t '
Jflii.... ... Ji . f Jii.
Owner Atki I1.?00 Each Annually for
even Telephone Booth.
He la IniWtl lucky man bo own
building property mltliln ibe four mile
radlua of Undun, fr h ran com
main a. email fortune In Ilia way of
rental fur Ida bounci, abopi or f
flrra, aa the rate may be. HIiiKularly
eauuKh, It la nut tu the went cud
of 1-oiuVn, aa many hoiIo liuaKlne,
where tb lildtieat rente are paid, but
rVar thu Old lady or Threadueedle
Some lima aso one room near Ibe
Itoyal KxcbaiiKH H fur between 1 10.
two and IIS.imiu a year, title a limine
Kent who advertUcd certain proper
Ilea In Tbri.iiiinrti.il atrH)t naked
II.SuU yearly rental for ach of arven
telephone boxea. For a aulie of three
room on tbe mc'inlno floor $.1,000
a year aa a I no a ! and f lo.uuo re
quired for all roonnt on the flrat floor.
Kor aliopa and biiNlupaa prcmlKoa
In tbo Strand gigantic rent are paid
alllioiiKb, of coiime, llond alroet la tbo
doiireat tboroiiKbfare In the world
with regard tu ahopa. Many nliop-
kocpera between Charing Crona and
the old Lyceum theater pay between
lio.noo and 15.(i00 roulal. exrlimlvo
of rut en and taxea. I'erhap onn
might be nlile to obtain a very aniall
hliup for l.l.noo or 3,6oo per nnmim.
bill Hiich a price would afi-uro very In
ill Here nt accommodation pmbnbly
only thu onu room which fucud tlio
( No New Yorkera In New York.
"At a aoclul gathering at my houae
thn other evening." "aid a well known
.New Yoik phyalclnn, "I hnd na gucRtH
eight men, every onn of whom la or
bna boon a potent fuclor in tho affulra
of HiIh city, In Hilltlna, finance, thn
lef,ul and medical prnfeHxIoiiH, Journal
Ihiii and railroad management. It
rnmo out Hint not onn of them win a
jiutlve of the city. Not only wim nono
of them a native New Yorker, but,
with onn exception, they wore all
born In Ixolnted rural ti urn l-t or on
bockwooilH fnniiR. TIih onn exception
WAH born In an Incorporated village
of J.0U0 Inhabitant." New York Sun.
Both Cexea of African Natives Fond
of the Process.
Taltoolng li. almost universally prac
ticed by both aext'H of tho natives of
Africa, li In, however, very roughlj
done and la altogether inferior to tho
tntlooliiK of thn MaurlH uf New Zcu
tend and other Pacific races. The
method of operation is Him ply to
muko a silt In the xkln and then nil)
In charcoal. Anions the lemt plcnxliH!
feminine ornament must be reckoned
I ho no?e buttoiiH of the Wn-Yao anil
the frightful pelele or lip ring of the
Anyiuiju. Tlie none button Is n cir
rulur disk of Ivory or burnished lead,
let Into onn Hide of the noHtril. Vgly
as lathe client produced by thin, It Ih
yet a thousand t Iiiil'h Icsh hldeoiiF
than tho pelele, which consists of t
round flat piece of Ivory, or wood,
fixed In n slit in the upper lips. The
fillt Ih gratluitlly Increased by the In
Bert Ion of successive plugs, each n
little larger than the preceding one,
tiutll It can accommodate, a full sl.-d
pelele, which sticks out an Inch oi
more In front of the face, rendering
the appearance of the wearer hciiitvI.v
Landlubber Glad When Captured
Squid Waa Set at Liberty.
Having c.-iuglil a squid, a latulliilil.ei
at sea thus describes him: "The
t-ijuid is n small cousin of the octo
pus. He is about one foot long from
the tip or Ills tail to (he tip or his
tentacles (extended). Normally, ho in
vf a pale Inn and rich sienna, with
iliirk"r spots; but he has the powci
to become, it frightened, almost col
orless in an liislnnt. In extreme
fright he discharges a dirty brown se
erosion, in the manner of his kind, ami
escapes while the enemy Is envoi
oped in the impenetrable smudge. The
head is principally arms, Willi a for
tnidalde parrotllkc beak ill the cen
ter; while his eyes are located Just
hack of the arm cluster. The tail 1.
of the shape uf a spearhead, with
rounded burps. I did not examine
Mni very closely, because of his snake
like tentncles; mid. further, because
bis beak, mi-plug on the spear Iron,
was most unpleasant. We dropped nun
overboard and I was glad to bee 1 1 i (it
Ring of Butter in the Pitcher Keepa
the Foam Down on the Beer.
