Newspaper Page Text
FfllDAV. AUGUST X, 9Q4. 7 ' WHAT MEXICANS EAT. Ur i i.. '. an larl la Tavlr H M Ulnliri. Tin" furllii-r sooth mie goes tlia on Unnortsnl rrt rmbi mmi to Din in ii"' diet In old IfStloo tut pOOpIO nf tlie upper ctSM lime hiubly Sensoiietl mil Ik und steak mill uua three Hints " day, Tbo rousts mi- stuffed with raisins, und u rit'b brown ffSfy lx pound OTOf them. iiri'iiM' serin umrii indispensable tu t hem t tin tt to tint fur ntrolopod Bo alum. There urn no htiuks but in their place om ix oirtrod with a ii 'ii ruw place f tondorloln reee (hi; w It h TMM tad peculiarly (In vol ml btriWi In Unit balmy dime, whore Um system would bo no muoti better nlT w 1 1 bout liny meats, thousands of tasks mi' oold dally at i"i anil .'in cents a pOUIftd, Tin' poorer clMOM ON toned tu abutaln from i. nuii litre on the ooarae rrijole beans ami cold efsnaiy toriiiiuK, which on tiiin white corn cukes mndi' from rye hominy crushed tu a pulp. Tbll forms their unvaried dlot on Hip aristocrata' tubus oro the moMt delicious fruits. cblramoyaa, .ipotes, mangoes and others which AmOriCOlM have never tasted. The popular agUncilte Is 11 eross between ti fruit and u nut. it is n dark green nud the Hash Ii about the consistency of ointment. It grows on :i tree of onpnrnllnled dark green foliage nud ii oaed often in the place of butter or Is made Into n toothsome salad. Itii'h soups, with bananoa cbopped in tbeui, are aerved every day, nud vegc tnblofl dressed with goat'a cream are mi their tallies. At every meal during the year they eat the frljolu beans, whli Ii have been dipped into n browu pottery bowl of boiling lord before they urn brought to the table. The Mexicans put enough lard to under mine the digestion of the atonteat be ing. Sirup is a great dollcncy und very expensive. It Is served us a sort of dessert In little rhino saucers nud Is eaten from spoons. Little bits of native cniidioa are also served in Depu rate plates. I'm nil mid Runcll. KEROSENE OIL. A few drops added to your boiled Btnrcb will make Ironing easier. I lip tbe lingers in the oil and rub the throat to give relief front sore tbl'ont. Saturate a cloth in the oil and rub the rollers to clean n clothes wringer quickly. A few drops added to the water with which windows are to be washed will save time and labor. A fi w drops on a bingo or roller which hi s formed n had habit of squeaking will Insure a speedy cure. One tnblespoonful added to each boil eif til of Wftter will lessen labor as well iih whiten your clothes when washing A few drops on your dusting cloth win brighten your furniture as well as prevent dust from Hying from "tin cloth. Saturate a cloth with the oil to clean the sink, bathtub or basin which has become greasy and discolored from use.--Woman's Home Companion. Tnllor Taken Hie Artist to Tnnk. A well formed, good looking man. rightly wearing such clothes as any high class tailor would make for him would compare favorably with atn Greek of old. togged in liis best. Bui neither sculptor nor painter can make so pleasing a representation of the man In close titling clothes as he can of the loan in flowing robes, not because the clothes are unhandsome, nor be cause they are unbecoming to the wearer, hut because the artist pre sumptuously thinks the tailor who made tbo clothes did not know his business, and does not think it worth while even to try to represent them as they are. As be generally repre sents tl on canvas or In stone they look ns Utile like the sartorial things of beauty tiny are as a pallid corpse looks like n living human being. Sar torial Art Journal. NOW Britain nrrrncj-. liewarra. a cuncuc.v of New Britain. Is au Instance of bow the spoils of the chase may be turned to account lis tiie OOtward and visible sign of wealth, liewarra Is made It) stringing the shells of a dog win Ik upon the ribs of palm KtaTtit These strinifs may be if lallfld nt so Meh n fathom -usually the price Is eipiivslent to about three shlllincs a fathom length or they may lie inailc Into various articles of mt aaal adornment to 1m- worn on great occasions. In New Britain the liewarra lioanbil up by a rich MM Is prodnc.