » " ■' * M ri««< I.hml and Oilmgi' l.*|»r»«« «• *'» •«»»• wl MiAY TIiMNH. iiv KlfffMl IS W ® A.M . HHodalM II M - m \ 'III (II I ll M I'• N M •' '' 1 . 1,, . | |M« I I'*- l * II All»".l.«'ii> Acrottiiut*l*lk»ft.. I 7 * |«> Train arrlvli at ft 'Jfi p.fli lw»vr« II A O. il*|ait. I'ltt*l>iii k h( t l<> |> ui aii'l IV A W , Amiimy «' ' 41 (>n -*«tnrtlay« » train, ki»«»wi» •• ll»* it tiWi *• i. j. di . irrlvlni at llwglMmj nl : loluilllgl lm»%» All"*lm'H* «l II •" I' •" I ii ♦.!.*•'! !■ , »•»,» ««K- »M ' •• • • iMltuf itJH uli'l (lllaiMi). I tin tlrlict* to all to l,M ' «*"l. •' «ili .... (uAwmi a»..i lafmmi i»»iwlng • t|ii»r <-f tri«lu«, H' a|>j»lr to H II Tl'ltsKM. Tkk'i Ak»I»I, II H 111 \ I" 4 . 1 1 1 > '*t»if. »'• «' W 11AM M I. " r A WHITE jv* f PINE DROPS. A Pleasant Palatable Remedy FOR ALL THROAT and LUNG TROUBLE. Manufactured ami Sol.l by J. A. RICHEY. Butler, Fa. W. J. BLACK, LIVERY and FEED STABLES. Firstclass Rigs und Horses. kenr of Motel Ilutlcr, South Main St. toll T»l»|«hon« yi.