The barkeeper stopped long enough
to fill a "growler," or glass pitcher,
with beer. liHiktd at II suspiciously
and then swore. When bis good na
lure returned be explained;
"Hid you notice bow little foam
there was on that pitcher of 1m-t?
Veil. got worked l.r aUmt twice
a niiieh as we usually sell for a
dime. The trick is very simple. I'
f'.rc ttioe jKi.de wiit in thsl pitrhT
tii'-y drew a ring around 'he tn-Me
of It with butt r or something cf tbt
' What d'fW'Tion .o ttiat mak ?
Wliv. it arts 1hi ws: Mit nf th
rro 1t w send oH of bero ar--- a'-nt
wthit l l---r r.c4 tb- r-1 -'n, b it
wi'b 4 the rr s-d pi1rler
it Is all tbe otte-r war
"Wto n yrr dra fbe b"T ti to tn
ft t)ne Ibe aiiilf fsts ktj ruirkty.
A the -T bite thst i;i.s H fi' r
i.mn I dfw-nt rj"1. te t--r.
it her. Wr"n tb ir 1 ponr-1 'n
to eiS'-- tt wCI l-T s'l h i"i "!
I f In tt, Jtit as If fres.k from tie
.4 tt..'" " '2'e '
v. r..i.u-l"" " 1
I I'.n 'd u. ,. i.-
li.r'.ii'. Ir. t't fciid Sit
Law Against Football.
On the statute book of Scotland li
atlll an act passed la 1424. ordering
that "na man play al futeball," bo
cause It la "eilM-iiMnl to ba unprofit
able aport for Ilia common guda of
ibe realuio and defence thereof."
There la also atatuia agulnM alien
ImmlKrailon, painted In 1420, and an
thorlslng "all bla majunty'a guod sub
JecU" to "take, apprehend, Imprison
and execute to death tbo said Kj-lp-tlana
(Oypsles), ltnt-r men oi
"Jobbery" In British Army.
According to a Hrltlsh officer the
llor war "waa produrllvo of more
Jobs than any of Marlborough's cam
paigns." Another Hrltlnh Holdler la
quott-fl an saying: "If yon want to
get on In tbe service leavn your regi
ment first; then get your aunt to rail
on lady and give her a thump
ing subscription for one of her chart
ties, and tbe thing la done."
The Difference.
Quln, the old tlino Kngllhh aclor.
complained lo lleail NhmIi of the cxoi
bllant charges mailt) at IIhIIi. Nasi
said they were acting on truly Chrla
tlan princlplea. "How ho?" nuked
Quln. "Why," answered Nash, "you
were a si ranger and they look you
In." "Ay," replied Quln. "but they
fleeced me Instead of clothing inc."
Shopping In Manila.
A traveler In the Philippines
writes: "There la no plncn whom
shopping Ih easier than In Manila.
for It Ih almost absolutely lmMiHHlble
to buy anything you require. Yo'i
inn, nevertheless, purchase, If you
arn so Inclined, everything you do
not want and soiled at that at four
times or so Its normal valuo."
Prepared for Self-Destruction.
The terror Inspired In Now Yorl
by recent disasters Ih Illustrated h)
the ense of a ninn who, when he was
asked In a police court to explain
why he carried a revolver without a
permit, replied that be exp cted to
Hull for (ierinany next fiiiliirday and
Intended to blow out his brains if
anything happened to the chip. He
Hnld he had rend ho much about the
Slociim nnd Norgo dlHiisiers that he
elt convinced he could never wltneHS
Hiich scenes. Ho Insisted that tins
was Ms Hole reason for currying tbe
Life's Sunshine.
,H In n llttlo minHlilni
H.-irh ilny m skmio iiiiik iub;
Imi world s In need of ilght, lot tlilne
(ileani tirlghlly through tlio strire!
ppntlo word Is bottir
Ofttlines than gift "f poM;
Kinlli- may hr.-nk the fi-lter
'J'liut Iciiib somo lioart did hold.
rw rarer clfts nrp ours
Than lunid-clnH warmly given;
And kind decils nre Hie Hewers
That inaki) or i-urin u neaven.