-d ut his funeral and flrMod among his heirs in n h the Maine kind of way os personal property is divided ntnong Thr nlle of lh- Snake. In Vol di fees, Italy, tie- wrrwnt traditional tfror. and the place is i r-lelimt-l for s curious n-licioiK ma- , t"in knonn an Hm rite of the nk. j On ssoen-lon lsy the prient solemnly j Immoral harmloas water snie tn a . hum sntlooe tnln. due up on Monte Bnma. Tho mwintnlaw- lieiiere that by resoo ( thl ceremony sll tin- oth er snake, thst infrt the country aill perish -fhi'co r. Mmt Fer BkO la. "Beaa sol Wa'd hare res d to peak tliey pssa ' " U the sirl 0 tt tsll-c ma.le . "trcl'vl'" 'lsim,n tiie tin m via Iks.,- b.s rosm WmBI the iDes'e psuieV" Iawoai 1 w-isna. IT ! HORSESHOE LUCK. A ..,.. . -.. I OOMBM ,a avarlf All Hair auU ll..u.. The uli.lll of belief III "horseshoe luck" Is so um lent thst tt never bus been determined with certainty, and no superstition Is more universal. Bret sue e bofm began to mot hum tbon fjftOCOOtl of Iron have been MOOUDtOd lucky emblems of all people-, ran nud nations that buve been aCOUalPtOd With their use. The Chinese, for Instance, suy they nail them up over their door its a charm agtiluit evil spirits bOCtttOO of the close rvscmblanee lu shape between them nud tbe arched body of the sa rred snake, Nagendra, one of their prlOdptl doiilea. Ask a Turkish Mohmninedan for In formation on the subject and he will tell you that It Is because they are in form like a crescent, the sacred Ml' Idem of Islam. A Polish .lew will explain that nt the paaaovor the blood sprinkled upon the iintei and doorposts, in the manner directed by their ritual, forms the chief points of nit nrch; hence, obviously, the value of arch shaped talismans such ns horseshoes are. The stolid and unlmaglnatira Rus sian peasant, on the other hand, main tains that the luck associated with the horseshoe is due cbjofly to the inetal. Irrespective of Its shape. Iron beluji traditionally n cfliriii wherewith to nullify the malevolent designs of evil Spirits and goblins. Very different Is the story by which the irishman seeks to account for his liking for the same tallsmaillc symbol The mime "Ironland" or "Ireland," Ue will tell you. originated ns follows: The whole island was onee submerg ed In the sen. out of which it only rose once in seven years, and then only for n very short time. Many attempts bad been made lo break the spell and In duce the country to remain perma nently above the waters, but nil were rain until one day n daring adven turer threw a horseshoe from a boat on to the topmost peak of the Wleklow mountains Just as they were disap pearing beneath the waves. Then ai last win tbe ban removed. The Emcr nld Isle Aegan forthwith to rise again from the ocean depths Into which It had sunk. And It has been dry land more or less ever since. In England, up to comparatively re cent times horseshoes wen? extensive ly used almost everywhere as anti witch charms, and the custom is not even yet an extinct one. No witch, it used to be said, could enter n building over the door of which a horseshoe -or. better 9(111, three horseshoes bat! been nllixed, prongs downward. The origin of this particular belief Is referable to the old legend of St. Dltnstnn. This versatile English eccle siastic was a skilled farrier, and one day while nt work in his forgo the evil one entered In disguise and requested Dunstnn to shoe his "single hoof." The saint, although he at