Ho lot onrh pnslnr day
liecnrd smile kind deed done;
O" smiling, giving, all thy way;
Be of thy world the sun.
-l.i'luh Mitchell HodgfS.
Reward for Heroine.
Mary Cann, who personally caved
the lives of six helpless passengers on
tho General Slocuni, Is to get a gold
modal and a purHo. Ghe is scarcely
17 and nt the time Sad been out of the
hosultal onlv ffnv rt-M-s.
Bluejays Natural Thieves.
r.reei:leiif Davis, the hermit of
Mount Katnhdln. tells of a blnejay's
nest thai contained the shells of more
than 2."0 eggs, which the Jays had
tolen from tho nests of song birds
And taken home for their young to
feed on. Hidden In ope side of the
nest whs n gold watch which a hunter
from Worcester had lost the previous
autumn and had accused his guide of
stealing. The watch had been hung
on the limb of n lean to-camp at night,
and when the hunter awoke In the.
morning the timepiece was missing
Biri Prices for Jewels.
Four thousand pounds for a drop
shaped pearl scnrfpln, .CS.nito for n
pearl stud, DilSO for a const fastener
formed of n white bout ton penrl with
gold bur, CI 70 for seven buttons en
suite, nnd .V-KiTi for a pair of brilliant
sleeve links dies are a few of the
prices i. all.ed at a sale of an Kuglish
marquis' Jewelry, nnd they come as
a revelation to the averse man who
has to work twenty years for tho prlo?
rf n ;nrf', I nndon Anmver
Costly Coronations.
The cost of the coronation of King
Kdward VII established a record for
modern times. II was considered, un
til yesterday, a lordly and magnificent
thing for the subjects of (Soorgc IV
to spend : 121 .. Wll'lam IV and
(Jncen Adelnldo were content with a
n oib st ."in.iino. It Is not easy to nn
derstr.nd In what King Kd ward's
i'SMiooit was sunk. nH so easy, at
least. a In ti e case of Corgo IV-a
sumptuous record rf whose corona
tion proved too costly to finish. The
part which did appear contained
enty thrsi. colored draw ln.'s. "flnsh-l
like nsmcl. on velvet aitJ white sat
in" Kach intttt cost ffty gulr.s
!ndon t'l rorlcle.
Lessen to an Inquisitive Frrer.
in .-et. i.i..i.tioiip rurliit tl -re l
t ii of rai r.t-l tsrl. n thst l..W
ri.lt :'' -lt..wi1'f. I lie r
t!r Hnntli iit.m. W. Va . sn lu!-i
tlv tertuer ii.k M 1-lejHi.-r t.
piwiH to e-e ti n s1- ti ts'k H.
sp')"l out tbe f ,snu1i-iJ .-srVn. l 'it
sine fc eteff t.-d I'' r'itii det
b h'"HtM It mut u--sri:r
n'rfttrg Wh-f"r 1 ! T
hi wrter Ihth mS fl'i'l ':p 'V
t'l: I'.o e-sr'i!- Tli-n 'i -
I ri 'rt'"s: to 'l
ki a tuit urn t'
Half Cent Per
Word If Paid
in Advance,
No Ad. Uttta for last than
farther notice will bo
WANTICI) Family nowlng by lh
day. Call ut lit)!l 1'luo Ht. 8-0 Iltp
WANTICI) luo teniiiH ut $.".(I0 per
day. Aliply at once lo W. W. Woods
worth, Muhiirfey, Hotel, Jennings, I .a
8-20 lite.
WANTICI Jolt cooking for fami
ly with room In yard. t'un do nil
round house work. Addresn D. A. 1'.
euro pohtolllee. 8-2U 3lp.
WANTICI roHlllon hh hiMikkoeper
liv experienced man from Illinois.
Address. Homer Doiialclson, care of
Howling Hotel. 8-21! .lip.
WANTHD A Slenographer. Ohe
refcrei s; Hlnle Hitlarv expeetou.
Addrens Hox 4. earn ICnlerprise.
WIIITIC WOMAN Wuhls position
lo do house work hi prlvuto family.
I'liono C84. 2:i-::tp
WANTICI) Tho public t'J know thut
Tatum UrciH. pity liigheKt prices for
Second blind goods of nil kinds. Im
mediate service. See us before, you
sell. Ii52 Orleans St. 8-22-1 nip
WANTICI) I want to be a lions',
girl or u nurse. 1152 C 'onl St.
gentlemen for Ibe vested choir ol
St. Mark's ICphicopul church. A
thorough choral t ruining given in
exchange for nervines. Apply by
letter to the rector, ilev. Dr. Dicker,
or Hie cnoir master i-roi. v . .
Kirkpiitrick, Denitmont, 'I exns.
WANTRD. For U. S. Army: Able
bodied unmarried men between ages
21 and 35: citizens of United States,
of good character ami lempenue
habits, who can Hpenk, read aim write
English. For information apply to
Recruiting Officer, rostoiuco iiiiiiu
Ing, Deaumont, Tex. i-i e.o.u. n
WANTICI The Enterprise hais
some fiasoline cans and ink barrel?
for salo very cheap. 7-8-tf-dh.
Tatum Bros, pay highest prices for
household goods. See us Defore you
buy. (152 Orleans St. 8-22-1 mp
FOR SALE Milch cows with calves.
$;Sil to $11). Also some large rooms tor
light, housekeeping, 2.50 lo $:l.50 per
month. D. Halrd, new phone 55. 720t
FO It SALE. One line milch cow;
30 Belgian hares; 1 Globe incubator
mid brooder. 2lid egg capacity; cneap
i for cash. Mis Kate English. Loeli,
... v -m 1 r.t .
FOR SALE Tho Brock Music and Art
company's slock nnd lixturos. In
bulk or otherwise. Bargains in ev
erything. 818 lw
Ladies go where the crowds go, all
are going to see those nice gas moves,
and they are having them put In too;
It is time and labor saved to have
gas put In. your house, we have
many streets tlmt we have no gas
mains, but will get them all soon.
Calder uvenue, Hebert. Magnolia ave
nue. Liberty avenue, Crockett, Pearl,
Park, College, Forsythe, Orleans,
South Park, Austin, Bowlo, Pine, Bon
ham. North and Railroad aveimee.
that Is a few streets we tre ready for
you. Mo-
Sour Lake "bprtngs Hotel," rebnUI
and refurnished. Rates, $2.00 and
$2.50 per day. Meals 50 cents. Spec
ial weekly and monthly rates.' Hotel
bus meets trains, fare 2S cents.
Home killed be
pork and poultry;
rf. veal, million.
Trcadaway build
Two or Ihree nicely furnished
rooms lo rent; suitable for light
house keeping, or lor gentlemen; at
icasoiuilde nut. ;:;!! Main Htrcvt.
Ilciiimot. Texas. n K 25 '!!!
FOR RENT-Storo houses hiid
warehouse centrally located, on nil
road track, at reasonable rates; ai
).lv to .1. Hon. tuatiagi-r lleaninoni
Auction and Vmmtssion i o.. or i .
l u f.t. e ! P-
rootn-i li
I ton ham
Itl'NT Two tinfiirni-h.-1
r htht licoii kii pinc. rt-l
St.. half ld.sk intn inn ;
I I Hi Ui:T- llatid-oi'i. Iv fnnn-li. . !
rnotny ..r r. tit. Llislih two
Hock, from V. . New phiiie I'l". i
l !! np. J
ROOMS nvantly
fnrntsted r.-frms. with or
': Hrts'g apartmcMl
l;ixi AMI ltilKI-rirt "a-
l.r,i ati.i r..ii l r t. T
Ih- l-isrd II S' I - it ' ll"!! tl''
V n ."i.. . 'f'""- 'C It'
He.s g Bic't! "5. Pracl 6frt.
Ope" Seplef Tt.
.1 1. 1. 1 1 -
! . .-m in I ' ;
!-- n It '
" Peel $t-cct.
Positively One
Cent a Word If
Charged. r
IJc. Adi ordered to ron till
charged till ordered oat.
LOST. Wednesday afterniKin, lie -
,een Deiiuer Furniture Compauy'a
store and Security Oil Company's re
llnery, ;:mall atrip of carpet. Thono
No. H'Ati and receive reward. 8-2U utc.