once recog nlzed his malign customer, acceded but caused hltn so much pain during the opera 1 16b that Satan begged blm to desist. This Dunstnn did, but only a .'tor he had made the evil one prom Ise that nertlier he nor any of the less er evil spirits, his servants, would eve! molest the inmates of a house where horseshoe was displayed. A Dnteh riahlnsi Yiilimc At Morkeu, a fishing village of flol land, few men ore to be seen, as thej nre nearly always out at sea In tbell boats. Those whom one docs see an like Dutchmen in a piny, in uueei headgear, in ttte most voluminous knickerbockers that ever delighted the heart of a caricaturist and having on clattering wooden shoes, which are. as a coasting skipper once said, the sin est preventive of colds and of "coir, feet" (which he spoke of ns If they were a dlaoaae) to be found in thf world. Clumsy enough these Dutch fisher folic look, but they are bond) In n boat. But there is SgricnltOrC, too of a simple kind at Markon. Not u mail usually Is to be seen working In tin hny harvest or at other employment h the fields. The women do the farm work. nail Tried F.I ml rlrllr. A New York senator relates that he was riding In u car next to n motherly old lady, who naked him a question He answered, but found the old ladj very deaf. He repeated bis nnswi- in s shout, and conversation was thus es tnblishcil. "You nre very deaf, nren't von. m.idnm?" liell iwed the senator. "I am so." she rcplbsl. "and haven't been able to do n thing for If "Have you ever Mad electricity 7" asked the senator. "Y-s." SUO nM. nsJ.tlne vigorously I was struck by llghtnlug last sum mer." Aa Hl W-allli .r. Aeum line you seen anything of yigcin latelyT Pft Sweiltnan-Yea. I 1nt prescribed a trip to Europe for bin tb1 morninc. Asciim - Indeed? He a gnttiag wealthv. Isn't be? Dr. wellnin-Well I eon remomrsw ortiori I naed to preacrlhe for him aim ply a doe of sodium bromide for ttio saruo complaint -Pliilidelpbia 1 ti.ii- hi sasaai "Yea she re)eted him t'i of a twd break he made lie be was pro posing In her" "What roe thatr rr- " ; '-e ' ' : Slue thtok he' mie Of Oat Hood'-l rti laoV-lidiis A tr T. -f-W - rvm aaorrted in jMat tajra fToia,-Tea nce OO the Mfc ties mm the Ojrfc. ssaee a the Mai H ojajHflwr OJsne mm the lorfc; hot I'" ass in' a T t OcJaAer. tharfs say -tying saaaarh awToBasre fHaeosaa Great Summer Clean-Up More phenominal bargains Friday gnMnm seen to buy such worthy merchandise at only a very sma part of their real worth. Ready-to-Wear Ladies' WalRing Skirts lu gray and uliick, nicely iiuulc, MO values. CI an Up prlCOS 185 Ladlca Walking Bklrta in gray, green mid black, S.00 values, Clcan-Up prices Ladlca' Walking suirm, nil colors and black, aolld ami buoy mlxtnroa, n.f'" values Clcan-Up pr ccs 186 Ladies' Waists Ladles Lawn Waist", neatly made and handsomely trimmed, regular :s.oo vn lues, Clean-Up prices 1.18 Ladies While Lawn Waists Unit were (in Clcan-Up prices That were 1.00, Clean-Up prices 1.25 Ladies' Petticoats Made of K lie Madrras, light ami dark colors, nicely made and trimmed, 1.18 values. t 'lean-lip prices J)8 Ladies' Muslin Un derwear Skirls, Corset Covers and Drawers, made from good material, neatly made and lace trimmed, src and l.oo values, Clcan-Up prices 5J)? Ladies' Corsets Odd lots Summer, Nursing and Ba tiste Corsets. 