LOST Soma deeds on a Magnolia
car, wruppd In newspaper. I.eavo nt
S. I.edeier's and get reward. 0. C
Hodges. H 'ir, Tit p.
LOANS A reliable Texas eompiiny
will muko loans not to exceed $l,0(M)
111 Ulljf Blllimnilillll umiia ill ""nl linn lilt' n SO lllllt tTUCt Or liar-
lexas for building houses, paying
liens, etc. Easy monthly payments;
reuHonublu inlerest. Address Popo &
i;o., zuz mason liiu., iiousion, icxus.
B--t) lltC
For Iron fences, brick, counters, lloor,tiio southorlv line of
railings, lire escapes, window guums.
elevutor enclosures, cubs, grlilo ami
wiro work for all purposes. Writo tno
Texas Anchor Fence Co. Fort Worth,
Texas. tfc
ART WORK Orders taken for art
work In oil and water colors, Imrnt
Leather and Wood, Embroidery and
Fine Needlework. Christmas oruors
a specialty.
S-7-30t S09 Calder Avo.
A Big Entertainment
w . .. D,.u r t,5, r
Magnolia ParK-for the benefit of
BucKner'i Orphan's Home, Friday
. . . ' A n r I V..1 f
night, Aug'uU 26. The Kyle Opera
House Orchestra Will Furnish tho
Says Chinese Make Good Soldiers.
Col. Grai:iiprey, once French mili
ary attache in Pekln, gives some very
ntorcsting information regarding the
'hinosie army In the Revue do Paris.
. !e says that few countries have such
xcellent material as China for an
inny, where the whole population of
120,000,0110 consists, so to speak, of
.me people, displaying the same racial
dualitk'.. Tho Chinese is long lived
and tenacious of.Jife. He thrives in
every climate, In spite of the heat or
cold, is extremely thrifty and there
fore easily supported. He has nerves
ot steel, be can sleep in any position
uicl In any place, and can do with a
minimum of sleep. He seldom needs
s doctor and bears pain with the
greatest stoicism. The Chinese is
very teachable, and what ho has once
been taught he never forgets. Lon
don Globe.
The Twilight Visitor.
Now eiinie the twillfc'ht fanrles, half
l.iki- diox'lng images of crystal snow
That sour mid dip, uud rise uud ven
ture lnw
from cloudy heights to hill and wry
Vet never fall, as gome coquettish inuld
That lures, hut all denies a straiiKer
I cannot snare, nor even learn to know
These hirds uf fancy, out of iwllight
A softer shadow npars me, fair of form
I ha iik n llnlil upon my portal post
To guido It from the darkness and the
It knocks! nt last my yearning heart
is ho?t!
My Kl-ionlnif guest Is twllpht's homlng
dove; The mess-ine torne upon Its breast Is
I. ve!
Alojidus Coll. In July Hoi'n-keeper.
To Sleep.
A flork of sheep that leisurely fns by
One after otic; the sound of rain and
Miiruiiirlni:: the fall of rivers, winds
it seas, .
Hi II. I.N,
vt-Iiltn tilled or KllliT mill i
pure hky;
I've tlmnnlit of nil by turns, and yet do
Fl.-. .i : and soon the mii.iII hlrds'
III. .t.lc
Miii I ear. first utterM from my or-.-t'.ir.l
And the Hist click""' melancholy cry.
i:in then livt nlc.ht, nnd two nlKhli
lnrc I lay.
And colli. 1 not Will thee. Flcep! Ity
sny Me.ilth;
Fo do not let me wear tn-nh:ht nway:
Without t
e did"
Colo- I1. --cd
I iv.
IVar in-aio r
una li .HI
what Is nil the tnornln's
hinli-r bctwif-fi da- and
f frch thouelit), Arid joy.
''-William V..r.lw -rth.
Why Quicksands Are Qu'Ck.
Qii'ckatid!. are sands from w'lirh
V'.f str l not draimd aa. either
a constant uii. nl .ai-c
. . .
Hi ron ch Ih
or l-'au llicre Is a
ll- tie s til.-tratiim of clay or rock.