50c values, Clcan-Up prices 10 Odd lots American Lady and Dr. War ner's I'USt proof Corsets, 1.00, values, clean up prices 18? New Fall Millinery Ladles Street Hats, in Stitched Cloth' Poll and Fur. while and colors at from 2.50 to 5.00 Children's Felt Sailors, white and col ors, at from 75c to '.i.'i.t Ladies and Childrcns Straw Btt'lors, his assortment, 76c values. Clcan-Up prices 48d) Remnants! or fine White and colored Ginghams, Madras. I awns, Daisies. Dimities and other desirable materials suitable for Wrappers, Waists, Shirts, Kimonos and Children's dresses. All marked at ( 'lean Up prices. Ladies' Vests Sw sa ribbed, ton.1 BWtJlty, niceiy nnlsbcd neck and :, boulders 15c SSdSMO h din ed lo 10 LadlCS Mercerized I. isle I bread Vetjta odd lots, nicely made and Iln.siied, :ioc mid Mo v able; . reduced to 15c Notions Reduced iti st Kimiish Plata; per paper 3C Card of Whin- lvrl BsjttSSal, ttv d'Mra no i llC Imported '!i,iiii I r" Nt -. .".or- Sal Ms for 25 M'inyi.ii I tb nuinc Witch llawl, Iw9 l ( I'lin Note I'siwr and Cm 'n"- p. i 1 Oc y Ti'i'- rl K1V IX-'.. h r pa'-kap" S'an'IsM akaaal l'sim. and hit '; b l"f ru nic lark 1 ' S a anaaaaaaan sssssssi 1 1 ! " A S of Scotland ii Canada. aSSMlSa ""Oi'if '" " ' . ,,,. uiiasi ! aiai" I'1'' St a ik. ut 1 - rii" H'f . i;, - n . lunr . ." ift ik' 'JriiM Tmnl " .'' ' ', ' '. .... ,. - a Vam ; P ea4 I I M. ' : t,i .1 '., .'....-, ... ., r nte-h latfi aful Tri ' H '). ai a"f STbat W M ari. -. -n P S- at"V4 ,ri V aaumafral. Are II h SHaatj MENS FINE SHOES Sole Agents For the Great Douglas and Packard Hand-Made and Union-Made Shoes. M a. Packard's marantnad kiuhh. solid rook oak BOlOB, QllMd Kmigii roo, hlk kill box call pal all sluses .' 12 tu II, every pulr union nmdc und hand made, pr.'oo per pair tM i 4.00. Special for this sale 2.118 IOC pairs of (he famous W. I.. Douglas anion made Shoes. The best Shoes made in the world. 20 styles, sizes a lo 11', Special for n few days 3. 211 300 pairs Men's 8.00 grade Shoes all styles nnil sizes, Special 2.18 linn pairs Men's 2.50 grade Shoes, all styles and sizes. Special 1.88 Special Men'n Dongola Luce Shoes sizes 0 to 11 08C J8C U8C Men's Dongola Oxford Tic- sizes G to 11 Men's Dongola Itomeos, sizes (i to 1 1 New Fall Shoes for Misses and Ladies Latest Styles at Sale Prices High Shoes, patent tip Vicls Cuban heel, 2 1-2 to 8 1.98 High siioes, blucher cut patent, tip, 2 1-2 U8 1.98 High Shoes, French heel, putelll dp, 2 1-2 to. 8 1.98 High Shoes Gibson heel, dull lop, 2 1-2 :o 8 1.98 High Shoes, patent vlcl, Imlta lion tip Cuban heel, 2 1-2 to 8. .2,48 High Shoes, extension sole, pat ent blucher cut 2 12 to S 2.18 High Shoes, extension soles, mili tary heel, 2 1-2 lo 8 2.48 High shoes, tarn soles, pati m kid tops, 2 12 to 8 2.18 FINAL CLEAN UP OF Low Shoes and House Slippers Ld ksa Douglas Oxfords, large : Ises only 39C Ladlna one strap Baadals, sun k lip. per pair 59C His aa dm stray Baadala, patent tip, spr ag bccl ti'.H' THE big: tore. i am aam w - a. m onotais Sayt Rusaian Snioa mmmmrm. ni'l'Hi A- - Th' "Wre-jKTiid .. Ii 1 n Sale at The Big Sk and Saturday. An opportun Men's Clothing Men's All wool Ihrec piece Suits III lOfajaa, browns ami fancy mixture , all the very Intent hi lei, und nobblcM patteriiH in be found in Ihc market VOfUl 1 2 . '! slid 15.00, roduood in 8.15 Men's Utile H. rge III llin-c piece Suits lined values ill 15.00, reduced 0.85 Men's all-WOOl Iwo piece Suits III Bootea plalda, checks and strUiea and protty pattorna they are too, wo iiavc'nt all Blaes those pattotoa but come curly mid you can i', M lilted, these suits Were T .'.O iu LI. 50. reduced to . .5.98 Men's Bummor Coats III Stripes und Browna, worth up to S.50, roduood i 9c Men's Hats All our S.50 lints reduced lo 2.98 AI! our 2.60 Hats reduced to 1 .98 .Ml our 2.00 Hats reduced to 1.48 Boa a nice line of 2.60 and 8.00 Kelt Mats on the table reduced to 98C Your choice of any Straw Hal in the nouBa foi I8C Boys Wash Suits and Pants Hoys' two piece Suits were 1 ,60 reduced to. JSC Hoys wash I'mits worth 25c to 36c reduced to 19C Men's Furnishings Men's Woven Madras Negllrea shirts BOc vnlues Clean-Up prices . . .... 