Tl.. y : c. mtimiily f.niti4 m f the
tiM'.iMi of inrre ri.-r. r mhi rel'rr.
at.' f T't inc. r nn fiat bt a he. Vu h
S'.'j tboM- bo fa!; I:, In trc 1 ?-ds
I i.r'. 1 t'.. t-e irt'.'fi il if tle-v lfH
f;c tc cj'li t. A .n.t. fl tl.e ;sid
r. a. I ! M.. 'r eVti t' .y r
i -.j.e.. d rmihrr r- re t! nn if '?.
. n ' iisry ' r. o ;t c to 1?.
t.r T t 1- t - 't . f ti c tt 'iire f srid
-' wa'-T Lub fiii-t:tu!is a tju.ik
: ' - .ti
. b f
1 r
t U I
O'd P-ce i'l"
In the United States Circuit Court for
the' Eastern District of Texas,
Holding Sessions at Sherman.
Samuel T. Carnea et al. va. Central
Asphalt and Helming Co., and Ueo.
Y. Culmer et al and i'rank Doater I
et al. Intervenors.
Kq. No. CH, IleaumonL
Kq. No. 18. hiierman.
Notice la hereby given that In pur
pursuance and !y virtue of a dacree
In the above entitled cause of tbe
above entitled court, Honorable D.
E. Uryant. Judge, dated tbe lltb day
of Juno, 1'JOJ, and Bupplomontal or
der dated tho 3rd day of August, 1904,
and commanding me to sell the prop
erty boreinufior described, l, the un-
duralcned Master Commissioner, du
lly aniHilntod by suld court fn said
docrue, will sell at the Court House
dJor of Jefferson county, Texas, In the
elluumont. nt public alo to
the highest bidder for cash, on tbo
first Tuesday In September.. l'J04, tne
suing being the Blxlli day of Septem
ber, between tho hours ot ten o clock
a m. ami four o'clock p. m. of that
day the following property described
In suld decreo as follows:
IMs five (5) and six (C) In block
twolvo (12) of Range "A" as uoslg-
nuted In tho recorded plat of the Port
Arthur Land Company, as recorded
i ih nflion of tho Recorder of Deeds
; in nU(1 Jor jeff0rson county, Texas,
eei of land not iaitcd into lots
.,,,,. ,. th Ht0rlv side of the
Wfcl4tcrly lino of the alley in the
. , , k , (10) . tho Town.
u l,,rf M.iolinu- nn tho woStorlV
side by the westerly lino of said
Townslte; on tho northerly side of
the ngnt or
way of the l'ort Arthur Rice and Ir
rigation Company's cunal, on the
southerly side by the northerly line
of Central Avenuo in said Townslte,
containing thirteen and ninety-one
one-hundredths (13 91-100) acres of
land more or less of tho Townslte of
Port Nechcs, accord'n to the rocord
cde plat thereof In Jellerson county
Texas, including tho manufacturing,
relining, storage, and shipping plant
situated unon all of said land or any
part thereof, together with all build
ings and improvements thereon, or
which may hereafter be placed on
.:.satd lands, and including all macni-
nery, converters, suns, rnmuuu
,,.,' fnrht cars.
tank 'c'ars pumpS( engines tugs, boats,
- . lf . .nntrB
barges, wnurves, on bioibhu ihumi
distillate tanks, oil wells, cooper
shops and machinery therein, pipe
lines, privileges, leases, pumping
plants and machinery, power houses,
boilers electric plants and equip
ment and each and every article,
tool or implement in use or used as
a paprt of or in connection with the
said plant and the operation thereof,
and situated in, upon or about said
tract of land, and also those which
may hereafter be erected or placed
thereon, and including all articles of
personal property of any kind or na
ture, about or upon said real estate
(not including anything in the nature
of stock in trade) or used in the
operation of said plant and in the
prosecution of the business of he
Central Asphalt and Refining Com
pany, and any and all otner nxeures
in or which may be placed in such
buildings and improvements, and all
dock privileges and riparian rights
and appurtenances to said lands, to
gether with the rents, issues aud the
profits thereof.
Said sale will be made for cash,
payable when the sale is confirmed
by the Court, but the purchaser will
be required to deposit with the un
dersigned a certified check or cash
to the amount of Ten Thousand Dol
lars at the time the property is
knocked off lo him, to guarantee the
carrying out of his purchase. After
the sale I am required to report the
sale tc tho court for confirmation or
such order as the court may mate.
This August 4th, 1U04.
8-5 lm. Master Commissioner.