25C Men's Woven Madras BOgllgCO Sbirls regular 1.00 vnlues Clean-Up prices 59C odd ha Men's Negligee shirts samples Slightly soiled, worth Up to 7ac ciean-Up prices -25c Men s Balbrlggan Underwenf, shirts and drawers, choice of our BOc values fo 35C Fine plain white and fancy colored border handkerchiefs Hie value Clcan-Up price , IOC Ii for 2!ic Men's fln0 silk Neckties nil new si yleB and patterns, 25c vulue Cloan-Up price 1!C Men's line colored half hose solid ami fancy patterns, 86c values for 9C i!.ric values for 20c values for I Be values for 17 12C 15 1 oc (ill! collar billion:-, none better made fully guaranteed 16c value for IOC 16c values for 5C Manufacturers' Short Lengths Manufacturer's Short LeiiRths 'Innd ard calico laMaM and red grounds Hie,, patterns, i'i. hi Up price 2 1 2c S.orp. saaaam am an mm aar an anananatawai from czar Motif to ir, Pu'- fi and af.-r A' r-tut a . .... at hinahai Mul '"' an4 all a"wa" aaaas S" ', 1 ... aO !, r Ol O" S'lianrtiai. in 8. r. K.rVoatricfc "f V him "i a 'tl lenll'f. lirw-"r . iwr of slew naikiaal ' r ... tl. -.rwrv.n and will arrive m ivanrma' ,i. y i n,. ,.,.,jP, i nt i ne;" ' " i f-nfrfl. r rlasa lnll ii-wt f.irmaln a ra a Staples and Domesfics a auod iiu.iiliy Pieachod Domesilo for 5c Pull yard wide BlMOkad DOttWtlc, Qenulno Lonsdale Finish, Oloan-Up price, II yds for.. - l.OO Doa ipmllty Apron checU Qlnghsina, nil colors, Clean-Up pi low 5C .Manufacturer's short lengths, line Hi ess (llngbnniK, Clean I'p prices C, 1 2C Full yard wide BngHah Porcah s, splondld patterns, 12 l-to values Cloan-Up prices, 10 yds. for...-79C New Fnii Dress Qlnghams, new pat terns, nil fast colors, I0o values Clesn-Up prices 7 I 2C 22 Inch Woven Madras, for wai.-U . shirts, etc, bandfome colors 15c value, Clean-Up price )C Sheets and Pillow Cases 78x00 Heady to use Bheefa 05c vnfiuo Clean up price IC S2im iteady 10 use Sheets, 75c value, Clean up price 50C 46x30 Ready t" use Pillow Cases hemmed, 12 Mto value 9C 46x80 Heady to use l'lllow Case.-;, hum" stitched i.ic value Clean up price 12 1 2C Table Linens, Tow els, etc. Full Bleached Table Linen :!5c value, clean up price 29C Choice of all our tifi and 76o Table Lin ens, blenched mid half blenched Clean up prices IHC Table Napkins reduced to Clean up prices. Barber Towels per dozen clean up prloea -15C IflxtO Hemmed (luck Towels, 1 fie value, Clean up price IOC Bleaobed and unbleached Butslsn hath towels, large; and heuvy, luc value, ("lean up price -10C Sample Towels, good for worth rags and cup towels, Clean up price 4 for. - IOC Bed Spreads, Etc. Il l Full slue, while crochet Hl:d Spreads, Marseilles patterns, t.8B values, Clean up price l.OO Heavy Twill bleached and UnbleadU- ed Crash Toweling, Clean-Up price 44 Bxtra heavy nil pure linen Crush TOW- ellng, loe values, Clean-up price JC Fine Wash Goods Choice of all our line Printed l.awna. Dimities mid Baustea, lSo; Itc ami 20c values, Clean ii)i price, 10 yards for 09c Ladies' and Chil dren's Hosiery Ladh a fas! black hose, seamless, doll Iih. heel and lis-, Ific values Clean up price Oc Ladies fnsi bluck lista Hose full lasli bmer, 2T,c vuliie Clean up price C Ladles black, tan and white lace hose full fashioned. Ma value I Ii an Up price ( Ladles fancy hose in a variety of new fall styles and colors, regular ::.'. h an up pric, 2"if Misses and rblldrens fast black ami lace hose, full n Kular made. 35c Millie Ii in up prlrt- 2IIC Ladies' Handker chiefs Pla n ii and fate y colored lxrb-r , I ' . and TW- value i l' an up prtc :. net . 'C. . m iau.s I Z'.ro . t . la. .... HUlCMi:H5 and iw - UeaSrrs In Lire StacSt. aJ4 !" ; Vm cat lor BSajpS a4 aaaa, Saas ' rai aaaat aawt pask Ore a a can AM Ma atrart I h'.tw 1" - .hiiir"i l MtrKtT s MitiaT inn ""ii rfniia,i'ta aa sajsj asj sdjaj V. WE188 a. SON yir. Klvor anal Mai las. AuU wt at Ti" laaaiaana faanaV 1 1.1 III I 1 rT-ii-- i. Tree I""" BBS) ,,r ' r; iwa o o i ai -na' ?1