Yon nre hereby notified that in ac
cordance with chapter two (2), tiile
ourteen (11) Keviiscd Civil Statutes
f the State of Texius the Tcxarkana
& Fori. Hmitli IUilway Company will
lpon tho loth da of September, A. D.
Jot, betwen th hours of lo a. in. nnd
A p m. proced Ij sell al public auction
rum tho plntfoim of its freight depot
at Beaumont, To is, the t'ollowung
material: . , ,
it. nieces of spiral seam rivcieti
iti,.,.i ,.i,, ei'-hreen inches in diameter
c. , ., I
holts and
llllieiuer wen i-wni.
rtiblier naekinc new wbh said pipe,
which material wis consigned by tbo
American Spiral I'ipo Works to A. It.
Sanders more than three months prior
lo this date and against which the
Tcxarkana & Fort Smith Kail way
company lias n charge of four hun
dred and eighty thn-o and V." l"li dol
lars for freight, atiirago and demur
rage chnrie. Tint the pipe connect
ing bolts ami rubber packing herein-lM-tore
mentioned bears no mark
number or name t hereon, and has re
mained in the possession of tho Tex-,
arkana & Fort Smith Ilnilwy com-,
pairv unclaimed for n space of more
than 'hreo months since its receipt,
.iiid the ntner theronf has fa l.d i
claim the same and pay the freight
and o her charge therein.
That out of the. proceeds rcal!7ei1
from aid Kale, all fr ieht demnrrac?
land s'ot.-i
rbarir.- will lie i'-d.c'-..
fif ale incurred by advi-r-
aln costs
jtisinc. nd .nerpi'is ti any. m oe
,rt' )i sIll.j'H t to the order "f the o fl
ier on the sativfaetorr proof f owner
ihi r; msde tv t ls'P.stit.
Pv i;nfr Na'l Neett. Its a 'rr
' nev. t r"d
Crmer 8 th &t. m6 Broadway.
ma.in'n'. Ttt.
A pTTirT'-T ,'tl'.I f r Vr at4
ri-l. Fjfl ,tn""n 'u't'
r t r r-' t' " ""l f'r c't". Af-
if "''n ;,n I'i'v't t n T"t fn
, fm tT-f ': 'l' ' I t T
', f. r-i it j ' I ' " ''. A
t li V M "--I,
A't'-or B. Ph.' 'p. B. , V.tr'er.
O'.il "Ibt-se 11. rfl C U-T At.
If :
r 1 :
I. I KL T 1 LJ I
: I
Set Complete, ready for use,
on Calder, Orleans, Peail,
Austin, Magnolia, Liberty,
North, Hebert, Forsythe Col
lege. ParR, Pine and Main Sts.
For $25.00
warn: y-sTCTlwrKtTOEg
oooco-k;ooCcqooi c
This Space
Belongs To The
Beaumont College of Music and Art
COLLEGE STREET, opposite High School.
MRS. F. A. HYATT, Directress.
Voice Culture
Elocution and Physical Culture
Harmony, Sight Singing and Land
Mandolin and Guitar
Kindergarten of Music
Opens September
6. R. Norvell. President
Chat. H. Stroeck, Cashier.
W. C. Tyrrell, 2nd V. P.
American National Bank,
Capital Stock, $100,000.00.
Exchange Drawn on all Principal Cities of the World.
We have the only Separate Steel Safety Deposit Bcxet In the
Park farm
One Gallon Water
Three Gallons Water
Five Gallons Water -Ten
Gallons Water
One Barrel Water
Special TicKet Discounts:
15 One Gallon TicKcts
6 Three Gallon Tickets -5
Fire Gallon Tickets
3 Ten Gallon Tickets
5 One Barrel Tickets
10 One Barrel Tickets
20 One Barrel Tickets - .
Call for
Mrs. Hyatt and
Miss I'd! us.
Mrs. Sarah Felix Hanks Hill
Mrs. Jennie Dixby
Mrs. Cora fuller
Anton Navralil
W. II. Smith
Prof. Jos. l o IJiiono
. Unia K. Darlington Method
Geo. C. O'Brien, Vice-President,
W. B. Liyon, AsuiEtant Cashier,
Lifliia Water
On Credit, Cash.
- .10-
- .35-
- .50
- .90
10. CO
tbt'e tiC-